Roast Sack Koch - Chairman of The Redeem Team

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My understanding of our financials is basically. We had a bad deal at AAMI Stadium because of the SANFL deal.
Yeah it was a bad deal and one of the main component was we had virtually no corporate inventory to sell. Apart from the SuiteOne area we paid for and built in the northern stand in 2006-07. Nick Bianco actually paid for most of it as part of his sponsorship before the GFC hit in late 2008 and he cut back his sponsorship.

Then we move to Adelaide Oval and our deal is good and now we are profitable.
Yes its a lot better than Footy Park because we can sell the 100 people SuiteOne corporate room 365 days a year, plus 18 x 12 seat enclosed boxes and 89 open boxes that comprise either 8, 10 or 12 seats. Plus the McLachlan Room is bigger than the room at Footy Park to sell for pre game function lunch/dinner, and we can use the Magarey Room for functions which an equivalent space wasn't available for Footy Park. Plus we get $2.40 per attendee, which wasn't part of the deal at Footy Park or in 2014 at AO's first year, so a review was done on the stadium funding deal which is now reviewed every 3 years. The crows get the same deal for all these things above.

Koch didn't get us to AO. Haysman and Duncanson pushed hard, Rann and Foley provided the $$ and Demetriou bashed sense into the SANFL and Ian Mchlaclan President of the SACA is a Port member, if he still isn't, was for many part of Koch's Chairman Club coterie group, was important in convincing SACA members to agree to the redevelopment. Whilst Koch was there when things finally changed it was Haysman, Duncanson and Osborn who worked hard on getting the licence off the SANFL, with AFL backing, and giving it to us.

But its not just AO why we are profitable.

Can you shed some light on that because David seems to take a lot of credit for that turn around.
Another big part of the turn around is the ability to now get multiple high paying sponsors. We now have 6 that pay at least $1mil a year, whereas 6 or 7 years ago it was none. The China game opened corporate Australia's eyes to the PAFC, we did something nobody else had done, and IMO has been a catalyst to attracting corporates to Port.

Getting an AFLW team has also contributed to corporates coming to Port with more $$$. Our AFLW team very quickly became a profitable venture rather than being just another cost centre.

Another thing is membership which ties in with going to AO. Going from 29k in 2010 to 69k ( apple for apple comparison with old SANFL Cat 1 members and now AO Football members) has been an important part of being profitable.

Covid is another. The AFL slashing $3.5mil off the footy department soft cap and all clubs having to restructure admin staff and wasteful expenditure, is a big reason why most clubs are a lot more profitable now than in 2019.
Do you know when we won't have any debt, the approximate time?
As at 31/10/23 it was $3.887m which is the lowest since 2009.

Its a choice to maintain debt. We probably will be debt free in 2026 after we have stitched up funding for the bowling club area redevelopment.

Koch and co. keep saying we have paid off all our debts to the AFL racked up mainly over covid and some longer term payables from 2012-15 years, (all up about $5m) and to the SANFL.

We had to pay the SANFL $6.985m for our licence over 15 years. The way the club talks, I interpret that they have paid that off. Between 2023 and 2028 they were scheduled to pay about $3.1m. By paying that off first, instead of debt, it means we aren't beholden to the SANFL if we want to leave their comp.

The crows did an accounting trick and expensed their $11.326m licence fee in 2014 and said that discounted back over 15 years was $8.440m, and booked a liability to the SANFL for that $8.440m.

To balance things out they have had an expense of about $200k a year since 2014, called the dicky "Unwind of discount on deferred liabilities" to expense that $2.886m difference over 15 years. In other words taking a $8.440m hit in 2014 means their profit is effectively overstated by $500k to 600k per year over that 15 years.

The crows cash flow statements shows how much cash they are paying to buy back the licence;
$815.6k in 2023 and $799.6k in 2022.
So between 2024-2028 they have a cash outflow to repay the SANFL of about $4.1m, they will only shown an expense of about $1m via their "Unwind of discount on deferred liabilities" expense and as usual piggyback of us trying to get out of the SANFL and not pay early like we have.

The Bequest Program that was set up over 20 years ago, where people when they die leave cash and/or assets to the club is starting to pay dividends. The Trust arrangement is off balance sheet and over the last 20 years a lot of people have passed away, but I don't know how much is sitting in that trust and what assets they have purchased but the club has said it wants to build non football revenue streams from property developments, over and above the next stage redevelopment at the bowling club. That is a Greg Boulton / Brian Cunningham era measure that will benefit the club for decades.

Would this have any bearing on Koch's time here?
Not sure what you mean by this.
Even NTUA is getting cringe now everyone swaying with their scarves. Players trying to act all pumped up then we just go to sleep and lose to a top 8 team and are laughed at again
I'd rather just go old school piss off the showing off shit and just be ruthless port Adelaide we once were do the talking on the field and stop with the prison bars and 36 premierships talk its a part of our history we are proud of yea absolutely but we're living in the past live in the now and look at the future its just kochies marketing strategy to make $$

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It's already locked in to their constitution that they'll get it.

It won't automatically happen for us, we have to make it happen, and that means we're relying on the group of feckless losers in charge to do something for the members instead of for themselves.
No it's not. It is locked into their constitution that they CAN get it.

I wouldn't put it past the powers that be at Adelaide to decide that they don't want to give the members more choice.

Which would be terrible for our bid for change.

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It's already locked in to their constitution that they'll get it.

It won't automatically happen for us, we have to make it happen, and that means we're relying on the group of feckless losers in charge to do something for the members instead of for themselves.

It's a real brick wall we gotta break down there.....the fact that it's been brought up at a couple AGMs now, and Koch and co just plead ignorance everytime says a lot.

For genuine systemic and permanent change we really need to get the ball rolling on this, just no idea how.

Something we can request our only member elects to start pushing for? Getting it in the public eye would help.

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It's a real brick wall we gotta break down there.....the fact that it's been brought up at a couple AGMs now, and Koch and co just plead ignorance everytime says a lot.

For genuine systemic and permanent change we really need to get the ball rolling on this, just no idea how.

Something we can request our only member elects to start pushing for? Getting it in the public eye would help.

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I would suggest that it is something we have to insist our candidates for member-elected positions need to support. It is a litmus test that should be very easy to pass. Any candidate who doesn't should be shunned completely.
I've still mulling on a few more questions for the esteemed.

One of the interesting things about the reign of the Kochhead is that he desperately wanted us to be everyone's second favourite team but it has turned out that we are everyone's favourite laughing stock.

Unless we win a Grand Final, everyone sees us as that once attractive woman whose hit the wall hard.
I would suggest that it is something we have to insist our candidates for member-elected positions need to support. It is a litmus test that should be very easy to pass. Any candidate who doesn't should be shunned completely.
I've said it in a few threads and I know a few others who have too, but a supporters 'trust' is a good way to push the agenda. Basically, a bloc run by (sensible and strategic) fans/members who do so to keep the club accountable. A bit like activist shareholder groups, if it was big and strong enough it could suggest who to vote for in club positions, actively ask direct questions at AGMs and other GMs, be involved in the media etc. It would be really valuable for something like this now, especially with so many club-paid or linked media players who won't cross the line and raise the important questions.
I haven't been a member since end of 2021 but club keeps trolling me with emails.

2004 Premiership Celebration latest gift.

Last row just above Purchase tickets is

"Hosted by David Koch".

First two thoughts.
- Well that's the closest he'll get to a Premiership

Followed by why would I want to ruin my memory of being there at the MCG by having this septic talking about it.

If they really wanted me to part with $350 all they need to plug is a single selling point.

Come and watch our 2004 premiership players remind Kane and Koch why the club hasn't come close in the last 14 years.
Last edited:
I haven't been a member since end of 2021 but club keeps trolling me with emails.

2004 Premiership Celebration latest gift.

Last row just above Purchase tickets is

"Hosted by David Koch".

First two thoughts.
- Well that's the closest he'll get to a Premiership

Followed by why would I want to ruin my memory of being there at the MCG by having this septic talking about it.

If they really wanted me to part with $350 all they need to plug is a single selling point.

Come and watch our 2004 premiership players remind Kane and Koch why the club hasn't come close in the last 14 years.
Have you unsubscribed? Probably in breach of the Privacy Act.

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Surely the AFL would be ok to release control at this point. There is really no reason for them to have such control.
Particularly as our debt, if I've read REH's explanation correctly, is general debt not a debt to the AFL. In that case there is no risk to them of members taking control. I'm inclined to think it's more a power play by Koch and his acolytes to stay in charge.
Particularly as our debt, if I've read REH's explanation correctly, is general debt not a debt to the AFL. In that case there is no risk to them of members taking control. I'm inclined to think it's more a power play by Koch and his acolytes to stay in charge.
When there is no logical reason, this is inferred.
I haven't been a member since end of 2021 but club keeps trolling me with emails.

2004 Premiership Celebration latest gift.

Last row just above Purchase tickets is

"Hosted by David Koch".

First two thoughts.
- Well that's the closest he'll get to a Premiership

Followed by why would I want to ruin my memory of being there at the MCG by having this septic talking about it.

If they really wanted me to part with $350 all they need to plug is a single selling point.

Come and watch our 2004 premiership players remind Kane and Koch why the club hasn't come close in the last 14 years.
The guy who genuinely didn’t know we won finals in 2002 and 2003, hosting our 2004 Premiership celebration. Great.

Surely the AFL would be ok to release control at this point. There is really no reason for them to have such control.

some interesting discussion around that sort of topic on the main board:

We've got two Kochle Brother threads so it takes a bit to find the serious one.

Just reading on things here during the bye, I would have to say the worst aspect of Koch's reign is that the most important competitive advantage that we have, that is, a tradition of winning and the Creed, etc, has been eroded by him. Without it, we are a poorly run club like Glenelg but with the shallow vanity of a Morning TV Show.

When Koch dies and someone like Tredders takes over, the contrast will be stark.

We really are run by the AFL with Koch as a puppet and little else.

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Roast Sack Koch - Chairman of The Redeem Team

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