Doomsday/Prophecies The Countdown: End Times is good times

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Well with the much vaunted apocalypse a mere 10 days away I thought I would start a thread commemorating the fun times we've all enjoyed together and hopefully provide a place to share your direst predictions and prognostications for the 21st of December 2012.

Will the poles reverse? Will Jeebus return? Is this the dawning of the age of Aquarius? Were the Mayans right or did they just run out of tablet space?

Friends of SR+P get all escatalogical while you still have the chance (but don't forget to clean up the mess).


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Chris Judd will admit, live on TV, that his payments outside the cap were out of line and that he was surprised the AFL were feeble enough to allow the activity.

Seconds after this Andrew Demetriou will begin to swell to hundreds of times his normal mass, engulfing Carlton FC, which, after a small pop, will implode it's mass being drawn into the already unstable Demetriou.
Unable to support the mass of both his and Carlton's ego, Demetriou will begin to shrink under the massive weight, gravity eventually pounding both into an inseparable quasi-singularity. Unable to contain the heat from this cataclysmic contraction the new body Demetriou/Carlton will explode in a blinding flash, showering the galaxy in light, gamma rays, ego and brown paper bags full of cash.

Adrian Anderson will be re-employed as the new head of the AFL and season 2013 will go ahead as planned, with an additional bye, where Carlton had once been scheduled.
Collingwood will go on to win 7 flags on the trot before the AFL Solar system eventually resumes it's normal balance, the orbit of Carlton being filled by a Tasmanian side made up from the debris of the "end of days".
I shouldn't be surprised at this, given the monumental creativity that is evo, but what a great name for a TV program about currently popular music. It could run for years, and have a profound influence on promoting local bands. All we'd have to do would be to find an inarticulate obsessive to front it.

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Christ, this thread reminds me I havent sorted a London zombie plan yet.

Do you need a plan? From the zombie movies and games my son plays you can simply walk away from them. Yet some how they've defeated the armies of the world.... hmmm
Interesting read...... Its from nasa so no doubt plenty of skeptics.
But interesting that it was SUPPOSED to happen in 2003 and when it didnt it was then "Postponed"
Plus isnt it just the end of the 13th cycle. Then there is a 14th that starts....
Its a scary theory but being so close wouldnt we know by know???
You could get a fair bit done in 30 minutes, if it was your last.

Apparently if you include leap years and whatnot, the 'end date' has already occurred.
Chris Judd will admit, live on TV, that his payments outside the cap were out of line and that he was surprised the AFL were feeble enough to allow the activity.

Seconds after this Andrew Demetriou will begin to swell to hundreds of times his normal mass, engulfing Carlton FC, which, after a small pop, will implode it's mass being drawn into the already unstable Demetriou.
Unable to support the mass of both his and Carlton's ego, Demetriou will begin to shrink under the massive weight, gravity eventually pounding both into an inseparable quasi-singularity. Unable to contain the heat from this cataclysmic contraction the new body Demetriou/Carlton will explode in a blinding flash, showering the galaxy in light, gamma rays, ego and brown paper bags full of cash.

Adrian Anderson will be re-employed as the new head of the AFL and season 2013 will go ahead as planned, with an additional bye, where Carlton had once been scheduled.
Collingwood will go on to win 7 flags on the trot before the AFL Solar system eventually resumes it's normal balance, the orbit of Carlton being filled by a Tasmanian side made up from the debris of the "end of days".

Add a talking snake and some badass Old Testament war crimes and I reckon you could build a religion around that.

The believers shall be called "Demetriousts".
But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people. - 2 Timothy 3 1-5

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