Sky News is trash. Tests the waters with spot for Nazi Cottrell, immediately regrets it.

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The ABC gave him a hell of a lot more airtime not so long back.

He comes across as a bit of a simpleton. Surely people will make up their own minds

The ABC allowed him to be identified him for what he was.

Sky news let him conduct a fireside chat.

There's a picture of Cottrell celebrating Hitler's birthday with the co-leader of a 'social club' they organise. This bloke was providing security for Lauren Southern. The line between the alt right and neo-nazis is so blurry as to be be almost meaningless.

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The ABC didnt expose him. Looked to me he had a free reign and platform for his ideas.
It was a panel show, where he and his ideas were exposed.

But I agree, he shouldn't have been included, it's a mistake for the ABC to pander to the LNP and rightwing press, even if their intentions are good.

This was very different, he was given a feature as a guest and I suspect, it was testing the waters for a regular spot. Sky is wall to wall reactionary trash in their nightime coverage Cottrell is just the most glaring recent example.
Does anyone know how this is happening? Growing up we were taught point blank that Nazism is evil, this was quantifiable, and there were shortage of people to attest to this who were there. Now, supposedly in the interests of free speech these guys are allowed to spread their hate again? Something has gone awry.
Does anyone know how this is happening? Growing up we were taught point blank that Nazism is evil, this was quantifiable, and there were shortage of people to attest to this who were there. Now, supposedly in the interests of free speech these guys are allowed to spread their hate again? Something has gone awry.
Perhaps what is even worse is that many of our older generation who fought a war against them are now happy to support their ideology
Does anyone know how this is happening? Growing up we were taught point blank that Nazism is evil, this was quantifiable, and there were shortage of people to attest to this who were there. Now, supposedly in the interests of free speech these guys are allowed to spread their hate again? Something has gone awry.
There is a mindset within some people that readily accepts this guff.

Look up Right Wing Authoritarian - the study has been posted in here a few times.

It will never go away, which is why it has to be spotted and managed so society isn’t harmed by it. Right now it is being celebrated and harnessed by some awful people.

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Just described antifa.

The left set these wheels in motion, and now the plane is about to crash into the mountain. You invited these types to enter the arena. Enjoy the consequences of your actions.
LOL! Now I've heard it all. It's Antifa who are the ones who truly support fascism... Sure
LOL! Now I've heard it all. It's Antifa who are the ones who truly support fascism... Sure
This is what happens when you label anyone slightly to the right of Jane Fonda a Nazi.

The real nazis will eventually show up and start playing by the rules you set up. Problem is you don't have the muscle or the brains to stop them.
He's clearly a disgusting person but I'm of the view that if you try to censor or shut him down it only serves to fuel his and his ilk's victim narrative and paints his views as dangerous and counter culture (which can be attractive to some people).

If you let him speak, he will inevitably make a noose for his own neck and expose his own stupidity.

I don't like giving him a platform either but the vast majority of the populace will look at Cottrell and laugh rather than be influenced by it.
Jordan Peterson predicted this.

The straw that broke the camels back was a business getting sued over an imaginary gay wedding cake that hadn't even been baked yet.

He said society would eventually tire of this leftist nonsense, and unfortunately, the real nazis would show up.

If you label everyone who disagrees with you a nazi, eventually you'll get what you wished for. You have no one but yourselves to blame. And now the rest of us will have to suffer with you, and no doubt you'll expect us to pay the clean up bill.
Perhaps what is even worse is that many of our older generation who fought a war against them are now happy to support their ideology
Ever heard of Harry Leslie Smith? Old boy fighting the good fight to the last.
Jordan Peterson predicted this.

The straw that broke the camels back was a business getting sued over an imaginary gay wedding cake that hadn't even been baked yet.

He said society would eventually tire of this leftist nonsense, and unfortunately, the real nazis would show up.

If you label everyone who disagrees with you a nazi, eventually you'll get what you wished for. You have no one but yourselves to blame. And now the rest of us will have to suffer with you, and no doubt you'll expect us to pay the clean up bill.

What a load of shit.
This is what happens when you label anyone slightly to the right of Jane Fonda a Nazi.

The real nazis will eventually show up and start playing by the rules you set up. Problem is you don't have the muscle or the brains to stop them.

You rely on this caricature over and over again.

Let’s just be clear.

Do you think nazism is a dangerous ideology and is it irresponsible for for mainstream media to platform him without identifying him?
This is what happens when you label anyone slightly to the right of Jane Fonda a Nazi.

The real nazis will eventually show up and start playing by the rules you set up. Problem is you don't have the muscle or the brains to stop them.
You are trying to normalise fascism

You may even get away with it for a short time, but eventually you will be bought down

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Sky News is trash. Tests the waters with spot for Nazi Cottrell, immediately regrets it.

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