Let's talk Ports! Part 3

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Just wanted to say a huge thankyou to Launchpad McQuack for bringing my experience into here from the MB thread it was originally posted in and to all of those who have commented and offered support.
I've followed Port since its inception into the AFL and despite whats happened I'll still tune in every week and want them to win.
I mean seriously that would tip me right over the edge if I was obliged to sign an autograph and pose for a pic after a loss.

As far as I know it’s an accepted psychological panacea to do something for someone and make their life a little brighter if you’re feeling low and navel gazing too much.

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So we rang to cancel all 3 memberships an hour ago, the person my Wife spoke to asked why.
She initially declined to give a reason and then thought stuff it and said our daughter was offered a post game experience Thursday night which turned out to be a bad one and we've decided being Port members isnt for us.
He asked if he could put her on hold and returned a few moments later to say thats been done and a FULL refund of all monies paid will be deposited to your nominated account.
The money went back in minutes later.

Now I don't know about you, but to me that says a thousand words, they just want it to go away.

And for the record, Stephen Shirley still hasn't returned her call from Friday afternoon to dispute his staff's version of events.

I'd normally defend the membership dept because they have a tough job having to deal with angry members and they probably hate Hinkley as much as the rest of us.

But this is so, so poor. It's not like you said that you're disillusioned with the football we're playing, you gave a very specific example of being poorly treated by the club and they just ignored it.

No accountability at Port Adelaide.
Without even considering what actually happened how the heck did a moron come up with an idea (activation I think is their word) that involves a child that has a not insignificant chance of not happening?.

Seems like someone at the club has dropped more than a toilet roll on the floor with this one.

It's mind numbing. We have plenty on the list not playing in the game, get one of them to do it if our poor little possums are too sad after shitting the bed in a big game for the umpteenth time.

You just cannot leave a kid upset like that after building up their expectation.
Is there some two-bit TAFE course involved with training white collar drones to behave like this?

Yes. It's called Reddit.
lol what exactly is our competitive advantage as a club? What is in it for the supporters who dish up their hard earned as the lifeblood of the club?

There is absolutely no reason to choose us as your club anymore despite being a slave to your family who might be embedded.

  • No history as it's been whitewashed because it's too hard to be compared to greatness
  • No connection as we're just white noise
  • No access as even things like the B&F are being pulled from being attended by members (Remember they did this, then people got upset so they released some shitty tables for the great unwashed)
  • Interactions with the club are always negative
  • Players hostile to the expectations of the fans
  • Players and coaches disinterested by losses, over celebrating mediocre wins
  • No ability to bring change as vast majority of the board + chairman endorsed/elected by AFL
  • Garbage merchandise for a decade
  • The worst social media 'engagement' I've ever seen
  • Dreadful cringe worthy game day
  • Piss win/loss at home, especially in games that matter
  • Exact same systemic issues in games for the last 12 years despite massive personnel changes
  • Funneling money from members to The Woohoo Co (this will surely win us premierships)
But we win some games against shitty sides and make it to finals (and get ass blasted). Stop complaining you ingrates.

People need to ****ing stop buying this shit, right now. Stop ****ing giving them money, they couldn't give a **** about you or the results of the side. CoMmUnItY pRoUd my anus.
Even Family day is hardly a thing anymore. It used to have wandering performers, plenty of food, specials at the port club etc. Used to be a pumping fun barmy evening. Now it's hardly even worth a passing look with the team sheet scarcely even distributed.

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Without even considering what actually happened how the heck did a moron come up with an idea (activation I think is their word) that involves a child that has a not insignificant chance of not happening?.

Seems like someone at the club has dropped more than a toilet roll on the floor with this one.
Thankyou, this is precisely my thought too.
On what planet does the GM of member satisfaction think its ok to run a member experience that could end in a child not getting the experience and that it is ok to drop that on them at the last minute.

The bloke either doesnt have kids of his own or he's so used to them having easy access to the players that a child less fortunate doesnt cross his mind.
A decent CEO would see what a cluster**** this is and would be dealing with it personally. That also has the possibility of salvaging the whole situation. However, that depends on the CEO being responsive to members' communications (whether direct or indirect) and able to see how much a risk not responding can be.

We don't have that CEO or a Chairman and board that care enough to ensure we do.
A decent CEO would see what a cluster**** this is and would be dealing with it personally. That also has the possibility of salvaging the whole situation. However, that depends on the CEO being responsive to members' communications (whether direct or indirect) and able to see how much a risk not responding can be.

We don't have that CEO or a Chairman and board that care enough to ensure we do.
Judging by the response the mother of the young girl received and the rapid refund of membership monies, says to me it's over as far as they're (Port) are concerned.
Judging by the response the mother of the young girl received and the rapid refund of membership monies, says to me it's over as far as they're (Port) are concerned.

Yep. And yet, the fallout can continue for much longer.

As an advocate, you learn to pick your battles, not entrenching at every opportunity. That seems to not be a universal lesson.
Gameday village gone as well, good stuff port rolling over as usual.

It's funny isn't it. When we were doing well on the field, we were doing well off the field.

In 2014:

  • We had the best gameday experience in the league to the point that everyone tried to copy it, like Homer's Wonderbat.
  • We had the wildly popular Gameday Village. I used to get to the ground like 2 hours early. Now it's lucky to be 20 minutes.
  • We had a genuinely loud and engaged crowd. Remember when they did the decibel test? Imagine if they did that now LMAO.

It's all faded away. KT had his issues but did a lot right early days, and now we've gotten his non-union Mexican equivalent. We lost the best membership dept manager in the business. We've let Hinkley keep coaching despite not having given a **** for at least 7 years, arguably longer, not to even mention performance. We only recruit and promote from within. We absolutely ****ing hate criticism and expend most of our effort shutting it down.

The great poet Rooch once described the club as a being stuck in the U bend waiting for a flush. Now the toilet is more clogged than ever with Rucci included, and we'll need a plunger, some draino and an exorcist to get clear it out.
So one of us kicked out for shouting "sack Hinkley" and another one of us and daughter spat on by the club... Make the community proud is working a treat isn't it.

Make the community proud was purely Koch lowering the bar to one he felt he could clear, and he can't even clear that. He's a loser and he's made us a loser club.
They read this board, they'll know who this poster is because they've had the correspondence and they know who was on the ground on Thursday. They could absolutely fix this and end up with a good result.

But nobody cares about results at Port Adelaide
Guarantee they offer the OP to make amends and make a feel-good video out of it. As bad faith as you can get if that's how it plays.
lol what exactly is our competitive advantage as a club? What is in it for the supporters who dish up their hard earned as the lifeblood of the club?

There is absolutely no reason to choose us as your club anymore despite being a slave to your family who might be embedded.

  • No history as it's been whitewashed because it's too hard to be compared to greatness
  • No connection as we're just white noise
  • No access as even things like the B&F are being pulled from being attended by members (Remember they did this, then people got upset so they released some shitty tables for the great unwashed)
  • Interactions with the club are always negative
  • Players hostile to the expectations of the fans
  • Players and coaches disinterested by losses, over celebrating mediocre wins
  • No ability to bring change as vast majority of the board + chairman endorsed/elected by AFL
  • Garbage merchandise for a decade
  • The worst social media 'engagement' I've ever seen
  • Dreadful cringe worthy game day
  • Piss win/loss at home, especially in games that matter
  • Exact same systemic issues in games for the last 12 years despite massive personnel changes
  • Funneling money from members to The Woohoo Co (this will surely win us premierships)
But we win some games against shitty sides and make it to finals (and get ass blasted). Stop complaining you ingrates.

People need to *ing stop buying this shit, right now. Stop ****ing giving them money, they couldn't give a * about you or the results of the side. CoMmUnItY pRoUd my anus.
Someone needs to Martin Luther a long list like this

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Let's talk Ports! Part 3

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