Play Nice The NM Devil's Chessboard Thread - Part II

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Now you're asking me who I vote for?

Yup. You and DR.

If you're going to sling around bullshit about me being "authoritarian" or right winger based on absolute nonsense, then put your money where your mouth is.

There's no better indicator of someone's political leanings than who they vote for.

So put up, or shut up.

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Yup. You and DR.

If you're going to sling around bullshit about me being "authoritarian" or right winger based on absolute nonsense, then put your money where your mouth is.

There's no better indicator of someone's political leanings than who they vote for.

So put up, or shut up.
No .... **** you!

The whole point of a secret ballot is its secret. No one has to justify who they vote for. Its a fundamental right in order to secure a democracy.

Its none of your business who anyone votes for. Even if we lived next door in the same electorate and voted for exactly the same people in the same order i wouldn't tell you. WTf is wrong with you?

(Its clear from what SLF and DR have posted, and even bjk a little, over the years, they are left wing orientated from your list of left leaning ideas. Ive seen them express these ideas repeatedly even when they disagree about things.)

You're demanding people surrender a basic democratic right because you're annoyed at being called authoritarian...

Maybe you should reflect on that.
The whole point of a secret ballot is its secret. No one has to justify who they vote for. Its a fundamental right in order to secure a democracy.

Funny. Essentially every lefty/progressive voter I know is more than happy to proactively share who they've voted for. It's a pretty classic trait among that cohort. I don't think I've ever met a Greens voter who would hesitate to tell you that they're a proud Greens voter.

The only people who tend to get their knickers in a bunch about asking who they've voted for (especially when they themselves started the entire topic with accusations of 'authoritarism' or 'right winger' calls) are those who vote for conservative/libertarian candidates.


Well, I've put my cards on the table for all to see, without any shame. You Nationals/Libertarian/UAP voters can slink away in shame now.

This is a very interesting take.

Pretty gross to put up a memorial for an invading army in an illegal aggression.

(I'd say the same thing for any 'Coalition' forces killed in Iraq, or IDF forces killed in Gaza).

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Stop dodging the question.

Unless you're embarrassed to answer.

I ONEder what NATIONal platform you support

"Everyone who stands up to my bullshit is a right winger."

You really need a new schtick, Chadwiko.
Now you're asking me who I vote for?

You're the only person who regular posts in this thread who i can imagine authoprising the use of force against individuals on behalf of an authoritarian regime. I don't know bojan so I can't really say but I'm confident the other two wouldn't based on my dealings with them over years.

Even this post I'm quoting has the making of an excuse for the intolerant to arrange a purge.

You don't even understand this do you?

The habit of doxxing indicates a very clear willingness to bully people who he disgrees with out of the discussion.
You're demanding people surrender a basic democratic right because you're annoyed at being called authoritarian...

Maybe you should reflect on that.

Papers please!
You know things are going well when you're bringing in 65 year old armor to the frontlines.

The Ukrainians are pinning their hopes on F-16s, which are ... 50 year old technology.

When the US goes to war, it uses B-52s, which are closer to 70 years old.

The Kalashnikovs both sides in Ukraine are just upgrades on a weapon first dreamed up after Stalingrad.

This really isn't the Big Own you think it is, but we've established recently your understanding of weapons tech is very very limited.

What's especially laughable about this Big Own is that we see daily just how well the hugely expensive and fancy Western armour like Abrams and Leopard is going in Ukraine ... very badly.

The Russians by and large use T62s as self propelled artillery, not as breakthrough weapons. If they've got plenty, and they do, using them to maximise their artillery advantage even further makes a lot of sense.
Pretty gross to put up a memorial for an invading army in an illegal aggression.

(I'd say the same thing for any 'Coalition' forces killed in Iraq, or IDF forces killed in Gaza).

I'm going to put it to you that not everyone in the world shares your deeply US-centric worldview. Those Russians certainly don't it see that way.

Does that make them "wrong" by definition?

I don't see any problem in local towns in the US memorialising their Iraq War dead. I don't see any issue in German town memorialising those who died in 1939 - 45 either, as long as they are jusat remembering local soldiers, not commemorating the regime.

Your beloved Ulkranians are very keen on memorialising the hideous far right anti semitic genocidal maniac Stepan Bandera and his OUN monsters though.
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The Ukrainians are pinning their hopes on F-16s, which are ... 50 year old technology.

When the US goes to war, it uses B-52s, which are closer to 70 years old.

The Kalashnikovs both sides in Ukraine are just upgrades on a weapon first dreamed up after Stalingrad.

This really isn't the Big Own you think it is, but we've established recently your understanding of weapons tech is very very limited.

What's especially laughable about this Big Own is that we see daily just how well the hugely expensive and fancy Western armour like Abrams and Leopard is going in Ukraine ... very badly.

The Russians by and large use T62s as self propelled artillery, not as breakthrough weapons. If they've got plenty, and they do, using them to maximise their artillery advantage even further makes a lot of sense.
Its a basic principle of 4th gen/asymmetric warfare that complexity of weapons is a weakness in itself.

Even in Vietnam the new fangled US assault rifle (the M-16) struggled in field conditions. The AK didn't tho cos if worse comes to worse you can single shot fire it a few times by cycling the action it if it is drowned in mud.

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Play Nice The NM Devil's Chessboard Thread - Part II

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