survey thingo

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Jun 17, 2001
for a bit of fun. if this entertains you.

1. nickname: remo
2. pet's name(s): -
3. best friends name: mark
4. crushes name: g/f's name is jess
5. mentor's name: dad
6. fav sportstar's name: ricky ponting

1. Last thing you bought? a cheap heater from harvey norman
2. Something you wish you didn't buy? a cheap heater from harvey norman
3. Last thing someone bought you? a mars bar
4. Next buy will be? probably bread and milk
5. Fav piece of clothing? rusty shorts
6. hat or no hat? Southern Star hat

1. How many? 4 of us
2. Want/got kids? dont have kids, i want about 2 when married
3. Family member you want next to you now? dad
4. Who're you closest to in your family? dad and my sister amy
5. How many living g/parents? 2
6. Member you least get on with? mum

1. Tell us a childhood memory: in year 2 or 3 me and a girl went behind the school toilets and kissed, on the cheek of course!!
2. Best friend as a kid? had a few. robbie and steve were always there.
3. Favourite year as a kid? 1!
4. 3 words to describe you as a child: intrigued, stupid, happy
5. Biggest trouble you got into? smashed the kitchen window when playing cricket, went to bed without tea and grounded for a while
6. Where were you? australia..

1. Something you regret? not making the most of my last years of high school
2. Most drunk you've been? very.
3. Taken illegal substances? not many
4. Happiest moment (not as a child)? winning the 1999 footy GF in my league and winning B.O.G
5. A stupid thing you've done: too many, one being talk back to a very strict teacher
6. What was a big part of your teen life? my footy and friends

1. What time is it now? no idea
2. Where would you like to be now? las vegas
3. Last meal you had? bangers and mash
4. Why did you last leave the house? went to the beach with my girl
5. Wearing now? shorts and jumper
6. What can you hear? my mate andy cooking something in the kitchen
7. 3 things that'll cause you trouble in later life: lungs, heart and my stuffed ankle
8. Granted 3 wishes: 1) Become super rich, 2) happiness and health, 3) for my g/f to move in

the end.
1. nickname: Kat
2. pet's name(s): Sash the dog
3. best friends name: Gem, Chloe and Nicole
4. crushes name: My coaches son...
5. mentor's name: Len, my coach!
6. fav sportstar's name: Wayne Campbell

1. Last thing you bought? Choc Honeycomb Supashake and a Johnson's Kids Soap Sudser - at the same time
2. Something you wish you didn't buy? Not sure
3. Last thing someone bought you? The latest White Stripes CD
4. Next buy will be? A mother's day present i suppose
5. Fav piece of clothing? my Astro Boy/Mighty Atom top
6. hat or no hat? A hat, just a Nike one.

1. How many? 5
2. Want/got kids? I might want kids in later life
3. Family member you want next to you now? My eldest brother
4. Who're you closest to in your family? Mum and Ben
5. How many living g/parents? 3
6. Member you least get on with? Dad

1. Tell us a childhood memory: Year 3 me and my boyfriend (hehe) were in this huge tyre thing that was in the playground and we kissed and talked about what movie we wanted to go see with each other, haha.
2. Best friend as a kid? Yeah I had a couple, but Nicole still is.
3. Favourite year as a kid? Year 7, ahh the memories.
4. 3 words to describe you as a child: Adventurous, mischievous, cheerful
5. Biggest trouble you got into? Me and Nicole went to the local shops without permission and got grounded for 2 weeks.
6. Where were you? Darwin, Adelaide and Perth.

1. Something you regret? Not starting hockey earlier.
2. Most drunk you've been? At Gem and Zoe's split 16th a few months ago.
3. Taken illegal substances? quite possibly
4. Happiest moment (not as a child)? Coming Runner UP B&F in our premiership year and winning the grading match to get us into A grade early last year.
5. A stupid thing you've done: Hmm, not sure.
6. What was a big part of your teen life? Still is, hockey.

1. What time is it now? 8:06pm
2. Where would you like to be now? Right here.
3. Last meal you had? A very nice stew.
4. Why did you last leave the house? Met Gem at the park to walk to dog and kick the soccer ball around
5. Wearing now? Cords and my richmond top
6. What can you hear? Sydney vs Melbourne game
7. 3 things that'll cause you trouble in later life: Knees, heart or throat and most likely arthritis
8. Granted 3 wishes: Play state hockey (my biggest wish ever, if only it'd come true), eternal good health, win the A grade grand final this year. We can always dream.
That took too long and made me depressed.
1. nickname: Julz
2. pet's name(s): Xena (the dog), Ginger-Meggs (the cat) and Kim, Soph, and Egg (the fish, my friends named them)
3. best friends name: Kim, Soph, Mia, Andy, Belz, Ebz and Sam
4. crushes name: Not telling u :p
5. fav sportstar's name: Rhett Biglands

1. Last thing you bought? umm...a pair of jeans
2. Something you wish you didn't buy? A super ugly looked ok in the shop....:mad:
3. Last thing someone bought you? My fish, Kim, Soph and Egg
4. Next buy will be? I have to get a pressie 4 my brothers 18th (can wait 4 the party! :))
5. Fav piece of clothing? My new jeans
6. hat or no hat? No hat

1. How many? 5
2. Want/got kids? might want them later (Much, much later)
3. Family member you want next to you now? My sister (she moved 2 Melbourne :()
4. Who're you closest to in your family? My sister
5. How many living g/parents? 4
6. Member you least get on with? ummm.....i dunno my aunty Kate (biatch)

1. Tell us a childhood memory: hehehe playing kiss chasey
2. Best friend as a kid? Belz, Ebz
3. Favourite year as a kid? Yr. 7 definatley
4. 3 words to describe you as a child: Hypo, confident, friendly
5. Biggest trouble you got into? I can't remember (I was a good lil girl;))
6. Where were you? Adelaide

1. Something you regret? Drinking 2 much rasberry red bear
2. Most drunk you've been? Quite drunk....i refuse 2 even look at rasberry red bear now
3. Taken illegal substances? a little
4. Happiest moment (not as a child)? New Years eve last year...
5. A stupid thing you've done: hehehe i do stupid things all the time
6. What was a big part of your teen life? Music...friends....i dunno...

1. What time is it now? ummm...almost 11:00
2. Where would you like to be now? umm...a tropical beach
3. Last meal you had? Breakfast- a banana
4. Why did you last leave the house? To go shopping with some friends
5. Wearing now? Trackies and a singlet top
6. What can you hear? The ketchup song (AHHH MAKE IT STOP!!!)
7. 3 things that'll cause you trouble in later life: My knee's, my shoulder (it dislocates itself) ummm....i dunno wot else...
8. Granted 3 wishes: Crows to win the showdown today, never-ending wishes, hehehehe world peace!!!

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1. nickname: Bernstar
2. pet's name(s): Tabby/Sleepy/Cuddles
3. best friends name: Maria
4. crushes name: Paul
5. mentor's name: Gus
6. fav sportstar's name: Paul Licuria

1. Last thing you bought? A book called "Princess"
2. Something you wish you didn't buy? A portable colour TV a couple of weeks ago. Impulse buy - no need for it at all
3. Last thing someone bought you? A chocolate
4. Next buy will be? Kitty Litter
5. Fav piece of clothing? Jeans
6. hat or no hat? Sometimes hat

1. How many? 3 brothers and 3 sisters
2. Want/got kids? no kids
3. Family member you want next to you now? none
4. Who're you closest to in your family? sister
5. How many living g/parents? 0
6. Member you least get on with? eldest sister - bitch

1. Tell us a childhood memory: On holidays in the USA - Sick in the hotel room the whole time
2. Best friend as a kid? Belinda
3. Favourite year as a kid? Year 9
4. 3 words to describe you as a child: Young , quiet, happy
5. Biggest trouble you got into? Threw a metal tin like a frisby, really hard at my sisters head
6. Where were you? At home

1. Something you regret? Not saving more money
2. Most drunk you've been? don't remember
3. Taken illegal substances? no
4. Happiest moment (not as a child)? Buying my car
5. A stupid thing you've done: Got into the passenger seat of the wrong car. The driver was in the car!
6. What was a big part of your teen life? The Pies and NKOTB

1. What time is it now? 3.20
2. Where would you like to be now? New York City
3. Last meal you had? Foccacia for lunch
4. Why did you last leave the house? to get something to eat
5. Wearing now? Jeans, tshirt and runners
6. What can you hear? The TV
7. 3 things that'll cause you trouble in later life: Probably get cancer (big family history). Not sure what else
8. Granted 3 wishes: Buy my dream home, get rich, Collingwood to win the Premiership
Originally posted by Howdy

1. nickname: Tashi
2. pet's name(s): Mistie, Oscar, Jasmine
3. best friends name: Not sure..Cait
4. crushes name: None
5. mentor's name: Mum I guess..
6. fav sportstar's name: Anthony Stevens/Glenn Archer {Daniel Motlop isnt quite a star.. yet}

1. Last thing you bought? Bottle of coke I think
2. Something you wish you didn't buy? Dont know
3. Last thing someone bought you? Pair of pants, runners
4. Next buy will be? Food
5. Fav piece of clothing? White T-Shirt {Blue stripe on sleeves}
6. hat or no hat? No hat

1. How many? 4
2. Want/got kids? I am a kid.
3. Family member you want next to you now? None
4. Who're you closest to in your family? Mum
5. How many living g/parents? 0 :(
6. Member you least get on with? Not sure..

1. Tell us a childhood memory: First game of footy I went to was with my dad & sister, Kangaroos v WCE at the G about 8 years ago- I fell asleep, woke up and the Roos had thrashed WCE
2. Best friend as a kid? Cait
3. Favourite year as a kid? I dono
4. 3 words to describe you as a child: Quiet, Shy.. urm
5. Biggest trouble you got into? I wouldn't have a clue.
6. Where were you? australia

1. Something you regret? Not showing my dog how much I loved him.
2. Most drunk you've been? I haven't.
3. Taken illegal substances? No
4. Happiest moment (not as a child)? I am a child.
5. A stupid thing you've done: Lots of things- can't think of any
6. What was a big part of your teen life? Footy

1. What time is it now? 4.38pm
2. Where would you like to be now? Am happy here.
3. Last meal you had? Carbonara {for lunch}
4. Why did you last leave the house? My mum/sister took me shopping- mum decided that I needed a new pair of runners (had the last pair since grade 5, thats 5 years this year ) and she also decided that I needed more than one pair of trousers - and that I needed new school shoes.. well I managed to get the trousers/runners.. couldnt find school shoes.. the problem with narrow feet..
5. Wearing now? trousers, t shirt
6. What can you hear? myself typing, the computer running, dog walking around
7. 3 things that'll cause you trouble in later life: How the Fu*k am I supposed to knoe
8. Granted 3 wishes: 1) Rich 2) Happiness 3) A labrador or 4

1. nickname: Chas
2. pet's name(s): RIP Max :(
3. best friends name: Two actually. Michael and Keir. Known them both my whole life and see them all the time.
4. crushes name: Don't have one.
5. mentor's name: Tom Courtney
6. fav sportstar's name: Nick Green

1. Last thing you bought? Cigarettes.
2. Something you wish you didn't buy? Cigarettes.
3. Last thing someone bought you? A packet of crispy m&ms.
4. Next buy will be? Something to drink.
5. Fav piece of clothing? My new warm fleece jacket.
6. hat or no hat? Usually none.

1. How many? 5
2. Want/got kids? No kids, don't want any.
3. Family member you want next to you now? Probably mum
4. Who're you closest to in your family? Mum, dad and little bro
5. How many living g/parents? 3
6. Member you least get on with? older bro

1. Tell us a childhood memory: Riding a bike full speed down a steep gravel road, falling off and skinning half the skin of my face.
2. Best friend as a kid? See the friend thing above.
3. Favourite year as a kid? As in school year? Probably 6.
4. 3 words to describe you as a child: cunning, risky, stupid
5. Biggest trouble you got into? Some other kid in the Kids group that at Daydream Island was annoying me so I tore up his painting. My parents hardly let me leave the resort room after that, and the had the best ice cream and chocolate topping dessert there. Wasn't happy.
6. Where were you? Daydream Island.

1. Something you regret? My last girlfriend. Harsh, but fair
2. Most drunk you've been? On the brink of hospitalisation.
3. Taken illegal substances? yeah, but on very rare occasions
4. Happiest moment (not as a child)? Making the A Final of the Head of the River.
5. A stupid thing you've done: Jumped off the balcony of someones house while drunk. I could feel it in the morning.
6. What was a big part of your teen life? My mates. I'm lucky to have the mates I have. Rowing as well I guess, sorted me out a bit.

1. What time is it now? 3:23pm
2. Where would you like to be now? Barcelona
3. Last meal you had? barbecue shapes
4. Why did you last leave the house? to have a smoke
5. Wearing now? that warm fleece jacket i mentioned earlier, a shirt and shorts.
6. What can you hear? Everclear - Santa Monica
7. 3 things that'll cause you trouble in later life: lungs, heart and baldness
8. Granted 3 wishes: 1) Happiness 2) The ability to actually do uni work which is due tomorrow 3) Maybe a bit of cash as well...
1. nickname: Lana, Lanis, Cadbury, Chook
2. pet's name(s): Tula
3. best friends name: Tiana and Kate
4. crushes name: haha not telling
5. mentor's name: dunno actually
6. fav sportstar's name: Chris Judd

1. Last thing you bought? new Ben Harper CD
2. Something you wish you didn't buy? new Ben Harper CD
3. Last thing someone bought you? dinner and concert tickets
4. Next buy will be? umm petrol if I want to get home
5. Fav piece of clothing? pinstripe pants
6. hat or no hat? none

1. How many? 4
2. Want/got kids? Havent got any kids yet, would like 3 or 4
3. Family member you want next to you now? Nan
4. Who're you closest to in your family? Dad
5. How many living g/parents? 3
6. Member you least get on with? sister

1. Tell us a childhood memory: Easter holidays with the whole family in Busselton.
2. Best friend as a kid? Tiana
3. Favourite year as a kid? probably when i was 3 - very carefree
4. 3 words to describe you as a child: nosey, loud, annoying
5. Biggest trouble you got into? my cousin and myself scratched our names into the boot of my parents new car
6. Where were you? at my cousins house

1. Something you regret? too much to mention
2. Most drunk you've been? umm not too bad
3. Taken illegal substances? no, im good...
4. Happiest moment (not as a child)? easter holidays
5. A stupid thing you've done: cut my own hair when I was little
6. What was a big part of your teen life? Friends, sport and family

1. What time is it now? 1:53pm
2. Where would you like to be now? Somewhere warm
3. Last meal you had? umm haven't eaten today...cant remember what I had yesterday
4. Why did you last leave the house? go for a walk
5. Wearing now? jeans and a jumper
6. What can you hear? nothing much
7. 3 things that'll cause you trouble in later life: meh, i dunno
8. Granted 3 wishes: 1) health 2) happiness 3) travel
1. nickname: don't have one
2. pet's name(s): don't have one
3. best friends name: don't have one
4. crushes name: don't have one
5. mentor's name: don't have one
6. fav sportstar's name: don't have one

1. Last thing you bought? I.C.
2. Something you wish you didn't buy? crap shirt
3. Last thing someone bought you? parking
4. Next buy will be? petrol
5. Fav piece of clothing? footy socks
6. hat or no hat? no

1. How many? 5
2. Want/got kids? None that I know of
3. Family member you want next to you now? none really
4. Who're you closest to in your family? all equally
5. How many living g/parents? 1
6. Member you least get on with? all equally

1. Tell us a childhood memory:spending a whole lunchtime with the hottest girl at kinder
2. Best friend as a kid? Matt
3. Favourite year as a kid? 1990
4. 3 words to describe you as a child: Tested for autism
5. Biggest trouble you got into? didn't get in trouble as a kid
6. Where were you? n/a

1. Something you regret? Turning down a 3-some
2. Most drunk you've been? throw-up in a taxi - spent $50 on $1.50 pots
3. Taken illegal substances? never even had a puff on a cigarette, so no
4. Happiest moment (not as a child)? nothing really springs to mind
5. A stupid thing you've done: can't remember
6. What was a big part of your teen life? dunno

1. What time is it now? 4:31
2. Where would you like to be now? dunno
3. Last meal you had? lunch
4. Why did you last leave the house? move mums car
5. Wearing now? trackies
6. What can you hear? Clueless-palooza
7. 3 things that'll cause you trouble in later life: smartarse, poor work ethic, metabolism
8. Granted 3 wishes: threesome, foursome, fivesome.
1. nickname: jacs
2. pet's name(s): -
3. best friends name: rochelle
4. crushes name: I don't have one :)
5. mentor's name: -
6. fav sportstar's name: alec stewart ;)

1. Last thing you bought? my striped jeans
2. Something you wish you didn't buy? anything for my ex :)
3. Last thing someone bought you? a necklace
4. Next buy will be? smokes
5. Fav piece of clothing? jeans
6. hat or no hat? no hat

1. How many? 5
2. Want/got kids? Was pregnant, do want kids but may not be able to.
3. Family member you want next to you now? none
4. Who're you closest to in your family? hard to answer
5. How many living g/parents? 2
6. Member you least get on with? lol I'll get back to you on that one

1. Tell us a childhood memory: going to adelaide every summer and staying at Marineland caravan park in one of the cabins they had there and being spoiled rotten by my dad's family
2. Best friend as a kid? I had a few
3. Favourite year as a kid? 11
4. 3 words to describe you as a child: quiet, shy, cute ;)
5. Biggest trouble you got into? said the f word at a family gathering, had NO idea what it meant but got smacked very very hard for it :(
6. Where were you? australia..

1. Something you regret? ever meeting my ex :)
2. Most drunk you've been? very.
3. Taken illegal substances? not many
4. Happiest moment (not as a child)? getting to see Brian Wilson in concert
5. A stupid thing you've done: being with my ex :)
6. What was a big part of your teen life? lots of bad bad things ;)

1. What time is it now? 3:15pm
2. Where would you like to be now? adelaide :(
3. Last meal you had? breakfast (cereal and juice)
4. Why did you last leave the house? went to the shops
5. Wearing now? jeans and a jumper
6. What can you hear? jim morrison
7. 3 things that'll cause you trouble in later life: heart, circulation, ummmmmmmmm...........
8. Granted 3 wishes: 1) to be happy 2) to have a bit of money 3) to be able to have kids
Yay, I'm bored!

1. nickname: Chrissy, X-Tine, Ana-Sharelle
2. pet's name(s): - Minty
3. best friends name: Cass
4. crushes name: Rhys
5. mentor's name: err...James Hird!
6. fav sportstar's name: Matthew Lloyd

1. Last thing you bought? food, today, I believe
2. Something you wish you didn't buy? a lot of CDs ;)
3. Last thing someone bought you? alcohol
4. Next buy will be? no idea. I'm broke until next Wednesday.
5. Fav piece of clothing? Essendon jumper
6. hat or no hat? no hat

1. How many? 5 people
2. Want/got kids? I have a younger brother and sister
3. Family member you want next to you now? pfft
4. Who're you closest to in your family? my aunt Claire
5. How many living g/parents? 3
6. Member you least get on with? dad, a lot

1. Tell us a childhood memory: um...when I was 8, my friends and I used to lie on the grass and watch the boys play cricket, and one day a friend told me my pose was too sexy :p
2. Best friend as a kid? first was Teagan, then Kate, then Cassie
3. Favourite year as a kid? when I was 14, 2000
4. 3 words to describe you as a child: quiet, shy, bookworm
5. Biggest trouble you got into? know, I never really got into big trouble, seriously.
6. Where were you? Here!

1. Something you regret? ****ing up Year 12 History last year
2. Most drunk you've been? um...probably at an 18th last year....bad memories
3. Taken illegal substances? no
4. Happiest moment (not as a child)? winning the 2000 GF, but that's really borderline on childhood!
5. A stupid thing you've done: hitchhiked, held up a train
6. What was a big part of your teen life? still a, football, music

1. What time is it now? 4:55pm EST
2. Where would you like to be now? Melbourne!
3. Last meal you had? hot food for lunch
4. Why did you last leave the house? I went to school
5. Wearing now? track pants and jumper
6. What can you hear? listening to music....'Butterflies' by Palladium
7. 3 things that'll cause you trouble in later life: my what else really, don't do anything stupid like smoke. ;)
8. Granted 3 wishes: 1) That's my secret. 2) Live in Melbourne. (Hey, next year, I will!) 3) See Lifehouse in their own concert.
1. nickname: Mouse
2. pet's name(s): Puzzle
3. best friends name: Emma
4. crushes name: Stephen
5. mentor's name: Tony
6. fav sportstar's name: Chad Cornes

1. Last thing you bought? Pair of cord hipsters
2. Something you wish you didn't buy? Headphones from Cheap As Chips
3. Last thing someone bought you? Easter eggs
4. Next buy will be? Cat food
5. Fav piece of clothing? Cord hipsters
6. hat or no hat? Quiksilver sun visor

1. How many? 4 of us
2. Want/got kids? I'd like a child, when I'm old enough.
3. Family member you want next to you now? Biological father..
4. Who're you closest to in your family? Gran
5. How many living g/parents? 2
6. Member you least get on with? Sister

1. Tell us a childhood memory: I had a table tennis table dropped on my right leg.
2. Best friend as a kid? Probably Bernadette.. or Michael.
3. Favourite year as a kid? 10
4. 3 words to describe you as a child: Quiet, intelligent, introverted
5. Biggest trouble you got into? Smacked for something I didnt do, then grounded
6. Where were you? When I got smacked? In the backyard.

1. Something you regret? Being friends with Amanda
2. Most drunk you've been? Extremely..
3. Taken illegal substances? None
4. Happiest moment (not as a child)? Meeting the Port Adelaide football team
5. A stupid thing you've done: Too many to think of. Lets just say.. hooking up with Andrew on NYE.
6. What was a big part of your teen life? I'm still a teen, thanks very much. My friends, family and football team are all huge factors.

1. What time is it now? 5.40pm
2. Where would you like to be now? In bed
3. Last meal you had? Chicken curry
4. Why did you last leave the house? Had to go to the police station to make a witness statement (no smart arse comments from Crows supporters/any anti-PA people, thankyou.)
5. Wearing now? Tshirt and boardies
6. What can you hear? The TV
7. 3 things that'll cause you trouble in later life: My arthritic knee, my sarcastic attitude, my honesty
8. Granted 3 wishes: 1) To be successfull with my journalism aspirations, 2) happiness and health, 3) To find true love and acceptance.
1. nickname: J
2. pet's name(s): Tasha
3. best friends name: Olivia
4. crushes name: n/a
5. mentor's name: Mum
6. fav sportstar's name: Anthony Stevens

1. Last thing you bought? Todays Herald Sun
2. Something you wish you didn't buy? A Spice Girl CD I brought about 4 years ago! ewww
3. Last thing someone bought you? Easter chocolate bunny
4. Next buy will be? probably bread and milk
5. Fav piece of clothing? Denim shirt
6. hat or no hat? No hat

1. How many? 4
2. Want/got kids? dont have kids? Not at the moment thanks!
3. Family member you want next to you now? Dad
4. Who're you closest to in your family? Mum
5. How many living g/parents? 1
6. Member you least get on with? Cousin

1. Tell us a childhood memory? Too many, id be here all day!
2. Best friend as a kid? Iris, Skye
3. Favourite year as a kid? prep!
4. 3 words to describe you as a child? intrigued, timid, happy
5. Biggest trouble you got into? smashed one of the classromm windows, thankfully i didnt have to pay for damages!
6. Where were you? Melbourne

1. Something you regret? not making the most of my last years of high school
2. Most drunk you've been? ended up ******* after my 18th
3. Taken illegal substances? no
4. Happiest moment (not as a child)? Kangaroo flags in 96 and 99
5. A stupid thing you've done? too many to mention
6. What was a big part of your teen life? Footy, friends and school

1. What time is it now? 3.01 pm
2. Where would you like to be now? Italy
3. Last meal you had? steak and vegies
4. Why did you last leave the house? To come to uni
5. Wearing now? jumper and pants
6. What can you hear? the teacher chatting away
7. 3 things that'll cause you trouble in later life: a need for glasses (I have no hope my mum and dad are both "4 eyes"), arthritis and laziness
8. Granted 3 wishes? 1) Become rich, 2) enjoy whatever I do in life and 3) Always be healthy

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1. nickname: Slax
2. pet's name(s):
3. best friends name:
4. crushes name:
5. mentor's name: Ron
6. fav sportstar's name: Darren Gough

1. Last thing you bought? Train Ticket
2. Something you wish you didn't buy? Packet Dunhill Blue
3. Last thing someone bought you? Beer
4. Next buy will be? Some greasy food on the way home
5. Fav piece of clothing? Slax
6. hat or no hat? If one an Akubra

1. How many? One of 4 kids
2. Want/got kids? Don't know - not my decision probably
3. Family member you want next to you now? None
4. Who're you closest to in your family? Sister
5. How many living g/parents? None
6. Member you least get on with? Mum

1. Tell us a childhood memory: Stuck all the lego up the chair legs in kindergarton
2. Best friend as a kid? Ben or Michael
3. Favourite year as a kid? 3
4. 3 words to describe you as a child: Shy, intelligent, introverted
5. Biggest trouble you got into? Ended up in hospital for 3 weeks after a push bike accident
6. Where were you? Coming down the road near home

1. Something you regret? Having the push bike accident at 11. Completely changed my life.
2. Most drunk you've been? Stromach pumped once
3. Taken illegal substances? Yes
4. Happiest moment (not as a child)?
5. A stupid thing you've done: Natasha in London
6. What was a big part of your teen life? School, sport friends drinking

1. What time is it now? 1.40pm
2. Where would you like to be now? Anywhere but at work. Barcelona
3. Last meal you had? Sandwhich
4. Why did you last leave the house? Go to work
5. Wearing now? Suit and tie
6. What can you hear? other people working
7. 3 things that'll cause you trouble in later life: my epilepsy, my ankles, and liver if I still have it
8. Granted 3 wishes: 1) Find my perfect partner, 2) Wealth 3) happiness and health.
1. nickname: dont have one n e more
2. pet's name(s): Tiddy, chester, Rocky, Henry, Charly, Turt
3. best friends name: Kate
4. crushes name: b/f Nick
5. mentor's name: dad - have to agree & Mum
6. fav sportstar's name: Dwayne johnson

1. Last thing you bought? Jeans
2. Something you wish you didn't buy? A computer game and my comp has not got enough memory 4 it!!!!!!!!
3. Last thing someone bought you? Rock phone cover
4. Next buy will be? petrol
5. Fav piece of clothing? denim skirt
6. hat or no hat? NO hat

1. How many? 4 but just me and my boy living together so 5 if it includes him
2. Want/got kids? Want 2 when married
3. Family member you want next to you now? Mum
4. Who're you closest to in your family? all of them
5. How many living g/parents? 4
6. Member you least get on with? get on with all

1. Tell us a childhood memory: I dunno what 2 put
2. Best friend as a kid? Jade
3. Favourite year as a kid? 12
4. 3 words to describe you as a child: naughty, naughty naughty
5. Biggest trouble you got into? Can't remember
6. Where were you? Australia

1. Something you regret? How I acted when I was 18
2. Most drunk you've been? heaps
3. Taken illegal substances? no
4. Happiest moment (not as a child)? Going to America, being with my boyfriend so everydays good and umm meeting all the WWE wrestlers
5. A stupid thing you've done: Can't think
6. What was a big part of your teen life? from 17-18

1. What time is it now? 7:50pm
2. Where would you like to be now? n e where but here
3. Last meal you had? cheese and metwurst sandwich
4. Why did you last leave the house? To go to tafe
5. Wearing now? pants and jumper
6. What can you hear? idiots typing
7. 3 things that'll cause you trouble in later life: only one thing and thats my already fractured spine.
8. Granted 3 wishes: dunno

the end.
1. nickname: wombat
2. pet's name(s): Don't have any
3. best friends name: "V"
4. crushes name: don't have one
5. mentor's name: Mum
6. fav sportstar's name: Ryan Giggs

1. Last thing you bought? Jumper
2. Something you wish you didn't buy? Black pants which were busted before I wore then
3. Last thing someone bought you? Lunch!
4. Next buy will be? B/Day present
5. Fav piece of clothing? denim skirt
6. hat or no hat? hat

1. How many? 5
2. Want/got kids? Maybe!
3. Family member you want next to you now? Mum
4. Who're you closest to in your family? Mum
5. How many living g/parents? 3
6. Member you least get on with? Nanna at times

1. Tell us a childhood memory: When I shut my cousins fingers in my cupboard door *evil laugh*
2. Best friend as a kid? Kylie
3. Favourite year as a kid? 4
4. 3 words to describe you as a child: sweet, loveable, bitch
5. Biggest trouble you got into? Beating up my cousins
6. Where were you? Australia

1. Something you regret? Never saying goodbye
2. Most drunk you've been? Ummmm *backpack*
3. Taken illegal substances? no
4. Happiest moment (not as a child)? When I got my first job
5. A stupid thing you've done: Where would you like me to start
6. What was a big part of your teen life? Drinking!

1. What time is it now? 8:05pm
2. Where would you like to be now?in bed
3. Last meal you had? chicken and veggies
4. Why did you last leave the house? to go to work
5. Wearing now? pants and work jumper
6. What can you hear? big brother theme muisic
7. 3 things that'll cause you trouble in later life: my past, my mouth and my family
8. Granted 3 wishes: wealth, happiness for my family, a decent hair colour!
1. nickname: Annie, AJ, Swanny, Nity Wheety etc...
2. pet's name(s):puddy, Larry, Eric and Sam
3. best friends name: Ria, Liia, Liz, Bindel, Tazza, Sar, Kiara, Jess
4. crushes name: bf....Daine
5. mentor's name: Mum
6. fav sportstar's name: Justin Longmuir

1. Last thing you bought? Chicken Treat chips
2. Something you wish you didn't buy? Chicken Treat Chips
3. Last thing someone bought you? Fluffy bunny and easter eggs
4. Next buy will be? pay off my airfare to my friends dad
5. Fav piece of clothing? bikini
6. hat or no hat? no hat

1. How many? 5
2. Want/got kids? want waaaay in the future
3. Family member you want next to you now? Mum
4. Who're you closest to in your family? Mum or Meeks
5. How many living g/parents? 4
6. Member you least get on with? Kazza

1. Tell us a childhood memory: Pushing my sis when I was little and giving her a black tooth....ooops lol
2. Best friend as a kid? Sarah
3. Favourite year as a kid? year 7 was da bomb lol
4. 3 words to describe you as a child: smart arse, intelligent, stupid
5. Biggest trouble you got into? saying f uck in front of dad when i was little
6. Where were you? At home, got put in my room!

1. Something you regret? Not having a year off after year 12
2. Most drunk you've been? 17th ****tail party last year, yakked all over my ball dress and a friends :(
3. Taken illegal substances? yes
4. Happiest moment (not as a child)? Winning netball granny
5. A stupid thing you've done: Do a course at uni I dont enjoy
6. What was a big part of your teen life? Stress!

1. What time is it now? 9:16pm
2. Where would you like to be now? asleep
3. Last meal you had? still apple pie, just got home from uni and am hungry as!
4. Why did you last leave the house? uni
5. Wearing now? skirt and one of my fave toppies
6. What can you hear? "My Favourite Thing" Silverchair.
7. 3 things that'll cause you trouble in later life: social smoking, bitching behind ppls backs, alcohol
8. Granted 3 wishes: Dockers premiership, a job!!!, a car and my licence

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