Pies back in training

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Awesome to read that Marty come in first but I'm not sure about this bit "... Brisbane Lions recruit Cameron Wood failed to finish the run after battling gastro last week, but managed to complete the skills session. "

Hate to sound a cynic but whenever a club says such-n-such has "gastro" I can't help but think it's BS and they are covering for something else. Geez I hope I'm far off the mark on this one. :eek:
Awesome to read that Marty come in first but I'm not sure about this bit "... Brisbane Lions recruit Cameron Wood failed to finish the run after battling gastro last week, but managed to complete the skills session. "

Hate to sound a cynic but whenever a club says such-n-such has "gastro" I can't help but think it's BS and they are covering for something else. Geez I hope I'm far off the mark on this one. :eek:

i agree about it usually being Bs but in this case it sounds about right as he ahs been training since he came down to us so he cant possibly be unfit, and with gastro try and do anythign while you have that its killer

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One of Wood's known weaknesses is his tank and inability to push himself. Had crap DC beep test times, especially in comparrison to Meesen at the time.

Still, he has been a pro athlete for three years at Brisbane who are fit. And they would have kept him if we were too cheap, so we should give him the benefit of the doubt before slashing wrists.
Good on ya Marty!

A part of the article I found interesting was the fact that Malthouse will take a recommendation for captain to the board close to the first pre-season game... I would be happier with the playing group and coaching staff having the final decision in who is captain instead of the board.
Good on ya Marty!

A part of the article I found interesting was the fact that Malthouse will take a recommendation for captain to the board close to the first pre-season game... I would be happier with the playing group and coaching staff having the final decision in who is captain instead of the board.

the board just say yes basically, its more couretsy than them actually having a say
the board just say yes basically, its more couretsy than them actually having a say

Ahh... that makes more sense. Thanks Optimax:thumbsu:
Or perhaps he had gastro.

Bound to be - lot of it going round. In fact, I've been down with it for most of the past week - I think the bread roll I had with my (very long) Cup Day lunch must have been the cause. Better by Thursday but obviously copped another bad roll at lunch that day - and on Saturday as well. Amazingly bad luck! :)

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The Herald Sun must not have received the mail on us promoting Clarke to the senior list.

Players completed a 7km time trial on the Olympic Park athletics track, with Irish rookie Marty Clarke crossing the line first in the early run and Sharrod Wellingham beating the field in the later run.
Caught some footage on the ch 9 news of Marty crossing the line with Pendles not far behind him.

Pendles looks to have put on some extra muscle.

What a champ, I cant help but get images of him being as big and as deadly as Buckley was. Okay so maybe Im getting ahead of myself but does ne one know if he's out to put on some extra bulk?
Caught some footage on the ch 9 news of Marty crossing the line with Pendles not far behind him.

Pendles looks to have put on some extra muscle.

What a champ, I cant help but get images of him being as big and as deadly as Buckley was. Okay so maybe Im getting ahead of myself but does ne one know if he's out to put on some extra bulk?

I didn't see the news tonight but that sounds very promising that a beefy Pendles came so close to winning.

It would be great to get a list of all the times or the placings so we can see where the guys are at in regards to endurance.
There is more to it then that. A captain has responsibilities on and off the field

i dont think malthouse would take a recommendation to the board of a player they dont consider will be able to be captain that is why i dont think our board would knock the recommendation back
Bound to be - lot of it going round. In fact, I've been down with it for most of the past week - I think the bread roll I had with my (very long) Cup Day lunch must have been the cause. Better by Thursday but obviously copped another bad roll at lunch that day - and on Saturday as well. Amazingly bad luck! :)

lol, if you are gonna fake an illness (gastro) best to say you ate some sort of meat product...slim chance of getting gastro from bread :p
How long is the time trial??

I'd be worried if it was under 5 km.

But then again, let's give him the benefit of the doubt.

You underestimate how fit GAA players are, AFL clubs train what most days a week with one or two training sesions a day, GAA clubs/county, train like 3 times a week, yet I'd bet good money on a top GAA player winning a fitness race over an AFL player. Easily winning it.
Ye make them strong but we make them faster and fiter. Obviously being over there has improoved Clarke more like, but I don't think it's very suprising that he's doing well fitness wise.
You underestimate how fit GAA players are, AFL clubs train what most days a week with one or two training sesions a day, GAA clubs/county, train like 3 times a week, yet I'd bet good money on a top GAA player winning a fitness race over an AFL player. Easily winning it.
Ye make them strong but we make them faster and fiter. Obviously being over there has improoved Clarke more like, but I don't think it's very suprising that he's doing well fitness wise.

I think you might be right - and I think we overrate the middle-distance running capabilities of our footballers.

e.g. Shane Crawford has always been considered as having one of the best tanks in the comp (I remember Leigh Matthews commenting in amazement at the way he was able to run Robert Harvey off his feet one day). Yet, a few years back, their fitness coach (Bodhan Babiczuk) had his players compete in inter-club athletics one summer. The best of them was Crawford but he was barely competitive in the 800m, with a time around 2 minutes - and that was in B grade! That's a long way from elite level.

For what it's worth, the best athlete in the league may well be Sean Rusling - assuming the 47+ he ran for 400m as a 17yo is genuine (and I suspect it might be). Pavlich mightn't be far behind - IMO he'd make a sensational decathlete.

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Pies back in training

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