Tas Tasmanian Election 2024

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Not following Tasmanian politics closely but according to a few posts here wasn’t the ONLY reason Rockliff called an election was so that he could increase their vote and form a ‘stable majority’?

Initial results are showing a strong swing against the Liberal Party and can only form a minority government with others’ some of whom have strong objections to his policy agenda.

So Rockliff failed in the only goal set, yet claims ‘victory’

Have I got that right?

And more importantly is the Rocky Chocolate Factory theme park in doubt😳?
Not following Tasmanian politics closely but according to a few posts here wasn’t the ONLY reason Rockliff called an election was so that he could increase their vote and form a ‘stable majority’?

Initial results are showing a strong swing against the Liberal Party and can only form a minority government with others’ some of whom have strong objections to his policy agenda.

So Rockliff failed in the only goal set, yet claims ‘victory’

Have I got that right?

And more importantly is the Rocky Chocolate Factory theme park in doubt😳?
Libs went early as their only possible way of denying the ALP a majority. If the afl team wasn’t a thing, that would have happened.

In terms of fountain, will be a rocky road to delivering that confectionery installation
Have the libs lost Dunstan in SA by election?

Looks like it but counting still continues.

Will be the first time a sitting Labor Govt has won an SA by-election in 125 years if true.

SA Liberals falling apart under a weak conservative Christian leader and shifting further right to the point of irrelevance.

Strong rise in Greens first pref vote again.
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Not following Tasmanian politics closely but according to a few posts here wasn’t the ONLY reason Rockliff called an election was so that he could increase their vote and form a ‘stable majority’?

Initial results are showing a strong swing against the Liberal Party and can only form a minority government with others’ some of whom have strong objections to his policy agenda.

So Rockliff failed in the only goal set, yet claims ‘victory’

Have I got that right?

And more importantly is the Rocky Chocolate Factory theme park in doubt😳?
I don’t follow either but from the little I have read it seams his hand was forced because a few nuffies threatened supply. I think the true intent of the election was to weed them out.
I don’t follow either but from the little I have read it seams his hand was forced because a few nuffies threatened supply. I think the true intent of the election was to weed them out.

So as Tasmania heads to another hung Parliament Tasmanians can look to yet another early election if the Premier doesn’t get his way?
Libs went early as their only possible way of denying the ALP a majority. If the afl team wasn’t a thing, that would have happened.

In terms of fountain, will be a rocky road to delivering that confectionery installation
ALP were never going to get a majority, Greens would always have got some seats to the "left" of the Liberals.
Labor not being able to make a significant shift in their vote-share with Libs bleeding to JLN has to be a worry for them. If they refuse to deal with GRN, they might not form government again for decades to come.

Of course, how long JLN can be a force without is questionable but were those votes ones that would have gone ALP or are they ones that are just disaffected Libs that would have stayed Lib (pr gone to a Lib leaning independent) if not given the JLN option?

As for the chocolate fountain, if that's as big a winner as Rockliff purported the private sector wouldn't need a taxpayer sweetener to build it. I can't see GRN or JLN getting behind that one.
So as Tasmania heads to another hung Parliament Tasmanians can look to yet another early election if the Premier doesn’t get his way?
well, if they can't get supply, then I think election is the only answer. COuld be a lot of deadlock with the system they have; hopefully people will act like adults and not petulant children

oh **** we are talking politicians...

i suppose can just hope that at least Aust politicians are better than the US type, and Tasmanian liberals seem more rational than mainland liberals under Dutton

So maybe something can be cobbled together.
well, if they can't get supply, then I think election is the only answer. COuld be a lot of deadlock with the system they have; hopefully people will act like adults and not petulant children

oh * we are talking politicians...

i suppose can just hope that at least Aust politicians are better than the US type, and Tasmanian liberals seem more rational than mainland liberals under Dutton

So maybe something can be cobbled together.
Oh but now we've got Abetz in there, and despite his protestations about him only 'wanting to serve', I'm pretty confident he didn't go to all that trouble to merely sit quietly on the backbench.
Too late.

Those who are trying to derail the stadium, and possibly the team as a result, have already made Tassie a laughing stock.

As a proud Tasmanian living afar, it's truly embarrassing to see. I'd really hoped that after all these years the state had made it into the 21st century.

The Tasmanian election just gave that ageing racist homophobic flog Eric Abetz a new political life.

I would have thought that was a thousand times more backward and embarrassing for Tasmania in 2024 than a large chunk of the public demanding greater transparency and accountability over the details and manner in which a sports stadium with a capacity of just 23k gets built with $750m+ of taxpayers money.

So imho I’m not sure the answer to your rhetorical question over whether Tasmania had made it in to the 21st Century has been answered in the way you seem to think has.
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Rebecca White
Cecily Strong Snl GIF by Saturday Night Live
The State Libs have had a 12% swing against them in this election, Labor had their lowest primary vote in living memory and the Greens had their lowest vote in over a decade.
Independants all picked up large numbers of disaffected voters from the majors, most notably the Lambie Network did well.

Rebecca White has conceded the election.
Looks like Labor won't work with the Greens or JLN so are content to sit back and watch the Libs struggle to work with them instead.
Messy result for Tasmania and more stagnation to come in the meantime.
I guess we'll be back at the polls again in less than two years.
The State Libs have had a 12% swing against them in this election, Labor had their lowest primary vote in living memory and the Greens had their lowest vote in over a decade.
Independants all picked up large numbers of disaffected voters from the majors, most notably the Lambie Network did well.

Rebecca White has conceded the election.
Looks like Labor won't work with the Greens or JLN so are content to sit back and watch the Libs struggle to work with them instead.
Messy result for Tasmania and more stagnation to come in the meantime.
I guess we'll be back at the polls again in less than two years.
I’m a bit glass half full on this in terms of the next couple of years. We may have legislation that we need rather than one side wants. Not a bad thing but it will end in political tears.

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Labor can’t really do anything til the Libs have had a shot at cobbling something together, they’re much closer to a majority after all.
They've conceded
How pissweak are labor to concede
Being able to sit back and have nothing to do with the shit show that's about to happen might not be the worst response to this. Be nice if Labor had a bit of imagination though, small target politics is very tedious.
Being able to sit back and have nothing to do with the s**t show that's about to happen might not be the worst response to this. Be nice if Labor had a bit of imagination though, small target politics is very tedious.
They'd rather another liberal term than a coalition with the greens.
Says it all really
How pissweak are labor to concede
I reckon they're playing the long game.
Labor has no time for the Greens at all and Lambie's mob have no credible policies other than screaching, frothing at the mouth with fiery rhetoric and preaching to the marginalised and downtrodden as though they'll actually be able to do something.

Labor will sit back and watch the shitfight and lack of progress between the Libs, Lambie, the Greens and a handful of ineffectual independants unfold and wait for the inevitable rumblings of discontentment from the Tasmanian public and wait for an election to be called within the next two years.

Labor will be banking on it being a messy, unproductive and bitter term and the Libs will end up on the nose with the public after 4 consecutive terms (as if a 12% away swing isn't already somewhat on the nose!) and be poised to strike with a majority government.

Labor need to piss White off out if it and get a better leader if they're intending on taking the bull by the horns eventually and govern outright at the next election, they haven't had a good solid skipper since Bacon (Lennon was too aligned with the Unions, Bartlett got caught parking one up that bird from the Education Department and his wife gave him the ultimatum, Giddings was bloody useless, O'Byrne was nothing special either).

Get the popcorn out!
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The State Libs have had a 12% swing against them in this election, Labor had their lowest primary vote in living memory and the Greens had their lowest vote in over a decade.
Independants all picked up large numbers of disaffected voters from the majors, most notably the Lambie Network did well.

Rebecca White has conceded the election.
Looks like Labor won't work with the Greens or JLN so are content to sit back and watch the Libs struggle to work with them instead.
Messy result for Tasmania and more stagnation to come in the meantime.
I guess we'll be back at the polls again in less than two years.
The Liberals are entirely captured, and Labor are not far behind. The quicker we blow the entire two party system up the better.
The one thing I haven't heard mentioned much is the claim that Tasmanians have often gravitated towards the party most likely to form majority government late in election campaigns, and whether or not that happened this time, and if so does that mean the Liberal vote was inflated and thus it was a worse performance by them than it looks at first glance. I mean that was pretty much their entire election campaign judging by the one ad of theirs I saw over and over again on the telly.
How pissweak are labor to concede
Not. They still haven't recovered since last time they formed government with the Greens. Trying to form government with the Greens and JLN might see them not be in government for decades. Short term loss for long term win.

If they get a good leader and come up with some better policies for the next election they should win. This election they were just awful.
In his federal parliament days, I remember reading that he received the most first-preference votes, but also the most last-preference votes, from people voting below the line.
Apparently we tend to vote below the line more than any other state, some say it's because of our familiarity with our multi-member state electorates but I say it's because we loved putting Eric Abetz stone cold motherless last.

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Tas Tasmanian Election 2024

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