Sheedy Likely To Stay On With Giants

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Apr 30, 2011
AFL Club
Looks like the Sheedy/Williams double act is likely to stay:

Kevin Sheedy looks likely to continue coaching the Giants beyond this season.
THE most experienced coaching double act in the AFL looks set to stay together for at least one more season.
Defying yet again the expectations of the football community, 64-year-old Kevin Sheedy now looks likely to re-sign as senior coach of Greater Western Sydney for 2013 with premiership coach Mark Williams to remain alongside him.

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The very first time that the cheer squad built a game day banner in the hall at Breakfast Point, Kevin Sheedy came down to meet & greet us, and to thank us personally for the work that the cheer squad does behind the scenes and at games. He looked fit, hale and hearty, and the job does seem to have given him a new lease of life (as he stated in the television interview). He certainly doesn't look his age these days.

Since then, he continues to engage with us on an individual level, always having a bit of a chat when he runs into us around the club or thereabouts (I talked briefly with him last at Brisbane airport while waiting to fly back to Sydney).

Mark Williams isn't quite as forthcoming, but that's more a matter of his incredible focus rather than any stand offishness. Like all management at GWS, he is approachable and pleasant when engaged, but the article is spot on in observing how incredibly fixated he is with the immense task at hand.

Alan McConnell also scored a mention in the article, so I feel that I should add an Alan Mc story to the mix here.

There was a grand total of 3 cheer squad regulars present at the Gabba a couple of weeks ago, so our numbers were supplemented significantly by 14 volunteers from local footy clubs (plus about 3 staffers) to raise the banner pre-game.

After we had finished - immediately before the game started - Alan McConnell came over to where we and the Lions' squad were packing away our respective banners to personally thank the volunteers for their assistance. The Lions' squad were amazed, as they have absolutely no interaction with their own staff, and they had never seen an opposition coach acknowledge the work of any squad before.

I passed this onto Alan at the airport that night, but I doubt that he truly has any idea of just how wide and deep an impact his two or three minutes of generosity created that day.

Today at Kardinia Park, no doubt our coaches and management will again display just how aware and appreciative they are of any assistance rendered. And with the post game function being held at St Mary's FC (which is literally on the other side of the Geelong players' car park from the Cats front office at KP), I hope that as many Giants and Cats fans as possible attend and get a taste of just how open and welcoming these Giants are.

Maybe then some of them will start to get a glimpse of why we are so excited by this club.

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There was no real reason to consider the alternative. Sheedy has been doing a great job being the face of the club, interacting with media, fans, detractors and supporters alike. I also don't doubt that he'd be getting the players knit together to form the foundations for a great club and instilling in them respect for the game. They certainly have performed above general expectations (which were weekly 100pt+ floggings) and hopefully realise their upside quickly. Keeping Sheeds on creates a continuity and consistency that will help develop the players more readily.
There was a grand total of 3 cheer squad regulars present at the Gabba a couple of weeks ago, so our numbers were supplemented significantly by 14 volunteers from local footy clubs (plus about 3 staffers) to raise the banner pre-game.

After we had finished - immediately before the game started - Alan McConnell came over to where we and the Lions' squad were packing away our respective banners to personally thank the volunteers for their assistance. The Lions' squad were amazed, as they have absolutely no interaction with their own staff, and they had never seen an opposition coach acknowledge the work of any squad before.

I passed this onto Alan at the airport that night, but I doubt that he truly has any idea of just how wide and deep an impact his two or three minutes of generosity created that day.

Today at Kardinia Park, no doubt our coaches and management will again display just how aware and appreciative they are of any assistance rendered. And with the post game function being held at St Mary's FC (which is literally on the other side of the Geelong players' car park from the Cats front office at KP), I hope that as many Giants and Cats fans as possible attend and get a taste of just how open and welcoming these Giants are.

Maybe then some of them will start to get a glimpse of why we are so excited by this club.

Great story. Let's hope that this is the way the club works forever.

Never even thought about Sheedy leaving.

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Sheedy Likely To Stay On With Giants

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