Ollie Lord not cited by MRO

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Club Legend
Apr 18, 2022
AFL Club
I really don't want to make this a Richmond thing, but after the media hysteria regarding Sonsie last week, you would've thought this from Ollie Lord would at least get a mention.

Yep, looks like a strike with a fist to the face.

Careless high low at the worst
Yeah, feels pretty straight forward. Strange to not be cited for it.

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I really don't want to make this a Richmond thing, but after the media hysteria regarding Sonsie last week, you would've thought this from Ollie Lord would at least get a mention.

View attachment 1788490

Insufficient force

I think this is the second time he's done it though, needs to be more careful if he doesn't want to end up on the sidelines.

I think JHF landed a little sneaky one on Grimes too
This is the kind of stuff they should be singling out.
It's a non-football act. It's a strike. It's intentional. It's high.
If they're serious about getting stuff like this out of the game it's:
Intentional conduct
Impact is always a bit harder to determine, but a blow like that can easily break a jaw or knock someone out, so could be medium or low
High contact

So that's 1 week if low impact and 2 weeks if medium impact.
If the AFL want to wave their little magic wand, they can at least make it careless, low and high and make it a fine to at least look pro-active.
Insufficient force

I think this is the second time he's done it though, needs to be more careful if he doesn't want to end up on the sidelines.

I think JHF landed a little sneaky one on Grimes too

So that's 1 week if low impact and 2 weeks if medium impact.
If the AFL want to wave their little magic wand, they can at least make it careless, low and high and make it a fine to at least look pro-active.

Again, like I said, I don't want this to be a Richmond thing, but since the Sonsie incident was the most recent case of a similar incident that caused media frenzy and a lot of discussion amongst fans, so I feel it's acceptable to compare the two incidents.

Tom Cappellari was the victim in the Sonsie incident, who went to ground, but still played the game out and played in the VFL this week vs Casey in Wildcard round. Sonsie was given intentional, high contact, severe impact, which was then downgraded to high impact (presumably because Cappellari wasn't injured).

I don't see how the same can't be said for Lord in this situation. Intentional and high contact is clear, there's no debate. But if Sonsie was given high impact despite no injury to Cappellari, then it shouldn't matter if Young is injured or not, it should automatically be high impact for Lord as well.

Unless we're admitting that going to ground regardless of the actual force behind the strike is enough to elevate something from low/medium impact to high impact?
Again, like I said, I don't want this to be a Richmond thing, but since the Sonsie incident was the most recent case of a similar incident that caused media frenzy and a lot of discussion amongst fans, so I feel it's acceptable to compare the two incidents.

Tom Cappellari was the victim in the Sonsie incident, who went to ground, but still played the game out and played in the VFL this week vs Casey in Wildcard round. Sonsie was given intentional, high contact, severe impact, which was then downgraded to high impact (presumably because Cappellari wasn't injured).

I don't see how the same can't be said for Lord in this situation. Intentional and high contact is clear, there's no debate. But if Sonsie was given high impact despite no injury to Cappellari, then it shouldn't matter if Young is injured or not, it should automatically be high impact for Lord as well.

Unless we're admitting that going to ground regardless of the actual force behind the strike is enough to elevate something from low/medium impact to high impact?
Force is the hardest part of MRO grading to actually measure.
Somebody could easily cop a punch to the chest that they wouldn't be able to cop to the jaw.
The same force punch will affect everyone differently. Some people have glass jaws. Some can get concussed easily. Some can cop multiple blows with little regard.

That's why I personally think more focus needs to be on the action/intent, rather than the force or resulting injuries.
It's nothing like the sonsie incident lol.

That was an off the ball coward punch which dropped the guy. Very very lucky to only get 3 weeks.

This was a bit of push and shove where lord went a bit high, with barely any reaction from the player and went a bit high. Should have been a free kick though.

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It's nothing like the sonsie incident lol.

That was an off the ball coward punch which dropped the guy. Very very lucky to only get 3 weeks.

This was a bit of push and shove where lord went a bit high, with barely any reaction from the player and went a bit high. Should have been a free kick though.

It has strong similarities to the Sonsie incident. There is really only one difference, the level of force. Putting aside the reactions of the 2 "victims" I think it is fair to say the force of Sonsie's strike was greater. But didn't didn't drop the player, he stunned him a bit and the player voluntarily went to his knees to gather his thoughts.

If Sonsie's strike was truly high impact, then this one is borderline medium impact. For my money the Sonsie one is more like medium impact and this one low impact. They would possibly help matters by giving these strikes a number out of 100 rather than a word label. Where Barry Hall's 100% deliberate punch to Staker's head is 100 impact, Sonsie's is maybe 30 and Lord's about 10 or 15. Junior Rioli's slap on Murphy maybe 20.

They could further help by having different levels of intentional strikes to the head to differentiate between Hall's deliberate punch where he targetted the head, Lord's slap where he seems to have targetted the head deliberately, and Sonsie's closed fist push/punch that happened to miss its target of the upper body and strike the neck/jaw.

So Hall would be 100 impact deliberate strike targetting head. Massive penalty if you were even allowed to play again.

Sonsie would be 30 impact deliberate strike but not deliberate head strike 2 or 3 weeks.

Rioli would be 20 impact deliberate strike not deliberate head strike 1 week.

Lord would be 10 impact deliberate strike to the head might just elevate it to 1 week otherwise fine.
Should have been a fine.

Incidentally 2nd time this year Port haven’t even had a player discussed, let alone cited, for what seems an obvious discussion. Other was Jonas on Zurhaar - bump that broke a jaw, not even a comment.

Of course Michael Christian isn’t biased towards Port, I’m not claiming that - mere coincidence. And I think both incidents are explainable - don’t necessarily have to be a week.
But it just goes to show how random it all is when it is 1 man trying to cite all 9 games. How can some incidents be 2 weeks initially (McCartin) and similar ones not even get a mention?
It's nothing like the sonsie incident lol.

That was an off the ball coward punch which dropped the guy. Very very lucky to only get 3 weeks.

This was a bit of push and shove where lord went a bit high, with barely any reaction from the player and went a bit high. Should have been a free kick though.
That is just idiotic reasoning.

As a sport, and as a society we're way beyond just writing this sort of shit off as 'a bit of push and shove'.

It's senseless violence and it has no place in sport or society.

It's sickening that people accept this shit, let alone condone it.
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Right in front of the umpire (granted he isn't looking directly) and caught on camera, smacking someone in the face needs to be an automatic week off even if it's not a particularly big punch.
Great awareness by the umpire(s) 10 feet away basically facing it.
So much for the whole game, every game being reviewed.
The whole comp is a crap shoot through media. If it's not reported on, it didn't happen.
The match replay showed it about 5 times from 3 different angles, so was hardly “hidden”.

Thought it was worth a fine, be unlucky for a week but could see how it would be. Only thing I can think of is that Lord didn’t initiate the clash, Young did and Lord retaliated (high, yes) and immediately conceded his mistake. Not sure why the OP only shows the exact instant and not the lead in or after.

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Ollie Lord not cited by MRO

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