Mod. Notice Posting guidelines and general etiquette. IMPORTANT UPDATE, PLEASE READ

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Full site rules can be found here:

Rules about content can be found here:

On registration you agreed to not use the forum to submit or link to any Content which is:
  • defamatory,
  • hateful,
  • threatening,
  • abusive,
  • spam or spam-like,
  • likely to offend,
  • contains adult or objectionable content,
  • contains personal information of others,
  • risks copyright infringement,
  • encourages unlawful activity,
  • or otherwise violates any laws.
Opposition Posters – Etiquette

We are an open board to supporters of opposition teams and you are more than welcome to visit and have a respectful discussion with our posters. However, you must do so respectfully. You are a guest on our board, so you must follow our rules; which includes

  • No trolling or baiting
  • No abusing our posters
  • No posting in threads with “No opposition poster tags”
Richmond posters:

Please be aware that you are not exempt from site rules just because you are responding to an opposition poster. If an opposition poster comes wanting genuine discussion, either respond respectfully or don’t at all. Abuse of opposition posters wanting respectful discussion will not be tolerated and will be treated in the same manner as if it was a Richmond poster.

Thread Derailing:

It is simple. Keep threads on topic. If the thread is about Dustin Martin, please only use it to discuss Dusty. Anyone who makes off topic posts will have their posts deleted. Anyone constantly derailing a thread will be banned from that thread for a week.

Permanent thread bans may be issued to posters who continually hijack threads.

Please understand we do not want to "suppress free speech". We just want this board to run as smooth as possible, and not have threads constantly denigrating into off topic debates and make it a lot more relevant.

If a post is not relevant to the topic of the thread, report it.

Creating new threads:

Before creating a new thread, please check to see if there is already a thread on the topic, you don't need to make a new thread every time an idea pops into your head.

If you have an original and interesting idea then by all means create a thread but remember we are trying to keep the forum readable and if new or old members come on and it's just a mess of threads they will quickly be turned off.

If you have any questions or issues our PM box is always open

Thank you,

The Richmond Board Mod Team.

Sterge, Tugga, Michaels, Wacky Tiger, NaturalDisaster
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We have noticed a rise in the number of posts using slurs and general crude language on the board over the past few days and wish to remind everyone of the below big footy rules:

1.Basic Conduct and Etiquette - Bigfooty

1A) Race, Ethnicity and Nationality:
Race, Ethnicity, Nationality or any other abuse directed at a player’s or posters ethnic, cultural or religious background will not be tolerated and remains subject to disciplinary measures from BigFooty’s administrators or site owners.

1B) Sexual Orientation:
As per rule 1A, abuse with regards to sexual orientation is also forbidden. Comments about a person’s sexual preference will be strictly prohibited and any such person who breaks this rule will be subject to disciplinary measures from BigFooty’s administrators or site owners.

Any breach of these guidelines will result in infractions given immediately.

Please keep this in mind whilst posting and if in doubt don't post it. If you are unsure or seek clarification on any aspect of the Big Footy rules our pm's are always open.

Thanks for your understanding

The Richmond Board Mod Team.

NUFC Tiger Grockadoc Sterge _Cayz_
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Before you make a new thread

Please check to see if there is already a thread on the topic, you don't need to make a new thread every time an idea pops into your head.

If you have an original and interesting idea then by all means create a thread but remember we are trying to keep the forum readable and if new or old members come on and it's just a mess of threads they will quickly be turned off.

If you have any questions or issues our PM box is always open

Thank you

NUFC Tiger Grockadoc _Cayz_ Sterge

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Hi all,

a reminder on the following rule:

1.Basic Conduct and Etiquette - Bigfooty

1A) Race, Ethnicity and Nationality:
Race, Ethnicity, Nationality or any other abuse directed at a player’s or posters ethnic, cultural or religious background will not be tolerated and remains subject to disciplinary measures from BigFooty’s administrators or site owners.

We are all facing the impacts of the Coronavirus pandemic, some of us stick at home, somes jobs may be on the line, some may have been directly affected themselves. To all those people, I wish you all the best and hope you safely get through this tough time.

However, be warned that it is NOT an excuse to be racist. Racism towards those of Asian or any nationality will not be tolerated.


The Mod team
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Hi all,

There has been an increase in mod bashing/whinging/complaining on here lately. Please note that this is against site rules. If you have an issue with a mod decision, weather it be here or another board, please contact the Admins. Do not publicly air your grievances.

  1. Don't be a whinger.
    • If you get a warning or a suspension don't fly off the handle. You'll only get yourself in deeper.
    • Make your case clearly and respectfully and you will be listened to. Chuck a tanty and you might get the flick.
    • If you are not happy with your response from a moderator, contact Admin here.


Richmond Board Mod team
Hi all,

Just some clarification on what can and can't be posted in terms of screenshots/posts from other boards:

What is ok:

- Quotes without the username tag.
- Screenshots with the username and avatar of the user cropped out

What is NOT ok:
- Screenshots or quotes with the username of a poster showing - this just invites trouble.
- Screenshots or quotes of you trolling other boards or other posters reactions to you trolling, regardless of whether usernames are cropped out. We don't want that shit here.
- Screenshots of mod infractions/ warnings - Big no no, this will result in an instant card.

A reminder of site rules. I understand a lot of you have met others from this board at games, meet ups etc. Take note that you MUST respect their privacy on here and not reveal any of their personal info without permission.

Failure to do so is a serious breach of site rules. In here and in the corner.

This also includes tracking or finding information about a user and posting it publicly.

  1. Don't be a stalker.
    • This includes tracking down and posting social media images, names, addresses and so on.
    • Exceptions will include information for contacting firms, government departments and politicians through their publicly listed details.

Any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask


Richmond mod team

Sterge, tugga, NaturalDisaster, Michaels
Hi all,

There has been an increase in mod bashing/whinging/complaining on here lately. Please note that this is against site rules. If you have an issue with a mod decision, weather it be here or another board, please contact the Admins. Do not publicly air your grievances.

  1. Don't be a whinger.
    • If you get a warning or a suspension don't fly off the handle. You'll only get yourself in deeper.
    • Make your case clearly and respectfully and you will be listened to. Chuck a tanty and you might get the flick.
    • If you are not happy with your response from a moderator, contact Admin here.


Richmond Board Mod team

Hi all,

Quick reminder on this.

Please do not go and troll other boards (including react trolling) and then come back and brag about it or brag about others doing it.

Please also do not diss the mods of this board or other boards publicly, this is against the rules site wide.

If you have an issue with a card or a warning you received, please contact a supermod or site admin.


Richmond mod team.
Some of you need a rules reminder:
On registration you agreed to not use the forum to submit or link to any Content which is:
  • defamatory,
  • hateful,
  • threatening,
  • abusive,
  • spam or spam-like,
  • likely to offend,
  • contains adult or objectionable content,
  • contains personal information of others,
  • risks copyright infringement,
  • encourages unlawful activity,
  • or otherwise violates any laws.
We have seen crude images being posted, racist, sexist and homophobic posts, abuse, baiting and general snipes.

If it continues, we start handing out cards or even board bans.
It hasn’t been easy being a Tigers supporter of late. As a moderating team we get that. We are Richmond supporters too (though still not convinced Muddiemoose isn’t an North supporter troll) However, we have noticed over the last few seasons a certain attitude on the board at times that has seen more than a few valuable contributors drift away or even stop posting altogether. What follows is how we have decided to deal with it for this coming season and beyond. It has been heavily borrowed from couple of other boards with the blessing of their moderation teams. They have had similar experiences which just goes to show it's nothing unique to this club board in particular.

Firstly, we have a zero tolerance for posting that is designed to make other posters time here less pleasant or generally bring the tone of the board down. This can include:

  • any kind of abuse/denigration of a fellow Tigers poster (even if in retaliation).
  • Bullying
  • Disruptive posting and baiting
  • Undermining mods in doing their jobs
  • Unnecessary abuse toward opposition posters who are not doing anything wrong.

In short, treat others the way you wish to be treated even if you feel they are not treating you that way.

We are aware that a very small number of posters continually denigrate either players, coach or club on a regular basis and rarely, if ever, make a positive comment when contributing to discussions. The moderating team will identify and take appropriate steps to deal with those posters who consistently post derisory content without offering any constructive contribution. This board is not a dumping ground for your negativity, nor is it an excuse to continually abuse players or staff.

A note about "negativity"/"positivity". There is nothing at all wrong with being critical of the club, the team, the coaching staff, the playing group and/or individual players. The inverse also applies. You are fully entitled to heap praise too. Freedom of speech however is not free of consequences.

Your right to express an opinion in a public forum such as this comes with the equal right of anyone else to criticise that opinion. If you are offended or insulted by having your views questioned, consider whether posting on a forum is a good way to spend your time.

Criticism of opinions or views is fine. Personal criticism is not. Telling people to piss off etc is not on. Play the ball not the person.

Relentless or belligerent negativity OR positivity will not be tolerated. Neither is constant abuse of players or club staff. In assessing this issue mods will ask the question "is this poster genuinely interested in discussing or debating the issue?" If the answer is no, expect some action to be taken.

To be clear, the following behaviour is no longer allowed:

  • Any form of threats towards players and their families will not be tolerated regardless of whether its a joke or not.
  • Constant abuse or players or club staff that has nothing to do with football. Saying a player is not AFL standard is fine, saying a Coach made a poor decision is also fine. Attacking their person or character however, is not on and may lead to disciplinary action from the moderation team. A couple of examples:
    • “I don’t think player A will make it, they have too many traits that are well below AFL standard” = Fine. “Player A is such a waste of space of a person and should be taken out the back and shot” = Not fine.
    • “Player A makes really dumb decisions at times” = Fine. “Player A has a better footy IQ than player B” = Also Fine. “Player A is a complete ******” = Not fine
    • “Coach A is a complete moron from a loser team culture, why do we employ losers” = Not Fine “Coach A makes really moronic decisions at times” = Fine
  • Any form of defamation of a player or coaching staff will not be tolerated. For example, Questioning a medical staff members competence is fine, accusing them of purposely going out to injure players is not fine.
  • Wishing injuries on players. I don’t care how much you don’t rate a certain player, wishing injuries on Richmond players is not on.
  • Relentless negativity or positivity. Being naturally optimistic or pessimistic is fine, derailing every thread to bully others into seeing things the way you do is not.
  • Remember its just a game of footy. It’s not life and death, and if the team is performing poorly, they aren’t doing it on purpose to ruin your mood or your day. Bad performances hurt the players/coaches/clubs just as much if not more than it does us.
Furthermore, please be aware that the moderators don't necessarily read every single post on every single thread as soon as it is posted. If you have a legitimate problem with something that has been posted please USE THE REPORT BUTTON and it will be dealt with in due course. Please remember that Moderators are people too with lives and families and stuff going on. They are not here 24/7. Just because you had a post deleted within a minute, and another person’s post of a similar nature took a while to be actioned does not mean we have it in for you, nor does it mean that they are being given “free reign”.

Last behaviour we have noticed is “revenge” reporting, that is when you get a warning, card or a post deleted and go around reporting posts thats even remotely similar to what you posted in order to claim double standards or favouritism. Although we encourage you to report posts that break rules, going on a reporting spree just because you got pulled up for something just makes you look petulant. If you get a post deleted, or get carded for something, please just cop it on the chin. If you do trely think someone is getting away with something you got carded for, feel free to report or PM one of us about it rather than abusing the report feature.

If you have an issue or a query about the moderation of the board in general or something we have done or not done, please feel free to approach us PRIVATELY and we will be happy to discuss it with you. Please also note though that our decision is final and once we reach that point, if you are still unsatisfied you are more than welcome to contact a Super Moderator or an Admin if you feel you haven't received a fair hearing. Public commentary of board moderation decisions will not be tolerated under any circumstances. This always has and will continue to be the rule. This applies to this post, I know this will receive backlash. Please take up any issue with these rules privately and don't go complaining publicly in any thread.

The guiding principle with all of the above is that our job is to make the Big Footy experience as enjoyable as possible for as many as possible.

Thanks for understanding and GO TIGERS!

- Richmond Mod Team
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