Most Underrated Player in the APS

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Team Captain
Sep 22, 2004
Other Teams
Would have to be Dean Scheetz, gets the big jobs each weeks and comfortablely holds down a Key position, either CHF or CHB each week, he is a man mountain for a yr 11 and was even playing CHB in yr 10. Does the job each week and would get drafted if he wasn't playing All-Australian U17 cricket.
We salute you big Deano.

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TravisJ said:
When will telling everyone how good your mates are ever get old Davo?
It's getting very boring
Scheetz is actually a gun if you watch Scotch play. I dont even think Davo is good mates with him anyway.
not pumping up the toot down the hiway at sleepy hollow but GGS do contain a few stars on the wind swept shore of limeburners. VC Foster could undoubtedly play Falcons and big yr. 11 Vickers-Willis may well play TAC falcons come next season, certainly got the skills and height to show us how. Man mountain J Lloyd up the front could too do some damage if he chose to look for a feed in any other paddock than the goal square, i think i saw him move out of it once, and that was when the post match function started.
What you say about Lloyd is absolutely true. Maybe the GGS coaches could try throwing a few half-cooked snags (a la Thursday BBQ's) down on the 40m line. He'd probably go after them.
V-W is excellent off the HB flank, definate Falcons chance
too true i think the old J lloyd needs a few pies and snags if he ever wants to convert to the sausage roll which i so dearly love to see him slot week after week on the hallowed turf of main. the kid has the turning circle of a mack truck and i wouldnt be surprised to see him do a few 3 point turns in order to get back around the sticks in future games, but when the lad gets into top gear its tough to put on the brakes consequently smashing packs and taking marks that russel robertson ort to study i.e GGS v Haileybury 1st 1/4. On the subject of Vickers-Willis i could definetly see the kid slip on a falcons gurnsey next year, and may well trouble a few AFL clubs who could surely do with a big left foot kick, lightning blonde hair and decent height.
We've got to wein him of the frozen burgers and get him on to the snags.
The salmanella can't be good for the pack splitting LYYYYYYODY.
What do use blokes wreken?
your thinking only contributes to the betterment of society and the trimming of lloyds waste line headova- spot on. Not that the J lloyd is out of shape, i admire the stunning grace of his rippling biceps as he moves from the edge of the goal square to the goal posts. But undoubtedly the bullock that he is could do with a little trimming in order for him to get out to the BBQ at the 40m line in future- also cant hurt to walk to the post match function in future instead of stealing a lift in his missus car.
Keedy from haileybury is a star. Each week the kid gets no respect and tears it up. It's about time some of these opposition teams put a tag on him or otherwise he will continue to destroy them. A sure thing for A.F.L.
what's the go wit comben? i read in another forum that he is the most underated HFF! true of false?
The most underrated player in the aps has to be cam robertson-smith from scotch. due to a continuence of injuries he has struggled to get games in this year. Hopefully he will be able to string a few games together in the 1sts and attract some attention from some scouts. Good luck for the rest of the season Cam!!!
Unfortunately for the Geelong Grammar boys they are not achieving any success like there cross town rivals College who are a team full of underrated players. It is a joke that any of their 1st XVIII could be considered for the dream team. All this talk about their big man Tim Boston is a complete joke. probs the biggest hack in the aps. i think you grammer boys need to stop sending messages to each other and start talking when you actually win some quality games! I feel sorry for you guys because come the last round of the year on your home turf everyone will see how worthless you are against a quality College team. i suggest you stop talking yourselves up on big footy and start spending some time out on the track, your gonna need it jerk ass'!

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yeah i agree, saw the scotch vs ggs game today and ggs had noone who stood out at all. number 19 was ok and i saw 28 do a couple of things but other than that nothing. score was scotch 26-8-164 to ggs 8-4-52, with jacobs kicking 8.
mate the college grammar tussle will be a decent one for sure. obviously college maintain that they have the superiority but time and time again its what happens on the day. the light blues will make a mess of college.
meat cleaver said:
youse college boys can yap all you want- i think you blokes have a habit of talking up ********e that ends up being just that. i seem to recall the same school talking up their rowing this year, HOR favourites i recall them saying- please remind me where they ended up slickrick, cause i really would shed a tear if it happened to your footy.

Im not talking about rowing ya talking about footy mate, whos cares about gay rowing! ... and thats the first i have heard about college being favourites for HOR, wouldnt suprise me if you made that up in your head cause half the crap you grammer ****s post on here is made up.
just another example. back to the footy, you college boys have talked up having a pretty good season- ill give it to youse that youve had some close matches but where have the victories been? went down to MGS, Hail., BGS.
superstar_09 said:
Keedy from haileybury is a star. Each week the kid gets no respect and tears it up. It's about time some of these opposition teams put a tag on him or otherwise he will continue to destroy them. A sure thing for A.F.L.

Good to see someone has a sense of humour
mate it seems as tho you are the only person taking geelong grammar football seriously. Your players realise how crap you are and so does your school. The last game of the year will be a joke and force even more geelong grammar footballers to play soccer in search for success.
what GGS soccer has success, are joking me. Maybe if they wanted success theyd go to rugby, but i suppose the boys at college are a little too afraid to play that game cause you actually have to tackle.
The last game of the year (GGS Vs GC) has been resceduled to a sunday because there is a rugby tournament on. That shows how much your school does not care about football, what a joke. Why dont you suggest to ur football team to take up rugby, that way they are not required to have many ball skills
It seems whilst the Geelong College boys have had enough of some fairly lean years and are taking steps toward becoming a powerful school football team, the poor old GGS boys continue to be content with bottom of the ladder positions. Get serious fellas so those college boys can have a bit of competition in the last round.
slickrick said:
Unfortunately for the Geelong Grammar boys they are not achieving any success like there cross town rivals College who are a team full of underrated players. It is a joke that any of their 1st XVIII could be considered for the dream team. All this talk about their big man Tim Boston is a complete joke. probs the biggest hack in the aps. i think you grammer boys need to stop sending messages to each other and start talking when you actually win some quality games! I feel sorry for you guys because come the last round of the year on your home turf everyone will see how worthless you are against a quality College team. i suggest you stop talking yourselves up on big footy and start spending some time out on the track, your gonna need it jerk ass'!

Slickrick I couldn't agree more, couldn't have said it better myself,
You guys can keep talking your self's up about how good you are and how good jack lloyd is and tom foster. It comes down to how many football games you win and for you guys every year it's not many if 1, the funny thing is you guys rate your self’s as well. I can't wait for the last game of the year your home turf 1000 people watching and realizing how terrible you guys really are!
superstar_09 said:
Keedy from haileybury is a star. Each week the kid gets no respect and tears it up. It's about time some of these opposition teams put a tag on him or otherwise he will continue to destroy them. A sure thing for A.F.L.

LOL,, keedy from haileybury,,,, umm players seconds right,, red hair,,yeh thats the one.. If he tore it up that much, wouldn't he be playing first's?
"A sure thing for A.F.L".... bit bold. actually "bit" is a understatement. The kid would be much better if he tried.

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Most Underrated Player in the APS

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