Official Match Thread S29 Round 5 East Side Hawks vs Baghdad Bombers at Waverley Park

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Rich (BB code):
HAW               2    1        5    8        8    8        14   12   96       
BOM               2    1        3    4        8    12       9    12   66       
HAW        HO  K  M  H  T  FF FA G  B   Dt  BOM         HO  K  M  H  T  FF FA G  B   Dt
jackenny    0  1  0  1  0  0  0  0  0    5  VSTone       0  5  1  6  0  0  0  0  0   30
BRAB        0  4  1  3  0  0  2  0  0   15  Shermy       0  1  7  7  1  1  1  0  0   40
Snake_Bake  0  4  2  5  0  0  1  0  0   25  snozulu      0  3  0  1  0  0  0  0  0   11
Chipmunk    0  6  4  5  0  0  0  0  0   40  Tony Lynn    0  3  7  11 2  2  0  0  0   62
TY24        0  2  6  3  2  1  0  0  0   39  KohPhi       0  10 6  4  2  0  1  0  0   61
Drunken Wo  0  7  1  5  2  0  0  0  0   42  Butler40     0  6  6  10 0  1  0  0  0   57
SM          0  11 4  6  1  0  1  1  0   64  WFL          0  3  3  4  0  1  2  0  0   21
jusjoshin   0  4  0  3  0  0  0  0  0   18  Antonio Bl   0  7  6  8  0  0  0  0  0   55
por_please  0  12 6  7  1  1  1  0  0   70  Requiem      0  8  4  8  1  0  0  0  0   56
Milera2Bet  0  5  6  9  1  0  2  0  0   49  CALL ME SN   0  6  5  6  0  0  0  2  0   57
Golumless   0  9  4  4  0  0  1  3  0   62  cammo6556    0  4  1  2  2  0  0  1  2   35
ArdentEagl  0  7  8  7  0  0  2  1  3   62  WaynesWorl   0  6  1  6  0  0  0  2  0   45
larrikin    0  1  0  1  0  0  0  1  0   11  LicoriceAl   0  4  1  1  1  0  1  1  3   27
NaturalDis  0  9  2  0  1  0  1  7  2   78  mochacinol   0  2  0  0  0  1  0  1  1   14
go you pup  0  3  1  1  0  0  0  0  3   17  Santoz       0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0    0
Biggie      14 11 0  8  2  0  2  1  0   71  Riviat       12 8  0  13 3  2  2  1  0   76
Loonerty    0  10 0  8  8  4  1  0  2   81  Norma Lee    0  5  0  13 6  5  0  0  0   70
Le Grille   0  3  0  3  2  0  1  0  0   20  cadsky       0  17 0  12 4  3  0  0  1   95
Drunkgolia  0  6  0  4  4  1  0  0  2   45  iDon         0  6  1  1  0  0  0  1  5   34
Agent93     0  5  3  5  2  0  1  0  0   39  Bovo         0  7  0  5  0  0  0  0  0   31

Rich (BB code):
            HAW   BOM
Hitouts   : 14   12 
Kicks     : 120  111 
Marks     : 48   49 
Handballs : 88   118 
Tackles   : 26   22 
Frees For : 7    16 
Frees Ag. : 16   7 
Smothers  : 0    0 
Ironouts  : 7    6 
Inside50  : 21   12 
Goals     : 14   9 
Behinds   : 12   12

Rich (BB code):
First Quarter :
.59 - Behind to LicoriceAllsorts (BOM) - BOM by 1 point(s).
1.4 - Goal to Riviat (BOM) - BOM by 7 point(s).
9.28 - Goal to cammo6556 (BOM) - BOM by 13 point(s).
18.06 - Goal to NaturalDisaster (HAW) - BOM by 7 point(s).
20.04 - Rushed behind to HAW - BOM by 6 point(s).
24.14 - Goal to NaturalDisaster (HAW) - scores level.

Second Quarter :
1.24 - Rushed behind to HAW - HAW by 1 point(s).
2.24 - Goal to Golumless (HAW) - HAW by 7 point(s).
4.03 - Behind to ArdentEagle (HAW) - HAW by 8 point(s).
7.47 - Behind to NaturalDisaster (HAW) - HAW by 9 point(s).
8.22 - Behind to go you pups (HAW) - HAW by 10 point(s).
8.55 - Goal to NaturalDisaster (HAW) - HAW by 16 point(s).
10.46 - Behind to Drunkgoliath (HAW) - HAW by 17 point(s).
12.15 - Behind to Drunkgoliath (HAW) - HAW by 18 point(s).
18.52 - Behind to go you pups (HAW) - HAW by 19 point(s).
20.13 - Goal to SM (HAW) - HAW by 25 point(s).
21.47 - Behind to iDon (BOM) - HAW by 24 point(s).
22.37 - Behind to LicoriceAllsorts (BOM) - HAW by 23 point(s).
24.06 - Goal to mochacinolatte (BOM) - HAW by 17 point(s).

Third Quarter :
25.01 - Rushed behind to BOM - HAW by 16 point(s).
1.52 - Goal to WaynesWorld19 (BOM) - HAW by 10 point(s).
4.03 - Goal to Golumless (HAW) - HAW by 16 point(s).
6.22 - Rushed behind to BOM - HAW by 15 point(s).
7.54 - Behind to cadsky (BOM) - HAW by 14 point(s).
8.41 - Behind to iDon (BOM) - HAW by 13 point(s).
9.22 - Behind to iDon (BOM) - HAW by 12 point(s).
10.15 - Goal to LicoriceAllsorts (BOM) - HAW by 6 point(s).
13.25 - Behind to iDon (BOM) - HAW by 5 point(s).
14.39 - Behind to cammo6556 (BOM) - HAW by 4 point(s).
15.45 - Goal to CALL ME SNAKE (BOM) - BOM by 2 point(s).
16.34 - Goal to CALL ME SNAKE (BOM) - BOM by 8 point(s).
20.09 - Behind to mochacinolatte (BOM) - BOM by 9 point(s).
20.37 - Behind to LicoriceAllsorts (BOM) - BOM by 10 point(s).
21.13 - Goal to iDon (BOM) - BOM by 16 point(s).
23.12 - Goal to NaturalDisaster (HAW) - BOM by 10 point(s).
24.47 - Goal to NaturalDisaster (HAW) - BOM by 4 point(s).

Final Quarter :
1.09 - Goal to WaynesWorld19 (BOM) - BOM by 10 point(s).
2.44 - Goal to ArdentEagle (HAW) - BOM by 4 point(s).
5.19 - Behind to go you pups (HAW) - BOM by 3 point(s).
6.33 - Rushed behind to HAW - BOM by 2 point(s).
9.11 - Behind to Loonerty (HAW) - BOM by 1 point(s).
9.51 - Goal to Golumless (HAW) - HAW by 5 point(s).
11.21 - Goal to NaturalDisaster (HAW) - HAW by 11 point(s).
12.36 - Goal to Biggie (HAW) - HAW by 17 point(s).
16.2 - Goal to larrikin (HAW) - HAW by 23 point(s).
20.54 - Behind to NaturalDisaster (HAW) - HAW by 24 point(s).
21.37 - Goal to NaturalDisaster (HAW) - HAW by 30 point(s).

Rich (BB code):
jusjoshin            0 (On) 19.09 (Off) 74.22 (On) Total : 45%
BRAB                 0 (On) Total : 100%
Snake_Baker          0 (On) Total : 100%
Chipmunk             0 (On) Total : 100%
TY24                 0 (On) Total : 100%
Drunken Wookie       0 (On) Total : 100%
SM                   0 (On) Total : 100%
Agent93              0 (On) 74.22 (Off) Total : 74%
por_please_ya        0 (On) Total : 100%
Milera2Betts         0 (On) Total : 100%
Golumless            0 (On) Total : 100%
ArdentEagle          0 (On) Total : 100%
larrikin             0 (On) Total : 100%
NaturalDisaster      0 (On) Total : 100%
go you pups          0 (On) Total : 100%
Biggie               0 (On) Total : 100%
Loonerty             0 (On) Total : 100%
Drunkgoliath         0 (On) 67.38 (Off) Total : 67%
Le Grille            0 (Off) 67.38 (On) Total : 32%
jackenny             0 (Off) 19.09 (On) Total : 80%

Bovo                 0 (On) 93.3 (Off) Total : 93%
Shermy               0 (On) Total : 100%
VSTone               0 (On) 38.49 (Off) 56.33 (On) 67.04 (Off) 93.3 (On) Total : 56%
Tony Lynn 15         0 (On) Total : 100%
KohPhi               0 (On) Total : 100%
Butler40             0 (On) Total : 100%
WFL                  0 (On) Total : 100%
Antonio BlueVein     0 (On) Total : 100%
Requiem              0 (On) Total : 100%
CALL ME SNAKE        0 (On) Total : 100%
cammo6556            0 (On) Total : 100%
WaynesWorld19        0 (On) Total : 100%
LicoriceAllsorts     0 (On) Total : 100%
Santoz               0 (On) 16.2 (Off) 38.49 (On) 56.33 (Off) 67.04 (On) 68.28 (Off) 88.25 (On) Total : 47%
snozulu              0 (On) 23.19 (Off) 68.28 (On) Total : 55%
Riviat               0 (On) Total : 100%
Norma Lee Ava        0 (On) Total : 100%
cadsky               0 (On) Total : 100%
iDon                 0 (Off) 23.19 (On) 88.25 (Off) Total : 64%
mochacinolatte       0 (Off) 16.2 (On) Total : 82%

Total :  3600               Average :  89.99999

  • Toe to toe throughout, Agent93 beat Antonio BlueVein today - but not by much. - 71m from 0 to 71.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, jusjoshin had the better of Antonio BlueVein. - 24m from 75 to 99.
  • In an epic battle, Tony Lynn 15 and ArdentEagle were hard to separate - though Tony Lynn 15 was slightly more effective. - 88m from 11 to 99.
  • In an epic battle, Riviat and Biggie had an epic contest. - 100m from 0 to 100.
  • While very slim pickings for both players, Bovo did very well against go you pups. - 75m from 15 to 90.
  • In what was a very slow day for both, BRAB had mochacinolatte's measure. - 23m from 47 to 70.
  • Neither getting, near the ball much, BRAB gave Santoz a lesson. - 6m from 1 to 7.
  • Toe to toe throughout, Butler40 and Milera2Betts were evenly matched. - 96m from 2 to 98.
  • Toe to toe throughout, Drunken Wookie and CALL ME SNAKE were evenly matched. - 90m from 4 to 94.
  • Toe to toe throughout, WaynesWorld19 and Chipmunk were hard to separate - though WaynesWorld19 was slightly more effective. - 83m from 0 to 83.
  • While not all all one-way, cadsky came out tops over the brave Drunkgoliath. - 64m from 2 to 66.
  • Toe to toe throughout, not much between Golumless and KohPhi - the former was probably a smidgeon better. - 96m from 2 to 98.
  • While overall a quiet day for both players, iDon massacred jackenny. - 25m from 46 to 71.
  • In what was a very slow day for both, jusjoshin was easily the winner in the clash with snozulu. - 6m from 1 to 7.
  • In what was a very slow day for both, snozulu won the bout with larrikin. - 24m from 72 to 96.
  • Toe to toe throughout, Le Grille did well against cadsky. - 31m from 69 to 100.
  • In a comparatively small-fry arm wrestle, Snake_Baker beat LicoriceAllsorts today - but not by much. - 100m from 0 to 100.
  • While not all all one-way, Norma Lee Ava had the better of Loonerty. - 97m from 1 to 98.
  • In what became a bit of a clinic, Shermy's bum will be a bit sore after having it solidly kicked by NaturalDisaster. - 82m from 14 to 96.
  • Toe to toe throughout, SM and Requiem were evenly matched. - 97m from 2 to 99.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, larrikin was slightly more polished than Santoz. - 0m from 43 to 43.
  • While the match-up was a bit of a side-show, TY24 did well against cammo6556. - 90m from 4 to 94.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, VSTone came out tops over the brave go you pups. - 2m from 96 to 98.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, VSTone massacred larrikin. - 23m from 14 to 37.
  • In a solid performance, por_please_ya won the bout with WFL. - 92m from 0 to 92.

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Bad luck Bombers... cheers for the week Hawks, I genuinely had a ball...most active I've been in a couple of seasons..

Now back to giving BRABSMum a good seeing to.

BRAB...if things keep going like this, you can call me dad! That would be a first for you yeah??
I'm going to have to start losing a few more verbal jousts before the SIM takes place I think.

Fair to say I didn't lose one this week and didn't get a kick on gameday. Dragged on & off. Putrid match.

I think the SIM reads the match thread, sees who's getting a whipping, and evens it up stat wise during the match.

Nice job kicking 7 too NaturalDisaster :thumbsu:
Bad luck Bombers... cheers for the week Hawks, I genuinely had a ball...most active I've been in a couple of seasons..

Now back to giving BRABSMum a good seeing to.

BRAB...if things keep going like this, you can call me dad! That would be a first for you yeah??

Imagine the quality time you and he could spend together while you are putting his Mum away.

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Official Match Thread S29 Round 5 East Side Hawks vs Baghdad Bombers at Waverley Park

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