Protecting George Pell

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Feb 18, 2003
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Anyone who has been following the Royal Commission into sexual abuse hearings in Ballarat would be aware of the accusations levelled at Cardinal George Pell.

With so many unanswered questions for Pell to answer, surely the right move would be to either compel Pell to return home, or issue a warrant for his extradition from the Vatican so he can answer the growing list of questions and accusations.

The lack of involvement by the current Government, almost amounts to providing Pell protection from scrutiny.
Anyone who has been following the Royal Commission into sexual abuse hearings in Ballarat would be aware of the accusations levelled at Cardinal George Pell.

With so many unanswered questions for Pell to answer, surely the right move would be to either compel Pell to return home, or issue a warrant for his extradition from the Vatican so he can answer the growing list of questions and accusations.

The lack of involvement by the current Government, almost amounts to providing Pell protection from scrutiny.
Good luck with getting him out of the Vatican even the yanks couldn't do that with the Boston cardinal
Anyone who has been following the Royal Commission into sexual abuse hearings in Ballarat would be aware of the accusations levelled at Cardinal George Pell.

With so many unanswered questions for Pell to answer, surely the right move would be to either compel Pell to return home, or issue a warrant for his extradition from the Vatican so he can answer the growing list of questions and accusations.

The lack of involvement by the current Government, almost amounts to providing Pell protection from scrutiny.
Tone and Georgie are bosom buddies. Remember the pre-election visit to Georgie to get his riding instructions following which he swore black and blue to Tony Jones it never happened. Only to have to fess-up to the blatant lie as Jones cornered him.

As his disciple has turned out to be a pathological liar it's unsurprising Pell appears to have the same morals and ethics.

There's no way the Mad Monk will in any way reflect badly on Georgie as they are fairly much joined at the hip.

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Hollingsworth stepped down as GG because of child abuse in the Anglician Church.

As I've said, Pell is an organisation man. loyal, solid, uncaring about anyone or anything except 'the company', & his position in it of course.

Religions are all the same, they demand devotion & obedience, ie total control. No wonder so much pain & misery has been caused by them & hidden by them as well.

They are power structures. power, control, obedience. Evil itself.
With so many unanswered questions for Pell to answer, surely the right move would be to either compel Pell to return home, or issue a warrant for his extradition from the Vatican so he can answer the growing list of questions and accusations.

Would Tone send TAG East/West 'snatch squads' up against these blokes?


Them halberds are pretty pointy, not to mention the very LOUD colours on their uniforms...
I imagine Pell will issue a denial and stay ensconced in the Vatican and we won't get to see him. Tone really needs to take him on for many reasons. Let's see what Tone is made of.
only accusation not to have surfaced is Pell fiddling with kids...just wondering how long that'll take to come out?
I doubt it will, If a man of Pell's stature had done it it would have come out years ago, hell the allegations that he covered everything up have been around for years.
Anyone who has been following the Royal Commission into sexual abuse hearings in Ballarat would be aware of the accusations levelled at Cardinal George Pell.

With so many unanswered questions for Pell to answer, surely the right move would be to either compel Pell to return home, or issue a warrant for his extradition from the Vatican so he can answer the growing list of questions and accusations.

The lack of involvement by the current Government, almost amounts to providing Pell protection from scrutiny.

Pell has already given evidence to the commission twice.
Perhaps you didn't know?
I did..but, we now have new accusations of bribery, fraud, cover-up and so on.

Is there anything to back them up, or are accusations enough? Should he rush back from Rome every time his name is mentioned?

To put it another way, if I say pazza molested me, should that be enough to have you strung up, or do you think more evidence should be required?

Interesting to note that Paul Bongiorno, while he was a Catholic priest, lived in the same presbytery as the pedo priest in question and says he knew nothing, but when Pell is in the same situation (lived with same priest, but different town), people are happy to assume he did/should have known and thus has to be guilty.

nb. I'm not religious, but think that innocent until proven guilty should apply, or at the very least that it should require more than idle gossip before people get subjected to trial by media on any issue, but more especially on one as nasty as this.

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Is there anything to back them up, or are accusations enough? Should he rush back from Rome every time his name is mentioned?

To put it another way, if I say pazza molested me, should that be enough to have you strung up, or do you think more evidence should be required?

Interesting to note that Paul Bongiorno, while he was a Catholic priest, lived in the same presbytery as the pedo priest in question and says he knew nothing, but when Pell is in the same situation (lived with same priest, but different town), people are happy to assume he did/should have known and thus has to be guilty.

nb. I'm not religious, but think that innocent until proven guilty should apply, or at the very least that it should require more than idle gossip before people get subjected to trial by media on any issue, but more especially on one as nasty as this.

Now hang on for just 1 minute.

Accusations have been made under oath. Which do involve him being in the same diocese as the evil bastards, that he was told of such behaviors, that he chose to help defend some 'people' who appeared in court, & how much was he involved in sending some of these bastards off to other areas to do the same disgusting things, time & time again?. Some accusations involve him directly such as with Risdales nephew & 'that' phone call.

Let him say things under oath.

His actions to protect church wealth, to the detriment of many victims, alone should have him put in stocks in the town square for a week or two.

Pell is an immoral alley cat. He should make any sane person puke with his almost hateful behavior. Why sleeze bag Tone decided to make supportive comment when the issue was before bench is pathetic & disgusting in itself.
The nuns were just as bad if not worst. I have documents stating that fact and signed agreements between the church and the victims for compensation and confidentuality.
The nuns were just as bad if not worst. I have documents stating that fact and signed agreements between the church and the victims for compensation and confidentuality.

Confidential agreements should not be allowed & should be exposed. They are just hiding the truth & their existence just shows how corrupt the RCC really is. The same for any organisation which purports to uphold the ultimate level of morality. Show their moral strength by showing the public what has actually happened. Otherwise they are just moral bankrupts & have no moral authority, nor any pretense to it. They have lost that well & truly.

The cold hard light of day is the best disinfectant.
Would Tone send TAG East/West 'snatch squads' up against these blokes?

Them halberds are pretty pointy, not to mention the very LOUD colours on their uniforms...

Its not what you can see that will hurt you. It's what you can't see.

There's a reason why their pants look rather large...

What is more:

The Swiss Guards have also been given anti-terrorism training, and now carry SIG P75 pistols and Heckler-Koch MP5 sub-machine guns, as well as their traditional halberds.

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Protecting George Pell

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