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Team Captain
Mar 18, 2022
AFL Club
Brisbane Lions

Overpopulation isnt an issue.... Declining and Aging populations are...? Yeah, right.​

UN Replacement Migration​

by United Nations, Menbere Dessalegne,

Publication date 2001Topics United Nations, Migration, Replacement, Umvolkung, New World Order, TotalitarismusCollection opensourceLanguage English

Replacement Migration:
Is It a Solution to Declining and Ageing Populations ?

ISBN 92-1-151362-6

Population Division
Department of Economic and Social Affairs United Nations Secretariat


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Sympathy view.

But really, it's you, it's a BREATHLESS thread TITLE and it's not even 7am. What do you expect?
What time is news posted?

And what? No comment on the archive? This supposed, 'fake news' that the mockingbird media has been 'breathlessly' and vehemently denying!!? Well, there are the facts. Cant be denied now.
So the solution to no workers is to allow younger people to immigrate and make a life for themselves?

Don't be freaked out but that is what all governments have been doing for years. This paper seems to have been published in 2001, after all.

What is your argument against that?
Just checking Required - did you read it?

From the executive summary.

The United Nations Population Division monitors fertility, mortality and migration trends for all countries of the world, as a basis for producing the official United Nations population estimates and projections. Among the demographic trends revealed by those figures, two are particularly salient: population decline and population ageing.
Focusing on these two striking and critical trends, the present study addresses the question of whether replacement migration is a solution to declining and ageing populations. Replacement migration refers to the international migration that would be needed to offset declines in the size of population and declines in the population of working age, as well as to offset the overall ageing of a population.
The study computes the size of replacement migration and investigates the possible effects of replacement migration on the population size and age structure for a range of countries that have in common a fertility pattern below the replacement level. Eight countries are examined: France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America. Two regions are also included: Europe and the European Union. The time period covered is roughly half a century, from 1995 to 2050.
According to the United Nations population projections (medium variant), Japan and virtually all the countries of Europe are expected to decrease in population size over the next 50 years. For example, the population of Italy, currently 57 million, is projected to decline to 41 million by 2050. The population of the Russian Federation is expected to decrease from 147 million to 121 million between 2000 and 2050. Similarly, the population of Japan, currently 127 million, is projected to decline to 105 million by 2050.

Building upon these estimates and projections, the present study considers six different scenarios with regard to the international migration streams needed to achieve specific population objectives or outcomes for the eight countries and two regions mentioned above. These are not meant to be recommendations in any way, but illustrations of hypothetical scenarios. The six scenarios are described below:

And so on. George Soros ... Lauren Southern ... rhubarb rhubarb rhubarb

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