Current Met Police Crimes - London * 1,000 officers currently suspended

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We've been watching investigations roll out over the crime board since the abduction and murder of Sarah Everard by serving Metropolitan Police officer Wayne Couzens in London 2021.

Sarah was stopped by constable Couzens who identified himself as a police officer, handcuffed her, and placed her in his car before driving her to near Dover where he r*ped and strangled her, before burning her body and disposing of her remains in a nearby pond.

David Carrick another serving Met Police officer now a convicted serial rapist who was handed 36 life terms for rapes while he was a police officer.

More than 1,000 Metropolitan Police officers are currently suspended or on restricted duties, the force has said, as it tries to root out rogue officers.
The crackdown follows convictions of former officers David Carrick, a serial rapist, and murderer Wayne Couzens.
The Met's Stuart Cundy said the number of affected officers was almost the size of a small police force, with one in 34 suspended or restricted.
He warned that removing all corrupt officers could take years.
In figures described as "eye-watering", the Met - Britain's largest force which employs 34,000 officers - also revealed:

  • In the past year 100 officers have been sacked for gross misconduct - up by 66% on the normal rate
  • The 201 officers currently suspended represents a rise from 69 in September 2022
  • 275 are awaiting a gross misconduct hearing, a significant proportion of which involved alleged violence against women and girls, compared to 136 last year
  • The number of reports from the public and officers of alleged misconduct has doubled
Some 450 are also being investigated for historic allegations of sexual or domestic violence, the force said.

Speaking to reporters at New Scotland Yard, Deputy Assistant Commissioner Cundy said there were plans to hold around 30 misconduct hearings and 30 gross incompetence hearings each month, meaning that around 60 officers a month could face the sack.
"This is going to take one, two or more years to root out those who are corrupt," he said.

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Operation Tiberius

In 2001, an internal inquiry – Operation Tiberius – again looked into corruption within the Met.

A report was written two years later but wasn’t made available to the public until 2014 after it was leaked to The Independent.

It outlined that the force was being “infiltrated by organised crime gangs” that would exploit legal loopholes to further criminal ends.

Evidence of jurors being paid off by senior members of the force – who were suspected of associating with “Britain’s most notorious criminals” – was just one of the shocking conclusions.

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We've been watching investigations roll out over the crime board since the abduction and murder of Sarah Everard by serving Metropolitan Police officer Wayne Couzens in London 2021.

Sarah was stopped by constable Couzens who identified himself as a police officer, handcuffed her, and placed her in his car before driving her to near Dover where he r*ped and strangled her, before burning her body and disposing of her remains in a nearby pond.

David Carrick another serving Met Police officer now a convicted serial rapist who was handed 36 life terms for rapes while he was a police officer.

More than 1,000 Metropolitan Police officers are currently suspended or on restricted duties, the force has said, as it tries to root out rogue officers.
The crackdown follows convictions of former officers David Carrick, a serial rapist, and murderer Wayne Couzens.
The Met's Stuart Cundy said the number of affected officers was almost the size of a small police force, with one in 34 suspended or restricted.
He warned that removing all corrupt officers could take years.
In figures described as "eye-watering", the Met - Britain's largest force which employs 34,000 officers - also revealed:

  • In the past year 100 officers have been sacked for gross misconduct - up by 66% on the normal rate
  • The 201 officers currently suspended represents a rise from 69 in September 2022
  • 275 are awaiting a gross misconduct hearing, a significant proportion of which involved alleged violence against women and girls, compared to 136 last year
  • The number of reports from the public and officers of alleged misconduct has doubled
Some 450 are also being investigated for historic allegations of sexual or domestic violence, the force said.

Speaking to reporters at New Scotland Yard, Deputy Assistant Commissioner Cundy said there were plans to hold around 30 misconduct hearings and 30 gross incompetence hearings each month, meaning that around 60 officers a month could face the sack.
"This is going to take one, two or more years to root out those who are corrupt," he said.

Holey crap... that is around 3% of their workforce which seems extraordinary.

Sounds like the old NSW / Queensland Police force where corruption was entrenched amongst many senior police.

Hope they weed them out.
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There are some pretty heavy claims being made against Met Police of two tier levels of policing mostly coming from the hard right but, Home Secretary Suella Braverman also appears to offer some support having levelled the same accusations of 'double standards' in policing. She was recently fired.

Mostly everybody would have heard of Tommy Robinson his biggest claim to fame being platforming against immigration and Islam, most including myself have no time for him and would consider he's a liability to most causes.

However, he showed up at an anti semitism rally and was arrested they say, for refusing to disperse or leave.

I've watched the footage, he's only a little bloke albeit with a big voice, he was surrounded by no less than a dozen thirty cops, while he was being handled, and one of them slyly pepper sprayed him directly in the face at less than 10 inches. Absolutely brutal.

Robinson actually wasn't doing anything wrong.

If Met Police want to counter those accusations of double standards, this is not the way to do it. Robinson now looks like a victim and even the left are steamed up about it.
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The court had heard that he laughed at his victim as she cried, told her she was a **** and that no-one would believe her if she said anything because he was a police officer.

Following a trial at Croydon Crown Court, he was found guilty of 10 counts of rape, three counts of rape of a child under 13, one count of kidnap and breach of a non-molestation order.

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Current Met Police Crimes - London * 1,000 officers currently suspended

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