Event SFAEW Season 38: Bad Blood This Sunday!

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World Heavyweight Championship​
World Tag Team Championships​
Intercity Championship​
Hardcore Championship​
Trios Championships​

Dates and stats correct as of 10/9/24.


ClarkeMoney in the Bank​
Championship board updated.

tony Dingster MWPP Chipmunk Millky95 JoshWoodenSpoon Test Tickle Art Vandelay_ Frothies Mcveigh

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This Sunday!

It's SFAEW's Elimination Chamber show!

Let's see what's on the card:

r8 bonothrilla vs enforcement.png

In the wake of last week's Magnificent Seven match, serial_thrilla and U2tigers have some unmasked baddies to deal with! First on their shitlist: the felt menaces of Gralin and Supersuns of The Enforcement!

r8 falco vs damicky.png

Speaking of the enforcement, Falconista stands in for HARPSichord in a showdown with the returning damicky!

r8 famiglia vs wonders.png

In what could very well be a layup for the reigning champs, JoshWoodenSpoon, Test Tickle and Art Vandelay_ defend their Trios Championships against AnUltimateRessie, DenieD and JT_the_Man of the Wonders!

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In the other Il Famiglia title defence of the week, Millky95 puts his title on the line against DemurePrincess in a Tables Match!

r8 c filthy promo.png

After some interference from the (allegedly) "Kind Man", cooney has requested an in-ring talk session with The Filth Wizard!

And in your main event of the week:

r8 main event.png

Who will tony's next opponent be?

Will Callums_Guns or Headless continue their ascents into the main event scene?

Will Braklet or thewizardmelon finally break into the World Title scene after years of fighting for the spotlight?

Or will Loonerty or Tonga Bob re-establish themselves as the main event mainstays they once were?

Find out on Sunday.​
This Sunday!

It's SFAEW's Elimination Chamber show!

Let's see what's on the card:

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In the wake of last week's Magnificent Seven match, serial_thrilla and U2tigers have some unmasked baddies to deal with! First on their shitlist: the felt menaces of Gralin and Supersuns of The Enforcement!

View attachment 2108849

Speaking of the enforcement, Falconista stands in for HARPSichord in a showdown with the returning damicky!

View attachment 2108850

In what could very well be a layup for the reigning champs, JoshWoodenSpoon, Test Tickle and Art Vandelay_ defend their Trios Championships against AnUltimateRessie, DenieD and JT_the_Man of the Wonders!

View attachment 2108852

In the other Il Famiglia title defence of the week, Millky95 puts his title on the line against DemurePrincess in a Tables Match!

View attachment 2108848

After some interference from the (allegedly) "Kind Man", cooney has requested an in-ring talk session with The Filth Wizard!

And in your main event of the week:

View attachment 2108851

Who will tony's next opponent be?

Will Callums_Guns or Headless continue their ascents into the main event scene?

Will Braklet or thewizardmelon finally break into the World Title scene after years of fighting for the spotlight?

Or will Loonerty or Tonga Bob re-establish themselves as the main event mainstays they once were?

Find out on Sunday.​
Oh that is terrible news for Thrilla and bono
no official debut of Root Beer Money yet how disappointing, maybe next week HARPSichord

also I would like another match with Thrilla don't know who this guy is but he called me a nobody, I'm the fastest rising star around here and i will show him that after I'm done with him he will be forgotten
I sure know i want the tag gold and i hope that HARPSichord does as well, who doesn't want to see Root Beer Money as the tag champs
Look At Me Reaction GIF by WWE
This Sunday!

It's SFAEW's Elimination Chamber show!

Let's see what's on the card:

View attachment 2108847

In the wake of last week's Magnificent Seven match, serial_thrilla and U2tigers have some unmasked baddies to deal with! First on their shitlist: the felt menaces of Gralin and Supersuns of The Enforcement!

View attachment 2108849

Speaking of the enforcement, Falconista stands in for HARPSichord in a showdown with the returning damicky!

View attachment 2108850

In what could very well be a layup for the reigning champs, JoshWoodenSpoon, Test Tickle and Art Vandelay_ defend their Trios Championships against AnUltimateRessie, DenieD and JT_the_Man of the Wonders!

View attachment 2108852

In the other Il Famiglia title defence of the week, Millky95 puts his title on the line against DemurePrincess in a Tables Match!

View attachment 2108848

After some interference from the (allegedly) "Kind Man", cooney has requested an in-ring talk session with The Filth Wizard!

And in your main event of the week:

View attachment 2108851

Who will tony's next opponent be?

Will Callums_Guns or Headless continue their ascents into the main event scene?

Will Braklet or thewizardmelon finally break into the World Title scene after years of fighting for the spotlight?

Or will Loonerty or Tonga Bob re-establish themselves as the main event mainstays they once were?

Find out on Sunday.​

If I have to destroy The Ladder Guy to get to HARPSichord , bring it on!

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They lock up.
U2Tigers kicks SuperSuns.
The chants for U2Tigers are deafening.
SuperSuns punches U2Tigers.
Numerous fans are using SuperSuns as target practice.
SuperSuns punches U2Tigers.
SuperSuns chops U2Tigers.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Gralin enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
SuperSuns and Gralin whip U2Tigers into the ropes.
They attempt to hit U2Tigers with a double kick to the midsection, but he
counters it with a double clothesline.
The chants for U2Tigers are deafening.
Gralin leaves the ring.
U2Tigers goes for a fisherman suplex, but SuperSuns counters it with a vertical suplex.
SuperSuns hits a diving Meteora on U2Tigers.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
SuperSuns runs into the ropes.
SuperSuns misses with a clothesline.
U2Tigers hits SuperSuns with a shoulderblock.
U2Tigers goes for a cross-face submission, but SuperSuns blocks it.
SuperSuns nails U2Tigers with a pop-up power bomb.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
SuperSuns uses a Death Valley Driver into the turnbuckles on U2Tigers.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
SuperSuns performs a sliding forearm smash against U2Tigers.
SuperSuns performs the Dynamite Plunger against U2Tigers.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
SuperSuns goes for a kick to the midsection, but U2Tigers counters it with a dragon screw.
In turn, SuperSuns counters it with an enzuigiri to the face.
SuperSuns is being booed out of the building.
SuperSuns whips U2Tigers into the ropes, but U2Tigers reverses it.
U2Tigers misses with a shoulderblock.
U2Tigers misses with a clothesline.
SuperSuns misses with a clothesline.
U2Tigers performs a hiptoss against SuperSuns.
U2Tigers works the crowd.
The crowd is behind U2Tigers all the way.
U2Tigers hits a jumping neck snap on SuperSuns.
U2Tigers works the crowd.
U2Tigers tries a Northern Lights suplex, but SuperSuns counters it with a swinging neckbreaker.
The crowd is vociferously booing SuperSuns.
SuperSuns hits an open-handed chop on U2Tigers.
SuperSuns hits a flip piledriver on U2Tigers.
SuperSuns hits an open-handed chop on U2Tigers.
SuperSuns hits a diving flip piledriver on U2Tigers.
SuperSuns runs into the ropes.
SuperSuns attempts a running Frankensteiner, but U2Tigers counters it with a power bomb.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for U2Tigers.
U2Tigers takes SuperSuns down with a Northern Lights suplex.
Blacky counts: One, kickout.
U2Tigers executes a front-layout suplex against SuperSuns.
U2Tigers performs a spinning leg lariat against SuperSuns.
U2Tigers works the crowd.
U2Tigers locks SuperSuns in a cross-face submission.
SuperSuns is inching his way towards the ropes.
U2Tigers lets go after 14 seconds.
U2Tigers tags out to serial_thrilla.
serial_thrilla and U2Tigers hit SuperSuns with a double dropkick.
U2Tigers leaves the ring.
serial_thrilla hits a hiptoss on SuperSuns.
serial_thrilla runs into the ropes.
serial_thrilla hits SuperSuns with a clothesline.
serial_thrilla covers SuperSuns.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
serial_thrilla whips SuperSuns into the ropes.
serial_thrilla hits an inverted atomic drop on SuperSuns.
The crowd is behind serial_thrilla all the way.
serial_thrilla hits a hiptoss on SuperSuns.
serial_thrilla nails SuperSuns with a double leg slam.
serial_thrilla nails SuperSuns with a powerslam.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
serial_thrilla throws Blacky into the ringpost.
Blacky falls out of the ring.
Blacky is out cold.
Blacky crawls back into the ring.
Blacky shakes off the pain.
serial_thrilla tags out to U2Tigers.
Gralin enters the ring, but gets cut off.
serial_thrilla takes SuperSuns down with a vertical suplex.
U2Tigers goes for a flying cross body press, but SuperSuns counters it with a powerslam.
SuperSuns pulls the tights.
Blacky counts: One, two, he sees it.
serial_thrilla leaves the ring.
SuperSuns hits a facerake on U2Tigers.
SuperSuns sets up U2Tigers on the turnbuckle.
SuperSuns executes a top-rope wheelbarrow Victory Roll against U2Tigers.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
Gralin enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
SuperSuns and Gralin whip U2Tigers into the ropes.
SuperSuns and Gralin hit U2Tigers with a double bodyslam.
Gralin leaves the ring.
SuperSuns runs into the ropes.
SuperSuns hits U2Tigers with a shoulderblock.
SuperSuns whips U2Tigers into the ropes, but U2Tigers reverses it.
SuperSuns hits U2Tigers with a kick.
SuperSuns tags out to Gralin.
Gralin hits a springboard armdrag on U2Tigers.
Gralin taunts the crowd.
Gralin is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
Gralin hits a kneelift on U2Tigers.
Gralin whips U2Tigers into the ropes.
Gralin hits U2Tigers with a backdrop.
Gralin taunts the crowd.
Gralin further incites the crowd.
Gralin performs a forearm to the back against U2Tigers.
Gralin hits a jawbreaker on U2Tigers.
Gralin takes U2Tigers down with an armdrag takedown.
Gralin nails U2Tigers with a dropkick from the second rope.
Gralin runs into the ropes.
U2Tigers tries an enzuigiri, but Gralin steps out of the way.
Gralin executes the Frog Splash on U2Tigers.
Blacky counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Gralin nails U2Tigers with a standing moonsault.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
Gralin goes for a choke against the ropes, but U2Tigers blocks it.
U2Tigers executes a dropkick against Gralin.
The crowd erupts.
U2Tigers runs into the ropes.
Gralin executes a bodyslam against U2Tigers.
Gralin taunts the crowd.
Gralin is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
Gralin uses a jawbreaker on U2Tigers.
Gralin attempts a vertical suplex, but U2Tigers slides down his back.
U2Tigers goes for a spinning leg lariat, but Gralin steps out of the way.
Gralin further incites the crowd.
Gralin uses a lariat on U2Tigers.
Gralin gets a choke against the ropes on U2Tigers.
U2Tigers is struggling to get out of the hold.
U2Tigers gets ahold of the ropes after 10 seconds.
Gralin hits an armdrag takedown on U2Tigers.
Gralin sends U2Tigers into the turnbuckle.
Gralin performs a dropkick against U2Tigers.
Gralin uses a springboard armdrag on U2Tigers.
Gralin executes an armdrag takedown against U2Tigers.
Gralin runs into the ropes.
Gralin hits U2Tigers with a shoulderblock.
SuperSuns enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Gralin and SuperSuns whip U2Tigers into the ropes.
They hit U2Tigers with a double elbowsmash.
SuperSuns leaves the ring.
Gralin nails U2Tigers with a spinning headscissors into a Russian legsweep.
Numerous fans are using Gralin as target practice.
Gralin goes for a vertical suplex, but U2Tigers blocks it.
U2Tigers goes for a Russian legsweep, but Gralin counters it with an elbowsmash.
Gralin nails U2Tigers with a spinebuster bomb.
Blacky counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Gralin hits a huracanrana from the second rope on U2Tigers.
SuperSuns enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
SuperSuns uses a lariat on U2Tigers.
Gralin tries a flying cross body press, but U2Tigers counters it with a powerslam.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
The crowd is giving U2Tigers a standing ovation.
SuperSuns leaves the ring.
U2Tigers takes Gralin down with a release German suplex.
U2Tigers executes a jumping neck snap against Gralin.
U2Tigers works the crowd.
U2Tigers whips Gralin into the ropes.
Gralin nails U2Tigers with a spinning headscissors into a Russian legsweep.
Gralin executes a jawbreaker against U2Tigers.
Gralin goes for a dropkick from the second rope, but U2Tigers steps out of the way.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for U2Tigers.
Gralin begs off.
U2Tigers takes Gralin down with an inverted DDT.
U2Tigers works the crowd.
U2Tigers uses an electric chair facebuster on Gralin.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
U2Tigers locks Gralin in a cross-face submission.
Gralin inches his way towards the ropes after holding out for 5 seconds.
U2Tigers throws Gralin out of the ring.
Blacky counts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, Gralin reenters the ring.
U2Tigers whips Gralin into the ropes, but Gralin reverses it.
U2Tigers hits Gralin with a shoulderblock.
U2Tigers executes a flying cross body press against Gralin.
Blacky counts: One, two, shoulder up.
U2Tigers nails Gralin with a German suplex.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
Gralin begs off.
Gralin springs to his feet.
Gralin hits a forearm to the back on U2Tigers.
Gralin throws U2Tigers into the turnbuckle.
Gralin nails U2Tigers with a dropkick from the second rope.
Gralin hits U2Tigers.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
U2Tigers chops Gralin.
Gralin chops U2Tigers.
U2Tigers hits Gralin.
Gralin punches U2Tigers.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
U2Tigers hits Gralin.
The crowd is giving U2Tigers a standing ovation.
Gralin punches U2Tigers.
Numerous fans are using Gralin as target practice.
Gralin runs into the ropes.
Gralin hits U2Tigers with a clothesline.
Gralin executes the Frog Splash on U2Tigers.
Blacky counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
Gralin hits a jawbreaker on U2Tigers.
SuperSuns enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
serial_thrilla enters the ring and lays out SuperSuns.
The chants for serial_thrilla are deafening.
U2Tigers and serial_thrilla hit Gralin with a double front-layout suplex.
serial_thrilla leaves the ring.
U2Tigers hits a kick to the head on Gralin.
U2Tigers tags out to serial_thrilla.
U2Tigers enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
serial_thrilla and U2Tigers whip Gralin into the ropes.
They attempt to hit Gralin with a double fist to the midsection, but he
counters it with a double clothesline.
U2Tigers leaves the ring.
Gralin gets a choke against the ropes on serial_thrilla.
serial_thrilla is struggling to get out of the hold.
Gralin lets go after 19 seconds.
Gralin takes serial_thrilla down with a swinging DDT.
Numerous fans are using Gralin as target practice.
Gralin executes a Russian legsweep against serial_thrilla.
Gralin tries the Michinoku Driver, but serial_thrilla counters it with a small package.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
serial_thrilla tags out to U2Tigers.
U2Tigers and serial_thrilla hit Gralin with a double bodyslam.
U2Tigers and serial_thrilla whip Gralin into the ropes.
They hit Gralin with a double elbowsmash.
SuperSuns enters the ring and throws serial_thrilla out of the ring.
Gralin and SuperSuns hit U2Tigers with a double elbowsmash.
SuperSuns leaves the ring.
Gralin hits a kick to the midsection on U2Tigers.
Gralin uses an elbowsmash on U2Tigers.
Gralin executes a hiptoss against U2Tigers.
Gralin executes a forearm to the back against U2Tigers.
Gralin puts U2Tigers in an abdominal stretch.
U2Tigers gets ahold of the ropes after 5 seconds.
Gralin goes for a bodyslam, but U2Tigers blocks it.
U2Tigers executes the The Edge on Gralin.
The crowd is giving U2Tigers a standing ovation.
U2Tigers goes for the pin.
Blacky counts: One, two, three.

The winners are serial_thrilla and U2tigers. Time of match: 0:15:41
Sim Rating: **** 1/2

serial_thrilla and U2Tigers grab some mics.

s_t: Bono...I've gotten wind of a Tag Team Turmoil match that's planned for a few weeks from now.

U2: Tell me more, my friend.

s_t: The winners get a shot at the Tag Titles...and I guarantee you that there's going to be some more baddies to beat in it!

And I know I said that we'd break up again if we lost any match, but we've kept going with this reunion...and I don't think it would be complete without getting some revenge on Dingster and MWPP and all of ClarkeM's Enforcement after they screwed us over in the TLC match...whadda ya say, Bono?

U2Tigers grins.

U2: You don't have to ask me twice, old comrade. Let's take 'em down!

serial_thrilla and U2Tigers shake hands.

serial_thrilla turns to the camera.

s_t: And if any of you Enforcement no-names are still convinced that-

BigChippa52 rolls into the ring and hits a Big Chip Stunner on serial_thrilla before he can finish his sentence.

BigChippa52 rolls out of the ring.

U2Tigers yells at BigChippa52 as he helps serial_thrilla back to his feet.

BigChippa52 throws up double middle fingers as he heads backstage.
They lock up.
U2Tigers kicks SuperSuns.
The chants for U2Tigers are deafening.
SuperSuns punches U2Tigers.
Numerous fans are using SuperSuns as target practice.
SuperSuns punches U2Tigers.
SuperSuns chops U2Tigers.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Gralin enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
SuperSuns and Gralin whip U2Tigers into the ropes.
They attempt to hit U2Tigers with a double kick to the midsection, but he
counters it with a double clothesline.
The chants for U2Tigers are deafening.
Gralin leaves the ring.
U2Tigers goes for a fisherman suplex, but SuperSuns counters it with a vertical suplex.
SuperSuns hits a diving Meteora on U2Tigers.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
SuperSuns runs into the ropes.
SuperSuns misses with a clothesline.
U2Tigers hits SuperSuns with a shoulderblock.
U2Tigers goes for a cross-face submission, but SuperSuns blocks it.
SuperSuns nails U2Tigers with a pop-up power bomb.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
SuperSuns uses a Death Valley Driver into the turnbuckles on U2Tigers.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
SuperSuns performs a sliding forearm smash against U2Tigers.
SuperSuns performs the Dynamite Plunger against U2Tigers.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
SuperSuns goes for a kick to the midsection, but U2Tigers counters it with a dragon screw.
In turn, SuperSuns counters it with an enzuigiri to the face.
SuperSuns is being booed out of the building.
SuperSuns whips U2Tigers into the ropes, but U2Tigers reverses it.
U2Tigers misses with a shoulderblock.
U2Tigers misses with a clothesline.
SuperSuns misses with a clothesline.
U2Tigers performs a hiptoss against SuperSuns.
U2Tigers works the crowd.
The crowd is behind U2Tigers all the way.
U2Tigers hits a jumping neck snap on SuperSuns.
U2Tigers works the crowd.
U2Tigers tries a Northern Lights suplex, but SuperSuns counters it with a swinging neckbreaker.
The crowd is vociferously booing SuperSuns.
SuperSuns hits an open-handed chop on U2Tigers.
SuperSuns hits a flip piledriver on U2Tigers.
SuperSuns hits an open-handed chop on U2Tigers.
SuperSuns hits a diving flip piledriver on U2Tigers.
SuperSuns runs into the ropes.
SuperSuns attempts a running Frankensteiner, but U2Tigers counters it with a power bomb.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for U2Tigers.
U2Tigers takes SuperSuns down with a Northern Lights suplex.
Blacky counts: One, kickout.
U2Tigers executes a front-layout suplex against SuperSuns.
U2Tigers performs a spinning leg lariat against SuperSuns.
U2Tigers works the crowd.
U2Tigers locks SuperSuns in a cross-face submission.
SuperSuns is inching his way towards the ropes.
U2Tigers lets go after 14 seconds.
U2Tigers tags out to serial_thrilla.
serial_thrilla and U2Tigers hit SuperSuns with a double dropkick.
U2Tigers leaves the ring.
serial_thrilla hits a hiptoss on SuperSuns.
serial_thrilla runs into the ropes.
serial_thrilla hits SuperSuns with a clothesline.
serial_thrilla covers SuperSuns.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
serial_thrilla whips SuperSuns into the ropes.
serial_thrilla hits an inverted atomic drop on SuperSuns.
The crowd is behind serial_thrilla all the way.
serial_thrilla hits a hiptoss on SuperSuns.
serial_thrilla nails SuperSuns with a double leg slam.
serial_thrilla nails SuperSuns with a powerslam.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
serial_thrilla throws Blacky into the ringpost.
Blacky falls out of the ring.
Blacky is out cold.
Blacky crawls back into the ring.
Blacky shakes off the pain.
serial_thrilla tags out to U2Tigers.
Gralin enters the ring, but gets cut off.
serial_thrilla takes SuperSuns down with a vertical suplex.
U2Tigers goes for a flying cross body press, but SuperSuns counters it with a powerslam.
SuperSuns pulls the tights.
Blacky counts: One, two, he sees it.
serial_thrilla leaves the ring.
SuperSuns hits a facerake on U2Tigers.
SuperSuns sets up U2Tigers on the turnbuckle.
SuperSuns executes a top-rope wheelbarrow Victory Roll against U2Tigers.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
Gralin enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
SuperSuns and Gralin whip U2Tigers into the ropes.
SuperSuns and Gralin hit U2Tigers with a double bodyslam.
Gralin leaves the ring.
SuperSuns runs into the ropes.
SuperSuns hits U2Tigers with a shoulderblock.
SuperSuns whips U2Tigers into the ropes, but U2Tigers reverses it.
SuperSuns hits U2Tigers with a kick.
SuperSuns tags out to Gralin.
Gralin hits a springboard armdrag on U2Tigers.
Gralin taunts the crowd.
Gralin is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
Gralin hits a kneelift on U2Tigers.
Gralin whips U2Tigers into the ropes.
Gralin hits U2Tigers with a backdrop.
Gralin taunts the crowd.
Gralin further incites the crowd.
Gralin performs a forearm to the back against U2Tigers.
Gralin hits a jawbreaker on U2Tigers.
Gralin takes U2Tigers down with an armdrag takedown.
Gralin nails U2Tigers with a dropkick from the second rope.
Gralin runs into the ropes.
U2Tigers tries an enzuigiri, but Gralin steps out of the way.
Gralin executes the Frog Splash on U2Tigers.
Blacky counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Gralin nails U2Tigers with a standing moonsault.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
Gralin goes for a choke against the ropes, but U2Tigers blocks it.
U2Tigers executes a dropkick against Gralin.
The crowd erupts.
U2Tigers runs into the ropes.
Gralin executes a bodyslam against U2Tigers.
Gralin taunts the crowd.
Gralin is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
Gralin uses a jawbreaker on U2Tigers.
Gralin attempts a vertical suplex, but U2Tigers slides down his back.
U2Tigers goes for a spinning leg lariat, but Gralin steps out of the way.
Gralin further incites the crowd.
Gralin uses a lariat on U2Tigers.
Gralin gets a choke against the ropes on U2Tigers.
U2Tigers is struggling to get out of the hold.
U2Tigers gets ahold of the ropes after 10 seconds.
Gralin hits an armdrag takedown on U2Tigers.
Gralin sends U2Tigers into the turnbuckle.
Gralin performs a dropkick against U2Tigers.
Gralin uses a springboard armdrag on U2Tigers.
Gralin executes an armdrag takedown against U2Tigers.
Gralin runs into the ropes.
Gralin hits U2Tigers with a shoulderblock.
SuperSuns enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Gralin and SuperSuns whip U2Tigers into the ropes.
They hit U2Tigers with a double elbowsmash.
SuperSuns leaves the ring.
Gralin nails U2Tigers with a spinning headscissors into a Russian legsweep.
Numerous fans are using Gralin as target practice.
Gralin goes for a vertical suplex, but U2Tigers blocks it.
U2Tigers goes for a Russian legsweep, but Gralin counters it with an elbowsmash.
Gralin nails U2Tigers with a spinebuster bomb.
Blacky counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Gralin hits a huracanrana from the second rope on U2Tigers.
SuperSuns enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
SuperSuns uses a lariat on U2Tigers.
Gralin tries a flying cross body press, but U2Tigers counters it with a powerslam.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
The crowd is giving U2Tigers a standing ovation.
SuperSuns leaves the ring.
U2Tigers takes Gralin down with a release German suplex.
U2Tigers executes a jumping neck snap against Gralin.
U2Tigers works the crowd.
U2Tigers whips Gralin into the ropes.
Gralin nails U2Tigers with a spinning headscissors into a Russian legsweep.
Gralin executes a jawbreaker against U2Tigers.
Gralin goes for a dropkick from the second rope, but U2Tigers steps out of the way.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for U2Tigers.
Gralin begs off.
U2Tigers takes Gralin down with an inverted DDT.
U2Tigers works the crowd.
U2Tigers uses an electric chair facebuster on Gralin.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
U2Tigers locks Gralin in a cross-face submission.
Gralin inches his way towards the ropes after holding out for 5 seconds.
U2Tigers throws Gralin out of the ring.
Blacky counts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, Gralin reenters the ring.
U2Tigers whips Gralin into the ropes, but Gralin reverses it.
U2Tigers hits Gralin with a shoulderblock.
U2Tigers executes a flying cross body press against Gralin.
Blacky counts: One, two, shoulder up.
U2Tigers nails Gralin with a German suplex.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
Gralin begs off.
Gralin springs to his feet.
Gralin hits a forearm to the back on U2Tigers.
Gralin throws U2Tigers into the turnbuckle.
Gralin nails U2Tigers with a dropkick from the second rope.
Gralin hits U2Tigers.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
U2Tigers chops Gralin.
Gralin chops U2Tigers.
U2Tigers hits Gralin.
Gralin punches U2Tigers.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
U2Tigers hits Gralin.
The crowd is giving U2Tigers a standing ovation.
Gralin punches U2Tigers.
Numerous fans are using Gralin as target practice.
Gralin runs into the ropes.
Gralin hits U2Tigers with a clothesline.
Gralin executes the Frog Splash on U2Tigers.
Blacky counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
Gralin hits a jawbreaker on U2Tigers.
SuperSuns enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
serial_thrilla enters the ring and lays out SuperSuns.
The chants for serial_thrilla are deafening.
U2Tigers and serial_thrilla hit Gralin with a double front-layout suplex.
serial_thrilla leaves the ring.
U2Tigers hits a kick to the head on Gralin.
U2Tigers tags out to serial_thrilla.
U2Tigers enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
serial_thrilla and U2Tigers whip Gralin into the ropes.
They attempt to hit Gralin with a double fist to the midsection, but he
counters it with a double clothesline.
U2Tigers leaves the ring.
Gralin gets a choke against the ropes on serial_thrilla.
serial_thrilla is struggling to get out of the hold.
Gralin lets go after 19 seconds.
Gralin takes serial_thrilla down with a swinging DDT.
Numerous fans are using Gralin as target practice.
Gralin executes a Russian legsweep against serial_thrilla.
Gralin tries the Michinoku Driver, but serial_thrilla counters it with a small package.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
serial_thrilla tags out to U2Tigers.
U2Tigers and serial_thrilla hit Gralin with a double bodyslam.
U2Tigers and serial_thrilla whip Gralin into the ropes.
They hit Gralin with a double elbowsmash.
SuperSuns enters the ring and throws serial_thrilla out of the ring.
Gralin and SuperSuns hit U2Tigers with a double elbowsmash.
SuperSuns leaves the ring.
Gralin hits a kick to the midsection on U2Tigers.
Gralin uses an elbowsmash on U2Tigers.
Gralin executes a hiptoss against U2Tigers.
Gralin executes a forearm to the back against U2Tigers.
Gralin puts U2Tigers in an abdominal stretch.
U2Tigers gets ahold of the ropes after 5 seconds.
Gralin goes for a bodyslam, but U2Tigers blocks it.
U2Tigers executes the The Edge on Gralin.
The crowd is giving U2Tigers a standing ovation.
U2Tigers goes for the pin.
Blacky counts: One, two, three.

The winners are serial_thrilla and U2tigers. Time of match: 0:15:41
Sim Rating: **** 1/2

serial_thrilla and U2Tigers grab some mics.

s_t: Bono...I've gotten wind of a Tag Team Turmoil match that's planned for a few weeks from now.

U2: Tell me more, my friend.

s_t: The winners get a shot at the Tag Titles...and I guarantee you that there's going to be some more baddies to beat in it!

And I know I said that we'd break up again if we lost any match, but we've kept going with this reunion...and I don't think it would be complete without getting some revenge on Dingster and MWPP and all of ClarkeM's Enforcement after they screwed us over in the TLC match...whadda ya say, Bono?

U2Tigers grins.

U2: You don't have to ask me twice, old comrade. Let's take 'em down!

serial_thrilla and U2Tigers shake hands.

serial_thrilla turns to the camera.

s_t: And if any of you Enforcement no-names are still convinced that-

BigChippa52 rolls into the ring and hits a Big Chip Stunner on serial_thrilla before he can finish his sentence.

BigChippa52 rolls out of the ring.

U2Tigers yells at BigChippa52 as he helps serial_thrilla back to his feet.

BigChippa52 throws up double middle fingers as he heads backstage.

Who the **** is this BigChippa52 nobody?
They lock up.
Dingster and MWPP come to ringside.
MWPP executes a chop against DemurePrincess.
MWPP goes for a vertical suplex, but DemurePrincess blocks it.
DemurePrincess runs into the ropes.
Dingster hits DemurePrincess with a shoulderblock.
MWPP performs a running Frankensteiner against DemurePrincess.
MWPP attempts a running Frankensteiner, but DemurePrincess counters it with a power bomb.
DemurePrincess is starting to get under the crowd's skin.
DemurePrincess whips MWPP into the ropes, but MWPP reverses it.
DemurePrincess hits MWPP with a clothesline.
DemurePrincess focuses on Millky95.
DemurePrincess uses a fireman's carry on Millky95.
DemurePrincess uses a knee to the face on Millky95.
DemurePrincess attempts a snap suplex, but Millky95 blocks it.
Dingster hits a cradle piledriver on DemurePrincess.
Dingster executes a jumping neckbreaker against DemurePrincess.
Dingster is getting a good reaction from the crowd.
Dingster goes for a jumping neckbreaker, but DemurePrincess counters it with a backward kick.
DemurePrincess goes for the Doctor Bomb, but Dingster blocks it.
Dingster performs a Russian legsweep against DemurePrincess.
The crowd is cheering on Dingster.
Dingster runs into the ropes.
DemurePrincess uses a side kick to the midsection on Dingster.
DemurePrincess uses an elbowsmash on Dingster.
DemurePrincess goes for a capture suplex, but Dingster counters it with an elbowsmash.
Dingster attempts a short clothesline, but DemurePrincess ducks out of the way.
DemurePrincess executes a monkey flip against Dingster.
DemurePrincess nails Dingster with the Doctor Bomb.
DemurePrincess focuses on Millky95.
DemurePrincess tries a hair pull, but Millky95 blocks it.
MWPP whips DemurePrincess into the ropes.
DemurePrincess misses with an elbow.
DemurePrincess misses with a shoulderblock.
MWPP hits DemurePrincess with an elbow.
MWPP goes for an earringer, but DemurePrincess counters it with a backdrop.
DemurePrincess uses an elbowsmash on MWPP.
DemurePrincess works the crowd.
DemurePrincess is starting to get under the crowd's skin.
DemurePrincess goes for a headlock takedown, but MWPP counters it with a back suplex.
MWPP goes for a choke slam, but DemurePrincess counters it with a kick to the midsection.
DemurePrincess focuses on Millky95.
DemurePrincess gets a choke against the ropes on Millky95.
Millky95 is close to escaping the hold.
Millky95 makes it to the ropes after being trapped for 25 seconds.
DemurePrincess tries a capture suplex, but Millky95 counters it with an elbowsmash.
Dingster punches DemurePrincess.
The crowd is cheering on Dingster.
DemurePrincess punches Dingster.
The crowd is booing DemurePrincess.
DemurePrincess punches Dingster.
Dingster punches DemurePrincess.
The crowd is starting to get behind Dingster.
Dingster hits DemurePrincess.
MWPP uses a superkick on DemurePrincess.
Dingster rolls out of the ring.
Dingster retrieves a table from ringside.
Dingster rolls back into the ring.
Dingster and MWPP set up the table in the ring.
Dingster and MWPP hit a double bodyslam on DemurePrincess.
Dingster and MWPP whips DemurePrincess into the ropes.
DemurePrincess hits Dingster and MWPP with a double clothesline.
DemurePrincess focuses on Millky95.
DemurePrincess throws Millky95 out of the ring.
DemurePrincess jumps onto him with a flying cross body press.
DemurePrincess performs a monkey flip against Millky95.
DemurePrincess throws Millky95 into the guardrail.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
DemurePrincess throws Millky95 over the guardrail.
DemurePrincess is handed a fire extinguisher.
DemurePrincess takes a swing at Millky95 with the fire extinguisher, but he gets out of the way.
MWPP snatches the fire extinguisher from DemurePrincess.
MWPP hits her with the fire extinguisher.
MWPP is getting a good reaction from the crowd.
They're brawling behind the guardrail.
MWPP executes a cradle piledriver against DemurePrincess.
They're brawling down the aisle.
They're brawling up the aisle.
They're brawling behind the guardrail.
DemurePrincess throws MWPP into the guardrail.
DemurePrincess uses a bodyslam on MWPP.
DemurePrincess flings MWPP over a row of chairs.
DemurePrincess is handed a baseball bat.
DemurePrincess focuses on Millky95.
DemurePrincess hits Millky95 with the baseball bat.
DemurePrincess shoves Millky95 into the guardrail.
They're brawling down the aisle.
DemurePrincess uses the Doctor Bomb on Millky95.
They're brawling down the aisle.
DemurePrincess works the crowd.
The crowd is booing DemurePrincess.
They're brawling up the arena stairway.
They're brawling down the stairway.
DemurePrincess performs a knee to the face against Millky95.
DemurePrincess is handed a keyboard.
DemurePrincess hits him with the keyboard.
They're brawling up the arena stairway.
DemurePrincess performs a kneelift against Millky95.
They're brawling on the first floor.
Dingster runs DemurePrincess into the stairway.
They're brawling on the first floor.
Dingster knocks DemurePrincess into the stairway.
Dingster is getting a good reaction from the crowd.
They're brawling down the stairway.
Dingster performs an elbowsmash against DemurePrincess.
Dingster performs a headbutt against DemurePrincess.
Dingster is handed the Beez Trophy.
Dingster hits her with the Trophy.
Dingster is handed a Chain.
Dingster hits her with the Chain.
Dingster performs a brain buster against DemurePrincess.
Dingster hits her with the Chain.
They're brawling up the aisle.
MWPP uses a running Frankensteiner on DemurePrincess.
Dingster hits her with the Chain.
They're brawling down the aisle.
Dingster hits her with the Chain.
The crowd is really behind Dingster.
Dingster hits her with the Chain.
The crowd is going crazy.
Dingster takes DemurePrincess down with a vertical suplex.
Dingster is handed the Admin's Desk.
Dingster takes a swing at DemurePrincess with the Desk, but she gets out of the way.
DemurePrincess snatches the Desk from him.
DemurePrincess hits Dingster with the Desk.
They're brawling up the aisle.
They're brawling in mid-arena.
MWPP gives her a chop, but DemurePrincess shows no reaction.
They're brawling in mid-arena.
DemurePrincess hits a snap suplex on MWPP.
DemurePrincess is handed brass knuckles.
DemurePrincess focuses on Millky95.
DemurePrincess hits Millky95 with the knuckles.
A fan at ringside badmouths DemurePrincess.
They're brawling in mid-arena.
DemurePrincess works the crowd.
DemurePrincess executes a kneelift against Millky95.
They're brawling in mid-arena.
DemurePrincess takes a swing at Millky95 with the knuckles, but he gets out of the way.
MWPP snatches the knuckles from her.
MWPP hits her with the knuckles.
The crowd is going crazy.
Dinsgter brings over a table.
Dingster sets up the table.
MWPP sets up DemurePrincess against the table.
Millky95, MWPP and Dingster execute a triplpe powerbomb on DemurePrincess through the table.
The table is broken in half.
Richard Head calls for the bell.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.

The winner is Millky95. Time of match: 0:11:15
Sim Rating: *** 1/4

Another win for Millky, once again largely thanks to the handiwork of other members of Il Famiglia...
They lock up.
JT_The_Man kicks Art Vandelay_.
All of a sudden, the boos are turning into almost unanimous cheers.
JT_The_Man hits Art Vandelay_.
JT_The_Man uses a bodyslam on Art Vandelay_.
JT_The_Man attempts a spinebuster slam, but Art Vandelay_ counters it with
a kick to the head.
In turn, JT_The_Man counters it with a duck-down move.
JT_The_Man hits a forearm to the back on Art Vandelay_.
JT_The_Man runs into the ropes.
Art Vandelay_ misses with a clothesline.
JT_The_Man performs a swinging neckbreaker against Art Vandelay_.
JT_The_Man nails Art Vandelay_ with an Exploder suplex.
DenieD enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
DenieD goes for a kick to the head, but Art Vandelay_ ducks out of the way.
DenieD leaves the ring.
Art Vandelay_ sends JT_The_Man into the turnbuckle.
Art Vandelay_ tries a vertical suplex, but JT_The_Man reverses it.
AnUltimateRessie enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
AnUltimateRessie goes for a lariat, but Art Vandelay_ counters it with a crucifix.
Richard Head counts: One, two, kickout.
AnUltimateRessie rolls out of the ring.
Art Vandelay_ uses a chop on JT_The_Man.
Art Vandelay_ tags out to JoshWoodenSpoon.
AnUltimateRessie enters the ring, but gets cut off.
JoshWoodenSpoon and Art Vandelay_ whip JT_The_Man into the ropes.
They hit JT_The_Man with a double backdrop.
Art Vandelay_ leaves the ring.
JoshWoodenSpoon takes JT_The_Man down with a powerslam.
Richard Head counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Test Tickle enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
JoshWoodenSpoon and Test Tickle hit JT_The_Man with a double dropkick.
Test Tickle leaves the ring.
JoshWoodenSpoon puts JT_The_Man in a cross-face submission.
JT_The_Man tries to escape the hold.
JT_The_Man inches his way towards the ropes after being locked up for 10 seconds.
JoshWoodenSpoon does the "Good Blend" hand wave taunt.
The crowd is behind JoshWoodenSpoon all the way.
JoshWoodenSpoon whips JT_The_Man into the ropes.
JT_The_Man hits JoshWoodenSpoon with an elbow.
JT_The_Man tags out to AnUltimateRessie.
Test Tickle enters the ring and throws JT_The_Man out of the ring.
Test Tickle goes for a DDT, but AnUltimateRessie counters it with an inverted atomic drop.
Test Tickle rolls out of the ring.
AnUltimateRessie goes for an overhead belly-to-belly suplex, but JoshWoodenSpoon blocks it.
JoshWoodenSpoon whips AnUltimateRessie into the ropes, but AnUltimateRessie reverses it.
AnUltimateRessie misses with an elbow.
JoshWoodenSpoon misses with a kick.
JoshWoodenSpoon goes for a high speed sunset flip, but AnUltimateRessie sits down on him.
Richard Head counts: One, shoulder up.
AnUltimateRessie executes a lung blower against JoshWoodenSpoon.
The crowd is going crazy.
AnUltimateRessie tags out to DenieD.
Art Vandelay_ enters the ring, but gets cut off.
DenieD and AnUltimateRessie whip JoshWoodenSpoon into the ropes.
They hit JoshWoodenSpoon with a double kick to the midsection.
DenieD and AnUltimateRessie whip JoshWoodenSpoon into the ropes.
DenieD and AnUltimateRessie hit JoshWoodenSpoon with a double dropkick.
DenieD and AnUltimateRessie whip JoshWoodenSpoon into the ropes.
They hit JoshWoodenSpoon with a double fist to the midsection.
Art Vandelay_ gets back up, but gets cut off.
DenieD and AnUltimateRessie whip JoshWoodenSpoon into the ropes.
They hit JoshWoodenSpoon with a double backdrop.
DenieD and AnUltimateRessie whip JoshWoodenSpoon into the ropes.
DenieD and AnUltimateRessie hit JoshWoodenSpoon with a double dropkick.
AnUltimateRessie leaves the ring.
DenieD whips JoshWoodenSpoon into the ropes, but JoshWoodenSpoon reverses it.
JoshWoodenSpoon misses with a clothesline.
JoshWoodenSpoon hits DenieD with a shoulderblock.
JoshWoodenSpoon runs into the ropes.
JoshWoodenSpoon hits DenieD with a shoulderblock.
JoshWoodenSpoon does the "Good Blend" hand wave taunt.
The chants for JoshWoodenSpoon are deafening.
Test Tickle enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
JT_The_Man enters the ring and lays out Test Tickle.
JT_The_Man performs an overhead belly-to-belly suplex against JoshWoodenSpoon.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
DenieD goes for a rolling reverse cradle, but JoshWoodenSpoon counters it with a bearhug.
DenieD is valiantly trying to break the hold.
DenieD is struggling to reach the ropes.
DenieD reaches the ropes after being trapped for 11 seconds.
JT_The_Man leaves the ring.
JoshWoodenSpoon whips DenieD into the turnbuckle.
JoshWoodenSpoon runs shoulder-first into the corner.
JoshWoodenSpoon punches DenieD.
JoshWoodenSpoon kicks DenieD.
JoshWoodenSpoon kicks DenieD.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
JoshWoodenSpoon tags out to Test Tickle.
Test Tickle and JoshWoodenSpoon hit DenieD with a double DDT.
JT_The_Man enters the ring and throws JoshWoodenSpoon out of the ring.
DenieD and JT_The_Man whip Test Tickle into the ropes.
They hit Test Tickle with a double elbowsmash.
JT_The_Man leaves the ring.
DenieD tries a flying dropkick, but Test Tickle steps out of the way.
DenieD springs to his feet.
DenieD executes a dropkick from the second rope against Test Tickle.
DenieD hits an elbowsmash on Test Tickle.
DenieD uses a dropkick to the knee on Test Tickle.
DenieD tags out to AnUltimateRessie.
Art Vandelay_ enters the ring and lays out DenieD.
Art Vandelay_ leaves the ring.
Test Tickle performs a snap mare against AnUltimateRessie.
Test Tickle attempts a headbutt, but AnUltimateRessie blocks it.
AnUltimateRessie uses a jumping front kick on Test Tickle.
AnUltimateRessie executes a chop against Test Tickle.
AnUltimateRessie hits a snap suplex on Test Tickle.
The crowd is going crazy.
AnUltimateRessie is going for the cover.
Richard Head counts: One, shoulder up.
AnUltimateRessie sends Test Tickle into the turnbuckle.
AnUltimateRessie hits a shoulderblock to the midsection on Test Tickle.
AnUltimateRessie uses a shoulderblock to the midsection on Test Tickle.
AnUltimateRessie performs a shoulderblock to the midsection against Test Tickle.
AnUltimateRessie executes a lung blower against Test Tickle.
AnUltimateRessie runs into the ropes.
AnUltimateRessie hits Test Tickle with a shoulderblock.
AnUltimateRessie nails Test Tickle with a standing shooting star press.
Richard Head counts: One, two, kickout.
AnUltimateRessie runs into the ropes.
AnUltimateRessie goes for a lariat, but Test Tickle counters it with a hiptoss.
In turn, AnUltimateRessie counters it with a lariat.
AnUltimateRessie has the crowd going wild.
AnUltimateRessie performs a powerslam against Test Tickle.
Richard Head counts: One, two, kickout.
AnUltimateRessie runs into the ropes.
AnUltimateRessie hits Test Tickle with a kick.
AnUltimateRessie is going for the cover.
Richard Head counts: One, two, kickout.
AnUltimateRessie attempts a lariat, but Test Tickle counters it with a hiptoss.
Test Tickle executes a headbutt against AnUltimateRessie.
Test Tickle executes a knee strike against AnUltimateRessie.
Test Tickle uses a facerake on AnUltimateRessie.
Test Tickle is going for the cover.
Richard Head counts: One, shoulder up.
Test Tickle whips AnUltimateRessie into the turnbuckle.
Test Tickle uses a DDT on AnUltimateRessie.
Test Tickle throws AnUltimateRessie into the turnbuckle, but AnUltimateRessie reverses it.
Test Tickle comes back, but is met with an elbow.
AnUltimateRessie performs an enzuigiri against Test Tickle.
AnUltimateRessie is going for the pin.
Richard Head counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
AnUltimateRessie works the crowd.
The crowd is going crazy.
AnUltimateRessie tries a dropkick, but Test Tickle steps out of the way.
Numerous fans are using Test Tickle as target practice.
Test Tickle runs into the ropes.
Test Tickle goes for a short lariat, but AnUltimateRessie blocks it.
AnUltimateRessie nails Test Tickle with a lung blower.
AnUltimateRessie executes a short clothesline against Test Tickle.
AnUltimateRessie uses a standing moonsault on Test Tickle.
Richard Head counts: One, two, kickout.
AnUltimateRessie runs into the ropes.
Test Tickle misses with a clothesline.
AnUltimateRessie misses with an elbow.
Test Tickle hits a bodyslam on AnUltimateRessie.
Test Tickle is going for the pin.
Richard Head counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Test Tickle throws Richard Head into the ringpost.
Richard Head falls out of the ring.
Richard Head is out cold.
Richard Head crawls back into the ring.
Richard Head is back on the job.
Test Tickle tags out to Art Vandelay_.
Art Vandelay_ and Test Tickle whip AnUltimateRessie into the ropes.
Art Vandelay_ and Test Tickle hit AnUltimateRessie with a double dropkick.
Test Tickle leaves the ring.
Art Vandelay_ throws AnUltimateRessie out of the ring.
Art Vandelay_ jumps onto him with a springboard corkscrew plancha.
Art Vandelay_ shoves AnUltimateRessie into the guardrail.
Art Vandelay_ climbs back into the ring.
AnUltimateRessie follows him back in.
They lock up.
Dingster and MWPP come to ringside.
MWPP executes a chop against DemurePrincess.
MWPP goes for a vertical suplex, but DemurePrincess blocks it.
DemurePrincess runs into the ropes.
Dingster hits DemurePrincess with a shoulderblock.
MWPP performs a running Frankensteiner against DemurePrincess.
MWPP attempts a running Frankensteiner, but DemurePrincess counters it with a power bomb.
DemurePrincess is starting to get under the crowd's skin.
DemurePrincess whips MWPP into the ropes, but MWPP reverses it.
DemurePrincess hits MWPP with a clothesline.
DemurePrincess focuses on Millky95.
DemurePrincess uses a fireman's carry on Millky95.
DemurePrincess uses a knee to the face on Millky95.
DemurePrincess attempts a snap suplex, but Millky95 blocks it.
Dingster hits a cradle piledriver on DemurePrincess.
Dingster executes a jumping neckbreaker against DemurePrincess.
Dingster is getting a good reaction from the crowd.
Dingster goes for a jumping neckbreaker, but DemurePrincess counters it with a backward kick.
DemurePrincess goes for the Doctor Bomb, but Dingster blocks it.
Dingster performs a Russian legsweep against DemurePrincess.
The crowd is cheering on Dingster.
Dingster runs into the ropes.
DemurePrincess uses a side kick to the midsection on Dingster.
DemurePrincess uses an elbowsmash on Dingster.
DemurePrincess goes for a capture suplex, but Dingster counters it with an elbowsmash.
Dingster attempts a short clothesline, but DemurePrincess ducks out of the way.
DemurePrincess executes a monkey flip against Dingster.
DemurePrincess nails Dingster with the Doctor Bomb.
DemurePrincess focuses on Millky95.
DemurePrincess tries a hair pull, but Millky95 blocks it.
MWPP whips DemurePrincess into the ropes.
DemurePrincess misses with an elbow.
DemurePrincess misses with a shoulderblock.
MWPP hits DemurePrincess with an elbow.
MWPP goes for an earringer, but DemurePrincess counters it with a backdrop.
DemurePrincess uses an elbowsmash on MWPP.
DemurePrincess works the crowd.
DemurePrincess is starting to get under the crowd's skin.
DemurePrincess goes for a headlock takedown, but MWPP counters it with a back suplex.
MWPP goes for a choke slam, but DemurePrincess counters it with a kick to the midsection.
DemurePrincess focuses on Millky95.
DemurePrincess gets a choke against the ropes on Millky95.
Millky95 is close to escaping the hold.
Millky95 makes it to the ropes after being trapped for 25 seconds.
DemurePrincess tries a capture suplex, but Millky95 counters it with an elbowsmash.
Dingster punches DemurePrincess.
The crowd is cheering on Dingster.
DemurePrincess punches Dingster.
The crowd is booing DemurePrincess.
DemurePrincess punches Dingster.
Dingster punches DemurePrincess.
The crowd is starting to get behind Dingster.
Dingster hits DemurePrincess.
MWPP uses a superkick on DemurePrincess.
Dingster rolls out of the ring.
Dingster retrieves a table from ringside.
Dingster rolls back into the ring.
Dingster and MWPP set up the table in the ring.
Dingster and MWPP hit a double bodyslam on DemurePrincess.
Dingster and MWPP whips DemurePrincess into the ropes.
DemurePrincess hits Dingster and MWPP with a double clothesline.
DemurePrincess focuses on Millky95.
DemurePrincess throws Millky95 out of the ring.
DemurePrincess jumps onto him with a flying cross body press.
DemurePrincess performs a monkey flip against Millky95.
DemurePrincess throws Millky95 into the guardrail.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
DemurePrincess throws Millky95 over the guardrail.
DemurePrincess is handed a fire extinguisher.
DemurePrincess takes a swing at Millky95 with the fire extinguisher, but he gets out of the way.
MWPP snatches the fire extinguisher from DemurePrincess.
MWPP hits her with the fire extinguisher.
MWPP is getting a good reaction from the crowd.
They're brawling behind the guardrail.
MWPP executes a cradle piledriver against DemurePrincess.
They're brawling down the aisle.
They're brawling up the aisle.
They're brawling behind the guardrail.
DemurePrincess throws MWPP into the guardrail.
DemurePrincess uses a bodyslam on MWPP.
DemurePrincess flings MWPP over a row of chairs.
DemurePrincess is handed a baseball bat.
DemurePrincess focuses on Millky95.
DemurePrincess hits Millky95 with the baseball bat.
DemurePrincess shoves Millky95 into the guardrail.
They're brawling down the aisle.
DemurePrincess uses the Doctor Bomb on Millky95.
They're brawling down the aisle.
DemurePrincess works the crowd.
The crowd is booing DemurePrincess.
They're brawling up the arena stairway.
They're brawling down the stairway.
DemurePrincess performs a knee to the face against Millky95.
DemurePrincess is handed a keyboard.
DemurePrincess hits him with the keyboard.
They're brawling up the arena stairway.
DemurePrincess performs a kneelift against Millky95.
They're brawling on the first floor.
Dingster runs DemurePrincess into the stairway.
They're brawling on the first floor.
Dingster knocks DemurePrincess into the stairway.
Dingster is getting a good reaction from the crowd.
They're brawling down the stairway.
Dingster performs an elbowsmash against DemurePrincess.
Dingster performs a headbutt against DemurePrincess.
Dingster is handed the Beez Trophy.
Dingster hits her with the Trophy.
Dingster is handed a Chain.
Dingster hits her with the Chain.
Dingster performs a brain buster against DemurePrincess.
Dingster hits her with the Chain.
They're brawling up the aisle.
MWPP uses a running Frankensteiner on DemurePrincess.
Dingster hits her with the Chain.
They're brawling down the aisle.
Dingster hits her with the Chain.
The crowd is really behind Dingster.
Dingster hits her with the Chain.
The crowd is going crazy.
Dingster takes DemurePrincess down with a vertical suplex.
Dingster is handed the Admin's Desk.
Dingster takes a swing at DemurePrincess with the Desk, but she gets out of the way.
DemurePrincess snatches the Desk from him.
DemurePrincess hits Dingster with the Desk.
They're brawling up the aisle.
They're brawling in mid-arena.
MWPP gives her a chop, but DemurePrincess shows no reaction.
They're brawling in mid-arena.
DemurePrincess hits a snap suplex on MWPP.
DemurePrincess is handed brass knuckles.
DemurePrincess focuses on Millky95.
DemurePrincess hits Millky95 with the knuckles.
A fan at ringside badmouths DemurePrincess.
They're brawling in mid-arena.
DemurePrincess works the crowd.
DemurePrincess executes a kneelift against Millky95.
They're brawling in mid-arena.
DemurePrincess takes a swing at Millky95 with the knuckles, but he gets out of the way.
MWPP snatches the knuckles from her.
MWPP hits her with the knuckles.
The crowd is going crazy.
Dinsgter brings over a table.
Dingster sets up the table.
MWPP sets up DemurePrincess against the table.
Millky95, MWPP and Dingster execute a triplpe powerbomb on DemurePrincess through the table.
The table is broken in half.
Richard Head calls for the bell.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.

The winner is Millky95. Time of match: 0:11:15
Sim Rating: *** 1/4

Another win for Millky, once again largely thanks to the handiwork of other members of Il Famiglia...
Get ****ed! I wasn’t ready! Re-do??

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Event SFAEW Season 38: Bad Blood This Sunday!

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