Games & Recreation The Bigfooty 2015 Death List

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Back by popular demand, one of more sadistic games going about is back in its latest incarnation.

First off a big thanks to YouDontKnowJack who's been running this for the last 3 years (I think?).

For those of you unfamiliar with game you simply PM me (don't be silly and post it here, the others will steal all your fantastic ideas) a list of 20 celebrities who you think will pass away in 2015.

Each list of 20 people must be submitted before 12:00:00 AM AEST on January 1st 2015.

I will PM my own list to DREAM TEAM BUFF.

These rules have been borrowed from other forums that play this game

Death List 2015 Rules

I. The game starts on January 1st 2015 and ends on December 31st 2015.

II. Each player picks 20 celebrities.

III. A player receives 1 point for each year short of 100 of the celebrity's age at the time of death. For example, if Britney Spears passes away between 1st January and 1st December, contestants who have her in their list will receive (100-30=) 70 points. If she passes away between 2nd and 31st December, contestants will receive 69 points.

IV. The Tony Greig Stipulation: For those contestants who submit their picks early and their celeb buys the farm before January 1st, tough shit, no points for you! See Rule #1, the game starts on January 1st. I will, however, allow the contestant to make another pick before the game begins.

V. The Queen Elizabeth I rule: The player is responsible for their picks actually being alive before the game starts. Any celeb picked who is already dead is a voided pick, with no subsitutions allowed. (Liz died over 400 years ago, btw).

VI. The Billy Graham Provision: Whenever a proposed celebrity shares the name of one or more other celebrities, and no clarification is made, I will, in my infinite wisdom, decide which of them is in play. Although, if you know more then one celeb has the same name, help me out and just tell me which one you're picking.

VII. The Timothy McVeigh Rule: Death Row inmates are eligible but you will not be credited with a hit or garner any points if they die by scheduled execution. They will count, however, if the inmate gets shanked by another inmate, has a heart attack, etc. That would be a random death rather than a scheduled execution. General population prisoners are ok.

VIII. The Red Dog Rule: Homo-sapiens only. No animals are eligible as picks. Them critters have such short life spans...

IX. Random Sociopath Rule: Technically, murder is allowed in this game, so if you feel the need to take out Darren Lyons to garner points, feel free.

X. The Pol Pot Proviso: There needs to be objective evidence or reasonable assurance that the person is actually dead...i.e. Robert Mugabe is a fine pick, but he can't just be "assumed" dead. Pol Pot, btw, was rumored dead for years until he showed up alive and then actually croaked a few years back.

XI. The Dumbass Regulation: A player will only get credit for one pick if they pick the same celebrity twice.

XII. Celebrity Status: This is a death pool game of famous people, therefore a qualified pick should have their obituary/death announcement carried by AP, UPI, Reuters or any other *nationaly recognised* newssource. Therefore, if one of your picks is "Richard Head, inventor of Barbasol, the blue liquid barbers soak combs in", it is a risky proposition. If a player has heard of one of their picks buying the farm and it hasn't been posted on the offical game scorecard, the player should petition me with a link to the obituary and I will decide if points should be granted. (Sadly, I am not famous enough for my obit to be carried in the press so if you pick me and I bite it, no points for you!).

XIII. The Prince George Rule: Sorry, only celebrities who have had at least one birthday at the start of the competition are eligible for the list. No newborn or unborn babies.

Keep a track of your own lists people, especially those with lesser known celebrities.

Remember to PM me your lists by Jan 1. All lists will be made public from January 1st. Good luck.

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I'm so in for next year. Gotta beat my first attempt from 2014 - Thought I'd be on a roll after collecting some points in the second week of Jan and have collected two since. Thanks a ******* lot, Michael Schumacher ;)

Did LOL.

Ahhhhh I might just submit the old list and change MS, IDK...

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Just pick people you wouldn't mind being dead. Robert Mugabe, Kim jong un etc.

I'm back in. See if I can beat my 2 points from this year.
Geoffrey Edelsten would be a good pick.

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Games & Recreation The Bigfooty 2015 Death List

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