Port Chooses Primus

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Re: Port Adelaide Football Club chooses Matthew Primus to replace Mark Williams as coach

My preference was for an outside influence, but for all we know, Primus has been champing at the bit for the past few years to put his personal stamp on the team.

If this is a legitimate outcome of the the process, which I don't believe we have any reason to feel otherwise, I suggest we get behind Primus 100% and I try to say that in the most measured way possible as a non-blind faith supporter. The club needs it/us.
I'm actually surprised at the vehemence of those who are against this decision...

Matty hasn't done anything to support your claims he will be a choco clone and that this day will be forever known as the death of the club or any of that silly nonsense.

In fact, he won 5 of the 7 games he coached. The losses were against two top 4 teams. Although we did relinquish leads we shouldn't have - in the Choco era we would have lost those games. We didn't. He introduced a more direct gameplan. He didn't pick players because their names were Motlop or Cornes. He played Broadbent, Hitchcock, Banner, Stewart, Moore.

Basically all I'm saying is - next year hasn't happened yet. Give him your support and give him a chance. How do you expect the club to survive if its supporters jump off when they don't like a decision that they have not been privy to the selection process?

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Drawing on Bernie's final paragraph, you've got to stay on for the ride kids. People power can make a difference - 32,000 at a game versus 22,000 can erase the supposed deficits of a coach IMO.
For all those calling for outside influences, you have to remember laidley is leaving and so is kingsley, with matty moving up to the top job that leaves either the ruck, midfield or both jobs up for grabs as well as the defense job.

That is a potential addition of 3 new people in the box plus a possible new direction with a new head coach, and those 3 people aren't likely to come from within.
For all those calling for outside influences, you have to remember laidley is leaving and so is kingsley, with matty moving up to the top job that leaves either the ruck, midfield or both jobs up for grabs as well as the defense job.

That is a potential addition of 3 new people in the box plus a possible new direction with a new head coach, and those 3 people aren't likely to come from within.

I hope one comes from 'within' in BLade. We might even be able to steal a little of that Dimma intellectual property that everyone seems so keen on. :D
Adelaide - Had a terrible year this season
Hawthorn - are pretenders and got found out
West Coast - the worst team and we only won by a point after giving up at 3-4 goal lead in the last quarter
Melbourne - They do not travel well
Richmond - Once again gave up a 10 goal lead and nearly lost it to 15th placed tigers

Forgive me if I am wrong but that looks like a chocco summary
I had a very slight preference for Scott, but the talk of Primus being a Choco clone is just a joke.

Primus did not follow Williams and continue to play Motlop, Cornes etc.
Primus handles the media in a much better fashion than Choco.
Primus talked about tough contested and disciplined football whilst choco talked about fast and exciting football.

You cant judge Matty at this stage, surely he is allowed to have a trade period and pre-season with the team first.

I think its about time the supporters and media stopped directing everything at the coach and started to put the players under the pump. They are the ones who have not delivered.
Re: Port Adelaide Football Club chooses Matthew Primus to replace Mark Williams as coach

Can I ask why? My subconscious just feel's like it's going to be the same old same old, happy to be proven wrong. I also feel if we string 6 bad games together, everyone will be spewing saying nothings changed.

What do you think Primus will do differently?

What I do like is a Ruckman as coach, we don't see that often.

Firstly, I don't subscribe to the thinking that Primus=Choco. That is just nonsense.

Primus is a very strong leader and has had ample time in the system to gain the experience needed to jump up to the Senior Coaching role. He's gone through a thorough selection process and come out the other end as the best candidate. If they announced Scott had it, I'd say the same thing about him because I trust the process that the club engaged.

We saw glimpses of the way the team would play under Primus which was direct and no-nonsense. Yes there were some poor performances as well but this was not going to be an overnight change.

Making the tough calls on Motlop and Cornes was a good indication that he won't be working on the gold pass system.

The performance of Westhoff, Boak and D Stewart in the last few games, IMO was a good indicator of the motivational aspect of Primus as head coach, which will only get better over time.
As long as the club did its due dilligence, then if they came to the conclusion that Matty was the best fit for the job then its all good.

I wanted an outside influence with no ties to the playing list, but hopefully Matty can again but a positive imprint on our club, just like he did as a player.
I had a very slight preference for Scott, but the talk of Primus being a Choco clone is just a joke.

Primus did not follow Williams and continue to play Motlop, Cornes etc.
Primus handles the media in a much better fashion than Choco.
Primus talked about tough contested and disciplined football whilst choco talked about fast and exciting football.

Well said, mate. Again and this comes from someone who was very 50/50 on the final decision.

Those who cannot see the above are as silly as those who don't think Motlop was selfish in 2010.
Re: Port Adelaide Football Club chooses Matthew Primus to replace Mark Williams as coach

Are you kidding me? People kept ruling themselves out of the job, in the end we only had to options left because no one wanted to coach our joke of a club.

You can't be that naive. Do you really think everyone ruled themselves out of the only head coaching gig going? No of course they didn't, our selection panel would've politely told them that they wouldn't be proceeding any further in the process and they would've allowed them to leave with their dignity and say they pulled out. The 'Pulled out' crap is a total myth.

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Re: Port Adelaide Football Club chooses Matthew Primus to replace Mark Williams as coach

I would like a BF poster who was present at the interviews and presentations to give their opinion on the selection of Primus over Scott.

Apparently Alberton_Magpie was there by the looks so I look forward to his reply to your post........ ;)
Re: Port Adelaide Football Club chooses Matthew Primus to replace Mark Williams as coach

You can't be that naive. Do you really think everyone ruled themselves out of the only head coaching gig going? No of course they didn't, our selection panel would've politely told them that they wouldn't be proceeding any further in the process and they would've allowed them to leave with their dignity and say they pulled out. The 'Pulled out' crap is a total myth.

No I realize to a degree thats what happened, but after Hinkley ruled himself out and Richardson decided to focus on the Essendon job there was not many options left
Re: Port Adelaide Football Club chooses Matthew Primus to replace Mark Williams as coach

Bomber I know what your saying but it just worries me.

Every time we drop a lead of chip it around etc the comparisons are going to made, maybe not by everyone, but by many, especially those that view our club like Alberton. Which in effect will be destablising, a new coach there wouldn't be that linkage.

Primus will need to stamp his authority and game style very early on next year to differentiate himself from Choco and I am sure he will.

I just hope we get good assistants.

Lade, Basset would be two I would be hunting down.

Who are we getting in the Laidley role is another? Matthew Knights. We could be become the John Wests club.
Well done Matty, I am prepared to accept the club performed due diligence and appointed the person best suited for the job.

I will be keen to see how Matty gets on after a full pre-season in charge and being the main man during the selection process etc etc

Only then can I make a decision if I think they made the correct decision.

I am not in a position to make sweeping statements that the club has made a mistake.
Re: Port Adelaide Football Club chooses Matthew Primus to replace Mark Williams as coach

Lade, Basset would be two I would be hunting down.

Given that part of the presentation would involve the naming of likely candidates for assistant coaches, this may have been one of the aspects that tipped the selection in Primus' favour.

A coaching panel that includes Primus, Lade, Basset and Hocking wouldn't be too shabby IMO.
Well done Matty:thumbsu:
My initial expectations of you will not be based so much on the win/loss ratio of the side but moreso on the continual lack of gold passes, structure and desire displayed.
All the best!!!
Re: Port Adelaide Football Club chooses Matthew Primus to replace Mark Williams as coach

Well I was leaning towards Scott but good luck to Primus, I hope he proves a alot of people wrong.

Its an exciting time for PAFC, we have a new coach a young list and you never know, Primus may have been the better man for the job. Did you do the interview????? Whos to say that Scott is a better fit when he hasn't been head coach in the AFL??? It was a risk either way.

To the people who have 'lost all hope' or 'not renewing membership'. Get over it, how could you not support your club? It's suporters like you that we don't need.
Re: Port Adelaide Football Club chooses Matthew Primus to replace Mark Williams as coach

I am disappointed, in a way. Most of me really just wanted something 'different'. A fresh start. The 5-2 did not really impress me that much. I hope that was not a 'clincher', as I still saw the same old, even in some of those wins. I guess the decision has me thinking of the re-appoint Choco decision, which left a bad taste.

But, I guess now he is the coach, and all i can do is hope that he can turn it into era.
Re: Port Adelaide Football Club chooses Matthew Primus to replace Mark Williams as coach

Paul Roos played and coached under Eade - do you think it was the Eade-Roos era??

Of course it was not. Fuzzy logic here folks.

Not convinced at all on the Roos/Primus comparison, Roos through his career played under David Parkin, Rober Walls, Rod Austin, Robert Shaw, Ron Barrassi and Eade whereas Primus has really only played prodominently under Williams.

All being said though good luck though to Primus, I think he deserved the job after the great job he did as caretaker.
Re: Port Adelaide Football Club chooses Matthew Primus to replace Mark Williams as coach

I can now honestly say I have no faith in our club anymore, once again we took the easy option. I will not be renewing my membership next year and the williams era can now be renamed the williams-primus era instead now because its still not finished.

This prior to even hearing the reasons. Over reaction.

Just remember - you support the Club - not the coach or the players.

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Port Chooses Primus

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