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I guess it can really depend on your perspective. For me, I am probably a bit older than many here. I remember the 71 grand final clearly, so let's say I have been following Saints for 55 years.

In that period, we have had two successful periods - 97/98 and 04/10 (and I am being a bit generous here, in truth 06/07 were very ordinary given the list and you could make a strong argument that 04/10 was our most disappointing period).

So in roughly 55 years we have effectively challenged twice. There is a lot of dross in there. Virtually the entire 80s. Virtually the entire 10s, a fair bit of the 70s.

Now I know none of this has much to do with today. But when people say "oh you base your doom and gloom on 1 match or 6 months and we were actually brilliant in 21.....

People of my vintage are running out of time. I was only saying to a mate the other day that on current trajectory there is an extremely high chance that we go out before we see a second St Kilda flag. Stupid decisions, poor list management, poor culture, trigger us far more than it would if we had another 40 or 50 years ahead of us. And the way this club self sabotages even with another 40 years ahead of us I would not be confident.
