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I can't beleive that skank Bree is still there. I do think for all those people who want Paul to win you must vote out Trevor, he is Paul's biggest threat. Paul to win!!
Originally posted by ant
Rootman, you will be missed.

And can I just say it defies belief that Bree is still there, ahead of Fitzy. Amazing.

It's not amazing it is disgraceful. This game is sooo rigged. Bree should have gone weeks ago.
Well done to Fryzie for making it this far - his fanbase is like the Sara-Marie of the very first BB. I too think he was robbed; Bree should've gone first then him.
I actually watched it tonight. Ryan's extremely dumb, but he's not a bad bloke and has a bit of personality. It's a travesty that a fence-sitter with no personality is still in the house (Trevor) while Ryan is given the boot. Hopefully now that the public can vote Trevor out, they will.

What's even worse is the remaining four (inc Ryan) are probably the best out of a lame bunch.

Hopefully the public (read prepubescent girls) will realise that Trevor has 0 personality, that Bree is a woofer, and let Paul win. I'm not a fan of the bandana, but at least this guy had the balls to speak out against human travesties such as Merlin.

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They would be a huge improvement on Trevor. Sitting on the fence, not contributing to anything, scaring people (yaawwnn) shouldn't be enough to win the million. Paul has to win!!!
I can't believe Bree's popularity has soared since she was mistakingly voted out. She must have been second favourite to be evicted behind Wes in that week, yet she has survived 4 evictions since. Do the public think she was traumatised or unfairly dealt with by being evicted and now feel sorry for her? If anything she gained an advantage by being on the outside and having a chance to catch up on strategies, knowing who was voting for who and the little boost knowing she was getting a car when she did come out. Why keep her in there over that?

Sure she has probably gained all of Ashalea's and Katherine's supporters as the only girl left in the house but that doesn't explain why we have seen three girls evicted since her false eviction.

I know they have done it before and I expect again that BB is manipulating these votes yet again.
Originally posted by The Old Dark Navy's

I know they have done it before and I expect again that BB is manipulating these votes yet again.

You got any evidence of this happening?

If BB was rigged, don't you think Ryan as one of the most popular housemates would have made the top three?

Furthermore, if it was rigged, they would have kept Monica in the house longer to see how the Ryan/Monica relationship played out.

BB didn't screw the audience; the audience screwed the audience.
Originally posted by windyhill
I`m shattered for the big man , he made that bloody show, the others particularly the remaining three, absolutey sponged off him , especially Trev (the old one trick pony himself)
Absolute bull**** that he`s out , will vomit blood if bree wins, gotta be Paul or one trick pony.

He was the most entertaining housemate from all series. Without the mls saga he would have won. I still have fond memories of Paul making Merlin cry, for this he should win. Trevor's one trick is not worth one million dollars. Bree is not worth 50 cents, she should have the warning before being shown on air "some viewers may find offensive".

Originally posted by puddingfactor
You got any evidence of this happening?
None at all! Just reading all of those BB conspiracy websites.:eek:

If BB was rigged, don't you think Ryan as one of the most popular housemates would have made the top three?
How can he be one of the most popular housemates and get evicted? Bree's support has skyrocketed for no real reason. I remember the Sara-Marie eviction and the Perth votes that weren't counted allegedly and I remember the favourites getting done on the final night when Ben beat Blair and Peter beat Marty. There was a reversal in popularity at the time. Coincidentally the housemates with the saddest tale always win even if there popularity hasn't been the highest throughout the competition. In each series there has been two guys and a girl or two girls and a guy left at the end. Must have that balance. I'm very cynical about the way these things work out.

Furthermore, if it was rigged, they would have kept Monica in the house longer to see how the Ryan/Monica relationship played out.
No, intruders always go and Ryan had already told her nothing would happen in the house while she backtracked at a rate of knots.

I don't care but there is $1mil on the line this time around. I hope there is no engineering going on.

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