*NOT FOOTY* Australia Legalises Gay Marriage!!!

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Congratulations to all gay Australians and HFC members. You are real and your relationships are valid. This is a historical day. Thank you to all the people who fought for years to help make this possible.
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I'll refrain for a smart-ass remark in typical aussie fashion on serious issues

Huge win. Having a close gay friend which I only found out he was about 3 years ago, Asking him one night why he wasn't "Out" he explained he was worried about how everyone, including me, would treat him differently. Which in my own mind is complete nonsense. I know there was still a big stigma, but it shocked me that some people still completely keep personal relationships completely seperate from a lot of their other life.

Symbolic win, Still a bit of a way to go in accepting our fellow humans as equals because of personal preference in likes, But it's a pretty big step. Hopefully in 10/20 years we'll be at a point where someones not judged by their sexuality.
I am pretty sure this doesn't belong in a football forum let alone the Hawthorn Football Club forum. Im generally supportive of the the result but for God's sake i'm sick of the ideological trumpeting on the issue. Surely the state of mind that we want to get to is where everyone is regarded equally (that means being equally praised and equally castigated or preferably just treated with neutrality) not where certain groups are put up on a pedestal as beacons of virtue. Anyhow, I would close this thread if I was moderator, but thats just me.

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I'm pretty happy about this result, far as I can tell the simple marriage is between two people was the change and that's about it, a bunch of amendments trying to water it down were not added and they got it done pretty quick all things considered after wasting all that time and money on a postal survey
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