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In a sense alot of aspects of the world have always been shit, but there are alot of elements that have got worse.

You have to live through it and experience the decline to appreciate what has been lost.

For starters, money ruins alot of things from the top down. Music, fashion, sport, other aspects. The resulting human user experience of these things today compared to 30-40 years ago is entirely different. Its controlled. Its sanitised. Its largely homogenous. It's cookie cutter. It's lost its integrity. It's purpose is to make money rather than be its own thing which might happen to make money as a result of it being awesome, edgy or outside the square.

Compare the lack of change and diversity in music and fashion between 2005 to 2025, to between say 1972 and 1992. And growing a beard or a mo for a couple of years doesn't count for as much as you think

As for footy, the game day experience and focus used to be 99% about the players and the team. It was skillfull, it was brutal, it was amazing and organic!

Now it's about the executives (paid more than players), flashing advertising signs, loud adverts, commentators shouting for your attention, the umpires, rule changes ...oh and there happens to be a game of footy on as a side show if you can navigate through everything else, which has been compromised to the last dollar as much as the audience can tolerate without turning off.
Don’t forget Kiss and cuddle cam lol.

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New Delhi led the way with open sewers.
Late 70s jakarta and bangkok had open sewers. Madras, Delhi & Calcutta never had any sewerage. Locals Shit and piss along train lines.

World population is 6 x what it was. Late 60s, early 70s Could easily drive Melbourne CBD. 3rd time I went India 15 years ago; Chennai ~ poor as , tuk tuk ban in Mumbai helped air quality. Delhi air quality not good, Used to get 10 types of dysentry , now breathing problems. Plastic waste on Indian land & Indonesian water is out of control.
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I think everything in moderation is ok ,a
my mate never eats maccas or bad food at all super healthy eater , non smoker , rarely boozes super fit and lung cancer at 44 . My Nan smoked , drank , ate well but still liked her chocs and deserts etc etc died at 96
'**** off I'm entitled to be entitled. And I'm not forcing anyone......but if anyone could spare their savings or money for their kids next meal.....' 🤑
why doesnt manny moore donate one week wage to bail them out ?
why doesnt manny moore donate one week wage to bail them out ?
Many Moore and her Husband worth 40 mill Austalian apparently.

The initial go fundme goal is about 250-300k Australian.

So proportionally it's like a 'devastated' person with 1 million in assets choosing not to donate $ their 'devastated' family.

Stunning stuff.
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