Official Club Stuff Shining Blight: Official Suns Podcast - Latest Episode: 06

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Norm Smith Medallist
Jul 21, 2010
Gold Coast
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Gold Coast
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Philadelphia 76ers
Hey all!

GCFC Digital & co have started an official Suns Podcast! First episode is up below:

On the first podcast is Kieron Turner, Steven Wilson & Malcolm Blight.

Great stuff, GCFC Digital! First of many to come hopefully.

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Thanks for the feedback everyone - we’ll be looking to do this every week moving forward (schedule permitting).

Working on the iTunes channel OB11 , hopefully it’ll be ready soon!

If anyone has suggestions on what they want in the podcast, just add them to this thread.
  • Harbrow in with his protegees Martin and Garlett
  • Darcy and Brayden in together to give us the whole background on their journey together
  • Maysie straight shooting about everything
  • Cal and Brandon Ah Chee being reunited ;)
  • Justin Cordy with the pre-season program
  • Scotty Clayton (week after the draft)
  • Big Country as we've heard he is a bit of a character
  • JJ going in depth about the academy experience
  • Academy boys who get drafted in December
  • Cochrane
You could get in some players to just talk about footy or other things rather than just a normal interview. It would be interesting to hear from some of the boys on different issues. Also different staff around the club what there role is or people involved in the facility upgrades, hows it tracking what it will be like ect.

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The Inner Core of the Sun.
Voice of the Suns
Get some Suns
:eek: Better not, It might trigger SUNS.

I'll suggest the same name i suggested when the last time the subject of the podcast came up - The UV Index

and GCFC Digital - I've yet to get around to listening the to first one but I'm hoping it doesn't come off as club PR the entire way, Alot of goof podcasts have the charm of being slightly critical towards the stuff they talk about when its needed. (If you get what I'm talking about)
Cool looking forward to it I listen to podcasts every day about 20 per week. Doing courier deliveries, would be funny listening to a suns podcast as I'm doing a delivery to metricon stadium.
Thanks for all the name suggestions guys - we've narrowed it down to a handful, vote for your favourite here:

Would love to get our boys on the podcast eventually but they're all on leave at the moment so it could be a bit hard!

If anyone has questions for Blighty this week though, post them below and we'll make sure to ask him a couple.
Id like to know what he thinks the biggest change since Rocket has come on board is.

Also alot of people are saying how much tighter the group is these days and how everyone seems like great guys. Does he have anything to say about this and the (looking from the outside anyway) big culture change that has taken place.
Thanks for all the name suggestions guys - we've narrowed it down to a handful, vote for your favourite here:

Would love to get our boys on the podcast eventually but they're all on leave at the moment so it could be a bit hard!

If anyone has questions for Blighty this week though, post them below and we'll make sure to ask him a couple.
I would like to know if Blighty sees many/any similarities between our current list for 2017 and the lists he took over at Geelong in '88 and Adelaide in '96. Both those teams finished in the bottom half of the ladder the year before Blighty took over and they went on to make the grand final the following year. It's for this reason I'd love know if Blighty can see similarities that may result in a big jump for us in 2017.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think we're going to make the grand final in 2017 but GWS proved this year you can make a decent jump in a 12 month period if you have a young list. I also think it'd be great to get his insight because it can give us fans hope for next year and we all know Blighty's words hold weight in the footy community. He is as credible if not more credible than anyone in the footy industry.

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Official Club Stuff Shining Blight: Official Suns Podcast - Latest Episode: 06

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