Premier B - 2015

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Rah Rah from yourself. I'm not sure why you get upset. I don't consider APS Schools better than 'ruffians' you mentioned. I just like to see them do well as that's my background. I like bringing the rivalries from school days alive again. I'm surprised this is an issue for you. I'm happy 2 APS schools are going to A to make it 5. Nothing more.

Not upset. I just respect clubs for what they bring to the competition, not the fact they are come from an APS background. While I acknowledge there are some outstanding APS old boys clubs in the top grades, personally I think diversity is great for the VAFA. Clubs like Fitzroy with their massive junior program and Monash with a huge and largely untapped student base could progress to ‘A’ grade in the near future. For me that’s better than having OMs and Haileybury yo-yo between and A & B as they have done for the last 10 years or so. If so keen on watching APS competition then perhaps stick to watching the APS Saturday sport

Actually I’m not sure how clubs like Haileybury and Caulfield Grammar with their huge student base and potential networks can even find themselves in C grade.
Watching and playing schoolboy footy was great when i was a teenager. But those days are gone. My team will have 8 games against fellow old boys APS teams next year. That should be enough. Perhaps Scotch and Brighton the following year can boost APS A up to 7 of the 10. Can only dream....
Each to their own, but I'm with Rooster on this one. The greater the diversity of clubs in each grade, for me, the better the competition.

One of the best experiences I had was moving to Fitzroy after 15 years of constant playing for and against "old boy" clubs, mainly APS/AGS/ACC, and not truly appreciating what suburban amateur clubs can offer their players. It broadens your thinking as a person as much as a player/coach. It's healthy, and hopefully we can continue to have a blend of suburban, university, APS, AGS and ACC clubs in the Premier sections.

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Watching and playing schoolboy footy was great when i was a teenager. But those days are gone. My team will have 8 games against fellow old boys APS teams next year. That should be enough. Perhaps Scotch and Brighton the following year can boost APS A up to 7 of the 10. Can only dream....

You can dream.......but I can’t see any of this year’s top 4 sides and Uni Blacks departing ‘A’ grade anytime soon. 7/10 is some way off I think.

My allegiance is well known but out of interest who is your club?
You can dream.......but I can’t see any of this year’s top 4 sides and Uni Blacks departing ‘A’ grade anytime soon. 7/10 is some way off I think.

My allegiance is well known but out of interest who is your club?
One thing is for sure is that SKOBS has stuck it up him.
Perhaps. I think we way lose a Uni side to A grade next year.
I like to remain a mystery re my side.
Keeps my reputation as an unbiased reviewer and excellent commentator intact.
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One thing is for sure is that SKOBS has stuck it up him.

Not really Bedders. If you have seen the private posts between me and Briza, you would know that I was rooting for them to get to A. A great catholic APS school...cmon!
Choking calls, Jana Novotnas, SKOB had Greg Norman address them at half time etc etc are attempts to be humorous and add a little spice and colour. Nothing more. I did say attempts....
One thing is for sure is that SKOBS has stuck it up him.

Just to add a counterpoint to all the SKOB fawning here, Bedders.;)

With all the time, money and effort put into the facilities (how Stonnington fell into that still amazes many residents) ground re-surfacing and what-not without Stephen Gilham they go out in straight sets.

Fair bit of arrogance too in having premier T-shirts printed before the game. Took 'em a long time to show 'em. Story is their supporters were packing themselves until well into the game.

Magnificent effort by OM's to come back from being slaughtered twice during the year. Their ferocious tackling took its toll and they ran out of legs in the last term by many accounts.
Just to add a counterpoint to all the SKOB fawning here, Bedders.;)

With all the time, money and effort put into the facilities (how Stonnington fell into that still amazes many residents) ground re-surfacing and what-not without Stephen Gilham they go out in straight sets.

Fair bit of arrogance too in having premier T-shirts printed before the game. Took 'em a long time to show 'em. Story is their supporters were packing themselves until well into the game.

Magnificent effort by OM's to come back from being slaughtered twice during the year. Their ferocious tackling took its toll and they ran out of legs in the last term by many accounts.

Such a bad post. 20-0 for the year. Fancy having a crack at a 20 zip team. Jeez they were lucky!!
The Gilham comment doesn't make sense. That's like saying if OM's best player on the day didn't play, they would have lost by 5-6 goals.
Of course SKOB people worried until late in the was a close game.
Such a bad post. 20-0 for the year. Fancy having a crack at a 20 zip team. Jeez they were lucky!!
The Gilham comment doesn't make sense. That's like saying if OM's best player on the day didn't play, they would have lost by 5-6 goals.
Of course SKOB people worried until late in the was a close game.

Such a bad riposte.;) Had you comprehended my post you'd have got I was specifically referring the finals and connecting it to their past exits. Entirely unrelated to their year. A year in which they clearly excelled. Acknowledged at least in part with my reference to their slaughtering of OM's twice during the year.

With regard to Gilham. I can't take credit for the originality. John Kanis a premiership coach of recent times said it today in the prelude to the game.

As I said at the beginning, merely putting a counterpoint to the SKOB love-in here.

You're not having a very good few days on this board.:)
Just to add a counterpoint to all the SKOB fawning here, Bedders.;)

With all the time, money and effort put into the facilities (how Stonnington fell into that still amazes many residents) ground re-surfacing and what-not without Stephen Gilham they go out in straight sets.

Fair bit of arrogance too in having premier T-shirts printed before the game. Took 'em a long time to show 'em. Story is their supporters were packing themselves until well into the game.

Magnificent effort by OM's to come back from being slaughtered twice during the year. Their ferocious tackling took its toll and they ran out of legs in the last term by many accounts.

Great effort from SKOB on the weekend. I was like many who didn't hold much hope at half time. Disbelief was the best way to describe the mood at the 'wick. The comeback was one for the ages and will haunt many of the SKOB haters on this board for many years to come!!! I will file the criticism of having a non St. Kevin's boy as the star (SG) and having T shirts printed beforehand in the pathetic and jealous file. OMs were immense and looked to well place for Premier next year. Had freezer played things may have been different. He was OK in Essendon's loss yesterday and his fitness level would have helped. Clubs are at their best when their is a good blend of old boys and non old boys. Its a very very bad sign when the only people who will play for your club are people who went to the school. I would be in the majority in saying I enjoyed making new mates at 19s and senior level with blokes who did not go to the school but I played footy with. Finally I reckon the two finals wins (1 with 4 injured players and the epic comeback) were as good as they come. Particularly for a club who has had to cope it in the neck for having a terrible finals record. Ps reckon the very strong SKOB Hill played a part. Clearly had the larger crowd which helped with momentum (I understand that OMs would have been less excited given the had won B grade in recent history).
Great effort from SKOB on the weekend. I was like many who didn't hold much hope at half time. Disbelief was the best way to describe the mood at the 'wick. The comeback was one for the ages and will haunt many of the SKOB haters on this board for many years to come!!! I will file the criticism of having a non St. Kevin's boy as the star (SG) and having T shirts printed beforehand in the pathetic and jealous file. OMs were immense and looked to well place for Premier next year. Had freezer played things may have been different. He was OK in Essendon's loss yesterday and his fitness level would have helped. Clubs are at their best when their is a good blend of old boys and non old boys. Its a very very bad sign when the only people who will play for your club are people who went to the school. I would be in the majority in saying I enjoyed making new mates at 19s and senior level with blokes who did not go to the school but I played footy with. Finally I reckon the two finals wins (1 with 4 injured players and the epic comeback) were as good as they come. Particularly for a club who has had to cope it in the neck for having a terrible finals record. Ps reckon the very strong SKOB Hill played a part. Clearly had the larger crowd which helped with momentum (I understand that OMs would have been less excited given the had won B grade in recent history).
Enjoyed reading your post man in outer. Would have given it a like had it not been spoilt by the SKOB "haters" bit.

For my part I was merely putting a counterpoint to all the SKOB adulation. I didn't think OMs had a 'snowballs' pre-game and said so. The only one here who did was the redoubtable Jase.

OMs attack on the ball and the man with the ball in the first half was inspiring and their 7 goal lead was more than deserved. A 7 goal lead over a team with considerably more natural football talent. Unfortunately for those of us who have a feeling for the underdog that enormous effort took its toll in the long run.

OMs are a club that was virtually on its knees not so long ago. Had very few volunteers and little money. It's a credit to them to have got to a position where they are now well supported on both counts and back in the top division. That is in no small part due to the efforts to Nathan Brown who if not the best coach in the VAFA very close to it.

I have posted more positive stuff about Skevvies than negative in this thread. Given them credit for developing a superb list. Credited them with being clearly the best team during the home and away season many times. Said they will be more than competitive in Premier if they can keep their list together. Suggested OMs could give them 5 goals start and still win by plenty at the big dance. I could go on.

If drawing attention to supporters putting on 'Premiers' T-shirts before the game was over (fact) and observing it was arrogant is your definition of hating then it's not mine. Nor, I'd suggest many others. Don't know of another VAFA club who would disrespect their opposition by doing that. And if your definition of hating is observing Skevvies would have gone out in straight sets but for Stephen Gilham is hating then it's not mine. It's a common view amongst those with whom I mix and many reasoned Skevvies too I'd suggest.

Don't mistake my counterpoint views with any dislike for Skevvies. They are generally a good group. Skob Football who doesn't post here enough is an example of someone who writes in a measured way with not a hint of malevolence.

Sadly can't say the same for the multi aliased poster who I have little regard for because of the all too regular personal attacks on posters who offer a negative opinion on Skevvies. As he does when he's being towelled-up for erroneous statements. The way he attacked 'Scribe' - the most articulate and one of the best credentialed posters here - a little while back was disgraceful.

Did the same last night to me but the post was taken down. Suggested I was vitriolic then carried on for para after para in his usual attack mode with erroneous statement after erroneous statement. Of course, the hypocrisy would have completely escaped him.

Really good post by you. Just don't mistake valid critical observations for SKOB 'hate'.

PS. Dammit! I'll still give you a 'like'. :D

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No one cares what you think AM, except you(and maybe Scribe).

Now **** off the two of you!

Bangers, well written old son, Canada, you've had a cracking year on these boards, Rooster, I love the De La boys, as may have been obvious when everyone had written them off.

Bedford, it's always fun when you are here, and SKOB football, wherever you are, come up for air!

Looking forward to a great year next year, 20-0 speaks for itself, hooroo!

PS: Time for me to put AM on ignore, which means this thread will be on ignore, I'm happy to see the back of Premier B, it's been a lonnnnnnnnnng time.
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No one cares what you think AM, except you(and maybe Scribe).

Now **** off the two of you!

Wow Speaking, down, Sausage. For someone who claims to not read BF cos it's crap and who claims to have me on ignore you seem to find a way around another of your erroneous 'claims'.

What a wonderful advertisement for Skevvies you are. It's no wonder so many squirm at your many of your 'contributions' here.

Now, for once, be true to your word and either place me on ignore or don't read BF cos you say it's crap. Not hard, even for you.
I'm just trying to find all this SKOB adulation that required balancing and counterpointing AM?
I have seen very little SKOB pumping up. Particularly for a 20-0 team that deserved plenty of pumping up. The seagulls will not get close enough to you to eat that chip that's sits on your left shoulder.
FYI - the mighty Wellers printed premiership t's and caps before a C Grade GF a few years back. The Scribe may remember that one as it may have been in his Camberwell days?
Play on all...
You reckon adulation was adding too much mayo? Fair enough. There was very little credit given to OMs comparatively though.

As I said in an earlier post I've written way more positive stuff about Skevvies than negative. Even mentioned quite a bit.

Know a few people at the old boys and two of a relos kids are current students there . So no chips to be seen. Seagulls either.:)
I'm just trying to find all this SKOB adulation that required balancing and counterpointing AM?
I have seen very little SKOB pumping up. Particularly for a 20-0 team that deserved plenty of pumping up. The seagulls will not get close enough to you to eat that chip that's sits on your left shoulder.
FYI - the mighty Wellers printed premiership t's and caps before a C Grade GF a few years back. The Scribe may remember that one as it may have been in his Camberwell days?
Play on all...

Was before my time at OC, but I reckon it was 2007 when they were very short odds to win the flag and Carey were their GF opponent (I was at Fitzroy at that stage).

No idea why Old Mate BS has asked me to go forth and multiply. I signed off on him many months ago, and aside from a couple of angry/disappointed SMSs he sent me whilst I was at Coburg training that night he lost his sh*t and got carded before storming off the VAFA board, I've heard nothing from him, nor bothered to comment.

Happy to keep it that way.

Go SKOB. Well done Jon Edgar et al.:thumbsu:
The only thing disappointing about the t shirts is the fact that I can't get my hands on one. BTW they were brought out well & truly after the game was finished. OM's were super. One of their supporters in particular was brilliant as he taunted all & sundry of SKOB with the choking action at H/T. He copped as good as he gave as he trudged out of EP, and then some. Some of the best banter I've ever witnessed. Every team has players that make a difference & for Kanis to single out Gilham shows just how out of touch he is with the game after only a few years out of coaching. Jonny Edgar is a legend, 'nuf said !!
The only thing disappointing about the t shirts is the fact that I can't get my hands on one. BTW they were brought out well & truly after the game was finished. OM's were super. One of their supporters in particular was brilliant as he taunted all & sundry of SKOB with the choking action at H/T. He copped as good as he gave as he trudged out of EP, and then some. Some of the best banter I've ever witnessed. Every team has players that make a difference & for Kanis to single out Gilham shows just how out of touch he is with the game after only a few years out of coaching. Jonny Edgar is a legend, 'nuf said !!
Get back on the piss
Nobody seems to have raised two things about the GF on the weekend:

1) SKOB choked BIG TIME. They were just lucky that they choked so early. It worked in their favour that they reached the point where they had nothing to lose and their talent could take over.
2) The wind turned around in the last quarter! Poor OMs kicked the first goal with the breeze to lead by 10 points, but at about the 10 minute mark the breeze gradually swung around to SKOBs end.

By the way, I have nothing against SKOB. A great season. But if you didn't notice the breeze turning around, you weren't at the game, full stop.
Had a rollicking phone call from a mate from Xavs so just had to look at this thread.
Now Wednesday Winner, you have nothing against SKOB?

According to your history, you have only made 5 posts, and guess what? They are all about how SKOB are no good, haven't had to defend, should have been beaten by Hampton etc.
EVERY SINGLE POST is negative about SKOB!

The same SKOB who just went UNDEFEATED for the first time in 60 years in the VAFA and only the third time in 123 years in the VAFA!
Yes, you read that correct, only the third time since 1892 it has happened!

I've never heard of the Premiers choking on their way to winning the premiership, is that even possible? And the wind? The wind dropped off at half time, soon after Adam Caplan ruined Tom Bayfords weekend with that superb kick into the back of the ute.

And whilst I'm here, Scribe, I wasn't referring directly to you at all, I was referring to AM's man love he has for you. I find his anti SKOB rants pathetic, especially in a year when a club was Premiers and Champions. How disrespectful and jealous can one sad person get? It's even sadder that he won't tell us all whom he is involved with or who he supports. Oh, and by the way, I only sent you one text?

Looking forward to SKOB choking again next year, hopefully we choke our way to another premiership.
Nobody seems to have raised two things about the GF on the weekend:

1) SKOB choked BIG TIME. They were just lucky that they choked so early. It worked in their favour that they reached the point where they had nothing to lose and their talent could take over.
2) The wind turned around in the last quarter! Poor OMs kicked the first goal with the breeze to lead by 10 points, but at about the 10 minute mark the breeze gradually swung around to SKOBs end.

By the way, I have nothing against SKOB. A great season. But if you didn't notice the breeze turning around, you weren't at the game, full stop.

So the team that were 44 points in front and lost didn't choke it was the team who beat them!!! Remarkable!

OMs were enormous in the 1st half especially Borthwick & De Fegley but once SKOB got their hands on the footy the OMs guys couldnt keep up. Yes the wind turned to a gentle breeze to Glenhuntly but do you really think it had an effect on the result?

This premiership goes to a lot of tireless current and ex-committee people that have set the club up with a strong vision & strategy. After playing out of tents for 4 years and before that Righetti, T H King is an awesome set up that gives the players a place to be proud of. You cannot measure an intangible like training on a cow paddock and changing in tents. There were no excuses this year and they got the job done. The club heads back to A in a much stronger position that it was in 1998 or 2005. However the people in the know down there are aware that they need to improve big time to mix it with the big boys.

It has been a tough 5 years but great to see guys like Plugger, Dowdy, Murph & Wiss get some reward for turning up year in year out.


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Premier B - 2015

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