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DESPITE assurances that he had broken all links with the Liberal Party, Fairfax Media chairman Ron Walker remains the principal shareholder in a software company operated by the party.

Parakeelia Pty Ltd was set up in 1989 shortly after Mr Walker became Liberal Party treasurer. For the past decade the company has been developing and selling controversial Feedback software that allows MPs to collate and store information on their constituents.

Mr Walker holds 98 of Parakeelia's 100 shares "as trustee for the members … of the Liberal Party of Australia".

The directors of the company include the party's federal director, Brian Loughnane, and his predecessor, Lynton Crosby.
Liberal MPs around Australia direct $2500 in taxpayer allowances each year to Parakeelia Pty Ltd, which is wholly owned by the Liberals. MPs pay to use its voter-monitoring software which compiles information about constituents.

But a former government adviser and Labor have alleged the set-up is a "scam" or "washing machine" for profits originating from taxpayers' money after Fairfax revealed Parakeelia has paid $1.1 million into Liberal accounts over the past three years.

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A spokeswoman for real estate company CBRE confirmed that Parakeelia was a tenant at 35 Spring Street in Melbourne in 2013, a piece of prime CBD real estate that housed about 50 senior Liberal operatives and its former and current campaign directors.

A party spokeswoman did not deny that Parakeelia rented the property but said the "cost of leasing the 2013 campaign headquarters" was covered by the party and came "out of the [party's] campaign budget".

Fairfax understands the Liberal party paid money to Parakeelia, which in turn paid the rent.

The Liberals did not declare any in-kind donations from Parakeelia that year. But a spokeswoman said Parakeelia bore no "net cost" from the arrangement.

Parakeelia sent the Liberal Party about $400,000 in 2013-14, election filings show. The party sent a lesser amount to Parakeelia: about $250,000.

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Parakeelia has transferred more than $1 million to the federal division of the Liberal party in the past three years, in growing amounts that recently made it the party's second-largest single source of revenue last financial year.

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I support the establishment of such a body in principle but I can't find the BF thread on the matter or the policy on the greens website.
It has nothing to do with some other thread on bigfooty that you cant find, or some Greens policy that you cant remember.

Its a total scam and it should be more than two pages. And i dont know why your being so sub versive?

This is a huge thing.

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It isn't cute.

They paid themselves $1mil in taxpayer dollars.
They have an allowance for software, which they nearly doubled, and it all goes to Parakeelia. Parakeelia then pumped these funds into the Liberal party.

Parakeelia is a Liberal party set up.

The Liberal party uses taxpayer money to buy information from Parakeelia.
That information is personal details of us taxpayers.

This money is then pumped back into the Liberal party to fund their campaign.

They cannot put taxpayer money and put it directly into their campaign, so theyve run it though something to make it seem like the money has come from somewhere else. how isnt that laundering?

I don't like political parties or politicians as its a grubby business. So you won't see me defending this.

In terms of generality, services provided at arms length are fine. Then what a company does with its profits is up to the company.

We should implement what the greens proposed in principle as any assessment should be independent and professional. It must be within a framework that provides clarity and consistency.
I don't like political parties or politicians as its a grubby business. So you won't see me defending this.

In terms of generality, derives provided at arms length are fine. The what a company does with its profits is up to the company.

We should implement what the greens proposed in principle as any assessment should be independent and professional. It must be within a framework that provides clarity and consistency.
Why are you talking like its some random generic situation?
this is a totally specific example that deserves discussion. The company is owned by the Liberal party, it profits purely on the Liberal party paying for it with taxpayers dollars. This money is also then used to help fund the liberal campaigns.

its happening now! Not some one off in the past, not some random thing. its currently happening.
Why are you talking like its some random generic situation?
this is a totally specific example that deserves discussion. The company is owned by the Liberal party, it profits purely on the Liberal party paying for it with taxpayers dollars. This money is also then used to help fund the liberal campaigns.

its happening now! Not some one off in the past, not some random thing. its currently happening.

I don't care to defend a political party but let's go through the steps of you like.

You can talk specifics and I'll refer to generic professional principles.

Firstly, we the services provided at arms length terms?

Yes, there is no issue
No, please report the issue. To do that we need to understand which law was broken an who is the appropriate authority.

Thus my reasoning to understand the legal framework.

The next issue is neither here no there as companies can do what they like with their profits.
I don't care to defend a political party but let's go through the steps of you like.

You can talk specifics and I'll refer to generic professional principles.

Firstly, we the services provided at arms length terms?

Yes, there is no issue
No, please report the issue. To do that we need to understand which law was broken an who is the appropriate authority.

Thus my reasoning to understand the legal framework.

The next issue is neither here no there as companies can do what they like with their profits.
This is such a bizare conversation.

"services provided at arms length terms" What does that mean and what does that have to do with anything?

1.The company is owned by the Liberal party.
2. The Liberal party insist that all members use their allowance (tax payers money) to this company that they own.
3. They just nearly doubled the allowance, and it just happened to coincide with an increase in the price of the companies service.
4. The Liberal owned company has put 1.1 million dollars into the Liberal party over the last three years.
5. The liberal owned company only makes money through the Liberal party paying them with tax payers money
6. The liberal owned company is now the second biggest contributer to the Liberal party.

I dont think you understand the issue.
This is such a bizare conversation.

"services provided at arms length terms" What does that mean and what does that have to do with anything?

1.The company is owned by the Liberal party.
2. The Liberal party insist that all members use their allowance (tax payers money) to this company that they own.
3. They just nearly doubled the allowance, and it just happened to coincide with an increase in the price of the companies service.
4. The Liberal owned company has put 1.1 million dollars into the Liberal party over the last three years.
5. The liberal owned company only makes money through the Liberal party paying them with tax payers money
6. The liberal owned company is now the second biggest contributer to the Liberal party.

I dont think you understand the issue.

Google arms length. It will help discussion.

Then apply the sniff test whether increasing the cost in line with the allowance is reasonable.

Then consider if there was a breach of law and if not does there need to be an independent body as proposed by the greens.

This is about building a framework to ensure ethics, integrity and professionalism becomes a part of politics.

We should also have minimum standards of education and experience for political wanna-be aspirants. Perhaps this would help lift the bar.
Google arms length. It will help discussion.

Then apply the sniff test whether increasing the cost in line with the allowance is reasonable.

Then consider if there was a breach of law and if not does there need to be an independent body as proposed by the greens.

This is about building a framework to ensure ethics, integrity and professionalism becomes a part of politics.

We should also have minimum standards of education and experience for political wanna-be aspirants. Perhaps this would help lift the bar.
Now a sniff test?
Google Parakeelia. It will help discussion.
Your either part of the Liberal party or you are just pulling my leg.

Instead of talking about this issue your talking about the Greens and how we need to overhaul all of politics and building frameworks.
A seriously bizare conversation.
to understand what should be done, you need to understand what the legal framework currently is. This determines what breaches there were and if none, sets the benchmark for changes as I do not believe what happened is ethical.

I have tried to find the Greens policy, as I supported their proposed governance/ ethics/ integrity body. Can you recall what the policy was called?
Nothing to do with what I posted and legally doubt whether there is an issue but surely it stinks.
Again you try to introduce furphies, do you have issues with comprehension or sticking to the point?
Nothing to do with what I posted and legally doubt whether there is an issue but surely it stinks.
Again you try to introduce furphies, do you have issues with comprehension or sticking to the point?

agree I don't like it either

where we differ is I'm interested to know if there is a breach and interested in improving legal frameworks. It seems your just interested in the vibe and the emotional aspect.

but at least we agree it stinks.
DESPITE assurances that he had broken all links with the Liberal Party, Fairfax Media chairman Ron Walker remains the principal shareholder in a software company operated by the party.

Parakeelia Pty Ltd was set up in 1989 shortly after Mr Walker became Liberal Party treasurer. For the past decade the company has been developing and selling controversial Feedback software that allows MPs to collate and store information on their constituents.

Mr Walker holds 98 of Parakeelia's 100 shares "as trustee for the members … of the Liberal Party of Australia".

The directors of the company include the party's federal director, Brian Loughnane, and his predecessor, Lynton Crosby.
Fairfax media connected to the Liberal Party??? By more than just Gina Rinehart??? But all those brave defenders of Rupert Murdoch love to refer to Fairfax as being left-wing in order to make it sound like News Corp are the real battlers...???

agree I don't like it either

where we differ is I'm interested to know if there is a breach and interested in improving legal frameworks. It seems your just interested in the vibe and the emotional aspect.

but at least we agree it stinks.
You really can't help yourself can you.
The legal aspect is already clear.
I am outraged irrespective of which party or organisation acts in this manner.
You seem to reserve your outrage for unions and try cloud the discussion or introduce irrelevant topics.
I have been wise to how you operate for some time. Can not really take you seriously on any issue.

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You really can't help yourself can you.
The legal aspect is already clear.
I am outraged irrespective of which party or organisation acts in this manner.
You seem to reserve your outrage for unions and try cloud the discussion or introduce irrelevant topics.
I have been wise to how you operate for some time. Can not really take you seriously on any issue.

I'm not sure what more you want me to say on the issue. I can confirm "I will not vote Liberal this election", in fact "I will never vote Liberal for the rest of my life". This is said in good faith as I am not on the electoral roll.

I do loathe politics as those attracted to the industry are slimy F'ks. Ludlum was recently highlighted a comment had factual errors and his response was "so; the truth doesn't suit my agenda". Labor has its union kickback and the Libs have this rort. One doesn't justify the other but raising it highlights the "good faith, integrity and ethics" issue is a big problem.

Arm waving and emotions won't fix it. Rathe we need:
- an independent body reviewing commercial arrangements
- a separate independent body reviewing representations
- offences carrying jail terms should be implemented for misleading and deceptive conduct as well as undisclosed "questionable" commercial arrangements

politics should be some dry policy agenda and not the fanfare we see today.
It gets funnier and funnier the closer we get to the election!

Power raid talking about deliberate and obvious rorting of the system that the libs ARE doing;
Arm waving and emotions won't fix it.

Power raid talking about a possible future policy that he doesn't understand, that will only be implemented IF the ALP win:


Please!!! Won't someone please think of the workers!!!????
I'm not sure what more you want me to say on the issue. I can confirm "I will not vote Liberal this election", in fact "I will never vote Liberal for the rest of my life". This is said in good faith as I am not on the electoral roll.

I do loathe politics as those attracted to the industry are slimy F'ks. Ludlum was recently highlighted a comment had factual errors and his response was "so; the truth doesn't suit my agenda". Labor has its union kickback and the Libs have this rort. One doesn't justify the other but raising it highlights the "good faith, integrity and ethics" issue is a big problem.

Arm waving and emotions won't fix it. Rathe we need:
- an independent body reviewing commercial arrangements
- a separate independent body reviewing representations
- offences carrying jail terms should be implemented for misleading and deceptive conduct as well as undisclosed "questionable" commercial arrangements

politics should be some dry policy agenda and not the fanfare we see today.
If you are not on an electoral role why on earth would you join the Labor Party?

So many inconsistencies in your posting.

I am not going to respond to the rest of your post as would be taking me on a different tangent which is something you do often in your posting (red herrings everywhere). I call it rambling and an imaginery utopia.

I was merely pointing out your hypocrisy in suggesting to you that if a union had done this you would have been spamming the thread.
Further you hadn't even bothered to read the thread until it was pointed out to you. For mine it is legal corruption and isn't right.
If you are not on an electoral role why on earth would you join the Labor Party?

So many inconsistencies in your posting.

I am not going to respond to the rest of your post as would be taking me on a different tangent which is something you do often in your posting (red herrings everywhere). I call it rambling and an imaginery utopia.

I was merely pointing out your hypocrisy in suggesting to you that if a union had done this you would have been spamming the thread.
Further you hadn't even bothered to read the thread until it was pointed out to you. For mine it is legal corruption and isn't right.

No checks re the electoral role. I guess their happy to have the support.

And I need a WA labor win next election. So it's a win win!
No checks re the electoral role. I guess their happy to have the support.

And I need a WA labor win next election. So it's a win win!
If you are not on the electoral role therefore don't vote, not sure you should have such a big say in all things political.
If you are not on an electoral role why on earth would you join the Labor Party?

So many inconsistencies in your posting.

I am not going to respond to the rest of your post as would be taking me on a different tangent which is something you do often in your posting (red herrings everywhere). I call it rambling and an imaginery utopia.

I was merely pointing out your hypocrisy in suggesting to you that if a union had done this you would have been spamming the thread.
Further you hadn't even bothered to read the thread until it was pointed out to you. For mine it is legal corruption and isn't right.
If I recall correctly he and a few others were going to hijack the Labor party from the inside... Or something like that...
You seem to reserve your outrage for unions and try cloud the discussion or introduce irrelevant topics.

you're right, as so many would try and defend the actions of unions

this is the exact type of behaviour and conduct that should be stopped. Perhaps we should adopt the Greens proposal of an independent review board.
What a f*****g brilliant scam!!

Set up a front company supplying "important data" to politicians, make it known in no uncertain terms that if you are a member of the Federal Parliamentary Liberal Party, it is expected that you pay to receive this service, the member then claims it as part of his Federal expenses and tax payer's money is forwarded to him or her, who promptly forward the funds to the front company who promptly forward it to the Liberal Party. F****ng brilliant, what a scam!!! and there are some that are defending this?

This scam, this rort, it should be in the national headlines and the story run non-stop on the telli and in the print media. It's a f*****g shame it wasn't it some union or other or an ALP affiliate that was doing this because it would definitely be in the headlines; day after day after day after day after day ........ every squalid and sordid detail would be spun in all manner of ways to get maximum effect for the maximum amount of time.
What a f*****g brilliant scam!!

Set up a front company supplying "important data" to politicians, make it known in no uncertain terms that if you are a member of the Federal Parliamentary Liberal Party, it is expected that you pay to receive this service, the member then claims it as part of his Federal expenses and tax payer's money is forwarded to him or her, who promptly forward the funds to the front company who promptly forward it to the Liberal Party. F****ng brilliant, what a scam!!! and there are some that are defending this?

This scam, this rort, it should be in the national headlines and the story run non-stop on the telli and in the print media. It's a f*****g shame it wasn't it some union or other or an ALP affiliate that was doing this because it would definitely be in the headlines; day after day after day after day after day ........ every squalid and sordid detail would be spun in all manner of ways to get maximum effect for the maximum amount of time.

I mean, look at how much we investigated the life and times of Duncan Storarr! And how much it was discussed and everything, just because he dared to stick his head above the water and ask a question.

Meanwhile, nothing is happening with this.


And all the people who justified the investigations done on his life and family, who are completely ignoring this thread and this issue.
Makes no sense.

Might call some of them out.
Belnakor - Hated the waste of taxpayers money that was going to Storarr. (Used a lot of descriptive language about him as well. Duncan isnt a human in belnakors eyes). Surely belnakor will be outraged at the use of taxpayers money threw Parakeelia.

stew42 - Very angry at the $50k people put towards a fund for him. Must blow his mind at the $1.1mil thats been taken (not given) in this case.

Big_Birdy ClokesShankedIt Rob Lester Burnham

Seemed to really hate Duncan for criminality, wasting taxpayers money, getting money he didnt deserve. Look forward to your outrage in this thread.

Mainly because of the crowd funding angle. Given people have donated $60k to date to this guy, the media were always going to do some digging about who he was.

Turns out he's nothing more than a bum.

Rob your not the same as the other posters I tagged. I didn't see anything bad from you, but you did justify the media attention for $60k. What are your thoughts on the lack of media attention on $1.1mil?
Belnakor - Hated the waste of taxpayers money that was going to Storarr. (Used a lot of descriptive language about him as well. Duncan isnt a human in belnakors eyes). Surely belnakor will be outraged at the use of taxpayers money threw Parakeelia.

stew42 - Very angry at the $50k people put towards a fund for him. Must blow his mind at the $1.1mil thats been taken (not given) in this case.

Big_Birdy ClokesShankedIt Rob Lester Burnham

Seemed to really hate Duncan for criminality, wasting taxpayers money, getting money he didnt deserve. Look forward to your outrage in this thread.

Rob your not the same as the other posters I tagged. I didn't see anything bad from you, but you did justify the media attention for $60k. What are your thoughts on the lack of media attention on $1.1mil?

Pretty serious probity issue, made worse by the fact that it doesn't appear to be criminal. Using the company at arms length under the protection of private political donations feels like money laundering as others have said.

In terms of wasting money, well, depends on what is achieved with the $2500 (Labor do the same with a different company to put it in context, at least they don't own that company). In regards to the office Accomodation, not sure how long it was for so hard to say if 250K is value for money. Could be great vaule, could be very steep. But most likely they paid market rents. The questions is did they require a prime CBD location? Well almost certainly not.

Its just a bunch of pigs at the trough.

So now my question to you would be, what has this got to do with Duncan Storrar? I was in a perfectly good thread regarding Game of Thrones.

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