Running Thread - Join our Strava Club!

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I really am Aker.
Jun 23, 2008
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Melbourne Victory
Searched for a general running thread, but no luck.

I have just got back into running after a 6 month lay off due to a knee problem. The knee still doesn't feel 100%, but I am just easing myself back into it. Pre-injury, I was running 10-12km at about 50min-1 hour mark.

My second run back was at 5:07km (elevation: 61 meters) at 32:56. Very slow, but was just happy to make it without any serious knee discomfort.

Anyway, I am hoping to build up to a marathon in 6 months.

Anyone else out there running? What distances and time are you doing? Any upcoming goals?

Edit - join the Big Footy Club at Strava ( to keep track of bigfooty members run activity (distances, times etc) and the all important leaderboard!
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Starting out is the hardest part. After those first few weeks of struggle it can be a rather relaxing activity, or maybe de-stressing is a better term.

I run anywhere from 7-12km each time I go out. Average around 4min kms over those distances. Trying to hit the gym more lately so probably only running twice a week right now.
Doing run training for some of those organised runs around the nation recently. Did Bridge2Brisbane's 5km in 27:09 without any training (I had a calf problem for a number of weeks before) and having only decided the week before to even register. The aim was to go through the first 3km in 15 minutes, then do the last 2km in 12 minutes figuring I'd only fatigue with the lack of preparation. Had to stop and walk a little by the time I'd covered the Melbourne Cup distance (3.2), but managed to find a sprint home.

Doing Run Geelong's 6km in November (aim to do it in 33 minutes, 15 minutes again through the first half then 18 minutes for the 2nd half), then plan to do a 10km on the Gold Coast next April (starts and finishes at Robina Stadium where the Titans play, aim to break an hour), Perth's Run 4 a Reason (14km, aim to complete in less than 90 minutes) in May, the first ever City2South in Brisbane next June (14km) and eventually the City2Surf in Sydney next August before returning for the full 10km Bridge2Brisbane next year. Who knows, Rio 2016 Marathon????

As for training, alternate between 5km (target time 28 minutes), 7km (target time 35 minutes) and 9km (target time 1 hour) distances, occasionally boosting up to an 11km on a Sunday or Public Holiday. In fact in less than 90 minutes after posting this I'm off on a 7km training run.

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Yep, been running for about 20 years and I love it. Good think time. Nothing better than whacking on the headphones and escaping for an hour.
My ideal distance these days is 10km which I'll do in 45 mins on average, usually 3 times a week. I run competitive races probably only twice a year now. I used to run longer distances, 21km half marathons, but the time needed to train and condition my body got too much with a young family, hence why now I just stick to 10km.

I wouldn't be running though if your knee is still not right, don't want to prolong the rehab or do any further damage. Putting it through marathon training over the next 6 months probably isn't a good move.
Been running for about a year, probably mid life crisis because i turned fifty. Could only run for 5 min initially and have to give give it up every now and then because I have a pin in my left ankle that gives me grief. Have a 4klm run with the best time of 20:40 and a 6.5klm run with a time of 33:23. Distance wise the further est I've run is 16klm, bloody sore feet at the end of that. Having a break atm because ankle is playing up again, would love to run a half marathon one day. Keep it up guys, good fun.
Jesus. Well if I'm running 5 min kilometers with dodgy legs when I get to your age then I'll be happy.
Was diagnosed with arthritis in my mid twenty's and to be honest is hasn't got too much worse. Do remember in 2006 trying to climb a ladder when my body wasn't warmed up and in winter it killed me. Consequently I gave up working at Winery's, but it was all I knew, so bought a business. Warming up is the key, try to stretch the hammy's before I go when I remember also. And haven't broken that 20 min as yet, so not quite 5 min. I don't subscribe to the "listen to your body theory" other wise I'd be running fk all, gotta run with pain sometimes, that's life, "suffer the next day" is my theory, and then take some time off. Went for a 4k today but didn't push it and all feels ok. Got a nice run I do along a walking track in Mildura from Pioneer Cottage to Apex Park, which is beside the Murray river and I briskly walk down there to warm up.
Cheers keep running fellas.
Skilts-you so funny, do you run??
Thanks for the contributions. I've been back running 2 weeks and the knee is holding up so far.

Last night ran 6.28k in 38:23.
Hey Wetdog do you use a running watch for distance and time, if so what type would you recommend? Look after that knee mate.

I use the runkeeper application for the iPhone. It has GPS tracking abilities to calculate time, distance, pace, elevation, calories burned etc. It is pretty accurate (although calories burned would be an estimate). It has useful training programmes and allows to listen music/podcasts while you run. I find it meets all my needs - I'm sure there are other similar applications (Nike?) out there too but never used them. I just strap the iPhone to my arm and hit start. It does the rest.

Runkeeper is free.

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enjoy a bit of a run when im at the gym which is about twice a week

up until I was about 14 or so I was always the chubby guy that lagged behind at footy during the laps and stuff

so when I was about 15 and a half and just before i started colts i decided to try and get fitter over the summer holidays. went for a couple of laps around the oval every 2 days which was more than enough at the start. when i first started it was the first ever bit of exercise i reckon i had done outside of footy, cricket, bball and tennis. was a big oval but by the time i had done 2 laps i was ****ed i had to lie down as I physically was struggling to stand
got back to training a couple of months later and i was running the two laps with near ease and i wasnt in the back couple which felt great
before my 2nd year of colts i joined a gym and continued my running. may have helped that i lost the baby fat (didn't really "mature" til about 14 and a half) but im sure the running helped.
oh and about the december before my first year of colts we had a 3.1km time trial which seemed like a lot at the time and i didnt do great. from memory got about 20min or maybe even more. this was before i got fit. and about 15 months later just before the start of my 2nd year of colts i had got that down to about 15min (?) maybe and ran a 13.3 beep test which i was quietly stoked about. all the coaches and stuff pumped me up as well which was great

dont play footy these days but am thinking i could give it another go even though i was a bit like mark blake. am 198cm and 90kg but don't tell the hawthorn board or they will be recruiting me for the "gorilla defender" needed haha

run about 4.2kms twice a week at the gym these days going at about 13km/h which takes about 20min.
Haven't been running for about 6 weeks, had no energy, couldn't even run 4 k's, I think I had a bug. Then my while on a run my hip was aching so much I couldn't run at all and while walking home my frigging knee started really ache, was really pissed off. But, just been for a run, did a very slow 6 k's and was able to put the foot down on the last klm, so seems like I'm good to go again:)

Also bought a second hand running machine, so can stay indoors on hot days, was 46 degrees here last week.
Hey Wetdog do you use a running watch for distance and time, if so what type would you recommend? Look after that knee mate.
I've just completed the Brooks Spring into Shape series, 3 runs of 4 Klm each down by the Yarra and around Birrarung Marr. My best time was 19:52.
I have a Garmin Forerunner 310Xt which is brilliant. GPS as well as the other functions of a harm plus it maps your activity so you can log in and see it on their website and keep track of everything. I've had Polar hrm's but the Garmin beats it easily.
I have just signed up for a 15km run for the kids. I haven't been running for months so hope that the training i'll do for this will motivate me.

I dig swimming more than running.
I did my 1st triathlon in 3 years after a run of serious injuries (Broken Collarbone, Torn medial malleolus of the bone in my ankle and pleurisy). I'm 12kg heavier than when I last raced and just saw a photo of myself and I'm disgusted with how big I look! Back to 5am training sessions every morning for me....
Started Running first time a couple weeks ago pulled up very sore 1st time but since then i have been ok

Last couple of times i have been getting really bad knee soreness the next day 1st time it took me almost 8 days to get over it 2nd time it has taken me 2 days to get over it thats after anti inflams and icing every night

Going for a scan which my physio has asked me to do bit worried about it anyone had any experience with something like this ?

It almost feels as if the knee is weak does not hurt when i squat but will hope when i get out of a chair or sometimes even cough goes right around the knee
Hey BEEG I'm far from an expert on this but if you are just starting out, you might want to look into doing a few hill sessions. Say once a week or every second week do a set of 6-8 x 100-200m uphill with rests in between. This should strenghten particulalry your glutes and hamstrings. Being stronger overall should mean less stress on the knees.

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Running Thread - Join our Strava Club!

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