Current The crimes of corrupt cop Adrian Trevor Moore - WA * Sentenced to 30 years

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Accused of raping 13 women, drugging and filming sick BDSM assaults on dates over more than a decade of alleged offending using his ID and police badge to engender trust. Formerly charged and convicted for illegallly accessing the personal data of almost 100 women, some multiple times (including DOB and addresses) from a restricted police system using a police computer.

'Moore joined the force in 1990 and was nominated for police officer of the year in 2011, the court was told.'

'He looked up the women’s details while working at the Perth and Cannington police stations.'

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Moore's WA District Court Trial by Jury commenced yesterday.

No idea how this case will end up.

Adrian Moore: Ex-cop accused of drugging, raping women allegedly used police computers to look up victims

Tim Clarke
The West Australian
Wed, 14 September 2022 2:44PM
'Mr Moore has denied 87 counts of rape, indecent assault, sexual coercion and stupefying his alleged victims.

His defence barrister Mark Trowell KC said that is because Mr Moore will say that the acts depicted in the videos were consensual.

Mr Trowell also said the contention the women were drugged was conjecture and suspicion and there were no blood tests to show drugs in any of the alleged victims’ systems.

“There is no evidence of what the particular drug might be. A suspicion based on a lack of memory – pretty flimsy isn’t it,” Mr Trowell said.

“It is essentially speculative – no more than suspicion. It is easy to fill the void of facts with suspicion, and conjecture and speculation to fill in the gaps.
“We say that they have got it wrong.”

The trial continues.'
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Moore's WA District Court Trial by Jury commenced yesterday.

No idea how this case will end up.

Adrian Moore: Ex-cop accused of drugging, raping women allegedly used police computers to look up victims

Tim Clarke
The West Australian
Wed, 14 September 2022 2:44PM
'Mr Moore has denied 87 counts of rape, indecent assault, sexual coercion and stupefying his alleged victims.

His defence barrister Mark Trowell KC said that is because Mr Moore will say that the acts depicted in the videos were consensual.

Mr Trowell also said the contention the women were drugged was conjecture and suspicion and there were no blood tests to show drugs in any of the alleged victims’ systems.

“There is no evidence of what the particular drug might be. A suspicion based on a lack of memory – pretty flimsy isn’t it,” Mr Trowell said.

“It is essentially speculative – no more than suspicion. It is easy to fill the void of facts with suspicion, and conjecture and speculation to fill in the gaps.
“We say that they have got it wrong.”

The trial continues.'

The prosecution has thirteen women, not one or two which isn't by any stretch 'flimsy' with their accounts consistent of having no memory.

He's convicted imo and I hope he gets thirteen life sentences.

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This gives me David Parker Ray vibes in the way he drugged his victims and performed sex acts on them, one with a home made tool, all while recording it, with those recordings found years later.

This gives me David Parker Ray vibes in the way he drugged his victims and performed sex acts on them, one with a home made tool, all while recording it, with those recordings found years later.

Yes I agree, and with the power and trust a police officer has.
Effing gross.
Jury found Moore guilty today.

Looks like most of the trial was suppressed.

You'd think that trials like this would be judge only.

'The recordings of the offences were too confronting to be played in open court, with only the jury and legal teams permitted to watch them.

Some members of the jury were excused at the beginning of the trial after becoming visibly upset about the perverted nature of the accusations. Others commented mid-trial that they were struggling to watch the footage.

Moore will be sentenced on December 13.'
Jury found Moore guilty today.

Looks like most of the trial was suppressed.

You'd think that trials like this would be judge only.

'The recordings of the offences were too confronting to be played in open court, with only the jury and legal teams permitted to watch them.

Some members of the jury were excused at the beginning of the trial after becoming visibly upset about the perverted nature of the accusations. Others commented mid-trial that they were struggling to watch the footage.

Moore will be sentenced on December 13.'

Is there any possibility of this stuff being grounds for an appeal or mistrial?

"Members of the jury could not possibly give a fair verdict when they've openly spoken about how they reacted to the accusations", etc?

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Others commented mid-trial that they were struggling to watch the footage.

If the jury struggled to watch the footage, I can't even imagine how the victims felt having no memory of what happened.

Moore wouldn't have been convicted if he wasn't so casually unconcerned and careless in keeping a record of what he did in tapes.
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30 years jail.

“Your conduct involves … abject disregard by you for each victim’s dignity as a human being and for her autonomy and bodily integrity.”

If it were not for Moore’s arrest in March 2020, the judge said that he was “entirely satisfied” that he would have continued to offend.

Survivors in the court gallery broke down in tears as the sentence was handed down.

During sentencing, Moore was described as depraved and a misogynist who led a double life. The case was not comparable to any other in the state, Troy said.

Moore’s complete lack of remorse and delusional thoughts about the police being out to get him, put him in a truly exceptional category, the court was told.

30 years is manifestly and totally inadequate. This bloke should only leave prison in a box.
Hopefully doesn't live to 82... which is likely as an ex-cop, he won't have much fun in prison...
30 years that's good.

He will die in jail.

Sentencing in Australia is usually backwards. Like 15 years for murder and 30 years for some coke and ecstasy.

How do you even get into the police force with this type of morals.
I’m not here to kinkshame but I kind of am. There’s some elements of BDSM that really shouldn’t be legal all things considered. Like why you can whip the **** out of someone just because they approve it? You can’t kill someone because they want you to so where do you draw the line?

The only reason I put this notion forward is because in this case it appears there’s a clear link to elements of BDSM being a gateway to some truly depraved treatment of innocent women.

I’m really glad he got 30 years, awful crimes made even more awful by the position of power he held and people trusting him.
The actual article is sickening.

Little wonder WA Police is having staff leave left right and centre

One of the women who survived an attack by WA’s worst rapist Adrian Moore has bravely told how she fought her demons to help put him behind bars — while also fighting her own police bosses over the investigation into the sadistic cop.

The extraordinary story of Nicole Edwards can only now be told in full for the first time after she agreed to waive her right to anonymity and reveal herself as one of Moore’s 13 victims.

A former police officer herself, Ms Edwards was brutally and mercilessly r*ped by Moore on their second date in early 2017, after he drugged her and then filmed his sickening acts for his own perverse pleasure.
For years, Ms Edwards did not know exactly what had been done to her.

And despite working closely with sex assault squad detectives during her day job as a specialist child interviewer, she hid her own attack from them and those closest to her.
That was until 2018, when Moore was arrested and charged with looking up details of his potential victims on the WA Police computer.

That prompted Ms Edwards to reveal details of the horrific night with Moore at her apartment — a night she believed was going to be her last.

But she now says that nightmare was compounded by some police colleagues, whose initial handling of the investigation eventually needed investigating itself.

Ms Edwards was so disturbed by her treatment by investigating officers in the internal affairs branch, she made an official internal complaint — before also approaching the CCC.

She reported that during her first contact with internal affairs, they admitted they had known about her potential rape for months, but had failed to contact her.

Ms Edwards says she was then warned against making an allegation against Moore because it could have a “huge impact on her career.”

She reported the same officer told her he believed she was consenting in the video because she was talking — even though at one point, Ms Edwards can clearly be heard screaming “stop, stop, stop”.

An offer to make an immediate statement was declined, and then delayed — despite Ms Edwards persistently contacting colleagues.

“I have got a list of 13 or 14 police officers of high rank that I had to tell I had been r*ped by Adrian Moore, and could they please help me? Why should a victim have to do that?” she said this week.

And when a statement was eventually taken, it was by an officer with no experience in sex assault cases.

“I will never forgive them for what they did. No victim should ever be treated like that. It has had the most incredibly huge impact on my life. And it’s a disgrace,” Ms Edwards said.
The West Australian has confirmed that in 2020, WA Police did launch an internal inquiry into the Moore investigation — headed by WA’s most senior female officer Assistant Commissioner Kylie Whitely.

In internal emails seen by The West Australian, Ms Whitely says she was “very unhappy with the service and the response.”

And WA Police this week confirmed her inquiry “highlighted potential enhancements regarding the oversight of investigations”.

“This particular investigation involved a scale and complexity of offending never before observed in Western Australia, and then-Assistant Commissioner Whiteley was identified as having appropriate seniority and experience to conduct this important review,” they said.
“It’s important to note that aspects of the review are ongoing.

“Notwithstanding that, the review highlighted potential enhancements regarding the oversight of investigations, reinforced investigative practices and identified opportunities to engage with specialist officers in this case.”

Those officers were the sex assault squad, who many months after offering their help, were handed the investigation by internal affairs, and saw through Moore’s successful prosecution.

There is a second internal investigation ongoing, begun after Moore was convicted of 86 serious sexual offences and jailed for 30 years. He is appealing those convictions and that sentencing.

Like almost his other victims, Ms Edwards met Moore via a dating website. In subsequent messages, he quickly bragged about his status as a long-time police officer.

Other messages revealed his other occupation — sadomasochistic sex.

“He was so domineering with the BDSM stuff, how he was going to be that boss. But he was also very strong saying that you can trust me,” Ms Edwards recalls.

“And so it was me very much saying to myself, ‘You can trust him, he’s a copper’.”

After initial reluctance, Ms Edwards agreed Moore could come to her home for dinner. What happened next was graphically relayed by Judge Alan Troy, who presided over Moore’s trial.

“You arrived at her apartment. Your window of your car was down and you said to her, ‘Hi, ****’,” Judge Troy said.

“You then gave her a glass of wine and told her to drink it quickly. It was bitter.

“She said she felt strange. She remembered it being like an anaesthetic. Her next recollection was waking up in her bed in the morning. She started vomiting and then looked at herself naked and became aware of the injuries all over her.”

Those injuries included multiple cuts and bruises from being whipped. Penetrations left Ms Edwards bleeding for days. She was also made to wear a dog collar and bark, and to urinate into a dog bowl and then drink the contents. All on film.
The following Monday, Ms Edwards hid her injuries and went back to work.

“Very few victims come forward — regardless of whether you’re a garbage cleaner or a bloody police officer it’s humiliating, and you lose any faith you have in yourself,” she says.

“I blamed myself for putting myself in that position.”

After finding the courage to eventually speak up, Ms Edwards says she then felt betrayed by the agency she served for 16 years.

“It doesn’t matter whether it happened yesterday or whether it happened 10 years ago, if people are going to come forward … they need to be looked after properly,” she says.

With Moore eventually charged with raping 13 women — including Ms Edwards and another police officer — she had to watch the video of him attacking her three times, including while giving evidence.

But Ms Edwards almost never made it to the witness stand. In 2021, while running on the Narrows Bridge, a collision with a cyclist left her with horrific head injuries, and in a coma for two weeks.

Her family was told she might not survive. But she did, and she has — undergoing months of occupational therapy before giving her evidence to the trial.

“It was just an incredible emotion about how long it had taken me and what I had to go through. I was so scared of failure,” she says

The jury trying Moore watched Ms Edwards being violated on the video played in court. They also saw her vomit in the witness box.

But Ms Edwards was also there when Moore was found guilty of 14 depraved offences against her, and handed the longest term ever given to a WA sex offender.

Ms Edwards was earlier this month medically retired from WA Police, in part due to chronic post-traumatic stress disorder. An expert report said the PTSD was likely exacerbated by her treatment during the investigation.

The mother-of-two says she intends to keep working with victims of domestic and sexual abuse, using her unique experience to try and help.

And she desperately hopes WA Police also learn from her experience.

“To put that job (Moore) with a bunch of guys that had no idea … to have no understanding for their victims, it is appalling. And they need to take it on, and know how to treat people that have been through this.”
Another attempted cover up, this time with intense coercion. The WA police were more intent on protecting their reputation than their own staff.
All those involved in the cover up should be booted from the Force.

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Current The crimes of corrupt cop Adrian Trevor Moore - WA * Sentenced to 30 years

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