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This is what I've come up with. Note that there are few actual confirmed mergers here, many of these changes are likely to be new teams created after old teams folded, teams moving lock, stock and barrel to new homes, and teams formed from the get-go under hyphenated names based immediately upon the localities complicit.

It tends to make sense somewhere between the second and the third migraine. I have had the best luck imagining these are a bunch of drunk (androgynous) friends at a dance. For instance:

Litchfield, Laen and Carron arrived at the dance together, Watchem wandered in on their own. Carron and Litchfield met to dance, Laen looked on. for the next dance, Laen stepped in to dance with Litchfield, while Carron stood aside. Then when the third song played Laen & Carron hooked up and everyone was set to even out at two dances each. However, Watchem finally arrived, and Litchfield took this opportunity to stay on the floor.

Laen told Carron that they were a shit dancer, and Carron stormed out. with clear chemistry between the two L's, Litchfield immediately moved back to Laen for the 4th dance of the evening, and Watchem looked for a new partner. Cope Cope had arrived but they had never really liked each other enough to dance. When dance #5 started Watchem grabbed the random Corack from wallflowers, and Laen continued to dance with Litchfield. Fortunately the Nutbush was played and Cope Cope was able to join in with those two Watchem and Corack snuck out the back and had a kick of moonlight footy.

See how well it works?
