The Robodebt Royal Commission

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Brownlow Medallist
Aug 28, 2014
Adelaide, South Australia
AFL Club
What's the bet the paper trails and smoking guns have been conveniently lost, or shredded, already?

To what extent will Scott Morrison, the Coalition and its friends be exposed?

How much coverage will this draw in the pro-Coalition media?


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lets hope they set aside a section that plays lnp denials lives were lost because of the scheme .... might be a worthwhile exercise to also contrast these denials with frydenbergs extroadinary (and appalling) parliamentary attack against andrews over the the mental health impact of victorias covid response ...... time to settle some scores
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its widely acknowledged algorithm changes that administered this program were developed and introduced under preacher mans watch .... along with the required departmental policy/procedural framework that drove it
It comes back to his stated opinion that people on welfare are immoral.
What's the wager that this might actually uncover actual wrongdoing, unlike the bullshit LNP Royal Commissions into How Dare Labor Be In Government that we got nine years ago.
What's the wager that this might actually uncover actual wrongdoing, unlike the bullshit LNP Royal Commissions into How Dare Labor Be In Government that we got nine years ago.
By the time Morrison's fat arse hit the leather in C1 the Liberal Party with some justification thought that being as heartless as possible to the unwaged was a vote winner and he reveled in it.
.... time to settle some scores
What's the wager that this might actually uncover actual wrongdoing, unlike the bullshit LNP Royal Commissions into How Dare Labor Be In Government that we got nine years ago.

Time for settling scores, I'm on board with that. It's time to **** those who were determined to **** Australia's poorest in the name of punching down, and of imaginary budget repair while they blew money on George Christensen's trips to red light districts and a security company whose headquarters was a beach shack.

In terms of uncovering wrongdoing, unfortunately I think we are going to get a lot of 'I don't recall', and a lot of word salads from Morrison. That said, even if the dick head says nothing of substance, it would be fun to have Morrison being grilled by a hard-nosed QC and see him come up with bull**** responses.
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By the time Morrison's fat arse hit the leather in C1 the Liberal Party with some justification thought that being as heartless as possible to the unwaged was a vote winner and he reveled in it.
Australia is becoming almost America-like in its hatred of social security. Much of the blame for demonising welfare recipients lies squarely at the feet of one R. Murdoch.

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As someone who was affected by Robodebt, there definitely needs to be some sort of accountability into what happened. I can remember the enormous stresses and anxiety when I was hit with a $4k debt and asked to prove it wasn't accurate. I remember spending hours and days trying to compile together old payslips from different casual employments over many years and where a lot of the gaps couldn't be filled. It was truly just an awful experience for a student to be caught up in. I've heard stories significantly worse.

I ended up wiping out my small amount of savings and paying it back in one go so it wasn't hanging over my head anymore. Fortunately that money was returned years later.
imagine shorten is enjoying the pearl clutching angst amongst conservatives calling this a 'witch hunt'

FTR: dont like shorten .... he should reflect heavily on his role/influence in the recent decline of victorias labor right (and yes, it has a long history of untoward behaviour)
As someone who was affected by Robodebt, there definitely needs to be some sort of accountability into what happened. I can remember the enormous stresses and anxiety when I was hit with a $4k debt and asked to prove it wasn't accurate. I remember spending hours and days trying to compile together old payslips from different casual employments over many years and where a lot of the gaps couldn't be filled. It was truly just an awful experience for a student to be caught up in. I've heard stories significantly worse.

I ended up wiping out my small amount of savings and paying it back in one go so it wasn't hanging over my head anymore. Fortunately that money was returned years later.
I was hit by it too, the period concerned was about 5-6 years beforehand.

I was lucky - my payslips from that period were electronic and I had retained them. But how many people would have been that fortunate? There's no requirement to keep your payslips, only your PAYG payment summary.

Disgraceful system. The RC is fully warranted.
We all know the LNP will just lie and/or refuse to answer questions.
For mine, the best outcome will be if it causes change to way the govt treats social security recipients.

That will only change if the electorate changes how it treats social security recipients.
The victims of this crime deserve justice, and hopefully Albanese has the courage to hold the previous Government to account for what they did here. A scandal that should've brought them down years ago, but then how does a capitalist economy if the unemployed can live a fundamentally decent life.
capitalist economies dont need unemployed.

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The Robodebt Royal Commission

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