Updated Bruce Lehrmann Pt2 * Reynolds Defamation Trial Current

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Here is PART 1

Historical Rape Allegation Against Fmr AG Christian Porter
The Alexander Matters matters

Just a reminder, this is the crime board and we need to be aware that there will be victims of crime either watching this thread or engaging in here from time to time. A degree of respect in all discussions is expected.

Joint media statement – Chief Minister and Attorney-General

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The crux of it is from the very first media article (there is also plenty of in Maiden's interview with her, but dunno where that is).

I've never read anything other than the "feeling" she was forced to choose and I can understand that.
"Hysterical" and "rants" I can't argue with. "Strawman" I'm not so sure about, but whatevs!

Can you at least humour me with by answering one question though? Do you agree or disagree that the claim from Higgins that her employers pressured her in to choosing between her career and a rape allegation, saw Fiona Brown experience a torrent of abuse that ultimately led to her having a nervous breakdown?
Can i pose a hypothetical to you Figgy?
is it possible that Ms Brown suffered from being in the middle of a particularly rubbish situation?
I.e she would have had pressure from Ms Reynolds to get Britt to report, pressure from pollies to manage it appropriately, pressure from Britt for answers, pressure from external parties (Twitter, Journos) and pressure from opposition political parties. Its not just Britteneys stuff that would have caused it ( but was a factor id imagine)

Its not uncommon for those who arent adequately trained to deal with this to struggle under the weight of it.
Degrees climb sy
I've never read anything other than the "feeling" she was forced to choose and I can understand that.

Some of her 'reasons' are in the article itself, Kurve. And both that article and The Project article infer a political cover up, so there is no inadvertant misintrrpretation here.

Higgins conveyed her narrative.

Just a month later, Higgins claimed "I was a political problem".

Yet, she was never treated as such.

Unless of course you keep arguing that directing her to the police is a "cover up", or that her employers wanting to do everything by the book is an act of pure self interest. It really is clutching at straws!

Plus, if you want to argue that Higgins' "truth" is just morphed or misremembered feelings from that time, how do you explain the intentional deletion of large amounts of data and conversations that directly contradicts her "truth", in the days after the interviews?
Here's what I reckon really happened from yet another master class of policing by our federal cop force.

Big party coming up this weekend and the AFP raided Brucey's mates to stock up on their C stash. They had planned to finance their big bash with the proceeds from jumping on board the litigation bandwagon with their attempt to sue the ACT Government for defamation.

But when one of the leading investigators in the Brittany Higgins investigation (Trent Madders) got charged with perjury, perverting the course of justice, and concealing evidence those plans of getting a mega payday from yet another defamation case went to water.

So time for plan B.

Srsly - what a bloody embarrassing group of plodders they are.
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Unless of course you keep arguing that directing her to the police is a "cover up", or that her employers wanting to do everything by the book is an act of pure self interest. It really is clutching at straws!

You're doing it again. "Keep arguing"?
My initial reaction to this pathetic jacket distraction is (directed at Reynolds).

'... the Senator made remarks about her former staffer's court wardrobe.

In one exchange, Ms Reynolds texted Mr Whybrow on WhatsApp at 11.12pm during the criminal trial to complain Ms Higgins was wearing an identical designer outfit once worn by Kate Middleton.

The Senator told the court she felt frustrated Ms Higgins would dress like the Princess of Wales because she was “still annoyed” that Ms Higgins allegedly stole her Carla Zampatti jacket from her office the night of the Lehrmann rape.

CCTV footage shows Ms Higgins wearing the designer jacket while leaving Parliament House after the rape in March 2019 and she never returned it to her then-boss.

Ms Young asked Ms Reynolds if she considered that Ms Higgins simply reached for the jacket to cover herself up after the sexual assault.

“When she had taken your jacket ... stolen your jacket, to use your word ... did you think she was trying to cover herself up?” she asked.

Ms Reynolds said she would not have minded her staffer had taken the jacket if Ms Higgins had explained the situation later, but she never did.

Senator Reynolds admitted she partly felt annoyed about the Kate Middleton outfit because Ms Higgins had “made a thing” about designer clothing when she was a Liberal staffer.

She told the court Ms Higgins had previously made a point of wearing white to various events.

“It annoyed me because it was the connection with my coat and the image of her coming - she can wear whatever she likes - but what annoyed me was that I perceived her as imitating Kate Middleton,” she told the court.

“It doesn't make a great deal of sense, but it did annoy me.

“I was upset about my jacket being stolen and I was sensitive to her outfits."

During Mr Lehrmann’s abandoned rape trial in 2022, Ms Higgins said she took the jacket from a “goodwill box” which the Senator had asked her to donate to charity.

“It was too small for the minister at that time so Michelle Lewis asked me to throw it out," Ms Higgins told the court in that case.

Ms Higgins maintained she later deposited the jacket in a charity bin as instructed.

Ms Reynolds earlier told the WA Supreme court that the there was no goodwill box in her office and that she initially thought she lost the jacket while travelling.

The former defence minister claimed she only discovered the jacket’s fate after recognising the Zampatti design on Ms Higgins in CCTV footage played during the Lehrmann trial.'

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She told the court Ms Higgins had previously made a point of wearing white to various events.

“It annoyed me because it was the connection with my coat and the image of her coming - she can wear whatever she likes - but what annoyed me was that I perceived her as imitating Kate Middleton,” she told the court.

“It doesn't make a great deal of sense, but it did annoy me.

“I was upset about my jacket being stolen and I was sensitive to her outfits."

Reynolds doesn't have the awareness that she's exposing herself here for what is likely envy.

Any time Kate Middleton wears an outfit, they're copied and most often the copies which are considerably much cheaper, sell out.

That jacket and skirt with the belt, was available for under $300 AU.
Can i pose a hypothetical to you Figgy?
is it possible that Ms Brown suffered from being in the middle of a particularly rubbish situation?
I.e she would have had pressure from Ms Reynolds to get Britt to report, pressure from pollies to manage it appropriately, pressure from Britt for answers, pressure from external parties (Twitter, Journos) and pressure from opposition political parties. Its not just Britteneys stuff that would have caused it ( but was a factor id imagine)

Its not uncommon for those who arent adequately trained to deal with this to struggle under the weight of it.

No doubt that it is a combination of various factors.

The natural stress of the situation itself in 2019 would be solid enough

We know about Reynolds and her heated conversation on getting the AFP in.

It's fair to say though that her current rough patch on this topic didn't hit hyperdrive until the claims of a cover up. Yes the false claims suck, as do journos hounding her and the social media abuse against her (and Higgins) was particularly deplorable. But they are after all all interrelated.

As Justice Lee said:

274 But what does not reflect caution was standing up to her Minister and the Chief of Staff of another Minister when Ms Brown thought they were intent on protecting their own interests at the expense of allowing a young woman to make her own decision as to whether she would involve the police – even at some risk to her professional career. This showed integrity in resisting pressure she subjectively considered inappropriate and evinced a concern for the autonomy and welfare of Ms Higgins. In these circumstances, to be later vilified as an unfeeling apparatchik willing to throw up roadblocks in covering up criminal conduct at the behest of one’s political overlords must be worse than galling.

On the 'pressure from Reynolds' front, I've kept a keen eye on this. Brown has no reason not to tell her truth. She had no issues telling the truth on the Reynolds / AFP front. No issue correcting the record on the timeline at trial. In fact, she has no real reason to help Reynolds or the Libs whatsoever. And yet there is not even a hint from her on there being undue pressure (or worse; a strategic cover up) from anyone in Parliament whatsoever.

Is there a chance that she's suffering due to harbouring a great secret? Of course there's a possibility. Is it likely? No, extremely unlikely IMHO.
My 6 Dec, 2023 post in Part 1 of this case might prove to be not far off the main reason why Bruce Lehrmann went back to Parliament House that night.

And it only got one solitary reaction.

'Bruce allegedly pulling out the feminist card with the current witness at the Kingston Hotel, when he appears to have temporarily stole or manhandled Higgins mobile phone to try and coerce her into getting even more pissed that night, and prevent her from getting her own UBER home by herself, as opposed to his coercive behaviour in getting Higgins to get into his UBER to go to Parliament House.

There is no valid reason for Bruce getting Higgins to share his UBER.
He didn't even think she was very pissed that night and needed looking after or watching over.
Makes it look like either he had premeditated evil/romantic intent with her, or she was going to be a useful foil/distraction for getting him into PH that night, or for whatever he planned to do (related to his work or access to work info) in relation to work.

Maybe he was just trying to get/see confidential info prior to him finished up in his job that week, and thought that if he was confronted about what he was doing there by his bosses/HR, he could always try saying that it was Brittany wanting to go back to PH and he was just tagging along, or that they were just having a bit of romantic fun (and it was her idea).'
Plus, if you want to argue that Higgins' "truth" is just morphed or misremembered feelings from that time, how do you explain the intentional deletion of large amounts of data and conversations that directly contradicts her "truth", in the days after the interviews?

That doesn't concern me much. I've gone through rough periods back in the day, can't fight can't flight, stuck hovering somewhere between but trying to look normal and I've had conversations or sent text messages that I've looked back on and gone 'omg I can't believe I said that, that looks all wrong' so I've deleted it.
Plus, if you want to argue that Higgins' "truth" is just morphed or misremembered feelings from that time, how do you explain the intentional deletion of large amounts of data and conversations that directly contradicts her "truth", in the days after the interviews?

I believe it's called cyber hygiene. It's quite common, apparently.

I've gone through rough periods, can't fight can't flight, stuck hovering somewhere between but trying to keep steady and I've had conversations or sent text messages that I've looked back on and gone 'omg I can't believe I said that, that looks all wrong' so I've deleted it.

I can't say that I haven't deleted an embarrassing text, but I also can't say that I have deleted stacks of information on my phone that specifically directly contradicts a narrative that I just said in media interviews either.
This isn't just about Higgins social media posts.

Reynolds also seeks a subpoena for Ebworth's chief executive partner's correspondence leading up to Higgins settlement.

This isn't just about Higgins social media posts.

I think it started off as irritation at the social media posts, but has since morphed with the addition of the 'tortious conspiracy' claims.

All of this is extremely 'ill advised', but then the people who are 'advising' her are her lawyers, who aren't exactly going to 'advise' themselves out of a fee!

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Updated Bruce Lehrmann Pt2 * Reynolds Defamation Trial Current

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