Monday night football.

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Brownlow Medallist
Jan 23, 2000
AFL Club
Other Teams
post count: 38,986
I've mentioned this topic before some time ago, but given that we are in the middle of a week without football, I thought I'd bring it up again.

What do you all think about Monday night football? There hasn't been a Monday night game since 2000, and there seems to be a perception that people don't like it, because it's at the start of the working week. This is an interesting theory, but it doesn't hold water when we analyse attendances for Monday night games over the years.

1.2000 Melb vs Bris @ Colonial 24,908. A very good crowd. This is actually the highest Melbourne vs Brisbane crowd EVER in Victoria and far outstrips Melb vs Bris games at the MCG. If this match happened to be at the MCG, it could well have draw over 30,000, with the Demons playing, and all.

2.2000 Bris vs Ess @ Gabba: 31,887. This was played in a torrential downpour, yet it was, at the time, a record crowd for any match at the Gabba. A fantastic crowd, before Brisbane had started winning premierships.

3.2000 Coll vs Frem @ Colonial: 33,947. This was a fantastic crowd, considering the presence of Fremantle and the fact Collingwood were coming off two losses. The same two clubs played at the same venue in Round 2 2001, on a Saturday night and drew 26,067.

4.1998 Melb vs Syd @ MCG 52,614. This was easily the biggest crowd these two teams have drawn against each other for a home and away match EVER. Considering the small followings of both teams, this was a phenomenal attendance.

5.1997 Adel vs Coll @ Football Park 37,661. This crowd was pretty much in line with most Adelade home crowds in 1997. The Crows averaged about 38,000 for home games, and this crowd, on a freezing Monday in Round 21 was no different to what would have been expected on a Saturday or Sunday.

6.1997 Frem vs Adel @ Subiaco 22,464. This crowd should indicate the effectiveness of Monday nights. During 1997, most Fremantle home games drew in the high teens/low 20,000s. In fact, their previous home game two weeks prior against Brisbane drew only 14,724 on a Sunday afternoon. Yet, against Adelaide, two weeks later 22,464 show up on a Monday night! Fantastic crowd, when you consider everything.

7.1997 Rich vs W.Coast @ MCG 26,721. Richmond entered this match, having lost their last three games by a combined total of 180 points. That, combined with the presence of a non-Victorian side was never going to generate a huge crowd, but, when you consider the Tigers form, 26,721 is pretty strong. In fact, if the match was scheduled for a Saturday or Sunday, I would have predicted no more than 25-26,000, given the Tigers horrible lead-up form.

8.1997 N.Melb vs Carl @ MCG 38,170. Most North Melbourne vs Carlton games at the MCG over the years have attracted crowds in the high 30,000's/low 40,000's. This match, was played in Round 2, and both clubs were first round losers. Taking the round one results into account, this crowd seems to be on par with what would have been expected on a normal football day.

9.1996 Coll vs Gee @ MCG 56,609 Typically big crowd for two clubs who have regularly drawn big crowds. Pretty much on par with what would have been expected on a regular footballing day.


These are the only 9 matches that have been played on Monday nights as far as I know. There was a Richmond vs North Melbourne match in 1995 on a Monday night, but I didnt include this, because it was the night before Anzac day, and therefore, more comparable to a Friday night match.

My point is, that Monday night football has proven to be quite popular. Crowds, in most cases, exceeded what would have been expected on a normal Saturday or Sunday. If I were the AFL, I would see great potential for Monday night matches in both Sydney and Brisbane. Queenslanders and New South Welshman have shown, in Rugby League, that they like Monday night games and will attend en masse. Brisbanites, in particular, seem to love going on weeknights. Maybe the weather is a factor in this. Why knows?

Imagine regular live games telecast on Monday nights prime time from Brisbane and Sydney straight back into our loungerooms. Since most people are working the following day, televison ratings are at their peak on Sunday and Monday nights.

Adelaide Monday night games would also be of major interest to the AFL. As we all know most Crows games are sell-outs, so a Monday night match between the Crows and a Victorian based opponent telecast live back into Victoria, would be a huge ratings winner, without affecting the crowd at all. The half-hour timne difference means the game can start at 8:00pm in Adelaide, and be ready for 8:30pm on the east coast. Mondays nights would be an absolute TV bonanza. What better way to spend a Monday night than watching footy on the box?

I think Monday nights are a huge untapped market, and the nine Monday nigut games scheduled from 1996-2000, and the crowds they generated vindicate this. Maybe channel 10, could swap one of their Saturday night games for a Monday night game each week in the future? Surely they'd jump at such an opportunity.

Perhaps it was only well-attended because it was a bit of a novelty, but I guess when Friday night matches started you could say the same thing.

I don't think it would work in Melbourne, but like you said the NRL SOO matches are all mid-week and pretty much sell out days before the event.

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If they put a decent game on TV I'll watch it. Unless Collingwood paly you wopnt get me there at gunpoint. Given a choice I want to watch Collingwood play every week on saturday afternoon. I have a preference becuase it is easier for me to get to on time and easier to coordinate other I go with. It's also better weather as a rule FWIW.
I'd object. If it was implemented it would almost certainly be a required for TV match, and it would be just one more match shown on long delay in Perth, and we'd probably lose the live Saturday match instead - which I'd be more likely to watch anyway.

We already get the Friday match way delayed every week, I wouldn't want to see any more matches added to the weeknight roster.
I'm not a fan of Monday night football. When the last games of the weekend are on Sunday afternoon, the Monday night game is more than 24 hours removed from the rest of the round!

What about Sunday night games? At least its closer to the rest of the round. I'm surprised they haven't at least trialled this on Monday long weekends (i.e. Easter and Queens Birthday).
Originally posted by DaveW
What about Sunday night games? At least its closer to the rest of the round. I'm surprised they haven't at least trialled this on Monday long weekends (i.e. Easter and Queens Birthday).
Love that idea
I love the idea of Monday night football. I can remember in 2000 the Melbourne v Brisbane game on a Monday night, sensational to head to the footy on a Monday night. It is such a 'nothing night' and makes the day at work go much quicker. I'm a huge fan of sporting events being played during the week, but I think it has to be novelty based (few times a year only).

If the VFL brought back Monday night football like they played in 2000 then I would go most weeks. Sadly, the VFL will never try Monday night footy again either because the competition is now only 13 teams, not 18 as it was in 2000.
Monday night games have merit but I think the main problem with them was trying to keep recovery times roughly even for most clubs. A club that played on a Monday night would only have a 5 day break if they play their next game on a Saturday night. This mightn’t be so bad if they played on a Sunday at least that’s a 5 ½ day break. As you can see scheduling becomes a headache. Having said that the extra night games would be great to avoid playing those early season games in WA and QLD during the heat of the day.
Definately an interesting idea. I would probably go if it was St Kilda, but I always go, so I'm no indication! :D
You'd get the loyal crowd of supporters who always go, some for the nivelty, but the trick is to get it to start late enough so that everyone can go after school/work, but also to get it finished early enough for those same people not to be turned off going because they have school or work in the morning.
We might need a trial, or a poll of supporters to see if it would work.
Would also have to be high drawing clubs to justify the move.
Would be interesting to see if it would pan out.

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Originally posted by Dan26
Queenslanders and New South Welshman have shown, in Rugby League, that they like Monday night games and will attend en masse.

From memory, a contributing factor to the NSWRL moving the regular MNF games (which was the original concept back in 1985) to FNF was that people didn't much take to it.
Not that relevant I suppose, but has been tried and failed - at least for League.
Originally posted by Dan26

6.1997 Frem vs Adel @ Subiaco 22,464. This crowd should indicate the effectiveness of Monday nights. During 1997, most Fremantle home games drew in the high teens/low 20,000s. In fact, their previous home game two weeks prior against Brisbane drew only 14,724 on a Sunday afternoon. Yet, against Adelaide, two weeks later 22,464 show up on a Monday night! Fantastic crowd, when you consider everything.

Dan are you sure this was a monday night?? I think you will find it was played on Foundation day.
Re: Re: Monday night football.

Originally posted by Balip
Dan are you sure this was a monday night?? I think you will find it was played on Foundation day.

Balip, you're right - and in fact the crowd increase could probably be attributed to Foundation Day's historical relevance in WA and particularly Fremantle footy.

Originally posted by R00StaR
Having said that the extra night games would be great to avoid playing those early season games in WA and QLD during the heat of the day

Wouldn't make any difference in WA as Subiaco can only be used at night for events a certain number of times in any given year, and there is no more scope for night footy in Perth. Anyway, a Monday night game in Perth could not start any earlier than 7.00 Perth time, which corresponds to 9.00 EST - not good for televising the game. I still think the 6.40 (WST) start time for the Round 17 Friday match in Perth this year is too early - for many it will be hard getting to the game on time after work.
Re: Re: Re: Monday night football.

Originally posted by Mr Q
Balip, you're right - and in fact the crowd increase could probably be attributed to Foundation Day's historical relevance in WA and particularly Fremantle footy.

Wouldn't make any difference in WA as Subiaco can only be used at night for events a certain number of times in any given year, and there is no more scope for night footy in Perth. Anyway, a Monday night game in Perth could not start any earlier than 7.00 Perth time, which corresponds to 9.00 EST - not good for televising the game. I still think the 6.40 (WST) start time for the Round 17 Friday match in Perth this year is too early - for many it will be hard getting to the game on time after work.
Good points MrQ I wasn’t aware of WA's arcadic regulations regarding night footy and the time difference is also something I didn’t really consider. Perhaps if they could play night game they could be on Friday and Saturday night so with the time difference they could be shown on delay as a double header (for TV purposes). Also it would be a very tough ask for a WA team to play on Monday night then front up in Melbourne the next week to play, the recovery and travel would be unfair imo.
I think Monday night football has shown that it can be popular, I can see why the recovery time would be a concern, but my suggestion is to make Monday night games a 'few times a year' thing, to kind of keep the novelty value and keep problems such as recovery times to a minimum.

But yeah I'd go along for a Monday night match. :)
Some clubs are concerned about "family" supporters and hence don't want any matches on a Monday night, but as the crowds show, the attendances don't seem to be a problem. The clubs best suited to Monday night games would be the two Adealide teams. For starters, the game could start at 8:00pm (8:30 is too late), and that 8pm start would be 8:30 on the East Coast. I think it's important if matches are to be televised on a Monday, that they are live.

A live Monday night game from Stadium Australia or the Gabba at 7:40 or 8:10 beamed live back acrosss the country would generate both crowds and TV ratings. I havn't got the figures with me, but when the NRL trialled Monday night games a few years ago, the crowds were senational. One game between the Roosters and Broncos at the SFS drew in excess of 30K.
I'd say even an 8:00pm start here in Adelaide would be too late for the'd probably have our supporters leaving even earlier than usual :p

I think a 6:40pm or the usual 7:10pm bounce down would be more popular, or even schedule the games during school holidays.
Originally posted by CharlieG
It's worth mentioning that the 52,000 game between Sydney and Melb was when Plugger kicked a ton for 1998... would have been a contributing factor.

Yeah, myself and about 10 mates went for exactly that reason, so we could have a kick on the G while the clock was running.

Roostar has a good point, it would play havoc with the fixturing, and there might be a clause in the TV deal saying games can't be on a Monday night anyway.
As we all know, these days the fixtures are programmed to suit television schedules.

At the moment, Nine gets 3, Ten gets 2 and Fox Footy gets 3 games per round. Nine gets first pick at "match of the round" for Friday nights. Fox Footy gets the 3 lowest rating games that the free-to-air networks reject.

If Monday Night Football started as a Fox Footy exclusive, it would be a good selling point for Foxtel, however it would inevitably attract the lower profile games (e.g. W. Bulldogs v Port Adelaide) which would probably fail to win the support of the public.

Ten only has two games, so if Monday Night Football was on Ten, they would be forced to give up Saturday Nights (often their highest rating broadcast) or Saturday afternoons (footy's traditional timeslot), which I doubt they'd want to do on a regular basis.

Therefore the best option if Monday Night Football was to be a success would be on Channel Nine. Monday Night Football could become a possibility if Nine's Monday night schedule started to lose ratings steam in Melbourne, Perth and Adelaide.

At the moment, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire is rating very well (it makes the Top 20 program list every week). If Millionaire started rating poorly or was cancelled, Nine might test the waters by shifting a few of its Sunday games to Monday night.

They'd keep the 1pm AEST live national game on Sunday, and on a few Monday nights go with a line-up of:

7:30 Friends
8:00 Malcolm in the Middle
8:30 Monday Night Football (live into Melbourne, delayed in Adel/Perth)

If it was successful and gained the support of the public it could become a semi-regular or regular fixture.

One problem with the idea is that Nine would have to find alternative programming for Sydney/Brisbane, as I doubt AFL games into these markets would attract the required ratings.

Also, it may cause logistical difficulties with games being spread over four days, with teams requiring adequate breaks between games. In America, the NFL match of the week is on Monday night, but the rest of the games are played on Sunday (and sometimes Saturday).
Don't worry about Monday night footy. How about getting it so that Friday Night footy starts no later than 8.45 rather than the ridiculous situation (farce) we have now where you are lucky if the game finishes before 11.30pm.

Good thing the game is on the Main Event Channel on Fox at 6.30, otherwise it would be a joke.
Originally posted by parano1a
Ten only has two games, so if Monday Night Football was on Ten, they would be forced to give up Saturday Nights (often their highest rating broadcast) or Saturday afternoons (footy's traditional timeslot), which I doubt they'd want to do on a regular basis.

Why wouldn't Ten want to swap a couple of their Saturday night games (not every week, but maybe 6-7 a year) and play them on Monday nights? Why would they not jump at the opportunity to broadcast footy on the best TV night of the week (Monday) as opposed to thre worst (Saturday night.)

It's a widely accepted fact, that the best TV times (I'm talking any-old TV, not footy, in particular) are weeknights and Sunday nights and the worst are weekends and Friday nights. Football has always been broadcast during non-peak times, even Friday night being the "worst" weeknight for general TV watching.

The NFL was forwad thinking in this approach a couple of decades ago. They knew that if you could combine a popular TV sport with the best TV night of the week, you'd have a winner. Monday night football is massive over there, and the principle of it over here in Australia would be virtually identical. I'm sure the Channel 10 executives would prefer Monday nights to Saturday nights many times over!

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Monday night football.

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