Perth Drivers are absolutley shit.

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It seems bizarre that you bag people cruising legally in the right line thus congesting traffic but are OK with people illegally failing to indicate and thus congesting roundabouts.

People like myself know that you indicate out of roundabouts, so if I don't see you indicating out, I assume you're coming across my path and won't move into the intersection. Yes, I've seen plenty of people come across my path failing to indicate correctly.

I wasn't really bagging them. It's not something that annoys me personally, but I can see how it might irritate some.

On the subject of its legality - I wish someone had told that to the cop who pulled me over for 'driving too slow in the right hand lane' on the freeway when I was a P-Plater. Then to add injury to insult he gave me a yellow sticker for a dent in my front end, which the guy at the pits said was perfectly fine.

I just see the last minute indicate out of a roundabout to be a pointless gesture - by the time you realise they've done it they're already gone. Indicate left for left, right for right, and nothing for straight ahead - works on the rest of the road and seems logical to carry that onto a roundabout to me (I'm talking about small single-lane ones here btw, sprawling double laners are a different beast).
On the subject of its legality - I wish someone had told that to the cop who pulled me over for 'driving too slow in the right hand lane' on the freeway when I was a P-Plater. Then to add injury to insult he gave me a yellow sticker for a dent in my front end, which the guy at the pits said was perfectly fine.

The keep left unless overtaking law only applies on roads where the speed limit is greater or equal to 90km/h. If you were on a freeway, it likely applied.
The keep left unless overtaking law only applies on roads where the speed limit is greater or equal to 90km/h. If you were on a freeway, it likely applied.

Now how's a person suppose to know random stuff like that? They should have some sort of test so you can learn this stuff before you get your licence. :p

Btw I just ducked down the shops which involves going through four roundabouts (there and back). Out of curiosity I paid special attention - of the nine cars I saw going straight on not a single one indicated. You must live in a much more law abiding area than me.

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Now how's a person suppose to know random stuff like that? They should have some sort of test so you can learn this stuff before you get your licence. :p

Btw I just ducked down the shops which involves going through four roundabouts (there and back). Out of curiosity I paid special attention - of the nine cars I saw going straight on not a single one indicated. You must live in a much more law abiding area than me.

the only people i have ever seen that indicate out of a roundabout are:
  • L platers
  • P platers
  • cops
  • people driving in front of cops
and that is pretty much every where in perth i have driven
Underdog, do you live around a licensing centre? :)
i pretty much stopped indicating out, 2 weeks out on P's more than 10+ years ago. though i do indicate on those big two laners but you don't get many of those here in perth
How many people also dont indicate when turning left, in fact choosing to just duck across the intersection though.

I dont mind either way, though three separate times people have tried to give me right of way while INSIDE the roundabout, which of course just slows everything down behind them.
How many people also dont indicate when turning left, in fact choosing to just duck across the intersection though.

Can't say I've really noticed that happening.

Indicating left when you're turning is usually pretty instinctive for most people.
How many people also dont indicate when turning left, in fact choosing to just duck across the intersection though.

I dont mind either way, though three separate times people have tried to give me right of way while INSIDE the roundabout, which of course just slows everything down behind them.

i am noticing that more ppl are not indicating but i think they are still in the minority. i blame the migrants (i.e. my parents) :p
Dual carriageway roundabouts, how hard is it to use them properly. Have had to slam brakes on twice this morning on the same road due to numb nuts who casually switch lanes without indicating as they exit the roundabout. It's not a single carriageway roundabout

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Not shit drivers but trying to get home from the cricket and noticed that the turning lanes into eastbound Farmer Fwy off East St were blocked by witches hats. Needless to say I turned into the freeway anyway and found that that was not necessary. Not a good idea in managing bumper to bumper event traffic.
so much to add to this thread I just don't know where to fact, it's causing me to implode just thinking about.

In the majority of facets, Perth drivers are simply sh*t.
My belief is it stems from the fact that my generation ( early 30's ) and older all grew up with a heap of space on the road. We all seem to still have a massive 'protected area' of personal space on our roads and this leads to unwarranted grief - mainly in merging.... we are so shite at merging because every knob jockey here seems to want to own the 15 metres both in front and behind and believes that their lives and space are so important that anyone who dares come near is destined to be run off the road.

We are so selfish and this jockeying for space causes the braking ripple effect all the way down the line of traffic to every unsuspecting space hog behind them. Freeway antics of tailgating / suddenly braking are another example of selfish driving that effects all behind, the ripple effect is so much bigger than the little 5kmh wash off ( unnecessary wash off due to tailgating / poor judgement ) but tey seem not to give a flying..

Just before I get off my horse, does it really p&ss anyone else off as much as me when lazy twerps ride the brake ( assuming it spare foot with an auto ) , leaving their brake lights constantly on - meaning we can't see when you actually brake numnuts !!
I've tooted to people on the freeway who do this and try to explain with hand gestures ( legitimate to begin with ) that it's dangerous and they should get the foot off the brake and on the little footrest next to it....sheesh..
Some of my Perth favourites include but not limited to the following:

  1. No indication when needed.
  2. Indicates when not needed.
  3. Doesn't merge, instead speeds up to get ahead then beeps at you when you hold your ground.
  4. Tailgates, overtakes and then does the speed limit in front of you.
  5. Tailgates, overtakes and then does a right hand turn across traffic causing you to slam the brakes on and stop.
  6. Stops when the amber lights flash but has plenty of time to go through given the lights are still green.
  7. While turning right at traffic lights - waits until the driver in front is almost all the way through the lights before taking off.

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this one pisses me off the most ... sorry a** in the black SUV ... no, bigger cars do not have right of way in a merge situation

It always happens to me everyday given i have 3 merge points to and from work.

There is this p#$%k of a driver I see almost everyday who is in a V8 commodore. I drive a little 4 cylinder and it's pretty slow, he ALWAYS overtakes me, whether there's room or not, slams on his brakes and turns right across busy oncoming traffic into his street.
It always happens to me everyday given i have 3 merge points to and from work.

There is this p#$%k of a driver I see almost everyday who is in a V8 commodore. I drive a little 4 cylinder and it's pretty slow, he ALWAYS overtakes me, whether there's room or not, slams on his brakes and turns right across busy oncoming traffic into his street.

keep note of his number plate ... perth is small enough, you might find it handy :)
Have a whinge. I ride in this most days. It is not a matter of if, but when, you have an accident.

I love how half the scooter riders aren't wearing helmets...... damn that's insane.

BUT can you imagine Perth drivers thrown into chaos like that?
I love how half the scooter riders aren't wearing helmets...... damn that's insane.

BUT can you imagine Perth drivers thrown into chaos like that?

It takes some getting used to ;)

On the helmets, the cops are pretty tough on them now, but not with kids.

So you often see two adults on a scooter helmeted up, with a kid STANDING on the seat between them, with no protection at all.

I've belted a few Viet heads and they aren't really that hard. But I've never belted a kid, so maybe I'm wrong.

It makes my blood run cold.

Averaging 70-80 deaths PER DAY, (nationwide), here for Lunar New Year break, and the massive rush home has yet to come.
It takes some getting used to ;)

On the helmets, the cops are pretty tough on them now, but not with kids.

So you often see two adults on a scooter helmeted up, with a kid STANDING on the seat between them, with no protection at all.

I've belted a few Viet heads and they aren't really that hard. But I've never belted a kid, so maybe I'm wrong.

It makes my blood run cold.

Averaging 70-80 deaths PER DAY, (nationwide), here for Lunar New Year break, and the massive rush home has yet to come.

Whoa that's insane.

Going to sound really bad but think of it as natural selection. Those who are smart enough to take the proper precautions will have a much higher chance of survival. While those that don't, can't pass on their bad habits to their offspring.
Whoa that's insane.

Going to sound really bad but think of it as natural selection. Those who are smart enough to take the proper precautions will have a much higher chance of survival. While those that don't, can't pass on their bad habits to their offspring.

You read my mind.
Good to have you back. This place wasn't the same without you.

Plus I made some predictions and your triumphant return was one of them :D:thumbsu:

Cheers mate.

Just a little more on the chaos here.

Almost 10,000 deaths a year, at 30 per day and, like I said, up to 70-80 per day during Lunar New Year.

Prangs like this are commonplace....

There are no rules and people seriously don't give a phark.

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