Current Trial Russell Hill & Carol Clay Pt 2 *Pilot Greg Lynn Guilty for the Murder of Carol Clay

When will the jury have delivered their decisions of guilty or not guilty on both?

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Here is PART 1 Russell Hill & Carol Clay - Wonnangatta *Pilot Greg Lynn Pleads Not Guilty to Murder

DPP v Lynn [2024] VSCA 62 (12 April 2024) INTERLOCUTORY APPEAL

R v Lynn (Rulings 1-4) [2024] VSC 373 (28 June 2024)

R v Lynn (Rulings 5 & 6) [2024] VSC 375 (28 February 2024)

R v Lynn (Ruling 7) [2024] VSC 376 (8 May 2024)

The Greg Lynn Police Interview Tapes (Shortened Version)

The 3.5 HR Police Interview

High Country Disappearance of Prison Boss David Prideaux
The Disappearance of Warren Meyer

2008 - Warren Meyer (23 March 2008) not found
2010 - Japp and Annie Viergever (29 March 2010) both shot & 3 dogs, house burnt.
2011 - David Prideaux (5 June 2011) not found
2017 - Kevin Tenant (17 February 2018) shot 3 times, played dead.
2019 - Conrad Whitlock (29 July 2019) not found
2019 - Niels Becker (24 October 2019) not found
2020 - Russell Hill and Carol Clay (20 March 2020) murdered

Lynn's first wife Lisa, was found dead on 26 October 1999.
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Thank God it wasn't a Judge only trial, he would be scott free. This is why we need Juries.

Legal folk are more about the process than justice sometimes.

This is why people get pissed off with the justice system. The crims have more rights than the victims.
The killing of pets and the neighbours dog was evidence presented in the Coroner's Court. Not to be taken as rumour or speculation imo.

As to "cackling like a hyena" it was the judge who said it and was directly quoted.

Judge wasn’t very professional was he? Terminology like that, referring to prosecution submissions as “frog shit”, sarcastically advising the prosecutor that he’s showing him “how to ask questions”.

It was almost like he has a man crush on DD and was showing off in front of him. They loved cracking jokes in front of each other didn’t they.
This is why people get pissed off with the justice system. The crims have more rights than the victims.
What's the alternative?
Guilty till proven innocent? The vibe? Police state?
Trials have to be fair and impartial. He had a somewhat bizarre trial and odd verdict. But guilty of murder. Pitchforks can come out now. He'll be duly punished
This paints the picture, flabergasted.! We knew he was bad but seriously read his and her comments how disrespectful to the Hill and Clay families. What a jerk. And She thought it was funny.
Thanks for that....of course I have been kind of incommunicado except for a few minutes on the day it all goes down!
It's no wonder they didn't want the jury to hear any of it...we thought he was callous before...the poor families listening to all that :(
Get what your saying but this case highlights inconsistency with juries.
No other reasonable conclusion could be drawn. It's either murder x2 no other rational explanation is possible.
Or you believe the story and its not guilty x2.
The jury have had a bob each way.
Clearly there were hold outs based on the questions on the RH decision at least and probably both.
And then weirdly compromised. But we will never know their reasoning. Dangerous legal precedent and unaccountable justice.
And at the risk of sounding like a Hippocrit I reckon right decision for wrong reasons.
I don't believe he randomly attacked. There was some confrontation probably over the drone from recordings things have gotten heated a gun is pulled probably by GL.
A fight ensures maybe a struggle over the gun. It's gone off bang. Panic sets in a snap decision bang. Done. Last 6 lines is my random theory.
Still got to have due process thou as random theories are not enough. Otherwise may as well have witch trials
I hear what you are saying. It is possible the Jury thought Hill may have confronted Lynn (for whatever reason, music, hunting, drone) and was killed in self defence then Lynn hunted down Clay as she was a witness to it.

Maybe they thought 2 murders would be instantly appealed? IDK.
I'm unsure how this is possible.
How can the essence put a caviet on personal property?
Could hardly claim proceeds of crime?

Percuniary Penalty Order.

Basically if someone assaults you, you can sue them.

If you’re dead, you can’t. But you’re family can.
So they freeze your assets in case the victims family wants to sue.
Yeh fair enough!

That shows me it was a botched prosecution where they were floundering for evidence to support their case.

Hardly a botched prosecution …They had very little to go on, even by your own statement re: floundering for evidence.

They got a decent result in a pretty tough case.
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Get what your saying but this case highlights inconsistency with juries.
No other reasonable conclusion could be drawn. It's either murder x2 no other rational explanation is possible.
Or you believe the story and its not guilty x2.
The jury have had a bob each way.
Clearly there were hold outs based on the questions on the RH decision at least and probably both.
And then weirdly compromised. But we will never know their reasoning. Dangerous legal precedent and unaccountable justice.
And at the risk of sounding like a Hippocrit I reckon right decision for wrong reasons.
I don't believe he randomly attacked. There was some confrontation probably over the drone from recordings things have gotten heated a gun is pulled probably by GL.
A fight ensures maybe a struggle over the gun. It's gone off bang. Panic sets in a snap decision bang. Done. Last 6 lines is my random theory.
Still got to have due process thou as random theories are not enough. Otherwise may as well have witch trials

The jury could believe that Hill's death was unintentional and Clay's death was murder. I think most here would think that the most plausible. I suspect if the judge hadn't removed it, we would have seen manslaughter for Hill's death and murder for Clay. The judges instructions to the jury were very confusing. They did their best in the circumstances and one guilty verdict ensures Lynn isn't ever getting back to his clubs.
It would be interesting to find out whether Hill and Clay ever went to Queensland for holidays.

Lynn said he didn't look at anything in their phones but I call BS on that.
Again, in the absence of the actual phones - thanks once more to Lynn’s actions - we only have Lynn’s dubious word for this tale. Yet another attempt to blacken the names of Hill and Clay.

I think everyone is thinking the same.

Post offence conduct can usually be relied upon as evidence of mens rea or an implied admission.

It must have been reported wrong in the media and we’re not understanding. Surely this was not the judges instruction.
I said it before, I read it he didn’t say you can’t use it, instead don’t cast a moral judgement on him because he burned the bodies it automatically means he is guilty.. you can take it into account but burning of bodies doesn’t automatically make him guilty
What's the alternative?
Guilty till proven innocent? The vibe? Police state?
Trials have to be fair and impartial. He had a somewhat bizarre trial and odd verdict. But guilty of murder. Pitchforks can come out now. He'll be duly punished

I just think the precedent this case would have laid out wasn't clear cut enough to make essentially the disposal of 99% of evidence and bodies an extremely solid indicator of guilt beyond reasonable doubt in a multiple death scenario.

Singular death I believe so.

Multiple deaths it would be hard to pin the disposal of evidence on whether it is to cover up one murder, or both, without extra evidence to say so.

Lawfully it comes across as a sound verdict going forward, but personally I feel there was 2 murders committed that night.

I just hope sentencing errs on the side of extreme as essentially that is what this is, no real motive just cold blooded murder of an innocent 73 year old lady with no remorse shown for the victim and RH in death.
Wow was it zero?


'Turned down to zero' might have been hyperbole, it was just remarked on that it was real cold and Dann said they must have been 'freezing their balls off' so investigators were also in the room.
It would be interesting to find out whether Hill and Clay ever went to Queensland for holidays.

Lynn said he didn't look at anything in their phones but I call BS on that.
Hill doesn't strike me as the type to get on a plane for a holiday to QLD. Reckon all his 'trips' were done in the land cruiser. When muttering these comments I feel like GL was answering the report he'd listened to and was stating where the missing pair currently were.

If they did travel to QLD though it would be quite amusing if they flew Jetstar and a certain someone was the pilot in command.
Lynn said he didn't look at anything in their phones but I call BS on that.
If he could could of,he would of.I can't believe anyone would not have their phones locked when not in use these days.He was technical after all-radio amateur.
Which makes me think about RH's phone pinging at the GAR ( great alpine road )...I can't shut my phone down unless it's unlocked ? Questions and more questions...

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Current Trial Russell Hill & Carol Clay Pt 2 *Pilot Greg Lynn Guilty for the Murder of Carol Clay
