Thought this board needed a thread to delve into some of the issues.
This has really escalated from the initial ADRVs for coke as a PED, discovered after a failed test in Round 23, to new ADRVs for trafficking, one of which is alleged to have occurred on the day of a finals game on the 22nd of September.
No criminal investigations at this stage.
As coke is both a PED and an illicit drug, does he also record a strike and thus, gain some professional assistance with his substance abuse issues?
This has really escalated from the initial ADRVs for coke as a PED, discovered after a failed test in Round 23, to new ADRVs for trafficking, one of which is alleged to have occurred on the day of a finals game on the 22nd of September.
No criminal investigations at this stage.
As coke is both a PED and an illicit drug, does he also record a strike and thus, gain some professional assistance with his substance abuse issues?