Prince Harry- I like the boy. Now with Kate Vs Meghan Poll

Kate or Meghan

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Oct 19, 2020
AFL Club
Prince Harry is certainly shoving it up the establishment and the hypocritical Royal family.
In fact he's giving them a right royal reeming.
I don't blame him, his brother Willy bashed him and called his wife a dog and planted stories in the press.
Kate and Willy also made Harry wear that nazi uniform years ago. It's all in the book people.

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Ali said Clay was his slave name so call him by the name he wants.
He called Frazier an Uncle Tom but later on apologised.
But that's irrelevant to you calling him Clay.
When was Clay ever a slave?

He also racially vilified Frazier many times calling him a gorilla.

Who was the real “Uncle Tom”..?
His African ancestors were never called Clay but apparently you know better .
Which one of his ancestors?

Clay was born in Kentucky.
His father was born in Kentucky.
His mother was born in Kentucky.
His Grandfather was born in Kentucky.
Clay’s great grandfather was born in Virginia in 1810.

How far back you wanna go?
Which one of his ancestors?

Clay was born in Kentucky.
His father was born in Kentucky.
His mother was born in Kentucky.
His Grandfather was born in Kentucky.
Clay’s great grandfather was born in Virginia in 1810.

How far back you wanna go?
Call him what he wants to be called. He changed his name. Call him by his name. Show a skerrick of respect.

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Prince Harry- I like the boy. Now with Kate Vs Meghan Poll
