Current Rye bashing resulting in tragic death *Man Charged*

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If the CCTV footage is as described, it sounds like there is a decent prospect for resolution.

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Well, the description of the footage does not seem compatible with a self defence argument.

If there's no dispute that he struck the fatal blow, and if the objective evidence counters a potential defence, the options become rather slim.

If defence find that the footage matches the description, there may be a "without prejudice" letter winging its way to the OPP.
Well, the description of the footage does not seem compatible with a self defence argument.

If there's no dispute that he struck the fatal blow, and if the objective evidence counters a potential defence, the options become rather slim.

If defence find that the footage matches the description, there may be a "without prejudice" letter winging its way to the OPP.

If the CCTV is as it's described, said letter is a given.
If I remember the police statements regarding the CCTV footage, before the arrests were made, they were pretty adament that it was one group attacking the other group. Very much at odds with the defence's version, though that's not too surprising.
Well, the description of the footage does not seem compatible with a self defence argument.

If there's no dispute that he struck the fatal blow, and if the objective evidence counters a potential defence, the options become rather slim.

If defence find that the footage matches the description, there may be a "without prejudice" letter winging its way to the OPP.

Ah, I understand now. As posted earlier, a journo friend says that the CCTV footage is fairly damning, or so he's led to believe.
Ah, I understand now. As posted earlier, a journo friend says that the CCTV footage is fairly damning, or so he's led to believe.

That's what I was getting at. Don't remember the words, but the police were describing the incident along the lines of it being totally unprovoked. Since they were still looking for Closter and co. at the time, I can't see a reason for them to say this, unless it's a fair description of the incident, from the CCTV.
I cannot take the opinions of a person seriously when they utilise the contents of a teenagers facebook page in a discussion.

Are you serious? When someone describse themselves as an unemployed pot smoking pisshead criminal on their facebook page, It's fair to say you can make a few assumptions about their character.

I'm not saying that's what the accused wrote about himself- (that's actually my fb page I'm quoting), but anyway.

Something has to be done about getting young blokes to understand the damage that a punch can do.

This really is the heart of the matter. It's not alcohol, it's not drugs... when did it become acceptable for people to go out and king hit strangers for entertainment? And how would you go about making people understand violence is not acceptable in society?

Good luck with that.
This really is the heart of the matter. It's not alcohol, it's not drugs... when did it become acceptable for people to go out and king hit strangers for entertainment? And how would you go about making people understand violence is not acceptable in society?

A lot of these killings with a punch occur when the victim free falls and not from the actual punch.

If you're going to have a fist fight with someone, do it on a lawn.
Umm, these sorts of blokes aren't looking for a fist fight. They're looking to belt someone who they believe they have the physical advantage over or alternatively, outnumber in a group. They don't care about fairness and they pick their victim with this in mind.
Umm, these sorts of blokes aren't looking for a fist fight. They're looking to belt someone who they believe they have the physical advantage over or alternatively, outnumber in a group. They don't care about fairness and they pick their victim with this in mind.

I wouldn't say that's always the case. Sometimes people who are looking to do a bit of damage will target a bigger bloke, as they see it as more of a notch on their belt, whether the victim is looking or not. You'd probably be surprised at how often people pick fights with professional boxers (simply because they've recognised them and have a skinful) when they are out somewhere.
I don't "honestly" know, but experience has taught me to avoid the tabloid media if I do want to "honestly" know all the relative facts.

I'm not claiming that he shouldn't be punished, I claimed that if faced with a choice in utilising resources, I would choose to invest in avoiding a repeat scenario. Our culture played a role in what that kid did, but somehow this never seems to get addressed.

I'd assume that he is a very impressionable young dick head who has been influenced by the distorted flippant attitude to violence (Hello, Underbelly!) displayed in the same media outlets that are now selling advertising off the back off sensationalising this tragedy. I have little doubt that he set out to chin someone on the basis of appearing as a hard man in front of his mates and is now shattered by the immense pain he has now brought in to the lives of others, including his own family, the harsh reality of spending the golden years of his youth in a 10 x 10 concrete cell, and the rest of his life with the haunting face of a dead man on his conscience.

This post is exactly what's wrong with society today. When something tragic like this happens why must we look for something or someone else to blame it on? How's about placing the blame solely (i.e. 100%) on the dick who actually carried out this senseless act of violence? What's so wrong with that?

Blaming Underbelly... Seriously!!!

PS: I couldnt give a flying **** how shattered he is. I daresay the victims' family would be just a bit more shattered themselves.

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I wouldn't say that's always the case. Sometimes people who are looking to do a bit of damage will target a bigger bloke, as they see it as more of a notch on their belt, whether the victim is looking or not. You'd probably be surprised at how often people pick fights with professional boxers (simply because they've recognised them and have a skinful) when they are out somewhere.

I've actually come across that a few times reading autobiographies by professional wrestlers. Drunk people see these huge muscled blokes in a bar and try to provoke them into a fight. Generally doesn't work out well for them.
Committal Mention today, Committal Hearing set for August 5,

Witnesses have been requested for Cross Examination at the hearing. I have heard prosecution wanted a defense witness about which group started the fight excluded as he cant see far enough but the magistrate has included him among the witnesses.
The committal fell right in the James Hird saga and got little coverage but the facts presented by the prosecution added to the story.

The prosecution allege that Cassai and his group were retreating from Closter's group and did not seem to want to engage at all. Closter and his companions, some of whom also have charges seemed intent on a fight and Closter took big swings that failed to connect before landing the fatal blow.

Closter has also had charges made against him that involve harm to two others.

The trial commences Jan 31.
i'm sick to death of all this drunken assaults and bashings

police got to all this trouble to get thugs to court and judges never hand down harsh sentences

if u king hit someone.... **** u got to jail
Such a tragic, stupid incident.

The guy charged - and I'm getting this from mates in the press - is a young bloke who thinks he hard. Might have been at high school, but not where he's going to spend the next 8 years.

Stupid ****

And the poor family who has lost a son. Just so tragic.

He'll be plenty hard in 8 years time though.
I've actually come across that a few times reading autobiographies by professional wrestlers. Drunk people see these huge muscled blokes in a bar and try to provoke them into a fight. Generally doesn't work out well for them.

When Kostya Tszyu first came to Australia, I remember him saying (on Hey Hey its Saturday of all places) that when he goes out to pubs big "Aussie" blokes were always picking fights with him on account that he was:

A. a professional boxer
B. quite a small bloke

And I assume

C. asian looking

When pressed for how he handled such situations he just let a sly grin out and shrugged the question off.

I mean think of the mentality of a pissed idiot, seeing Kostya Tszyu (the greatest amateur boxer of all time, one of the most profilic fighters of all time - over 450 amateur bouts starting before he was a teenager - the greatest Australian boxer of all time, and the guy who managed to unify all the belts in the most competitive weight division in all of boxing - who Manny Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather deliberately ducked fights with knowing he'd smash them) and thinking "he's a tiny ethnic bloke! I bet I could bash him!"

Its a level of self preservation on par with that video game "lemmings". Never underestimate the idiocy of alcohol fuelled bravado.
This dickhead deserves to rot. King hits should be treated similarly to murder. He was aware of the consequences and never hesitated. His mates on Facebook were threatening people who were saying Closter should get life in prison. Lock these animals up, throw away the key and let's see them make threats to real big boys in jail.
This dickhead deserves to rot. King hits should be treated similarly to murder. He was aware of the consequences and never hesitated. His mates on Facebook were threatening people who were saying Closter should get life in prison. Lock these animals up, throw away the key and let's see them make threats to real big boys in jail.
Yeah scum like this dsesrve what they get. Pretty sure some of the soccer hooligans didn't like it when they were abused by poster for telling their views that their mate was a dickhead for touching the cop after he pled guilty to that and were told they should kill themselves or that they will get bashed if they keep it up. ****ing scum flog wannabee heroes these clowns are.
Well, I think he can expect around 8 years in prison. Or at least a sentence of that length.

Good call.

This kid is going to come out of prison a seriously dangerous person. Two lives ruined cause of alcohol and misplaced machismo.

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Current Rye bashing resulting in tragic death *Man Charged*

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