Mega Thread The Buckley/Malthouse Succession Plan Mega Thread

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Re: Mick Malthouse Asks: What's My Job?

I'm as worried about this arrangement as I was when it was first announced. i.e. not at all.

The only thing that makes me stop and wonder is that attachment players can have with their coach. It is so hard to judge this from the outside and every player will have a very different relationship. Still I see Mick here for a few years yet so plenty of time for the players to get accustomed to the new setup. Even if he only sticks around for 1 year I'm not worried about this, even if it is just blind faith.

End of the day we are Collingwood and my faith in the administration of the club is as strong as it can be.
I cannot envision the club not being a place players want to play.
Re: Mick Malthouse Asks: What's My Job?

No way. Bomber was burnt out for the top job. Essendon offered it and he knocked it back before Hird was asked. Bomber is happy to be second banana.

Mick is Buckley's boss. Making him Buckley's assistant next year won't work. Making him a consultant won't work. Buckley will insist on going his own way. I think Mick recognizes this and either wants out, or wants to keep the job.

Bomber lost the support of players mainly Gary Ablett. Mick as far as i know has the full support of the players, thats the difference.

It would work fine though if Mick knew how to take a backwards step, which he clearly does not want to do after being in the top job for so many years. "I wake up Monday morning knowing what i want to do with the team" Weather thats his ego getting in the way or his relationship with Buckley. It seems he wants to be the dominate one. From what i read of that interview he won't be there next year.
The interview tonight seemed a call out to the club to keep him on as senior coach.It seems he wants to be the senior coach and nothing less. (something meaingful in Micks eyes is the top job and nothing less)

He obviously wants to know what he is doing next year right now! The timing of this is what concerns me.
Re: Mick Malthouse Asks: What's My Job?

If that's the case why did he say and this is pretty much a quote

I want to stay in a meaningful role but Buckley will be senior Coach, that is catergorical and I have no issue with that.

Mick's wife and kids don't want him to coach, he just wants to be involved Abd still feel required, clearly he's hoping for that at collingwood

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Re: Mick Malthouse Asks: What's My Job?

I agree with the first paragraph. Unecessary, disruptive and especially damaging to Bucks' coaching credibility which the club has REPEATEDLY stated will commence in 2012. Why do it?

I get that some players owe a lot to Mick, but for Christ's sake, we are a professional outfit and a lot of those players, besides Swan, are peripheral to the sides sucess.

Agreed.. things are going along perfectly on the field.. sort it out in the off season ffs.
Re: Mick Malthouse Asks: What's My Job?

Excuse my two cents worth.

Entirely agree that it wasn’t all that prudent of Mick or your club to give oxygen to this issue at this time.

However, I don’t actually see anything unreasonable in Mick wanting a detailed job specification before he fully commits to his new role. It’s in both your club’s interests and his that both are completely comfortable with his new role and clear what it is. That couldn’t penetrate the silly old fossils (Newman's) brain on the show tonight.

That said, I reckon that in Bucks heart-of-hearts he’d be delighted if Mick just quietly left the scene so everything related to the clubs on field performance rested with him.
Re: Mick Malthouse Asks: What's My Job?

If that's the case why did he say and this is pretty much a quote

I want to stay in a meaningful role but Buckley will be senior Coach, that is catergorical and I have no issue with that.

Mick's wife and kids don't want him to coach, he just wants to be involved Abd still feel required, clearly he's hoping for that at collingwood

Why didn't he just say.. "I will be a Collingwood next year" everybody claps and the discussion is over. end of that.. Even just to tell a white lie there and then would shut the media up for the rest of the season so we can concerntrate on one thing and thats winning the 2011 flag.I want him to be there as much as you mate but you really need to take off the rose coloured glasses.
Also don't say that he doesn't want to lie because its not like he did when he called Milne a rapist and back tracked on that. I am a massive Malthouse fan and want him at the club next year but face facts if he wants to be the senior coach he isn't going to be there.
Re: Mick Malthouse Asks: What's My Job?

Whilst i hope that Mick stays, the one thing that he said which was most pertinent. That he wanted to be at the club next year and beyond to honour his contract

And i can agree with him not wanting to be there if he feels that he will just be in the way or unable to contribute in a significant way, good on him. At least he has the decency to leave the club if he isnt feeling useful, than hanging around for no reason

If indeed Mick does decide to leave at the end of this year, premiership or no, i will be happy for him to do so and will wish him the greatest success (but not above our own) that he can achieve with another club

The club is presumably working overtime to construct a meaningful position. But they might find they are mining an empty shaft because it's hard to think of what Mick might do that is not background, and the Lord knows we've wracked our brains thinking of what it might amount to.

However, I don't wish him the best of luck if he bails because he will take an enormous amount of intellectual property with him which would be damaging, especially if he went to carlton or hawthorn. In fact I'd be tying him to the Pies as per his contract.

A lot will hinge on the contract he signed which, I'd presume, is not linked to a well specified role, but to the club in a role to be determined.

It will be interesting to see if Ed plays this out in the open.
Re: Mick Malthouse Asks: What's My Job?

Ed, Pert and Walsh had better come up with a meaningful role for Mick, because if he leaves the club then I will be livid. I can swallow replacing him, so long as he sticks around at the club. Mick leaving for Carlton or Hawthorn would be a nightmare and would well and the deal would well and truely have been a stuff up.
Re: Mick Malthouse Asks: What's My Job?

Why didn't he just say.. "I will be a Collingwood next year" everybody claps and the discussion is over. end of that.. Even just to tell a white there and then would shut the media up for the rest of the season so we can concerntrate on one thing and thats winning the 2011 flag.I want him to be there as much as you mate but you really need to take off the rose coloured glasses.
Also don't say that he doesn't want to lie because its not like he did when he called Milne a rapist and back tracked on that. I am a massive Malthouse fan and want him at the club next year but face facts if he wants to be the senior coach he isn't going to be there.

Because he wants to know what his role is first?

He said repeatedly he wants to stay, he doesn't want to be coach Abd ge expects Eddie to finalize a role but until that last thing happens he can't say I'm staying! Done and dusted

It's the same as Thomas he said all year he wants to be at collingwood but only this week people gave accused him pf lying, much the same as pendlebury before his signing and swan.

We are on the same position now as we were yesterday, Mick wants to and will stay as long as he has an actual role and not a made up fancy junket position created just to keep him with us. I know if I was t required at work I would go elsewhere too, no worse feeling then bej g kept around just because of tenure Abd jot because you are wanted
Re: Mick Malthouse Asks: What's My Job?

Thing is Opti that we all assume that's the case already. Mick doesn't want to be kept around as a figurehead, right, we got it. Why is he emphasising it over and over again? At this point it feels more like he's reinforcing his excuse to get out when he claims he doesn't feel it's 'meaningful' enough no matter what the role entails.
Re: Mick Malthouse Asks: What's My Job?

Because he wants to know what his role is first?

He said repeatedly he wants to stay, he doesn't want to be coach Abd ge expects Eddie to finalize a role but until that last thing happens he can't say I'm staying! Done and dusted

It's the same as Thomas he said all year he wants to be at collingwood but only this week people gave accused him pf lying, much the same as pendlebury before his signing and swan.

We are on the same position now as we were yesterday, Mick wants to and will stay as long as he has an actual role and not a made up fancy junket position created just to keep him with us. I know if I was t required at work I would go elsewhere too, no worse feeling then bej g kept around just because of tenure Abd jot because you are wanted

Your thoughts on Malthouse as the assistant coach in 2012 like bucks this year.. roles reversed and malty helping bucks.
Though im not entirely sure what an assistants role is i guess its just being an assistant to the senior coach.. why couldn't he just do that?

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Re: Mick Malthouse Asks: What's My Job?

Thing is Opti that we all assume that's the case already. Mick doesn't want to be kept around as a figurehead, right, we got it. Why is he emphasising it over and over again? At this point it feels more like he's reinforcing his excuse to get out when he claims he doesn't feel it's 'meaningful' enough no matter what the role entails.

exactly! shouldn't he be talking to Eddie about the role and sorting it out before even going on the footy show so undecided..
Re: Mick Malthouse Asks: What's My Job?

Thing is Opti that we all assume that's the case already. Mick doesn't want to be kept around as a figurehead, right, we got it. Why is he emphasising it over and over again? At this point it feels more like he's reinforcing his excuse to get out when he claims he doesn't feel it's 'meaningful' enough no matter what the role entails.
Becayse sam, Lyon and brayshaw kept asking the same question worded slightly different trying to get a sound byte that Mick never gave. Mick was honest until a role exists why catergorically say yes? It's enough to know he WANTS to stay fir now.
Your thoughts on Malthouse as the assistant coach in 2012 like bucks this year.. roles reversed and malty helping bucks.
Though im not entirely sure what an assistants role is i guess its just being an assistant to the senior coach.. why couldn't he just do that?
neither Mick or Nathan want him as an assitant coach

Coach of the coaches, academy head, both whatever but as he saud tonight he'll have and wants no input on infield structures, selections or anything of the sort.

He just wants an actual role to his job so no one accuses (as was said when he signed the contract) of using the club as a retirement fun. Mick as any other human especially as a string willed man wants to remain relevant and useless not get attacked with pension jibes
Re: Mick Malthouse Asks: What's My Job?

This is absurd. This is absolutely terrible for us imo.

He essentially said there are numerous players who aren't happy with the coaching deal next year. We've got some discontent and hopefully it's not reason for players not wanting to stay at Collingwood with the same vigour as they would have otherwise.

And exactly, why not just say he'll be there? Even wording it differently and saying, look, bar an absolute miracle (e.g. there being some contentious issues between now and then, which there won't be) I'll be there next year. Just say, "Look, lock it in. If I'm not there, I'm not there, but I intend to be and should be.".

Not the bullshit we don't need to hear.

No reason to hold Bucks to the job when we did, but that's hindsight and I would have said that at the time most would've thought it was the right decision.
Re: Mick Malthouse Asks: What's My Job?

If Mick is waiting for a role to be fleshed out, then nothing is settled and I can't see how it will be unless he encroaches on the turf of Hine or Buckley.

I really hope the club doesn't shift the issue sideways and duck-shove Mick to a recruiting job which muscles in on Hine's turf. That would be a disaster.

Equally, I cant see Mick dictating terms to assistant coaches when Buckley is attempting to run his own show and tactics.

Maybe he can assist the development of our young players and recruits and play a role in mentoring a bunch of international types.
Re: Mick Malthouse Asks: What's My Job?

Thing is Opti that we all assume that's the case already. Mick doesn't want to be kept around as a figurehead, right, we got it. Why is he emphasising it over and over again? At this point it feels more like he's reinforcing his excuse to get out when he claims he doesn't feel it's 'meaningful' enough no matter what the role entails.

Pardon my intrusion, but I fully agree with this.

I saw the interview and I felt that while trying to stay true to your club he was showing signs of hurt, especially when reflecting on the events in his private life around the time he was asked to sign off on this deal.

BTW if we don't win it this year I for one wouldn't be too upset if you guys win it again :thumbsu:
Re: Mick Malthouse Asks: What's My Job?

"They know the rules and the rules are Nathan is going to coach next year. Do they accept it? I don't know if they accept it, but they accept the fact that Nathan will be coaching next year."

Ah Mick :)
Re: Mick Malthouse Asks: What's My Job?

Pardon my intrusion, but I fully agree with this.

I saw the interview and I felt that while trying to stay true to your club he was showing signs of hurt, especially when reflecting on the events in his private life around the time he was asked to sign off on this deal.

BTW if we don't win it this year I for one wouldn't be too upset if you guys win it again :thumbsu:

don't worry you won't! ha
Re: Mick Malthouse Asks: What's My Job?

I watched the footy show interview last night's interview. Mick requires the role to be meaningful, relevant role that we will seek to refill when he eventually vacates the role. Him staying is dependent on such a role being created but he is confident that Eddie will not let him down and create the required role. Also whilst he does still have a passion to coach his family don't want him too and that will effect his decision re next year.

Is that a good summary?
Re: Mick Malthouse Asks: What's My Job?

Massive wishing being done on the main board, one thread after another.

Carlton and StKilda butthurts leading the charge

Lemmings over the cliff. . . . :D
The Malthouse/Buckley Succession Plan Mega Thread

Mick Malthouse is clearly the best coach in the AFL at the moment and if he wants to continue coaching next season in the top job then he must be allowed to.

If Eddie McGuire is steadfast on promoting Nathan Buckley then he is not putting the best interests of this football club first and should be removed from club president by someone who will.

Mick Malthouse has earned the right to go out on his terms.

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Mega Thread The Buckley/Malthouse Succession Plan Mega Thread

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