The I hate my job thread

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Norm Smith Medallist
Apr 2, 2017
AFL Club
This thread is for those that want to vent and feel the need to get things off their chest regarding their jobs.

I'll start with I really hate my job. My boss is an arse kissing imbecile that has told me repeatedly that I won't progress in my job or anywhere else.
Because I have done nothing but night shift for the past 5 years I'm constantly tired, stressed and I feel that on a social, emotional, mental and physical level that I have deteriorated since I first begun. With doing the same repetitive tasks, using supplements to keep me awake and then using suppressents to help me sleep and no opportunity to advance, I strongly feel it's time to move on. The entire place is run like a school, where your told what to think, rather than how to think.

I'm sure I'm not alone in feeling under appreciated and under valued and feeling like I'm in a dead end cesspit of misery and despair. So feel free to rant if you want.
Yep get out. Take it from someone who did just that. I was in a job I hated. It was stressful,toxic and full of people who were emotionally immature, negative and nasty. Best thing I ever did was walk away. I was terrified but now I'm so much happier. Life's too short.

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I quit a job that I could no longer bare in November... Despite having great qualifications and work experience, I'm still unemployed, and I'm broke AF.

I'd never tell people to stay in a job that makes you miserable. But you have to be a lot smarter about it than I was. My breaking point happened over the course of a week, and given how I went about quitting I didn't even serve a notice period. I was literally at the point where, if I could've sourced a gun, I would've strongly considered shooting my boss - self serving, would dump his staff in the shit that wasn't of their making to save his own arse, was convinced he was the smartest person in every room (which wasn't even close to being true) etc - but despite that, I still should've been smarter.

The problems:
1. It was November, which was an awful time to look for work.
2. I didn't know that it was a terrible time to be looking, cos I hadn't done any looking before I quit.
3. Of course, I now have the difficulty with a lack of reference from the last job. And I don't quite have that much experience that it doesn't matter. I could find an old colleague to say nice things about my work with no problems, but if I look for work in the same sector, it'll take a prospective new employer about 2 minutes to find out that the colleague isn't the boss.

Quit your job, by all means - but never do it on a whim, and without having done some research beforehand.
I was made redundant in November, and came to the realisation that I generally dislike most people albeit some. I've worked for people who are controlling, insecure, immature, unorganised and have a superiority complex over what they think is right. I've also worked with back stabbers, political players, and enough HR people who specialise in 'effective communication whilst maximising the people and process dynamic'.

But don't be fooled, it's not just them, it's me as well. I am moody, stubborn, arrogant, blunt and difficult to work with if it's not done my way.

So after concluding that people are overrated, selfish and self centred, and that I really don't like them, I now work for myself. I offer a service, if you like it you'll stay, if not, you won't.

I also think I have a personality disorder of some sort, coupled with obvious mental health issues, so it's best I don't deal with certain people to often.

I quit a job that I could no longer bare in November... Despite having great qualifications and work experience, I'm still unemployed, and I'm broke AF.

I'd never tell people to stay in a job that makes you miserable. But you have to be a lot smarter about it than I was. My breaking point happened over the course of a week, and given how I went about quitting I didn't even serve a notice period. I was literally at the point where, if I could've sourced a gun, I would've strongly considered shooting my boss - self serving, would dump his staff in the shit that wasn't of their making to save his own arse, was convinced he was the smartest person in every room (which wasn't even close to being true) etc - but despite that, I still should've been smarter.

The problems:
1. It was November, which was an awful time to look for work.
2. I didn't know that it was a terrible time to be looking, cos I hadn't done any looking before I quit.
3. Of course, I now have the difficulty with a lack of reference from the last job. And I don't quite have that much experience that it doesn't matter. I could find an old colleague to say nice things about my work with no problems, but if I look for work in the same sector, it'll take a prospective new employer about 2 minutes to find out that the colleague isn't the boss.

Quit your job, by all means - but never do it on a whim, and without having done some research beforehand.

In 2 weeks I go on 6 weeks holidays. 3 weeks of that over seas. The other 3 in securing a new job. I’m lucky that I get on well with my leading hand, who knows of my intentions to leave as I’ve already asked him to be a referee.
I know by quitting my job, that I will be forced to take a pay cut. But to me i think I’ll be better off, especially by no longer only working night shifts.

I’m fairly confident of landing a new job, I just have to see out the next 2 weeks and be patient. In the mean time, I have updated my resume and I am starting to send out job applications as well as making contact with labor hire companies.

My current manta is remain positive.
I dont hate my job, more I hate the management.

The favouritism over awarding the people who have been there the longest. Ive seen people get promoted to a leadership role and think 'how did they get that. What specialist skills do they posses'.

The biggest was when a colleague who told the boss she will leave if she doesn't get a promotion the following year. The following year a job comes up with a role unheard of in my line of work. We all knew she would get it because the criteria aligned with her position. Only 1 other person at my company applied for it amd about 20 outsiders.

We have lost plenty of great staff who were told there is no chance of a leadership role only to have them given to the 'yes' people. Also department leaders given to graduates/2nd year workers keen to make a name for themselves.
I dont hate my job, more I hate the management.

The favouritism over awarding the people who have been there the longest. Ive seen people get promoted to a leadership role and think 'how did they get that. What specialist skills do they posses'.

The biggest was when a colleague who told the boss she will leave if she doesn't get a promotion the following year. The following year a job comes up with a role unheard of in my line of work. We all knew she would get it because the criteria aligned with her position. Only 1 other person at my company applied for it amd about 20 outsiders.

We have lost plenty of great staff who were told there is no chance of a leadership role only to have them given to the 'yes' people. Also department leaders given to graduates/2nd year workers keen to make a name for themselves.
Sounds like you work with me except the part where a woman got a promotion.
I’m just exhausted, completely hammered by my busy job, feel like I need to get out before I get some bad health problem. My own fault as I do too much.

Introvert in an extroverts environment as well, good experience but I’m spent.

yeah u just want campaigners to shut the **** up and stop talking shit.

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you poor bastard...

stay in your classroom and surf the net during breaks... it's your only hope.

Yep. If you have a bad day, dont go talking in the staffroom with the older ones around. I had a rubbish week and mentioned it to a colleague about the lack of support.

They went and threw me under the bus with the boss, twisting my words. They still try and talk like nothing happened.
I agree 100 % with the previous comment. I am a primary teacher and these days whatever you say to a female they will go and complain to the principal who gives them the forum to do so- you cant win. I dont associate with many females- they just cause too many issues. The good advice was to stay in your room and watch nba league pass, thats what I do. And to think it all starts again shortly.
Yep. If you have a bad day, dont go talking in the staffroom with the older ones around. I had a rubbish week and mentioned it to a colleague about the lack of support.

They went and threw me under the bus with the boss, twisting my words. They still try and talk like nothing happened.

ahhh the culture of schools and working with women
One of the worst is a my old team leader who had her nose that far up pur Prin that she took it upon herself to access our planners off the servers. If it was not detailed to her liking she tried to rip through us saying it's not good enough.

I always replied:
" I get 1 less hour than you to do the same amount of work"
She would carry on with "you can do it at home. You cant work 9-3:30"

I said "Pretty sure being a dad of 2 I have a life and put my health and kids first. I will make my planners as detailed as I can."

She was a young one who didn't have kids and was friends with everyone in leadership as they all went to partys and clubs etc. Couldn't do anything wrong but treated her team like garbage to get there.
I agree 100 % with the previous comment. I am a primary teacher and these days whatever you say to a female they will go and complain to the principal who gives them the forum to do so- you cant win. I dont associate with many females- they just cause too many issues. The good advice was to stay in your room and watch nba league pass, thats what I do. And to think it all starts again shortly.

I listen to music and do my fantasy keeper league.
I’m just exhausted, completely hammered by my busy job, feel like I need to get out

Introvert in an extroverts environment as well, good experience but I’m spent.

This is me as well. But I don't know what other choice/career is available for someone with my training and background that suits introverts.

Besides I need to move on. For other reasons but it is at the point where I'm nearly inclined to just walk, take a hit and say forget about backpay, the next pay (which will happen, so I'd need to quit on Pay Day) I'm just about to put my hands up and say enough. Just need this out of hair.
I agree 100 % with the previous comment. I am a primary teacher and these days whatever you say to a female they will go and complain to the principal who gives them the forum to do so- you cant win. I dont associate with many females- they just cause too many issues. The good advice was to stay in your room and watch nba league pass, thats what I do. And to think it all starts again shortly.

In fairness both men and women do this. But I'm relearning the hard way. It just pays to shut up. And if I mix with anyone I just don't talk about work.
I've worked for people who are controlling, insecure, immature, unorganised and have a superiority complex over what they think is right. I've also worked with back stabbers, political players, and enough HR people who specialise in 'effective communication whilst maximising the people and process dynamic'.

But don't be fooled, it's not just them, it's me as well. I am moody, stubborn, arrogant, blunt and difficult to work with if it's not done my way.

I also think I have a personality disorder of some sort, coupled with obvious mental health issues, so it's best I don't deal with certain people to often.

Could nearly have written these 3 paragraphs myself minus the personality disorder. For some reason in jobs/workplaces I just don't fit. Honestly don't know why. Just a different thought process and I lack the stamina to work 8 hours and act that long.

My ideal job would be one I could just work for myself somehow. Pick my own hours and if a client/customer ain't happy its an easy split. Will probably end up happening anyway.
Could nearly have written these 3 paragraphs myself minus the personality disorder. For some reason in jobs/workplaces I just don't fit. Honestly don't know why. Just a different thought process and I lack the stamina to work 8 hours and act that long.

My ideal job would be one I could just work for myself somehow. Pick my own hours and if a client/customer ain't happy its an easy split. Will probably end up happening anyway.
What do you do?
One of the worst is a my old team leader who had her nose that far up pur Prin that she took it upon herself to access our planners off the servers. If it was not detailed to her liking she tried to rip through us saying it's not good enough.

I always replied:
" I get 1 less hour than you to do the same amount of work"
She would carry on with "you can do it at home. You cant work 9-3:30"

I said "Pretty sure being a dad of 2 I have a life and put my health and kids first. I will make my planners as detailed as I can."

She was a young one who didn't have kids and was friends with everyone in leadership as they all went to partys and clubs etc. Couldn't do anything wrong but treated her team like garbage to get there.
When you say planner what do you mean? A diary?

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The I hate my job thread

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