The first 4 rounds we played a slow defensive game that was absolutely painful to watch.Was saving this for my season review but might as well roll it out now.
Our backline experience first four rounds of 24.
Games in brackets, might be a bit inaccurate, should be within a game or two of being correct.
Especially look at the KPD experience. This is early days GWS and GC levels of experience.
Even beyond Rd 4 was pretty bad.
Worrell (10) Butts (60) Smith (247)
Milera (96) Borlase (4) Michalanney (22)
Worrell (11)Butts (61)Smith (248)
Milera (97) Keane (10) Michalanney (23)
Worrell (12) Borlase (5) Smith (249)
Hinge (43) Keane (11)Michalanney (24)
Worrell(13)/ Nank (4) Butts (62) Smith (250)
Parnell (16) Keane (12) Michalanney (25)
Have to say Rd 3's my favourite, with 5 and 11 game key defenders and Michalanney who's played one season is the 3rd most experienced defender we have. Didn't we go really, really bad that game, wonder why?
But yer, it was all gameplan and nothing to do with personnel and their experience.
How did our defence line up for round 5 when we beat Carlton? We lost Parnell and brought in Hamill