Exe Gesis
Kylo was here
Very long article, from the Idaho Observer, April 2007.
Has source material. The story was never challenged by any Bush because it opens it up to discovery.
So many things to detail, worth the read, I'm only 10% thru it so far, but just a few nuggets already...
Otto Skorzeny was Hitler's bodyguard, close connections with top Nazi figures like Mengele, Bormann, Gehlen, etc, therefore. Photo evidence.
Hitler didn't die, was flown out, the body double was executed, dental records prove that.
Nicola Tesla had a guardian basically for his financial affairs, negotiations, etc, a man named George H. Scherff. The Scherff family had close connections to Bormann, Skorzeny, Gehlen, Mengele, etc.
Sherff would appropriate Tesla's work to the US govt, and would send his son to be adopted by Prescott Bush, a Nazi sympathizer and financer, who would eventually create the CIA and infiltrate US politics as the Bush family.