The Restump Podcast

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Joel Hamling was a tad unlucky to be omitted but, in more ways than one, it is out with a Hammer and in with a Cox. Time to Restump Podcast the battle against Brisbane.

Are we digging deep into our eternal but unrealistic optimistic natures and even contemplating we’re a mathematical chance of still making the top eight? Not likely but that doesn’t mean there isn’t plenty to get out of the contest against the Lions.

Lachie Neale returns to Perth hungry to beat his old club in WA, something he is still yet to do. He has played with Brisbane against Freo 3 times for just the one win at the GABBA in 2020. Does Hayden Young go to Neale and repeat the job he did on Paddy Dangerfield? He might be needed down back though, given the tricky and potent forward line the Lions rolls with.

How So Suma is at it again. He’s determined to see Sean Darcy head back to Victoria despite the Jackson / Darcy (Jackarce) combination will be almost unbeatable in years to come.

Fossil fuel or renewable energies powered we don’t know, but it seems the battle of the petitions is heating up! The noisy alternative deficient anti-Woodside folk are facing off against the pro-Woodside people. As far as we’re concerned as long as someone pays to keep the lights on, we’re not concerned who it is.

We’re creeping closer to the end of the season now with just four games remaining. After our fine performance against the Cats, we’re looking for a similar effort and intensity this week against the bigger cats! Let’s look to keep Lachie Neale winless against us in WA.

Plenty of purple to prattle on about so feel free to plug this episode in and come along for the conversation. As always, remember to choose your listening time wisely because we can’t offer refunds.

We came up a bit short but the mixed emotions continue. There is still a bit to get out of 2023, but is it wrong to start jostling for 2024 position? Time to Restump Podcast yesterday’s big effort but small loss to the Lions.

This intensity and effort we’ve delivered over the past two weeks has to be the base. It has to be the minimum level delivered going forward. If we produced that four-quarter non-stop intensity all year…. we’d be making waves in September.

The conversation has to begin…. Have we uncovered the missing piece of our midfield? Small sample size we know but the job Hayden Young has done the last two weeks in the middle, both offensively and defensively,… it is astonishing!

After LJ’s monster performance, do we need a special RUOK day? Let’s show some compassion and check in on the “we want our kitchen sink back” Luke Jackson critics. They can’t be doing too well.

Three goals, that could quite easily have been five, in what was arguably his best game has us asking if the persistence and continuity we’ve been calling for, is paying Sam Sturt dividends?

Sometimes when Freddy kicks miraculous goals, or when you see Sammy Sturt get amongst it, when Jackson puts in a belter and when Hayden Young does the unthinkable… you can a get bit complacent in terms of appreciation for a game such as the one Caleb Serong delivered. The good problem is he does it too regularly! 35 possessions, 14 contested, 10 clearances, 7 tackles…. and he went to another level in the last quarter. He simply cannot be human!

We lost the game but it didn’t really feel like a loss. Sure, there were areas we still need to tidy up like mid / forward connectivity, the forwards all contesting for the same ball and selling teammates into trouble with unnecessary handballs at times in chains of play…. but we got plenty out of it to work with. As far as defeats go, and as far as we’re concerned, it was an extremely enjoyable contest.

So enough of this drivel here, lets continue the drivel on the pod. We can’t promise you’ll come away enlightened or even entertained, but if you hold your ears in such low regard, then come along for the listen and join in the conversation.

Has the Derby shine worn off? Sure, there’s little to play for, less so for West Coast, but where’s the banter, the cheap shots? Where’s Clive when you need him? Time to Restump Podcast the subdued Western Derby.

Could we actually lose this game, even if we wanted to? If the Eagles are up by a kick with a minute to go, will they learn from last week or will they go back to the “no plus one” well and replicate it? The smart money is on the latter.

Karl Worner gets a much-deserved opportunity and it is pleasing to see he was overlooked for the sub vest this week, unlike on debut. That said, the unwanted honour appears as though it will fall to the very unlucky Neil Erasmus.

Brennan Cox chalks up the 100 games and at just 24 years of age, there’s potentially another 100 to 150 in him, should he remain relatively fit and healthy.

Where does Hayden Young line up this week? The midfield challenge isn’t what it was last week. However, given Youngy’s performances, both offensively and defensively, over the past two weeks in the middle…. Hello Tim Kelly?

Speaking of Hayden Young, he, Caleb Serong, Luke Jackson, Jordan Clark and Jye Amiss all made the best 22 under 22 squad and could all push to make the final 22. But when you see the wealth of talent and you realise they’re under 22, it should give Freo fans a reminder of how young we actually are and how much upside is ahead of us.

I’ll preface this with the disclaimer that we don’t condone or advocate for violence at the Restump Podcast. Now having said that, at 31 years of age and with his best form well and truly behind him, are we running out of opportunities to square up the Andy Gaff ledger? I know, I know... it was years ago and most people have moved on… but there’d still be a flicker of a flame burning inside Andy Brayshaw. As Kramer says, it’s all water near a bridge.

The unlucky Heath Chapman has done his shoulder but it was pleasing to see him turn up for the Captain’s run and in great news this arvo Sammy Sturt has hit a one year contract trigger clause, so he’ll be strutting his stuff in purple for at least the next twelve months.

All that and who knows what else but unfortunately the Chief is bringing us home and making us endure another episode of the Neighbourhood Watch.

Luke Ryan tried his best to light a Derby fire, so we’re taking his lead and trying to up the level of oomph in the build up! If you’re oomph deficient then lend us your ears for 45 minutes or so and we’ll see if we can bring something to the table.


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It's good practice to be humble in victory. So, we humbly understand where the Eagles are at and we’ll make up the workload with an extra training session during the week. Time to Restump Podcast the Saturday night stroll.

The West Coast Eagles fans haven’t had a lot to cheer about this season, so we did our best to provide them some hope in the first quarter. But by quarter time we somehow found ourselves in front.

To be brutally honest, that was as horrendous a performance from an opponent as we can ever remember. It was literally a training drill for us and we cannot recall a time in any our 29 season history when that has ever been the case.

But opponents and results and structures and drills aside, it was just fun. We’ve had a disappointing season, we’ve missed finals, we’ve struggled against lesser opponents so it was enjoyable to just push all that aside and indulge in the enjoyment of the demolition job. We rarely, if ever, get to do that.

It's difficult to take too much else out of the game because under such non-existent pressure it would have been concerning had our players not delivered what they did.

However, the take-outs for us were that JL can be as cagey as he likes but he’s not sending Hayden Young back to defence. His output in the midfield is too valuable.

Lachie Schultz got reward for hard work, Switta did the hard work but didn’t get the same reward, Jye should be equal favorite for the Rising Star and Matthew Johnson was robbed of a nomination.

If there is anyone who earlier this year bagged out Luke Jackson and or the club for doing the deal and hasn’t put their hand up and said “I apologise, I got it wrong and I take it back”… then you’re somehow trying to fraudulently save face.

Fresh off triggering a contract extension clause, Sammy Sturt continued on his merry way with 4 magnificent goals.

If ever anyone needs examples or reminders in the future of the importance of persistence and continuity for youngsters, Sturty, Henry and, to a lesser extent, Jackson are your reference points.

Disappointingly, Jojo being the purist he is, wasn’t amused with the game and apparently pathetically spent the second half watching English soccer. We’ll ask him what the hell!

The Chief is claiming the Neighbourhood Watch segment has become a movement. He believes an episode was rolled out by a commentator who has gotten on board.

All that and plenty more but let’s leave the written chit chat here and pick it up on the pod. Yes, it was a big, but soft win but we’re continuing to enjoy every little bit of it. So, if you’re not ready to move on from celebrations, come along for the conversation and don’t be shy.

Season is still alive, especially if you’re Tommy Emmett. Can’t wait to see him go around but someone please open the gate for him! We don’t want him jumping fences. Time to Restump Podcast Tommy’s time against the Power.

What a magnificent upcoming moment for the accountancy studying Tommy Emmett, and we’re all about to share with him. It’s a wonderful personal achievement and a reward for his persistence and dedication. It is truly the triumph over extreme adversity and it is something he and his family must be thrilled about.

Let’s hope his moment isn’t soured by being handed the sub vest! The debutants donning the sub vest policy is putrid and has to end!

The game against Port Adelaide is the test we need. There is little to lose and, to be fair, not much to play for, but we’ll get to see where we really are. We have to bring the energy and intent because we know Port will.

Sonny Walters and Josh “Ronnie” Corbett go out but in comes the above-mentioned debutant Tommy Emmett and revolving door rider, Bailey Banfield. Port Adelaide’s very strong line up looks largely unchanged.

The Liam Henry conversation is heating up. Is he staying? Is he going? Has he made his mind up yet? He’s unfortunately had some horrible stuff thrown at him by Freo fans over his short journey. Impatience and unrealistic expectations from many supposed Freo fans are becoming the norm and manifesting into self-righteous ugly commentary. It wouldn’t hurt to turn it around Sunday and make a bit more supportive noise for him.

The West Coast Eagles have a shedload of issues on their plate… are they trying to add Sean Darcy to it? Plenty of retirements, little talent and they will have decent cap space… it would be a sad day to see the Prince of Perth in Eagles colours but they’d be negligent not to try.

Two games left and just one remaining home game this Sunday against Port Adelaide. Our season is fast coming to a close but there is still time to prattle on about all things purple. So, if you’ve nothing better to do, by all means join us in the virtual Freo function room for forty minutes of Docker drivel.

He has instantly become a walk up start. Tommy may never be Emmett-ed again! Time to Restump Podcast the narrow defeat at the hands of the tough and talented top four occupants, Port Adelaide.

That was some debut performance by Tommy Emmett and we’re not talking about the two goals because they were cream on the cake. It was his composure, his ferocity at the ball and the man, his defensive work and his selflessness. When he laid that hit on Dan Houston…. you had to instantly think, Houston has got a problem.

We saw a 21-year-old kid wise and mature beyond his years. We saw someone who knows how to deal with hardship and adversity. We saw a kid with enormous perspective and someone who values and cherishes opportunity.

That mindset has enabled him to overcome ridiculous challenges that many of us can’t begin to comprehend. And that mindset and his desire to succeed in and enjoy life will carry him a long way in his AFL endeavors. This is the beginning of his journey and we all get to share the ride with him.

We couldn’t contain the strong Port Adelaide side but to run them close to the wire puts us in good stead. A top 4 side desperately trying to retain its position was the real test we needed. And while we lacked a bit of polish and composure under pressure and didn’t quite come out triumphant, it was a contest that will do us no end of good.

It was disappointing to see, yet again, the hatred thrown at Liam Henry, who was facing personal challenges of his own. The agenda driven over-scrutinization and the focusing on his negatives unfortunately continues by those occupying massively overblown senses of self-importance and entitlement.

He didn’t have his greatest game, he got it plenty, did some really nice things and did some ordinary things… which pretty much mirrored three quarters of the players out there. But if you think that Liam hasn’t been one of many contributing parts to Fremantle’s improved form, you’re deceiving yourself.

Matty Johnson was finally rewarded with a well-deserved and overdue rising star nomination after his game on the weekend, a productive and hard-fought game in which, believe it or not, he turned the ball over 4 times, just once less than Liam. “Crickets from the Henry critics”

Enough of the psychoanalysing and combative return of serve rhetoric here. The long and short of it is, it’s a been a disappointing season but we’re ending it in pretty good shape.

Time to wrap up the weekend’s game and persistently prattle on about all things purple. So, if we haven’t insulted or damaged your ears so far this season, feel free to put them through our nonsense again and we’ll have another go.

2023 we widely missed all analyst’s expectations. Is it the regression we had to have? Motivation is waning but we’re putting on our parachute pants and Restump Podcasting what hopefully isn’t Joel Hamling’s last game.

While you want to go out on a high, it must be difficult for both the Hawks and Freo to really get up for this game on Saturday. That said, there are positions in both team’s best 22 to be obtained and there are career saving contracts to be won.

Old men Sonny Walters and Joel Hamling return as Bailey Banfield sits out to deal with a shoulder complaint and a calf has stopped Jaegar O’Meara from facing his former team.

There is some interest in seeing the Serong Bros go head to head for the first time in the AFL.

For most rational people, it sadly feels as though Liam Henry is playing his last game in purple. While no decision has been made, listening to the rhetoric and reading the telling tea leaves, it suggests he will exit the club at seasons end. We hope he has a change of heart and continues his form trajectory on the wing he has made his own.

Does Nathan Wilson get another one-year deal? Have we seen the last of Trav Colyer?

The grapevine chatter is that the purple bleeding Sean Darcy has no intentions of playing elsewhere and wants to be a Freo man for life. It might have been more Chinese-whispering than grapevine chatter but let’s hope it’s true.

What is this superpower Bob Murphy believes is obtainable by those who’s sexual preference is anything but straight, if they make their sexual orientation public?

We’re all a bit flat, we’re struggling for genuine motivation, we’re fatiguing and limping to the line. But the off season is long so we’ll dig deep and make the most of our final 2023 appearance on Saturday.

Our nonsense isn’t going to podcast itself so if your no doubt injured ears can go round the block one more time for the home and away season, tape them up and come along for the conversation.

We must strengthen the Ubulus and upper Dorsinus muscles if we want to be kind of a big deal. Head Anchorman JL is leading by example challenging the boys to come back in tip top shape. Time to Restump Podcast all the goings on in purple.

The season that promised so much delivered little but in review there was a lot to take out of it in a positive sense. Wins away from home against quality opposition will do a group of kids no end of good.

Getting 20+ games into and 40+ goals out of Jye Amiss was a remarkable feat. Luke Jackson has surely put his doubters to bed, Hayden Young into the midfield paid big dividends and the unearthing of Tommy Emmett surely has us all waiting with anticipation for season 2024.

Did we turn up to preseason in less that good nick? We’ll never definitively know but having made fitness references throughout the year and then emphatically asking for the boys to come back in better shape this year, JL said as much.

There were no surprises Doig Medal night as Caleb Serong added the 2023 Doig medal to his 2020 Beacon award. The rest of the night was fairly predictable but we’ll check in and see if Jojo saw anything of note. The Chief spent his time reviewing the red-carpet arrivals!

Sadly, the news we feared was coming, arrived. Liam Henry is on the move informing the club of his hopes to join Ross the Boss Lyon and the Sainters. Its disappointing on many fronts but none more so than the fact we’re once again wing deficient.

The purple wings, or rather the absence of talented and competent wingers, has been a huge problem since Brad Hill and Ed Langdon both departed at the end of 2019. Does this open the door for a Jeremy Sharp to come home? Is he the player we hope? Does he tick all the boxes on and off the field?

Blake Acres would probably still be at Freo had the club had a crystal ball that told them O’Driscoll wasn’t going to instantly take the next step and Liam Henry was leaving. Was it a mistake to move him on at the time? Opinions are mixed on the matter.

After a few weeks forced break we might be a little bit rusty... so, it’ll be business as usual. Finals are on but our season is obviously over. However, plenty has happened and there’s plenty to come. So, if you’re not ready to hang up your purple scarves for the year just yet, then stick around with us and let’s stretch the purple period out as far as we can.

Seems North didn’t need to Twist the AFL’s arm too hard. Has the policy crossed over from equalisation to an equitable model? All that aside, it's time to Restump Podcast all the goings on.

Former Freo man Lachie Neale joined Nat Fyfe in the very elite group of dual brownlow medal winners. Sure, he may have snuck 3 votes when he probably shouldn’t have but like the pre-hotspot era, sometimes you snick it and survive, sometimes you miss it and you’re given out. You can admire Lachie Neale’s achievements and simultaneously spare a thought for the Bont.

Lachie is a magnificent player and a deserving winner…. and just maybe that is what the West Australian should focus on rather than drag Freo into it and play the tabloid clickbait headline game.

Caleb Serong’s stella year continued with his 24 votes, taking 36% of Fremantle’s votes. Had the team won a few more games we may well have been celebrating Freo’s second brownlow medalist.

In other great news Brennan Cox has been locked away until 2030 which pretty much makes him a Docker for life. Lukey Ryan can now rest easy his best mate is staying put.

Jojo suggests its time to dismantle and rebuild the numerous trade, NGA eligibility, father son and free agency compensatory pick systems? The add-ons and amendments over the years have made it clunky, tricky to navigate and in some aspects open to manipulation.

It’s the off season so we’re having a bit of fun with fake trades to be discussed and we kick off the one football related and one non-football related questions we’re asking listeners to send in.

So, with no Freo footy in the finals you may be looking for something to rattle around in your head. If so, and you’ve exhausted all other options, here is an hour of relative nonsense to help you pass the peak hour traffic time.

Coincidently on mad Mundy, Collingwood's premiership victory opened up twelve month old wounds.

There are many ways to the poor house but our annual Restump Podcast Buy Sell Hold investment report will probably get you there the fastest.

It’s been a turbulent time in the Freo economy over the last twelve months. Does the overall regression re-determine individual player values? Have their 2023 performances changed investor sentiment? Has panic selling set in or are we doubling down and opportunistically buying the dip?

It is probably safe to say its fortunate that we’re using fictitious funds and making unaccountable investments because we imagine the otherwise resulting financial books may be under a fair bit of stress. That said, we’d probably be in possession of substantial tax losses for future profits to be written off against.

Does Brandon Walker’s injury heighten risk and lessen his value? With minimal exposure and little to really get excited about, has Josh Corbett’s value held or diminished? Is Lachie Schultz at full market value? What’s the sentiment on Switta? Are the 2022 Sammy Sturt sellers scrambling, having to pay up for stock? Can anyone afford Caleb Serong or Hayden Young stock? All these financial questions and many more!

We’ll also cover the “quiet” trade period that has ironically started with a bang! The departure of Joel Hamling, the strategic pick swaps and the shock news from Lachie Schultz wanting to join the Pies.

So come along for the conversation as we cover the current news and go over each Freo player on the list, review their seasons and apply our individual investment recommendations in our annual lengthy Buy Hold Sell report podcast episode.


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Seems to be a fair bit of angst directed at the club for some reason, but hey, don’t Shooter the messenger! Time to Restump Podcast the latest trade week nonsense.

There is no doubt Lachie Schultz is a loss and we’d all rather he stayed but the level of angst and anger towards the club and Peter Bell is misplaced. No disrespect to Lachie Schultz intended, but it’s as if its Caleb Serong or Hayden Young who has opted to leave!

We get it, footy is an emotional opinion-based business and all views are welcomed and entitled to be presented. But talk of culture issues and mentions of player exodus just seems so wide of the mark.

Could it be the club is doing something we have never done before? Is it showing ruthlessness in its pursuit of success? Understandably, cutting deep and holding its nerve to deliberately go after genuine sustainable success is a foreign policy to us, but it takes some courage to implement it.

If there were a culture problem at Freo, we wouldn’t have the rich deep vein of players we do and they wouldn’t have committed to the deals they have.

On that note it seems unlikely Freo entering the Tyler Brockman chat is for anything other than a mutually beneficial tactic with Hawthorn. Tyler Brockman, despite his ability and upside, doesn’t seem the type of player we would suddenly be interested in, especially as he isn’t like for the like with Lachie Schultz.

We’ve lost a Lachie Weller and a Lachie Neale… we can lose a Lachie Schultz standing on our heads with one hand tied behind our backs.

So, the week goes on and in Wallsy world, it’s just getting quieter and quieter for Fremantle! We’ve chipped in with our two cents worth so far but even at that it’s debatable anyone is getting listening value for money. But hey, feel free to come along for the ride and don’t be shy in getting involved.

Deals done early, seemingly little wrangling… it kind of feels like there might be something cooking. Time to Restump Podcast Freo’s quiet trade week update.

Sure, Belly said we’re now looking to the draft but Wallsy also said we’re in for a quiet trade week! We’re armed with a rich bag of future picks, are they just keeping their cards close to their chest or is there a twist in the purple trade week tail?

Well Liam Henry is now a Saint and Lachie Schultz a Pie. There was a lot of shouting that we got stooged by the Saints and we took massive unders for Liam. Oddly enough much of the shouting came from the same folk who all year said he wasn’t worth a ham sandwich.

The Saints future second round pick does seem very compensatory light, but Liam put half a season of big runs on the board. Is that plus potential and improvement worth more than the currency received? Oh and yeah thanks Hawthorn for not giving us some little leverage by not entering the Henry negotiation! We tried to help you out with Brockman…. But no love back the other way?

While we may have gotten clipped on the Henry trade, the roles were reversed in the Lachie Schultz deal. Collingwood parted with their pick 34 this year and their first rounder next year. We’d all prefer Schultzy stayed but that sort of package does soften the blow. In fact, you could almost argue that even if Schultzy wanted to stay and the Pies threw that deal on the table…. you’re having the discussion!

So far this trade period Joel Hamling has headed to Sydney, Liam Henry to the Saints and Lachie Schultz to the Pies. It currently leaves us with picks 34, 46, 60 and 64 in this year’s draft while we’ve got a massive 3 first round picks, one second, one third and one fourth round pick in 2024.

If this is a quiet trade week in Wallsy world, there wouldn’t be enough trade period days for us if Wallsy said we’re going to be pretty active!

Looks like Brennan Cox got on with the job and with his lovely partner Keah, they have produced us a future father son pick!

Two days of the overblown, overhyped and dramatically delivered meat market to go. Are we done? Are we now unpacking our draft picks and putting them on the shelves…. Or is Wallsy and co just keeping them warm for one last 2023 hurrah?

As if there isn’t enough hysterical nonsense in the AFL airways at the moment but we’re believers in that too much hysterical purple nonsense is never enough. So, if you’re a member of that club, by all means join us. And we’re not the gate keepers of opinion so feel free to throw yours in the mix.

“Best club and supporter base and most passionate fans in the AFL. It was the incentive to come to Collingwood.” Is Lachie being a little too Lobb-like? Time to Restump Podcast that and whatever we can scratch up and masquerade as Freo content.

We’ve closed the door on the Lachie Shultz love-fest. Sure, his interview at Collingwood was probably edited with cherry pickings but that is not getting in the way of a villainous narrative. He’s not exactly dead to us but he’s off the Christmas card list and almost in the Rory Lobb basket!

Fixtures are starting to leak out. Is there anything the AFL doesn’t milk dry? We’ve got a tough home game against Brissie to kick things off and we’re off to the Northern Territory later in the year.

Zero round? Is there a potential the AFL is biting off its nose to spite its face? Is it watering down the spectacle and occasion of the traditional round one?

The strategic plan… how are we actually travelling? Have we deviated from where they thought we would be? Can we still tick off the boxes with two years to run?

From a wider, all-encompassing perspective, what is the feeling of the fans about the current Fremantle club? Do fans feel part of the club? Is there that deep emotional tie or are there degrees of separation?

Oscar McDonald has joined the purple and Jeremy Sharp looks like he’s days away from doing the same. Handy gets for no cost.

Josh Corbett is done for 2024 after a hip injury that came with little to no detail. The Chief has been some digging around to try and find out what actually happened to Ronnie Corbett.

Bailey Banfield got engaged after getting his beautiful partner to say yes. We couldn’t be happier for him but we’re disappointed he didn’t get down on one knee wearing the sub vest.

So, there’s all of that and no doubt plenty more of the stuff no one asked for or will benefit from!

Are we podcasting anything truly enlightening? Probably not! But hey… the bottom of the content barrel isn’t going to scrape itself! So, if you’ve set the listening bar low, then join us as we try and inject some much-needed purple nonsense into the offseason airways!

Going into the draft with very few bullets to use, you’d have to be pleased with what Wallsy and the gang have picked off? Time to belatedly Restump Podcast our 2023 draft results.

So, the draft dust has now settled! Unless you’re the eternal pessimist, surely, you’re keen on the decent handful of new Dockers it has revealed. And if that doesn’t float your boat, you have to give the club credit for reducing the risk and avoiding anyone named Lachie.

The first purple cab off the rank, Cooper Simpson, an inside outside speedy line breaking goal kicking midfielder. Was the thought of a winger front and centre in the minds of the Freo drafting crew when they pick traded up the order to secure Cooper at 35?

Half a dozen picks later the 200cm defender Ollie Murphy joined his mate Cooper Simpson as they shared a cab to Freo. A lot of chatter that Ollie should have gone first round and that Freo should be charged for stealing… but it’s all inconsequential now.

Safe to say the most surprised and thrilled draftee was jumping Jack Delean. At pick 60 the forward from South Australia must have been losing hope of getting onto a list. Then the purple hand was extended and all hell broke loose! If you listen carefully, you can still hear Mrs. Delean’s lingering screams of excitement!

We then put the cue in the rack until the following day.

The rookie draft is where we excel! Antoni Grover, Roger Hayden, Aaron Sandilands, Paul Duffield, Matt de Boer, Michael Barlow, Lee Spur, Matthew Taberner, Ethan Hughes, Bailey Banfield, Josh Treacy are some of the ridiculously great Fremantle names that have come from our rookie drafting skills. Dropping pick 5 Wednesday on the 96kg 18-year-old ruck / forward Odin Jones…. it’s safe to say he’s in great company.

We’ll go through them in a bit more depth and we’ll run the eyes over the entire draft to see if anything stood out. In other news, preseason training has amped up but sadly Sebit Kuek is about to join the long-term injury list alongside Josh Corbett.

We’ll do our best to find out where Jojo has been swanning about and who he has been hobnobbing with the last week and why he didn’t show for a draft night podcast.

So, if you’ve got too much free time and you decide to spend 60 minutes of it on our nonsense…. all we can say is thank you, but… you’re too generous and you’re severely undervaluing your time!

It’s been a great, old fashioned, hot sand feet burning, car seatbelt buckle branding summer! And as we desperately need him this year, we’re hoping it’s also the Summer of Sam. Time for the Restump Podcast return.

January and we’re talking footy? It’s a tad confusing but we won the bat flip, we’ve elected to serve and we’ll kick with the wind, to the right of screen. It feels a bit Twelfth Man-ish… “Pakistan are going to kick off? What ‘effin’ game are we playing here?”

Like most years, the external expectations are high. However, there seems to be a lot of doom and gloom about Freo’s prospects this year obviously based on season 2023. Happy to say we don’t share that sentiment. Sure, the current few injuries to Luke Ryan, Sammy Switkowski and Brennan Cox aren’t ideal but they don’t appear overly serious.

In this late January return podcast, we ask where will the necessary improvement come from this year? Are there any players under serious pressure? Is coach JL under the pump or is it the trashy traditional media going earlier than usual?

The Chief is not suggesting any serial killer accusation vibes but wants to talk the Summer of Sam Switkowski. 27 years of age, just 68 games over 6 years. We desperately need not only a full season out of him, but a career best one as well.

After successfully seeing David Mundy off, attempting to trade Sonny to the Suns and calling for Fyfe’s finale …. does Jojo have concerns over the Captain’s future?

There’s a groundswell of support building for the return of a fit Matthew Taberner and when you take a step back and look at it from different angles, you can see the reasons why.

Is Fyfe going to beat the old man battered and bruised body odds and hold together? The old dog still has his tricks if the arthritic body allows him to perform them.

Did Joel Hamling two-face us? Full of gratitude for Freo on his way out but amongst the hi-brow Sydney sect he suddenly decided he was disrespected.

Despite Mrs Corbet keeping the boys well fed with homemade ‘yoyo melting moments,’ they are back in better shape than this time 12 months ago, they’re a year older and they’ve got another season and pre-season under their belts. So as far as we’re currently concerned…. off with your heads, you defeatist doom-mongers!

We’re up, we’re arked up, revved up, probably a little too hyped up… possibly overstepping the mark and giving away free hits, but offloading the nervous and excited energies is what pre-pre-season is for.

So much to discuss so join us for the first Restump Podcast episode for 2024. Roll up your blinds and pull back your curtains because the premiership window is only just starting to open!

It’s been a long preseason and we’re all a tad rusty. But we can’t wait to see how the Emmett brothers, who Will Schofield introduced us to last Saturday, go this year. Time to focus and get the 2024 Restump Podcast on track.

There was, and in some sectors still is, a lot of doom and gloom around Freo’s chances this year (hello Kingy) but unsurprisingly, as we edge closer to round one, the expectational tide is starting to turn.

Maybe it is just my eternally optimistic nature but I’d go as far as to say the term ‘anomaly’ has been negligently overlooked. It has been absent in the external conversations and assessments of Fremantle’s 2023 season.

There seems a different attitude and a different mindset this preseason and it appears they returned in better nick this year than they did the same time last year. The youngsters have another year and a preseason under their belts, Andy Brayshaw looks like he’s about to return to his 2022 best and while praying to any and all gods that he holds together, Nat Fyfe is showing why he is still a vital cog in the purple wheel.

There were good signs regarding the ball movement last Saturday but… we weren’t exactly inconvenienced or hampered in our endeavours. So, we’ll momentarily reserve judgement…

However, on what we’ve seen so far, I can’t recall hearing…. “Gee we miss those Lachie and Liam guys and that Hamling bloke.”

Setting a horrible Restump example, Jojo has been preoccupied and absent the entire preseason boarding private jets on his own national Taylor Swift concert going tour! But he assures us he’s back and got his head in the game. However, the best he could do was promise to try and cut down the in season European holidays.

Is Simon Garlic pivoting from the five-year strategic plan to the ten year extra breathing space project? Is the “break out year” label a dangerous prediction? And is there an early episode of the Neighbourhood Watch? God, we hope not!

Bucket loads to get through so let’s get season 2024 underway. If you join us, please note the legal disclaimer that it will most probably be another hour of your life wasted and we can offer no refunds!

What’s going on at that Mineral Resources Park? It’s a mine site of a ground and now we’ve got Sean Darcy on an enforced 4-week Fifo spell! Time to Restump Podcast everything that’s as purple as Darce’s knee!

You don’t want any player getting injured at all, but especially on the eve of a season. And given how vital it is we get off to a positive start this year, we couldn’t afford to lose part of the Jackarce combo. Luke Jackson will cover Darcy but it robs us of Luke Jackson magic up forward.

Speaking of injuries, sadly Corey Wagner is done for possibly a third of the season and how long Disco Nathan is out is anyone’s guess! But on the more positive side, Brennan Cox and Freddy are pushing for round one and the Qatar sorcery has seemingly done Heath Chapman no end of good.

The pressure is already on Justin Longmuir and the season hasn’t even begun. Such is the irrational world of fanatical sport. What constitutes an acceptable season performance? Is it finals? If so, can he survive should we miss the top eight? Can the club stand up to the external pressure and noise if they then still think he's the man for the job?

The Chief is back on Sammy Switkowski’s case and is asking the question, could Switta be more productive in a semi-foreign role?

We all know ‘league equalization’ is an AFL buzz term with no meaningful substance but after finishing 14th in 2023, did we get a little torched with our draw this year? Or maybe the nerves creeping in for us fans is causing us to subconsciously grasp at pre-determined reason for failure straws!

Wait a minute… that’s loser talk! Let’s nip that defeatist attitude talk in the bud right now and amp up the positive affirmations!

All that and no doubt plenty more to get through. So, as Jojo has finally decided to turn up… let’s strike while the iron is hot before his less than disciplined pre-season interruptions continue.

So, in the highly unlikely event you’ve got nothing better to do and you can’t suddenly make other arrangements, by all means pull up a pew, plug in and partake in the perpetuation of our purple prattle.

After yesterday's performance, please spare a thought for the loud critics of the coach and captain, they’d be doing it a bit tough. Time to Restump Podcast the big season opening win over the Lions.

What a magnificent performance to get over the Lions and set the season up on the right note. There were shades of 2022 about the defence first, pressure display. It wasn’t pretty and the skills weren’t pristine but there was a cohesion, a buy in and a body on the line manner that has been missing.

Captain Alex Pearce played a magnificent Captain’s game and, while it applies to a number of players on the day, we may not get that emphatic win without his performance.

Serong was ridiculous, Nat Fyfe… please stay fit and healthy and wat about the vintage 2022 Andy Brayhaw. Treacy was cracking skulls, Sonny was throwing himself around like a 20-year-old, Switta was conjuring up his rare Switta magic and then Jye put the polish on it all.

We could go on and on…. few, if any Freo players are unmentionable in regards to their contributions yesterday.

Tragically, the host of injuries brought us back down to earth. Karl Worner was grabbing his opportunity before being concussed, Oscar McDonald was doing a wonderful job before his seemingly serious knee and the man so vital to us, Brennan Cox, is done for two thirds of the season with that horrendous hammy.

It’s taken some gloss off the win and it now presents a bunch of challenges for the injured players themselves and the team going forward.

The contract extended Justin Longmuir critics will be conspicuously quiet, but they’ll be keeping their bitter powder dry, ready to reappear at the first sign of a loss.

The carnage from yesterday’s game has created a shedload of mixed emotions, but through adversity comes opportunity. Plenty to unpack, work through and celebrate so let’s get into it all in greater depth on the pod.

As always if, like us, you subscribe to the philosophy that too much purple prattle is never enough, then you’ve come to the right place. Come along, get involved and join us in the podcast pool… the purple water is warm.

Strikingly similar features, same positions, same styles and both number 37. Welcome Josh Draper-Johnson. Time to Restump Podcast the Kangas clash at 10.45am Saturday morning, sponsored by Cornflakes!

The horrendous loss to North Melbourne in round two in 2023 was one to forget. However, we should remember philosopher George Santayana’s famous quote, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” So, while we’re warm favourites, we shouldn’t take the Kangas lightly. In fact, we’re not a club that is entitled to take any opponent lightly.

Having said all that, when you look at the lists on paper and the proposed match ups… it is difficult not being over-confident. Even with our severe injury toll, you kind of think a repeat of last week’s pressure against the Lions will get the job done against the Kangas.

It is great to see our unofficial father-son prospect, Josh Draper, get a gig. In the preseason you’d swear he was Michael Johnson reborn. Brandon Walker is a very welcomed return and the insertion of some experience in the form of Jaegar O’Meara surely won’t go astray.

Admittedly through necessity and no real fault of his own, Matty Tabs gets another opportunity. With Paddy Voss waiting on the sidelines, Tab’s surely knows he has to make every post a winner.

The Kangas were decent in patches against the highly talented Giants last week and they welcome back two pretty handy types. Jy Simpkin goes back into their midfield after that horrific concussion and they’ll be keen to see the steady and reliable Luke McDonald assist their somewhat undermanned defence.

Plenty of other goings on so given our game starts at 10.45am Saturday morning we better get on with it! There aren’t too many hours between now and game time but if you’re looking to waste one, we’ll kill it for you.

How’s that saying go? “Any more laid-back, he’d be horizontal.” What a ridiculously magnificent game from the obvious deck chair enthusiast. Time to Restump Podcast the sleepy start victory over the Kangas.

Did the 10.40am WA time start throw their mindsets and bodies out? Were they jet lagged? The intensity we ended with against the Lions wasn’t what we started with against the Kangas.

As a collective we seemed a stand-offish early on and slow to react and the Roos’ top end young talent, specifically Harry Sheezel and Colby McKercher, took full advantage and cut us to purple ribbons. In the blink of an eye, we were 30 points down before we snapped out of our daze.

However, led by Luke Jackson, who was ironically jumping over Kangaroos to take marks, and Caleb Serong getting kangaroo leather poisoning, we soon saw shades of the team that tamed the Lions.

A run of nine goals straight turned the contest on its head as we took the lead and largely put the result beyond doubt at 3/4 quarter time. However, it wasn’t all plain sailing as the Roos raised a second effort in the final term, giving us a scare but not enough to steal the points.

It doesn’t sound like there is any room left on the Luke Jackson bandwagon and, oddly enough, it is seemingly being occupied by his former critics. Jackson’s game on Saturday was simply astonishing.

Andy Brayshaw got the steel wool out and got rid of the early game rust. After quarter time he showed again he’s back to his red hot 2022 pivotal moment, game changing and future captaincy form.

Are we in danger of becoming flippant about Caleb Serong’s performances? He’s in the set and forget category. There is no fluctuation in his form, its constantly top drawer.

With Mi Casa Property Boutique joining us, we’re thinking about starting a Mi Casa Property Boutique Metres Gained competition. Can it get off the ground? Does it have legs?

We’re two games in, we’re in better shape than we have been since 2015, Collingwood is zero and three, everything is coming up millhouse and predictably Jojo is jetting off on his first in season holiday for the year. His absence and inattention to detail has allowed the Chief to sneak in and torture us all with another episode of the Neighbourhood Watch.

We’ll gladly bank the four points and take up residence in 5th on the ladder, but we can’t afford too many more of these lethargic starts. We won’t get away with them against a GWS, Sydney or maybe even an Adelaide this week.

So, join us as we get out the Luke Jackson deckchairs, get way ahead of ourselves, throw rationality and balance out the window and refer to ourselves as the comeback kings in this hour of celebratory purple nonsense.

The Captain deserves his own personal choir to continually sing his praises. Time to Restump Podcast Freo’s incredibly dominant performance against the Crows.

Sure, it wasn’t exactly a game for the ages and it wouldn’t be one for the promotional video. But amongst the often fumbling, double grabbing and wayward kicking exhibition, there were fleeting passages of pure art.

There is a feverish defence first approach we’re rolling out and it is paying lucrative dividends. It has us ranked 1st in defence in the league as we’re letting just 60 points on average kicked against us.

Alex Pearce made Taylor Walker feel his age, dictating the terms down back with and without the ball. Luke Ryan had, at the risk of sounding flippant, another Luke Ryan day and Jordan Clark is continuing his high-end form. Brandon Walker had a couple of hurts put on him and a poke in the eye and Joshy Draper is getting a boat load of confidence each week.

Hayden Young put in a monster, having his career best game and with Caleb Serong being well held early on, it couldn’t have come at a better time.

Have we finally found our winger? If you’d watched Jeremy Sharp at the Gold Coast in 2021 and 2022 it probably isn’t too surprising to see what he’s doing here. But a wingman performing the role and getting back to help the defenders… that’s money right there.

Josh Treacy deserves a special mention. He’s being asked to do a power of work, up forward, in the ruck and around the ground and he has responded to the challenge.

Up forward Matty Taberner is close to kicking a handful, Freddy and Switta are applying pressure, Bailey Banfield is earning his keep while Jye Amiss had a rare day where the radar was off.

However, Sonny Walters at 33 years old wound the clock back and had a monumental impact on the game with his selfless team first manner. His uncharacteristic wayward kicking saw him with 2 goals 4, no doubt something that would have kept him awake Friday night.

3 and zip to start the year puts us well and truly on track and placing our 2024 destiny in our own hands. Have we been seriously tested yet though? If only so we remain grounded in reality, we can point out that Brisbane has some issues, North are North and the Crows aren’t exactly travelling. You can only beat who you’re playing though and we’ve done that so far. However, you get the feeling our true test comes this week when we meet the Blue Cerras.

We’re open to ideas on how the Mi Casa Property Boutique Metres Gained competition could work so by all means join the think tank and send us your thoughts.

Finally, Jojo tells us he’s turned the corner and back on top of things so we should see some fluency and continuity at The Restump from here on in. However, he has some work to do to win the trust back!

I’ve banged on too long here so, if your grass has grown, your sock draw is tidy and your painted walls have dried…. by all means throw away an hour on our purple gibberish.

We’re unbeaten but we’re about to face our toughest test yet…. 2 weeks in Adelaide! Oh, and we’re playing the Blues tomorrow as well. Time to Restump preview podcast the Carlton clash in Crow country.

It’s Gather Round and unless you’ve gone to South Australia to enjoy the festival of footy, it means absolutely Bo Diddley to everyone else. However, it can have its positives, like playing an inform Carlton at a neutral ground rather than on their home deck.

Whether we like to believe it or not Carlton sort of looks real-deal-ish this year. They appear very good down the spine and they’ve added, I hate to use the term x-factor-ish so lets say a bit of spark into the mix.

We go in with an unchanged line up for the third successive week and that is a very rare feat. The irony is though remaining unchanged is out of necessity and not by choice. Given the opponents tomorrow, we’d love to have a McDonald or a Cox find their way in this week…. or a Hamling!

However, the reality to date is that Carlton beat Brisbane by a point, Richmond by 5 points and North Melb by plenty. We beat Brisbane by 4 goals and North by about the same. So, we have each played the same two sides and retrieved similar results. Are they strong stackable form lines? We’ll find out Saturday arvo.

The Blues though are superior to us in goal accuracy and inside 50s. While we generate the same scoring shots, Carlton gets the ball inside their 50 metre arc on average 11 more times than us and they convert their scoring shots, going at 67% to our 56%. They kick almost 3 goals per game more than us from the same opportunities.

Our defence has done remarkable things in the first 3 games, but with our current lack of talls down there, could this be the week Carlton, and more specifically Charlie and Harry, make use of that 11 extra inside 50s? We need an enhanced defensive effort from the mids and the forwards to cut off their supply and help our defenders out.

Either that or…. does anyone have Griff’s number?

Do we attempt to get under the skin of the Blues and into their heads by going after Adam Cerra with the niggle? Given how good a friend he seems to be to many of the Docker boys, it is difficult to see them meaningfully doing so. But white line fever…. do what it takes… leave your friendships at the gate mentality, shouldn’t be beyond us!

We’re testing the competitive waters this week launching the Mi Casa Property Boutique Metres gained competition. So, while it may go pear shaped, tune in to the pod to find out what its about and what you can win. And remember if you’re thinking of buying or selling a home, give the team at Mi Casa a call and tell them you’re from The Restump Podcast. We appreciate you supporting the people that support us and we’ll support you with a little something extra if you do.

Jojo’s promise that he has ‘turned the corner’ seems to be holding up at the moment so let’s get the preview pod on the road before he decides to fire up the junket jet and head off on what would be holiday number 15 this year.

So, join us as we try and pick apart the Blues and look for a weakness to exploit in the hope of starting the season four and zero for just the second time in our history.


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