Student Services- Do You Use Them ?

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Feb 23, 2004
AFL Club
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Vixens, Werribee Tigers, North Melb
Just a question to all of you who go to Uni or TAFE.

With Dr Nelson suggesting changes to the structures of student services and student unions, wanted to gauge your thoughs on these two issues.

Personally, I reckon the student services are great as they offer a wide range of services at a reduce or at no coast at all. The service I use most is the Disability Liasion Unit, they provide me with out of class support and also liase with my faculty when a problem arises.

Student unions, whilst I suport what they have to say and do regularly read all the e-mails as well as the magazine don't agree with some of the radical measures taken to get points across. For example, last year a group of students invaded the office of then RMIT Vice Chancellor Ruth Duncan and completely ransacked it causing serveral thounsads dollars compensation.

This is sort of behaviour is not acceptable, what ever happened to writing letters or inviting management along to forums on issues which affect the student body ?
Yea... the social events are not too bad as are the free breakfasts and free lunches put on as well.

Gotta love free hot pizza and a cold can of Coke or a beer for free.

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ben.carbonaro said:
This is sort of behaviour is not, what ever happened to writing letters or invinting management along to forums on issues which affect the student body ?

You know, I somehow doubt that writing a letter will cause Nelson to change his mind on student unions. Then again, nor will 'violent' protest action.

While I disagree with what Nelson is doing, the way some have protested against it, be it the leadership of the student union, or groups who decide to embark on their own form of protest, can sometimes be pretty ordinary. It can alienate students already at uni, who may not have made up their mind where they stand on the issue.

As for the student services I've used - writing for the student paper, doing some work on the student radio station, careers office and courses, medical services, transport services (mini bus between campuses), discounted book shops, social events. Important part of uni life in my opinion.
I meant writring letters to the Vice Chancelor and senior management, have had dealings with them this year in my role as a student representative on the DDA steering/discussion panel this year.

Yep, they are an important part of student life.
The first time I injured my knee was in the University gym. Their insurance policy covered all of my medical expenses and also the time I was off work (I worked part time). It was handled with a minimum of fuss and no quibbles about payment, which was great.

After this I decided to volunteer for my last year at Uni and showed new students around, organised bands and parties, etc. I can see why people campaign against is sometimes, because if it is not run effectively it can be a joke (we had a bowls club which basically involved a select few drinking as much as they could, all sponsored by student services). But I would say it was in general a great part of University life for me and something that would be a shame to see go (if it happens, as predicted).
Before I went to uni, I thought the union was a trivial load of crap that served no purpose. But after being there, I realized that they do a lot of stuff that goes unnoticed, such as subsidising beer, food and the recreation centre, welfare stuff, as well as all the clubs and societies (and the parties which are attached).

So yes, I definetely think it's a good thing, and at UWA we only have to pay $100 (isn't it a lot more than this over east?), so you probably get your money back by the end of the year through discounted services/goods.
My North said:
Get rid of it with all other Unions :eek: :p
Student Unions have NOTHING to do with Trade Unions,founded for different reasons.To compare a student union to a trade union is pure ignorance,probably why Brendan'i never voted liberal in my life'Nelson wants to destroy them.

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I only used very limited 'support' services, but got a lot out of the social side of things. Personally I prefer a user pays system, the way things are now there is far too much rorting of the system, money being spent on ridiculous things that are not the intention of what union fees are about. For instance I read the other day how some unions/guilds had donated money to East Timor or PNG or something. Now don't get me wrong, it sounded like a great cause, but is that where money should be going from student union fees? If people want to donate money to causes like that then fine, but do it out of your own pocket, not out of fees paid for services to help people get through uni.

I wouldn't mind seeing a categorisation of services provided by unions/guilds as essential (housing support etc) and non-essential (social events, clubs). You could have lower compulsary fees to cover the essentials, then voluntary to cover the other things for those that want them.
Bombers 2003 said:
Student Unions have NOTHING to do with Trade Unions,founded for different reasons.To compare a student union to a trade union is pure ignorance,probably why Brendan'i never voted liberal in my life'Nelson wants to destroy them.

Yeah, I agree.

That's just complete ignorance to think that they are aligned to trade unions in any way.
Not sure.

Might be best to contact your student union and they should be able to provide you with a list of what everything is worth/costs now and what it will be under VSU.
ben.carbonaro said:
Yeah, I agree.

That's just complete ignorance to think that they are aligned to trade unions in any way.

Disagree. Student unions align themselves frequently with trade unions on political issues. (although there can be the odd right-wing student union)
The cafe/ref and some student events occassionally. Apart from that nothing else.

Heck I havent even paid my services fee yet (can never really be bothered) and have had my exam results with held for the last three semesters and its bound to happen again.
Squeak said:
Their funding will probably be 10% of what it was beforehand, so there will more likely than not be some kind of increase.

10% only? Then bring in VSU please, i am willing to pay for that extra 10% for all of the services at uni, my amenity fees for next year will be $392, i dont wanna pay!
Korn said:
10% only? Then bring in VSU please, i am willing to pay for that extra 10% for all of the services at uni, my amenity fees for next year will be $392, i dont wanna pay!

I don't think you actually read what was written. Not extra 10%. Clubs given funding of 10% of what they currently receive. I'm not saying its true, just what was actually said.

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Student Services- Do You Use Them ?

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