Roast Sack Koch - Chairman of The Redeem Team

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In-demand Sydney utility Will Hayward has reportedly ruled out Port Adelaide as a destination of choice heading into 2025, with the Power essentially ruling themselves out of contention for the Swan.
This guy is making smart decisions staying away from Port.
Koch s idea of PA being a destination club is an absolute hoax.
We are a destination club for second tier players except for very few good ones.
These guys have lied to us through their back teeth and have gotten away with it.
Something I've got to ask to those who know him.

Is Koch an idiot? Is he really dumb? It would just more sense of all this.
There are different variations on the idiot theme, but to me having met him once Koch is so far up himself he can't see the woods for the trees.

We were the only two people in the upstairs member's loo at Alberton for a Maggie's game the day after the Power had squandered a 50 plus point 3rd qtr lead against a very ordinary Brisvegas team, to fall over the line by about half that and in the process burnt valuable percentage.

I held the door open for him as we were both leaving and he said `good win last night,' and my very polite response was `I thought we should have won by more!'
No other words were spoken but he looked down his nose at me like I was an inferior life form who wasn't entitled to an opinion that differed from his, and then he walked off shaking his head.

My immediate thought was the bloke had accepted the president's gig for the prestige that went with it, he doesn't get what the PAFC is supposed to be about and probably never will and is just a theatre goer with little knowledge of the game, and when I got back to my seat I shared those thoughts with a mate who is also a member of this site, and who had a similar episode with Koch at a game in Melbourne.
There are different variations on the idiot theme, but to me having met him once Koch is so far up himself he can't see the woods for the trees.

We were the only two people in the upstairs member's loo at Alberton for a Maggie's game the day after the Power had squandered a 50 plus point 3rd qtr lead against a very ordinary Brisvegas team, to fall over the line by about half that and in the process burnt valuable percentage.

I held the door open for him as we were both leaving and he said `good win last night,' and my very polite response was `I thought we should have won by more!'
No other words were spoken but he looked down his nose at me like I was an inferior life form who wasn't entitled to an opinion that differed from his, and then he walked off shaking his head.

My immediate thought was the bloke had accepted the president's gig for the prestige that went with it, he doesn't get what the PAFC is supposed to be about and probably never will and is just a theatre goer with little knowledge of the game, and when I got back to my seat I shared those thoughts with a mate who is also a member of this site, and who had a similar episode with Koch at a game in Melbourne.
The guy is a Sydney w***er who should be not allowed anywhere near our club. Big nosed cretin.
There are different variations on the idiot theme, but to me having met him once Koch is so far up himself he can't see the woods for the trees.

We were the only two people in the upstairs member's loo at Alberton for a Maggie's game the day after the Power had squandered a 50 plus point 3rd qtr lead against a very ordinary Brisvegas team, to fall over the line by about half that and in the process burnt valuable percentage.

I held the door open for him as we were both leaving and he said `good win last night,' and my very polite response was `I thought we should have won by more!'
No other words were spoken but he looked down his nose at me like I was an inferior life form who wasn't entitled to an opinion that differed from his, and then he walked off shaking his head.

My immediate thought was the bloke had accepted the president's gig for the prestige that went with it, he doesn't get what the PAFC is supposed to be about and probably never will and is just a theatre goer with little knowledge of the game, and when I got back to my seat I shared those thoughts with a mate who is also a member of this site, and who had a similar episode with Koch at a game in Melbourne.
I appreciate the story and this snippet of life really shows how that unPort Adelaide quality has seeped in from the top of the dung hole.

So basically he has no idea about the Port Adelaide Football Club and what has made it great and turned it into his own vanity project. That puts him in that psychopath lite type of personality. I assume he thinks we are doing fantastically well but he's in his own world the top of the AFL. He would love the happy clappers because they adore him but underneath, he would despise them because they are easily manipulated by him.

So he's not so much stupid, more evil. Great.

Cannot wait for Koch to leave.

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Koch just takes us all for a bunch of idiots he's a spineless arrogant self entitled squeezer who knows absolutely jack shit about port Adelaide
The only thing he is capable of is slowly killing the fan base by draining every last bit of hope the fans have im 100% one eyed port Adelaide but lately I'm just losing the passion I buy merchandise, go to games, watch every game etc but I'm just losing interest its just the same crap over and over and over and he does nothing about it its putrid anyone else in his position would hold the coach accountable for failure (going on what 13 YEARS!!) and nothing no change ffs hinkley was laughing after the loss laughing with Voss ffs this is a joke no coach should be laughing after a loss ur a fraud Ken and you Koch and Davies and Richardson the lot of ya bunch of gutless weak clowns
There are different variations on the idiot theme, but to me having met him once Koch is so far up himself he can't see the woods for the trees.

We were the only two people in the upstairs member's loo at Alberton for a Maggie's game the day after the Power had squandered a 50 plus point 3rd qtr lead against a very ordinary Brisvegas team, to fall over the line by about half that and in the process burnt valuable percentage.

I held the door open for him as we were both leaving and he said `good win last night,' and my very polite response was `I thought we should have won by more!'
No other words were spoken but he looked down his nose at me like I was an inferior life form who wasn't entitled to an opinion that differed from his, and then he walked off shaking his head.

My immediate thought was the bloke had accepted the president's gig for the prestige that went with it, he doesn't get what the PAFC is supposed to be about and probably never will and is just a theatre goer with little knowledge of the game, and when I got back to my seat I shared those thoughts with a mate who is also a member of this site, and who had a similar episode with Koch at a game in Melbourne.
He isn’t Port Adelaide. The end. Need to **** him off before the damage to the club psyche is irreversible.
Something I've got to ask to those who know him.

Is Koch an idiot? Is he really dumb? It would just more sense of all this.

I've only spoken to David a handful of times, but colleagues who deal with him on an ongoing basis - particularly with regards to his work at the Club, say he's definitely not an idiot. But rather, his arrogance extends further than his nose and he can get misguided. I'll add though that it's probably difficult to find a Chairman at an AFL Club whose arrogance doesn't extend further than Pinocchio's nose.

If one were to exclude the on-field performance and strictly look at what has happened off-field under David's leadership, a lot has been done right. They maximised the return to Adelaide Oval, have brought in (currently) half a dozen 1M+ PA sponsors, have significantly upgraded the facilities at Alberton, and the future developments have them on track to not only be recession-proof, but have the potential to establish the Club as a true financial powerhouse of the competition.

David's biggest issue however has been hanging onto Hinkley. Depending on how one looks at it, either 7 years (end of 2017) or 2 years (end of 2022) too long. I know for a fact that the Board are not united on Hinkley. At the same time, I know that the Board merely ratify the Footy Committee's recommendation regarding Hinkley etc. I suspect this was the process because of a lack of footy smarts on the Board (outside of Snowdon, zilch). Now that Warren is on the Board, that process may look a bit different. Even if it isn't, Warren is also on the Footy Committee which has previously decided Ken's future.

If the Club got rid of Ken and won a flag shortly thereafter, I think a lot of people would look at David in a different light. Currently though, rightly or wrongly he's the representation of stability to the point of potential staleness filtering through the entire Club from the top down.
Something I've got to ask to those who know him.

Is Koch an idiot? Is he really dumb? It would just more sense of all this.
He is his own brand of being dumb. He has an IQ but is selfishly impervious to any possibility that someone else sitting at a table with him might know more about a particular subject than he does.

Take China for example. He was always shy to reveal how little he knew about it. He would never ask about it … not even when I was invited by his daughter to a lunch her father was hosting during a visit her parents made to Hong Kong at the end of 2015, maybe 2016. All he wanted to tell his guests about (there were three of us, all members of the PAFC China Advisory Group) was how wonderful were the local restaurants he’d been to; his guests already knew them well. He didn’t want to talk about the club, about football, and he grew more and more visibly annoyed when I refused to take any notice of his mood and kept asking pointed questions.

He was shocked to learn that Brendan Ah Chee and Jake Neade had Chinese blood. I’d suggested to him they be appointed multi-cultural club ambassadors. His daughter told him: “Denis does a lot of research, you know, Dad,” and that only made things worse.

The atmosphere became so challenging at one moment that I thought of sneaking out to the desk at the entrance and quietly picking up the David’s chit. Why didn’t I do that? I could’ve held that over him ever since. But, I guess, I was the polite one out of the two of us.

BTW he doesn’t like being called ‘David’. He prefers ‘Kochie’. He thinks it makes him sound like one of the boys … one of the faux acts he thrives on. Another, as you know, is announcing to a room full of strangers in a foreign country his dubious qualifications as a “professional bullshitter”.

I have always called him David. I once did it holding the mike in the HK Football Club and his wince was magic to my eyes. “Why are we all here?” I asked rhetorically. “We’re all here because David is in town and he wants everyone to know it.”
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Koch just takes us all for a bunch of idiots he's a spineless arrogant self entitled squeezer who knows absolutely jack shit about port Adelaide
The only thing he is capable of is slowly killing the fan base by draining every last bit of hope the fans have im 100% one eyed port Adelaide but lately I'm just losing the passion I buy merchandise, go to games, watch every game etc but I'm just losing interest its just the same crap over and over and over and he does nothing about it its putrid anyone else in his position would hold the coach accountable for failure (going on what 13 YEARS!!) and nothing no change ffs hinkley was laughing after the loss laughing with Voss ffs this is a joke no coach should be laughing after a loss ur a fraud Ken and you Koch and Davies and Richardson the lot of ya bunch of gutless weak clowns
Koch knows nothing about football so he listens to his chosen "experts" that he in unqualified to select.

He therefore assumes that all the members know nothing about football and should just listen to his "experts" that he is unqualified to select.

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“Why are we all here?” I asked rhetorically. “We’re all here because David is in town and he wants everyone to know it.”
Presumably this was promptly followed by you slamming your **** on the table.
Presumably this was promptly followed by you slamming your **** on the table.
There was no table to slam anything on. I was standing, aptly, in the Chairman’s Bar which was crowded with hangers-on after the 2015 ANZAC Centenary celebration in the Sports Hall. The bar was packed.

I was handed the mike by one of the half-dozen 9RAR Vietnam vets who’d flown up with John Red Gum Schumann. “You organised this,” I was told, “now you do the talking.”

Later I was told by best mate Peter Phillips RIP, who was next to Richo, that they’d exchanged glances, rolled their eyes and wondered in unison what the hell was going to happen next.

Poor Koch. He asked for it. He’d seated himself expectantly in a chair and was so anxious to get to the front row that he gripped the arms and jumped himself forward. I saw him coming, out the corner of my eye.

He was right in front of me when I let him have it. Time of my life.
There are different variations on the idiot theme, but to me having met him once Koch is so far up himself he can't see the woods for the trees.

We were the only two people in the upstairs member's loo at Alberton for a Maggie's game the day after the Power had squandered a 50 plus point 3rd qtr lead against a very ordinary Brisvegas team, to fall over the line by about half that and in the process burnt valuable percentage.

I held the door open for him as we were both leaving and he said `good win last night,' and my very polite response was `I thought we should have won by more!'
No other words were spoken but he looked down his nose at me like I was an inferior life form who wasn't entitled to an opinion that differed from his, and then he walked off shaking his head.

My immediate thought was the bloke had accepted the president's gig for the prestige that went with it, he doesn't get what the PAFC is supposed to be about and probably never will and is just a theatre goer with little knowledge of the game, and when I got back to my seat I shared those thoughts with a mate who is also a member of this site, and who had a similar episode with Koch at a game in Melbourne.
A mate had the misfortune to encounter Koch at Alberton one day. Other people in the room such as Timmy G. were happy to shake his hand and make him feel welcome. Not Kochie, who gave a "you're not worthy to be in my presence" vibe. David Koch is definitely his own biggest fan, who sees himself as Alberton royalty - horrible individual.
A lot of what's been written here sounds a lot like stories I've heard from people who've either been involved at the club or had corporate access over the last 10-12 years. I remember meeting one guy who had worked closeish to Koch from time to time. He always referred me back to an AFL360 appearance Koch did where he held up a prop guernsey with 'Footy Club's aren't a toy' (I'm paraphrasing) on the back. It's always stuck with me.

I've thought about this for a while recently. I agree with observations that the club has been (seemingly) doing well off-field. How much of this can be put down to one president alone I don't know, but the fact remains that we're in a very good state. It's also a fact that Kochie's predecessors made the moves to change the rulebook (stadium deals and Adelaide Oval) so today's admin can be effective. At the end of the day, Koch has dragged his feet on member control, he doesn't stand for the member-elected position, the success or failure of the club rests squarely on his shoulders. If 'we exist to win premierships' matters, he's so far failed to make the one move that would show the slogan matters.
I've only spoken to David a handful of times, but colleagues who deal with him on an ongoing basis - particularly with regards to his work at the Club, say he's definitely not an idiot. But rather, his arrogance extends further than his nose and he can get misguided. I'll add though that it's probably difficult to find a Chairman at an AFL Club whose arrogance doesn't extend further than Pinocchio's nose.

If one were to exclude the on-field performance and strictly look at what has happened off-field under David's leadership, a lot has been done right. They maximised the return to Adelaide Oval, have brought in (currently) half a dozen 1M+ PA sponsors, have significantly upgraded the facilities at Alberton, and the future developments have them on track to not only be recession-proof, but have the potential to establish the Club as a true financial powerhouse of the competition.

David's biggest issue however has been hanging onto Hinkley. Depending on how one looks at it, either 7 years (end of 2017) or 2 years (end of 2022) too long. I know for a fact that the Board are not united on Hinkley. At the same time, I know that the Board merely ratify the Footy Committee's recommendation regarding Hinkley etc. I suspect this was the process because of a lack of footy smarts on the Board (outside of Snowdon, zilch). Now that Warren is on the Board, that process may look a bit different. Even if it isn't, Warren is also on the Footy Committee which has previously decided Ken's future.

If the Club got rid of Ken and won a flag shortly thereafter, I think a lot of people would look at David in a different light. Currently though, rightly or wrongly he's the representation of stability to the point of potential staleness filtering through the entire Club from the top down.
To summarise this really simply:

1. He understands business.
2. He doesn't understand football.

His biggest failure is not delegating a right hand man to handle the big decisions that impact on-field performance.

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Roast Sack Koch - Chairman of The Redeem Team

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