Official Match Thread Season 36, Second Qualifying Final: Las Vegas Bears versus Baghdad Bombers at The Stadium in the Sky

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Jezmiester40 to I Dont Care - love to see it

4 : 15.51 {lHFF} - Jezmiester40 looking for a lead.
4 : 15.55 {rFP} - Handpass over the shoulder to I Dont Care.
4 : 16 {rFP} - I Dont Care walks into goal.
4 : 16.04 {rFP} - Bending baaaaaaaaaaaaack... GOAL. I Dont Care's kicked 2.

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Well played Bears. Art Vandelay_ we're playing the old Utd we'll kick more goals than them. Can you feeeeeel it?

Thanks for the week Bombers and for your your time Dr Phil philreich
Come on team, it's time..

well that was short lived, Congrats Bears on your win, thanks for the game and the week (day in my case lol), thanks for posting philreich, looks like we will be taking the hard route to premiership glory this season team, let's do it.
Rich (BB code):
LVB               8    1        14   3        20   5        24   7    151      
BOM               4    3        10   4        14   6        19   7    121      
LVB        HO  K  M  H  T  FF FA G  B   Dt  BOM         HO  K  M  H  T  FF FA G  B   Dt
tony        0  6  0  3  0  0  0  0  0   24  YeoGabbaGa   0  2  0  0  0  0  0  0  0    6
JoshWooden  0  4  3  5  0  0  0  0  0   31  BLUEALLTHR   0  5  4  5  1  0  0  0  0   41
Dingster    0  6  2  11 1  1  0  0  0   51  Osc1         0  2  1  2  0  0  1  0  0   10
Electronic  0  6  4  8  1  0  1  0  0   47  snozulu      0  5  4  8  0  0  0  0  0   43
Test Tickl  0  5  5  5  2  1  1  0  0   46  Kilroy       0  4  1  7  1  0  3  0  0   24
Tommycash   0  2  2  4  0  0  0  0  0   20  ArdentEagl   0  5  5  5  2  1  0  0  0   49
Matera92    0  9  3  10 2  2  3  1  1   64  HaroLad      0  9  3  10 1  0  3  1  0   57
Senor M     0  15 0  8  2  4  1  3  3   91  SaintsSept   0  9  4  12 3  1  4  0  2   66
RonnieRave  0  13 5  7  1  2  1  1  0   77  sunny3193    0  16 7  12 1  0  2  2  0  103
Muddiemoos  0  9  2  2  1  0  2  2  0   47  Grav         0  11 5  6  1  0  1  3  2   81
Art Vandel  0  7  6  8  1  2  1  2  1   71  iDon         0  7  4  9  0  0  1  0  0   48
Jezmiester  0  5  5  6  1  0  1  0  0   43  Jabba73      0  3  3  8  1  1  0  0  0   39
I Dont Car  0  3  1  0  1  0  0  2  1   29  VeinGlorio   0  1  0  1  0  0  0  0  0    5
JoseMourin  0  6  1  1  1  0  0  5  1   58  gab213       0  7  0  0  1  0  1  6  1   59
MWPP        0  5  2  1  0  0  0  5  0   53  KohPhi       0  1  0  0  0  0  0  0  1    4
Cap         25 8  0  9  6  1  2  0  0   86  The Sultan   12 11 0  8  4  6  2  2  0   89
Millky95    0  10 0  12 9  3  0  1  0   99  Pugsley      0  11 0  14 15 3  0  2  1  137
RookiePick  0  2  0  6  1  0  0  0  0   22  Footy Is T   0  4  0  6  1  0  0  0  0   28
Tandy       0  13 5  15 2  3  2  2  0  101  norway blu   0  4  0  7  3  3  1  0  0   38
kane249     0  0  0  1  0  0  0  0  0    2  JustaBattl   0  5  3  1  0  0  0  3  0   44

Rich (BB code):
            LVB   BOM
Hitouts   : 25   12 
Kicks     : 134  122 
Marks     : 46   44 
Handballs : 122  121 
Tackles   : 32   35 
Frees For : 19   15 
Frees Ag. : 15   19 
Smothers  : 0    1 
Ironouts  : 7    7 
Inside50  : 19   17 
Goals     : 24   19 
Behinds   : 7    7

Rich (BB code):
First Quarter :
1.19 - Goal to Tandy (LVB) - LVB by 6 point(s).
2.07 - Behind to Matera92 (LVB) - LVB by 7 point(s).
2.32 - Goal to I Dont Care (LVB) - LVB by 13 point(s).
4.29 - Goal to The Sultan (BOM) - LVB by 7 point(s).
6.22 - Goal to gab213 (BOM) - LVB by 1 point(s).
7.49 - Goal to Art Vandelay_ (LVB) - LVB by 7 point(s).
9.38 - Goal to gab213 (BOM) - LVB by 1 point(s).
13.37 - Goal to JoseMourinho (LVB) - LVB by 7 point(s).
14.31 - Goal to JoseMourinho (LVB) - LVB by 13 point(s).
15.02 - Behind to SaintsSeptember (BOM) - LVB by 12 point(s).
16.16 - Goal to Grav (BOM) - LVB by 6 point(s).
17.32 - Goal to Senor M (LVB) - LVB by 12 point(s).
19.34 - Goal to JoseMourinho (LVB) - LVB by 18 point(s).
19.54 - Behind to SaintsSeptember (BOM) - LVB by 17 point(s).
21.47 - Goal to MWPP (LVB) - LVB by 23 point(s).
23.49 - Behind to KohPhi (BOM) - LVB by 22 point(s).

Second Quarter :
2.35 - Goal to JustaBattler (BOM) - LVB by 16 point(s).
3.17 - Goal to Muddiemoose (LVB) - LVB by 22 point(s).
7.24 - Goal to Senor M (LVB) - LVB by 28 point(s).
8.1 - Goal to Grav (BOM) - LVB by 22 point(s).
12 - Goal to JustaBattler (BOM) - LVB by 16 point(s).
13.49 - Goal to The Sultan (BOM) - LVB by 10 point(s).
16.08 - Goal to Pugsley (BOM) - LVB by 4 point(s).
16.32 - Behind to Senor M (LVB) - LVB by 5 point(s).
17.12 - Rushed behind to LVB - LVB by 6 point(s).
18.01 - Goal to Millky95 (LVB) - LVB by 12 point(s).
19.17 - Goal to Matera92 (LVB) - LVB by 18 point(s).
20.23 - Goal to sunny3193 (BOM) - LVB by 12 point(s).
22.21 - Goal to MWPP (LVB) - LVB by 18 point(s).
23 - Goal to Muddiemoose (LVB) - LVB by 24 point(s).
24.18 - Behind to Pugsley (BOM) - LVB by 23 point(s).

Third Quarter :
.3 - Goal to RonnieRaven (LVB) - LVB by 29 point(s).
1.19 - Rushed behind to BOM - LVB by 28 point(s).
1.49 - Goal to gab213 (BOM) - LVB by 22 point(s).
3.3 - Behind to Senor M (LVB) - LVB by 23 point(s).
4.17 - Behind to JoseMourinho (LVB) - LVB by 24 point(s).
5.35 - Goal to JoseMourinho (LVB) - LVB by 30 point(s).
6.35 - Goal to Pugsley (BOM) - LVB by 24 point(s).
8.4 - Goal to HaroLad (BOM) - LVB by 18 point(s).
9.46 - Goal to Tandy (LVB) - LVB by 24 point(s).
17.32 - Goal to MWPP (LVB) - LVB by 30 point(s).
18.52 - Behind to Grav (BOM) - LVB by 29 point(s).
20.27 - Goal to gab213 (BOM) - LVB by 23 point(s).
23.04 - Goal to MWPP (LVB) - LVB by 29 point(s).
23.25 - Goal to Senor M (LVB) - LVB by 35 point(s).

Final Quarter :
1.4 - Goal to sunny3193 (BOM) - LVB by 29 point(s).
6.51 - Goal to JustaBattler (BOM) - LVB by 23 point(s).
7.53 - Behind to gab213 (BOM) - LVB by 22 point(s).
8.36 - Goal to gab213 (BOM) - LVB by 16 point(s).
9.09 - Goal to Art Vandelay_ (LVB) - LVB by 22 point(s).
10.03 - Goal to MWPP (LVB) - LVB by 28 point(s).
14.31 - Behind to Senor M (LVB) - LVB by 29 point(s).
16.08 - Goal to I Dont Care (LVB) - LVB by 35 point(s).
17.32 - Goal to JoseMourinho (LVB) - LVB by 41 point(s).
18.26 - Goal to gab213 (BOM) - LVB by 35 point(s).
21.47 - Goal to Grav (BOM) - LVB by 29 point(s).
24.06 - Rushed behind to LVB - LVB by 30 point(s).

Rich (BB code):
kane249              0 (On) 15.55 (Off) Total : 16%
JoshWoodenSpoon      0 (On) Total : 100%
Tommycash            0 (On) Total : 100%
Electronic_Renaissan 0 (On) Total : 100%
Test Tickle          0 (On) Total : 100%
Dingster             0 (On) Total : 100%
Matera92             0 (On) Total : 100%
Tandy                0 (On) 79.5 (Off) Total : 79%
RonnieRaven          0 (On) Total : 100%
Muddiemoose          0 (On) Total : 100%
Art Vandelay_        0 (On) Total : 100%
Jezmiester40         0 (On) Total : 100%
I Dont Care          0 (On) Total : 100%
JoseMourinho         0 (On) Total : 100%
MWPP                 0 (On) Total : 100%
Cap                  0 (On) Total : 100%
Millky95             0 (On) Total : 100%
Senor M              0 (On) 78.21 (Off) 79.5 (On) Total : 98%
RookiePick           0 (Off) 78.21 (On) Total : 21%
tony                 0 (Off) 15.55 (On) Total : 83%

Osc1                 0 (On) 100 (Off) 97.25 (On) Total : 102%
BLUEALLTHRU          0 (On) Total : 100%
Footy Is The Win     0 (On) 75.55 (Off) 81.04 (On) Total : 94%
snozulu              0 (On) Total : 100%
Kilroy               0 (On) Total : 100%
ArdentEagle          0 (On) Total : 100%
VeinGlorious         0 (On) 6.47 (Off) 75.55 (On) Total : 31%
SaintsSeptember      0 (On) Total : 100%
sunny3193            0 (On) Total : 100%
Grav                 0 (On) Total : 100%
iDon                 0 (On) Total : 100%
Jabba73              0 (On) Total : 100%
JustaBattler         0 (On) 97.25 (Off) Total : 97%
gab213               0 (On) Total : 100%
KohPhi               0 (On) Total : 100%
The Sultan           0 (On) Total : 100%
Pugsley              0 (On) Total : 100%
norway blue          0 (On) 81.04 (Off) Total : 81%
HaroLad              0 (Off) 6.47 (On) Total : 92%
YeoGabbaGabba        0 (Off) 100 (On) Total : 0%

Total :  3600               Average :  90.00001

  • While the match-up was a bit of a side-show, ArdentEagle and Muddiemoose were evenly matched. - 87m from 7 to 94.
  • In a bit of an exhibition, Art Vandelay_ gave Kilroy a hiding. - 98m from 2 to 100.
  • In a resume-material performance, JoseMourinho had BLUEALLTHRU's measure. - 97m from 2 to 99.
  • In a resume-material performance, The Sultan had Cap's measure. - 98m from 1 to 99.
  • Toe to toe throughout, Dingster either broke even with Grav or vaguely bested him - it was hard to tell. - 72m from 0 to 72.
  • While worlds weren't set on fire, JustaBattler massacred Dingster. - 0m from 81 to 81.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, Dingster came out tops over the brave VeinGlorious. - 10m from 86 to 96.
  • Toe to toe throughout, Electronic_Renaissance did well against Jabba73. - 84m from 3 to 87.
  • While both players struggled to make an impact, I Dont Care was slightly more polished than Footy Is The Win. - 61m from 2 to 63.
  • While the match-up was a bit of a side-show, RookiePick did well against Footy Is The Win. - 18m from 81 to 99.
  • While very slim pickings for both players, Grav was slightly more polished than Tommycash. - 16m from 80 to 96.
  • In an enthralling contest, RonnieRaven had the better of HaroLad. - 90m from 8 to 98.
  • Despite neither player having much impact, I Dont Care won the bout with JustaBattler. - 1m from 90 to 91.
  • While the match-up was a bit of a side-show, snozulu and Jezmiester40 were evenly matched. - 96m from 3 to 99.
  • In a comparatively small-fry arm wrestle, JoshWoodenSpoon did very well against gab213. - 90m from 6 to 96.
  • While both players struggled to make an impact, JustaBattler came out tops over the brave Tommycash. - 54m from 15 to 69.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, kane249 did well against KohPhi. - 0m from 15 to 15.
  • Neither getting, near the ball much, tony gave KohPhi a bit of a touch-up. - 73m from 23 to 96.
  • In a resume-material performance, sunny3193 exposed Matera92's frailties. - 97m from 0 to 97.
  • In a resume-material performance, Pugsley won the bout with Millky95. - 100m from 0 to 100.
  • Bordering on a training run, MWPP massacred Osc1. - 71m from 2 to 73.
  • While worlds weren't set on fire, MWPP massacred YeoGabbaGabba. - 11m from 78 to 89.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, VeinGlorious did well against RonnieRaven. - 4m from 0 to 4.
  • In what was a very slow day for both, norway blue won the bout with RookiePick. - 0m from 80 to 80.
  • In what was a very slow day for both, SaintsSeptember came out tops over the brave Senor M. - 14m from 84 to 98.
  • In what became a bit of a clinic, Tandy was way too good for SaintsSeptember. - 79m from 0 to 79.
  • In an epic battle, Senor M did well against norway blue. - 77m from 0 to 77.
  • In an enthralling contest, Test Tickle came out tops over the brave iDon. - 95m from 0 to 95.
Good times Bombers, reckon I only wanted to strangle you like a quarter of the time, so that's an improvement! Nah seriously was a fun week, and I hope you go hard at whoever you've got next. Maybe see ya in the Granny?? About time someone took that iDon down a peg or two. ;)

Bears, keep listening to that stiff Ted Lasso, seems to be onto a good thing.


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4 : 11.36 {rHFF} - Grav hoofs the ball into space but Tommycash runs onto it.
Tommycash you said because of one of my earlier posts, that you would let a goal go through for me.

You lied!

What a game, terrific win Bears. Only 2 more wins now and the flag is ours. Beartodream.

Thanks for posting philreich, great stuff. Thanks for the week Bombers, good luck next week.

Congratulations Senor M, that win was for you.

Senor M Chair Off 100 Games.png
  • Bordering on a training run, MWPP massacred Osc1. - 71m from 2 to 73.
  • While worlds weren't set on fire, MWPP massacred YeoGabbaGabba. - 11m from 78 to 89.
Unlucky Osc1 and YeoGabbaGabba - I think that was a career best game for me
I'm spent though. Looking forward to the week off to recover and prepare from the prelim
Well, well, too good Bears took us to the cleaners, well done.
Well played Dingster you’d look good in Baghdad colours next season 😉
Great call philreich have you chosen your position for next season at the Bombers?
Pith up time Bombers
What a game, terrific win Bears. Only 2 more wins now and the flag is ours. Beartodream.

Thanks for posting philreich, great stuff. Thanks for the week Bombers, good luck next week.

Congratulations Senor M, that win was for you.

View attachment 1855910
A great of the LVB and saved some of his best work for this final - well done Senor M
Sidenote - I love how you always pick the most flattering angles for yourself tony and think nobody else notices :p
My right side is for publicity shots, left side is for my mug shots.

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Official Match Thread Season 36, Second Qualifying Final: Las Vegas Bears versus Baghdad Bombers at The Stadium in the Sky

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