Robert Farquharson

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If you don't remember this bloke, he's the guy that drove his children (ages 10, 7 & 2) into a dam near Geelong & left them to die.

Farquharson's defence is that he suffered a coughing fit (a condition described by Associate Professor Matthew Naughton as cough syncope) to the point of blackout. Naughton claims this is extremely unlikely.

Contradictions to his defence include (from Wikipedia):

- Sergeant Glen Urquhart gave evidence that the steering wheel of Farquharson's vehicle would require a 220-degree turn to veer as it did on the highway to leave the road. There was no evidence of braking before the car entered the dam.[13] The vehicle's headlights, heater and ignition system were all in the off position.

- Shane Atkinson, who discovered Farquharson on the side of the road, said Farquharson twice refused to call the 000 emergency number, preferring instead to travel to Winchelsea to tell his wife of his children's fate.

- Former police superintendent David Axup, who hasn't been a policeman for over 20 years, contradicted the prosecution's arguments about the path and steering of the car as it left the road, believing it had probably traveled on a 53-degree arc. He said this could be explained by the right camber of the road towards the dam, and the fact the car had poor wheel alignment, meaning it would move uncontrolled to the right.

The theory is that he was attempting to get back at his ex-wife Cindy Gambino after their divorce almost a year before the incident. He told a man named Greg King that he "intended to take away the things that mean the most to her".

Farquharson was on Zoloft and Avanza for depression.

Regardless of his intentions, to not even attempt to save your three children from drowning, which is pretty much one of the most horrific deaths imaginable, is a pretty disgraceful and cowardly act.

For the record, I'm of the opinion that he drove his children into the dam on purpose and left them to die.

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Knowing the location very well, one also must state the the child locks on the rear doors, (were the children sat )were on.
He also managed to lock the car as he exited the vehicle.

- Shane Atkinson, who discovered Farquharson on the side of the road, said Farquharson twice refused to call the 000 emergency number, preferring instead to travel to Winchelsea to tell his wife of his children's fate.

Atkinson also said that Farquharson didn't tell him there were children in the car with him at the time.

I think Atkinson was quoted
" If I had known there were kids in the car I would have jumped in the dam to search for them."
I know the dam quite well, I drove past it one day with my wife and pointed it out to her. He initial reaction was, 'how the hell did he get from the road to the dam if it wasn't deliberate'

For those who don't know it, it is quite a way from the actual road. I remember it being reported that he was more worried about bumming a smoke than he was in doing anything for his boys.

It was also reported that the eldest had got out of his seatbelt and may have been attempting to get his brothers out.
I believe that he did it but just can't imagine the thought process. He killed his own 3 kids to get back at his ex. Did he have no feeling for them at all?? I suppose I can't understand the thoughts of most criminals discussed on this board.

Or the thought popped into his head and he made the snap decision. Like that turd who threw little Darcey off the West Gate Bridge.

Bit like a jumper committing suicide. Once you take that step off the ledge, it's too late, you're committed.
It's shocking to know that there are people out there that would do things like this and the worst part is we will never truly know what goes through their minds.

It's a sad indictment on our mental health systems worldwide that things like this and school shootings occur.

All I know is that as a Dad of a 15 mth old boy if he was in danger I would do everything possible even at the expense of my own life to get him out, the fact this bloke did nothing says more than anything that could be said in any court case
It's shocking to know that there are people out there that would do things like this and the worst part is we will never truly know what goes through their minds.

It's a sad indictment on our mental health systems worldwide that things like this and school shootings occur.

All I know is that as a Dad of a 15 mth old boy if he was in danger I would do everything possible even at the expense of my own life to get him out, the fact this bloke did nothing says more than anything that could be said in any court case

What's the highlighted got to do with anything?

Do you know factually that they both suffer from some sort of mental illness or do you just assume that they must because their crimes were against their own children?

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What's the highlighted got to do with anything?

Do you know factually that they both suffer from some sort of mental illness or do you just assume that they must because their crimes were against their own children?

People of sound mind don't kill their kids end of story, and the op says he was on medication for depression. If the mental health system wasn't such a mess people could get better help without having to jump through hoops.
The dam was form by digging it out to create the rail overpass 5km east of Winchelsea. It lies between the railway line and the main road.
I thought drowning was a quick and painless way to go.

But sure, exaggerate your outrage, the guy is a cnut.
I mean, I have no experience, but I think this is just an urban myth. Something embedded into all humans is that want to survive. Dying when you're panicking and confused isn't painless. It all sounds a bit frightening, I think.

People of sound mind don't kill their kids end of story, and the op says he was on medication for depression. If the mental health system wasn't such a mess people could get better help without having to jump through hoops.
Yeah, I think that's the main thing. It's easy to call him evil, because the bond between parent and child is so strongly tied. The vast majority of us have experienced it. And I think that's what probably makes me feel as though he, in addition to depression, had a mental illness. It was underlying and never properly diagnosed. He did an appalling, cruel act, but calling him every negative adjective under the sun... well... it's jumping the gun, a bit.
Won’t they won’t say is how robert farquharson didn’t call for help from ambulance/fire/police, instead he walked for 3 hours to tell his ex wife the kids are dead

Sure he’s innocent
Here we go, a third appeal based on a claim of flawed science.
Suggest you read up on Leith Ratten. released in 1983; numerous policians, lawyers and Journalists crying for his release.

At least 2 books and a couple of TV programs, 4 appeals and an exhumation

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Robert Farquharson

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