Senator Reynolds

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Question borne out of genuine ignorance: aren't lawyers ethically bound to represent anyone who walks through their doors asking for representation?
don't think the subject matter was directed at lawyers. and i think it's a misconception to believe your premise.
Question borne out of genuine ignorance: aren't lawyers ethically bound to represent anyone who walks through their doors asking for representation?

Barristers have a duty to accept any and all briefs, so long as it is in an area of law they practice in. This is known as the 'cab-rank rule'. However, this rule does not apply to solicitors who can accept work at their discretion.

Note that as a matter of practice, solicitors are very unlikely to try to force a barrister to take a brief he doesn't want.

And that an unusual number of barristers might be unavailable for various reasons to take on unpopular causes; one notorious case was the difficulty Roger Casement had in getting adequate representation after the gummint accidentally leaked the Black Diaries.
Barristers have a duty to accept any and all briefs, so long as it is in an area of law they practice in. This is known as the 'cab-rank rule'. However, this rule does not apply to solicitors who can accept work at their discretion.

Note that as a matter of practice, solicitors are very unlikely to try to force a barrister to take a job he doesn't want to do.

And that an unusual number of barrister might be unavailable for various reasons to take on unpopular causes.

Thanks for the response. It is permissible for a lawyer or law firm to basically put out a sign to someone saying "we don't want to represent you" before they are approached?

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Thanks for the response. It is permissible for a lawyer or law firm to basically put out a sign to someone saying "we don't want to represent you" before they are approached?
Yes, no reason why you can't put up a sign "Dear filthy rich bastard, don't come knockin' at our door"
Yes, no reason why you can't put up a sign "Dear filthy rich bastard, don't come knockin' at our door"

That would explain Marque Lawyers twitter then. Not sure with a system based on the idea of everyone being entitled to a legal defense that it should be permissible, but that's how that goes.

Carry on
Barristers have a duty to accept any and all briefs, so long as it is in an area of law they practice in. This is known as the 'cab-rank rule'. However, this rule does not apply to solicitors who can accept work at their discretion.

Note that as a matter of practice, solicitors are very unlikely to try to force a barrister to take a brief he doesn't want.

And that an unusual number of barristers might be unavailable for various reasons to take on unpopular causes; one notorious case was the difficulty Roger Casement had in getting adequate representation after the gummint accidentally leaked the Black Diaries.
good luck getting a lawyer who is a devoted catholic to take on an abortion case or a euthanasia case.
'Senator Reynolds is pursuing David Sharaz for damages, as well as aggravated damages, over five social media posts, and has requested an injunction preventing the material from surfacing in the future.

During a two-hour hearing in WA‘s Supreme Court this week, Mr Sharaz’s lawyer, Jason MacLaurin, pushed for Senator Reynolds to pay a six-figure security bond to the court if her case against the former journalist failed.

Mr MacLaurin told the court that as Senator Reynolds was also suing Ms Higgins for defamation, he had concerns she would not be in a position to pay his client‘s costs should she lose.

The request was dismissed by Justice Marcus Solomon on Friday.

“If these proceedings continue to their natural conclusion, the costs will be very significant, perhaps crippling, and possibly beyond Senator Reynolds’ means,” Justice Solomon said.

An earlier attempt by Sharaz to move the jurisdiction from WA to the ACT was unsuccessful.
Aunt Lydia retires from her sinecure.

It’s disgusting how utterly the ABC has been hobbled from doing even the basics of holding Coalition politicians to account for anything.

That our once fearlessly independent public broadcaster has been systematically reduced by Murdoch & the soulless filth who do his bidding to a bunch of fawning sycophants terrified of giving even the slightest of offense to anyone who plays for team IPA.
Reynolds is just an old woman, out of a job and angling for some cash to play bingo as she fades away.
A disgrace.
Zero moral or standards, whcih is prerequisite for being a Liberal member let alone a Minister,.
Scum who should be shunned and ostracised.

Worked against the best interests of her country, her electorate and her gender for personal gain,
All round piece of shit.

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