Proffessional AFL players were outrun by brick layers, school teachers, factory worke

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Re: Proffessional AFL players were outrun by brick layers, school teachers, factory w

frankc said:
IR to AFL players is like asking tennis players to play with a different type of raquet to what they are used to for most of their season.
Good starting point for an analogy.

I'd say AFL to IR, is Singles grass court to Doubles on clay.

To me the first thing I looked at was to make sure Brown and Bateman were not injured, the scoreline was irrelevent.

Are you a nurse ?
Re: Proffessional AFL players were outrun by brick layers, school teachers, factory w

rick James said:
What makes me laugh is people that suggest AFL players are amongst the worlds best athletes and they can't even win this series.

I Agree with you 100% mate.. exactly what i was thinking!!
Re: Proffessional AFL players were outrun by brick layers, school teachers, factory w

wce4premiership said:
Athletisicm can't win you everything you idiot.

Er yeah. but if you were the best athletes in the world you wouldn't get beaten by a bunch of part timers in a neutral sport, agreed?

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Re: Proffessional AFL players were outrun by brick layers, school teachers, factory w

Yeah Thats Dead right ^^^^
Re: Proffessional AFL players were outrun by brick layers, school teachers, factory w

rick James said:
Er yeah. but if you were the best athletes in the world you wouldn't get beaten by a bunch of part timers in a neutral sport, agreed?

Not a neutral sport - It is favoured more in Irelands way IMO
Re: Proffessional AFL players were outrun by brick layers, school teachers, factory w

rick James said:
Er yeah. but if you were the best athletes in the world you wouldn't get beaten by a bunch of part timers in a neutral sport, agreed?

The thing is you knob is that the hard bit of this game is the use of the ball, these guys have been playing with a round ball for their whole lifes, and while they are amateurs its not like they jsut get together once and a while and have a kick, they play their sport at the highest level possible, in many ways its like football was 20 years ago when every player still ahd jobs etc.
Re: Proffessional AFL players were outrun by brick layers, school teachers, factory w

Is everyone ignoring the fact that the irish players on show are great athletes aswell. Whatever physical elements there was to the game last nite they where won by ireland
Re: Proffessional AFL players were outrun by brick layers, school teachers, factory w

incubi said:
The thing is you knob is that the hard bit of this game is the use of the ball, these guys have been playing with a round ball for their whole lifes, and while they are amateurs its not like they jsut get together once and a while and have a kick, they play their sport at the highest level possible, in many ways its like football was 20 years ago when every player still ahd jobs etc.

I know hte round ball is hard to use, you're not understanding me, possibly because you're an idiot. In fact definitely because of that.

IF AFL players were the BEST, as in number one, in the world as athletes - the skill differences would be offset by that excellent athleticism.

Clearly they AREN'T! Understand yet? Should I draw it in crayon and scan it for you instead?
Re: Proffessional AFL players were outrun by brick layers, school teachers, factory w

rick James said:
I know hte round ball is hard to use, you're not understanding me, possibly because you're an idiot. In fact definitely because of that.

IF AFL players were the BEST, as in number one, in the world as athletes - the skill differences would be offset by that excellent athleticism.

Clearly they AREN'T! Understand yet? Should I draw it in crayon and scan it for you instead?

I think it is you who is the idiot. Let's play with a proper football, not a soccer ball and the Irish would get slaughtered.

Mate have you tried to kick a round ball? It very different to an AFL ball. YOu have to give it more air, and it goes through the air differently.

The Irish aren't that far behind AFL players in fitness, and their better use of the ball makes up for the difference.

The game is crap anyway - I don't care if Australian wins or loses, just as long as any Hawthorn players don't get injured.
Re: Proffessional AFL players were outrun by brick layers, school teachers, factory w

rick James said:
I know hte round ball is hard to use, you're not understanding me, possibly because you're an idiot. In fact definitely because of that.

IF AFL players were the BEST, as in number one, in the world as athletes - the skill differences would be offset by that excellent athleticism.

Clearly they AREN'T! Understand yet? Should I draw it in crayon and scan it for you instead?

Mate, you are a deadset tool. If we follow your logic then the Aussie IR team should also be able to beat the australian representative sides in rugby, cricket, and netball, all because their superior atheticism would overcome any skills and technique shortages.

Good one! Tool. :thumbsdown:
Re: Proffessional AFL players were outrun by brick layers, school teachers, factory w

Wooshavich said:
Mate, you are a deadset tool. If we follow your logic then the Aussie IR team should also be able to beat the australian representative sides in rugby, cricket, and netball, all because their superior atheticism would overcome any skills and technique shortages.

Good one! Tool. :thumbsdown:

They are Professionals... The irish last night are not
Re: Proffessional AFL players were outrun by brick layers, school teachers, factory w

Kerr4PM said:
They are Professionals... The irish last night are not

Professionals. What does that mean? It means they get payed enough by their sport to make a living out of it, that's it, period. The Irish boys don't make a living out of their sport and have to work for a living. Does that automatically make them less fit, less athletic, and less skilled than their professional counterparts? If that is the case then the Aussie footballers would have a walk up start for most positions in the AUstralian Olumpic team, most of which are filled by amatuers.
Re: Proffessional AFL players were outrun by brick layers, school teachers, factory w

i can guarantee you the irish boys dont train 1/10th as much as afl players do

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Believe it or not the Irish captain Kieran McGeeney has to play a Dublin Club Championship match on Monday night that will be nearly as demanding as Saturday night. He is incredible fit and admits that the only 'fun' he has outside of sport is the odd night at the cinema - thats dedication to your sport.
Re: Proffessional AFL players were outrun by brick layers, school teachers, factory w

How did Sheedy get given the coaching job anyway???

He is too old for coaching now, he is past it, a has-been. Took Essendon to within a whisker of winning the spoon this season and has put them in a position from which they will never ever recover. They are destined to finish near the bottom for years to come, until Sheedy calls it quits.
Re: Proffessional AFL players were outrun by brick layers, school teachers, factory w

Wooshavich said:
Mate, you are a deadset tool. If we follow your logic then the Aussie IR team should also be able to beat the australian representative sides in rugby, cricket, and netball, all because their superior atheticism would overcome any skills and technique shortages.

Good one! Tool. :thumbsdown:

No dropkick, because netball, cricket etc. wouldn't be a NEUTRAL contest.

The IR series is as neutral as you get, not to mention the fact the aussies are playing against AMATEURS! NOT PROFESSIONALS!

Seriosuly, get a clue.
Re: Proffessional AFL players were outrun by brick layers, school teachers, factory w

Frankston Rover said:
You haven't answered my question yet, rick? Who are the best athletes then?

I'm not sure the exact best, but there are about a dozen sports that produce better athletes than AFL.

Gymnastics, Ballet (if you want to call it a sport), Boxing, Muay thai, Basketball and many more.

Now you know, so there's no excuse for you to be so stupid next time, agreed?
Re: Proffessional AFL players were outrun by brick layers, school teachers, factory w

Wooshavich said:
Professionals. What does that mean? It means they get payed enough by their sport to make a living out of it, that's it, period. The Irish boys don't make a living out of their sport and have to work for a living. Does that automatically make them less fit, less athletic, and less skilled than their professional counterparts? If that is the case then the Aussie footballers would have a walk up start for most positions in the AUstralian Olumpic team, most of which are filled by amatuers.

Wait, so you AGREE that AFL players aren't the best athletes in the world?
I agree, finely tuned professional athletes, should be able to beat a collection of part-time athletes.

The problem as I see it though is in the selection process. Did we get ahead of ourselves or think it would be too easy. We must have because the number one athlete in both the known and unknown universe was left out of the squad.

Brock McLean
mwalker said:
I agree, finely tuned professional athletes, should be able to beat a collection of part-time athletes.

The problem as I see it though is in the selection process. Did we get ahead of ourselves or think it would be too easy. We must have because the number one athlete in both the known and unknown universe was left out of the squad.

Brock McLean

Exactly. I could not agree more.
Supersonic said:
Jeez, they were playing a game they only play twice a year, with a ball they rarely use, on the other side of the world, and only lost it in the last 30 seconds. Sheedy was coaching only his third game in a sport that is very different to one he usually coaches.

Just because Ireland's players are amateurs doesn't mean they're not good athletes.

Give them a break

you could use exactly the same excuses if ireland lost, so you can chuck that out the window
Re: Proffessional AFL players were outrun by brick layers, school teachers, factory w

incubi said:
how does athleticism help learn new rules and skills to a sport quite unlike what you actually play?
the roudns ball is the biggest hurdle for australia playing the game, the tackling is the biggest hurdle for the irish. the wet greasy conditions made our hurdle even bigger and our bigger stronger bodied players were less of an advantage in the wet weather.

atheleticism and skill are completely different things, and well aussie rules players arent the msto athletic, ever watched a triathlon?

WRONG WRONG!! i had a massive argument on this with idiots like you when we had that thread up recently so i'm not going to be bothered repeating myself 10 times over.

and you are wrong again! triatheles are not as athletic as gymnasts, wrestlers, boxers, ballet dancers, etc.

you are talking about cardiovascular fitness here, which they are the top at, along with cyclists

atheleticism and fitness are two completely different things

EDIT: also biathletes and cross-country skiiers are incredibly fit
Re: Proffessional AFL players were outrun by brick layers, school teachers, factory w

Cuzz09 said:
Not a neutral sport - It is favoured more in Irelands way IMO

if you were a professional sportsman versus an amateur you would want the rules to be favoured to the amateur wouldn't you. you are an idiot! another insular, narrow-minded inbred with tunnel vision
Re: Proffessional AFL players were outrun by brick layers, school teachers, factory w

why do you think we have NATURALLY BORN ATHELETES who would be good at any sport of their choosing. you know those freaks. Judd, Goodes, Inglis, etc. It is widely accepted that they are so athletic that they would succeed in any sport of their choosing given the right amount of developement and time devoted.

END of story

if you are an athlete, you can adapt

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Proffessional AFL players were outrun by brick layers, school teachers, factory worke

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