Play Nice Post sanction: Taylor Walker publically apologises for his racial slur

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Look, it is a good apology, and it seems to have been taken as genuine given that Young was willing to appear in the apology video.

But I really hope that people take notice of what a lot of other Aboriginal people are saying about this - that it's not an isolated one-off issue, it's something they see, hear, and feel on a regular basis.
Maybe its just me but this all seems very out of proportion.

You can go around throwing elbows and physical hurt another player and get off with a wrist slap, but say a bad word and cop 6 weeks suspension, plus a massive fine, then apologies and get told you might lose your job anyway.
Seems to me the AFL is far more interested in presenting its Woke credentials, that actual doing anything about racism or protecting players from injury from players lifting, swing and throwing elbows that does real physical harm.

Quite frankly I'm surprised Walker bother to apologies, give it doesn't help. All it does is invite yet another round of condemnation and vitriol.

Maybe its just me but this all seems very out of proportion.

You can go around throwing elbows and physical hurt another player and get off with a wrist slap, but say a bad word and cop 6 weeks suspension, plus a massive fine, then apologies and get told you might lose your job anyway.
Seems to me the AFL is far more interested in presenting its Woke credentials, that actual doing anything about racism or protecting players from injury from players lifting, swing and throwing elbows that does real physical harm.

Quite frankly I'm surprised Walker bother to apologies, give it doesn't help. All it does is invite yet another round of condemnation and vitriol.

agree and disagree

i think Walker's punishment is fine

but you are right, elbows and behind the play non-football hits should be punished way more than they currently are

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You can go around throwing elbows and physical hurt another player and get off with a wrist slap, but say a bad word and cop 6 weeks suspension, plus a massive fine, then apologies and get told you might lose your job anyway.
Seems to me the AFL is far more interested in presenting its Woke credentials, that actual doing anything about racism or protecting players from injury from players lifting, swing and throwing elbows that does real physical harm.
That's because there are actually some occasions where the pen is mightier than the sword. This is one.
Maybe its just me but this all seems very out of proportion.

You can go around throwing elbows and physical hurt another player and get off with a wrist slap, but say a bad word and cop 6 weeks suspension, plus a massive fine, then apologies and get told you might lose your job anyway.
Seems to me the AFL is far more interested in presenting its Woke credentials, that actual doing anything about racism or protecting players from injury from players lifting, swing and throwing elbows that does real physical harm.

Quite frankly I'm surprised Walker bother to apologies, give it doesn't help. All it does is invite yet another round of condemnation and vitriol.
Yeah it's you alright!!!
Woke = the term people want to use to criticise people who are actually aware of what is and isn’t acceptable in general society

an apologist on bigfooty a couple of days ago posted something along the lines of 'the official who reported Walker is a known SJW/Dobber' as if that was somehow supposed to absolve the allegations
Honestly kinda hoping he ends up having his contract for next year torn up. I just can't see how he plays again and I'm not sure I feel comfortable seeing him represent the club again.

It's beyond madness for him to think this kind of thing is okay after years of cultural education in the AFL system. He's hurt the entire indigenous community, including players at his own club and he's put the club itself in an incredibly shitty position in the middle of all this mess, even moreso as a former captain.

The apology was obviously scripted, maybe he doesn't trust himself to talk freely, who knows. At some point he'll have to front the media properly and answer the hard questions, though now may not be the right time, I don't see what good it'll do the people he's hurt just seeing him get torn to shreds by reporters while he's likely not in the frame of mind to say anything of value.
Any apology was going to be well thought out / scripted.

Yep, he said something he shouldn't have, I'm still feeling for him.
My gut feel is he was being descriptive rather than aiming to hurt or attack using racism but when you are in a professional position like Tex is in, you need to be smarter than that.
I hope its not the last time he pulls on the jumper, would be a terrible end to his time. I haven't forgotten mid 2015.
This racism crap is ridiculous. So many people claim a comment is racist when it is not. It is only racist if you believe your race is better than another. Simple dictionary definition. Now we have a government wanting 100 points of ID to have a social media account and we then have to hand over our passwords to police so they can monitor abuse. Ffs toughen up princess, not everyone has your opinion and views so stop whining about racism when it is not. Until we know what was said, we don't know if it is truly racist. We are born free, and it is only society saying what we can and can't say because of some leftard whitey who has never experienced racism telling us that we are racist. How many people do you know who are racist? The way people carry on it is like we are all racist. Toughen up and allow people to think and say what they want. Freedom of speech is a right and we no longer have it due to soft princesses.

I counted more tangents than your total post count there

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This racism crap is ridiculous. So many people claim a comment is racist when it is not. It is only racist if you believe your race is better than another. Simple dictionary definition. Now we have a government wanting 100 points of ID to have a social media account and we then have to hand over our passwords to police so they can monitor abuse. Ffs toughen up princess, not everyone has your opinion and views so stop whining about racism when it is not. Until we know what was said, we don't know if it is truly racist. We are born free, and it is only society saying what we can and can't say because of some leftard whitey who has never experienced racism telling us that we are racist. How many people do you know who are racist? The way people carry on it is like we are all racist. Toughen up and allow people to think and say what they want. Freedom of speech is a right and we no longer have it due to soft princesses.

Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences. You’ll notice that Tex is not in any trouble from the law, his employer has deemed his conduct in the workplace to be inappropriate and have therefore passed down penalties. I’m sure that Tex was also aware of all this beforehand and probably signed a contract which stated he can’t say such things at the club.

The man who said it admitted himself that it was a racist comment. He might not believe that his race is better than others but that is what making a racist comment indicates. As for the sticks and stones may break my bones bullshit if you still truly believe that then maybe you need to crawl back under the rock that you came from.
It would be weak and gutless if Adelaide tare up Tex Walker's contract - everyone ****s up - Young seems to have offered some forgiveness and we don't even know the context or what he said so really who can actually sit on a high hoarse and judge much more than acknowledge racism is bad and Tex must have stuffed up?
I think it's a bit beyond whether the punishment fits or not. You cant fine the racism out of a person.
Making racist comments is a mistake, but it's a mistake only made by racist people.
I dislike like Bullies and racism is a beautiful example of being a bully and a gutless bully.

I'd also say that standing up and owning your mistakes takes courage.

Well done to Tex for owning his mistake and well done to Young for accepting the apology. Hopefully this example helps us all appreciate Australia, although a great place for so many, still has a long way to go and so much to learn.
I think it's a bit beyond whether the punishment fits or not. You cant fine the racism out of a person.
Making racist comments is a mistake, but it's a mistake only made by racist people.

I'm not sure that's true

Discrimination is often driven by fear, emotion, a lack of self-control, a lack of awareness and sensitivity, insecurity etc
Let's be honest, Taylor Walker is sorry he got caught.

I'm sure this is normal behaviour for him, just this time he got caught...
As usual there is both overreaction and undereaction. If Young has accepted the apology then it doesnt matter what everyone else says or writes.
Any apology was going to be well thought out / scripted.
And - though it's not going to be a popular thought - on the scale of racist behaviour it's not cross-burning. Cop the fine, cop the games, give a sincere apology, and then prove yourself by not doing it again.

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Play Nice Post sanction: Taylor Walker publically apologises for his racial slur

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