Werewolf The Young Ones Werewolf

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Rules / Roles

General rules and etiquette

Basic Rules

Roles will be randomly assigned to all players, which will be communicated via PM. If you don't get a PM, you are a studio audience member (villager). The villager and specified village-aligned roles must identify and kill players not village-aligned before those players kill enough villagers to satisfy their win condition.

Each turn will consist of two phases:

Night phase (9:30 pm - 9:30 am AEDT)
Day phase (9:30 am - 9:30 pm AEDT)


Everyone must vote on the lynch victim each day phase - you are not obliged to give reasons for your vote (but feel free if you are feeling chatty). If you don't vote in a day phase PG will kill you.

the name of the player you wish to vote for, and tag Proper Gander. PG will indicate that your vote is valid with a like react (so don't leap to the conclusion that you're particularly likeable).

No self-votes, no abstaining. Thanks. If the votes end in a tie, I'll do that thing with a randomiser to select who dies.


During the game, players may only discuss the game in this thread, or in the PMs established for this game for those players with a role. No posting screenshots / posting PMs. A breach of these rules results in an early death courtesy of PG.

Do not edit or delete a post. If you get embarrassed by your terrible spelling, live with it. Any edits or deletes and PG kills you.

You get one 'farewell' post after being killed (eg "thanks PG for putting together such a wonderful game" or "you killed me you utter, utter bastards"). Dead players must not post further or react to posts in this thread. I will start a Dead PM so you can laugh at everyone in comfort.

PG reserves the right to discretionary mod-kill as required. I'm not sure when it would be required, but I'm thinking I'll know it when I see it.

Night Phase (9:30pm – 9:30am AEDT)

Day Phase (9:30am – 9:30pm AEDT)

Voting is mandatory; failing to vote and you will be ruthlessly slain by Proper Gander.


Scumbag College - The Young Ones (Mafia)

– The head. Night immune and seers ‘studio audience member’. Can kill a player and seer each night.

Mike – The underboss. Becomes head of the Young Ones if Rik dies.

Vyvyan – The psychopath. If killed at night, Vyvyan retaliates by killing the person who targeted them (or the lowest rung of the faction who targeted them), unless that person is night immune or protected.

Neil – the Hippy. If killed, the Young Ones can recruit one village-aligned player as a new housemate to do the housework. (The recruit fails if the selected player is a neutral or evil role). The recruited player joins the Young Ones’ PM, adopts the win condition of the Scumbag College and loses previous powers (if any)

Win Condition – all other evil and neutral factions are eliminated, equal or outnumber the village.

Footlights College (Wolves)

Lord Monty
– the head. Night immune and seers ‘studio audience member’. Can kill a player and seer each night.

Lord Snot – the second in charge. Becomes head of team Footlights if Lord Monty dies.

Miss Money-sterling – the spoilt baby of the team. If killed, team Footlights get aggro and get two kill attempts the following night.

Kendal Mintcake – the bloody nuisance. Seers ‘studio audience member’ and can protect a player of their choosing (including themself) from all actions on one night of their choosing during the game.

Win Condition – all other evil and neutral factions are eliminated, equal or outnumber the village.


Jerzei Balowski
(brought to you by Alexi Sayle) – the landlord and Serial Killer. Night Immune, seers ‘studio audience member’ and gets to stomp one player to death in his Dr Marten’s Boots each night.

Win Condition – survive to the final 4

The laxatives – well past their sell-by date and now unpredictable. Can target a player each night. That player will either be killed or have their action blocked by roll of the dice.

Win Condition – survive to the final 4

The sticky bun (actually a chocolate eclair) - Night immune, seers as 'studio audience member' each night can choose to balance precariously on a ledge over a player or fall on and squash any player balanced precariously over the night prior.

Win Condition – survive to the final 4


The lentil casserole
– can protect one player (including itself) each night from all actions but cannot protect the same player two nights in a row.

Special Patrol Group (Vyvyan’s talking hamster) – can seer a player each night and gets the correct result (except for roles stipulated otherwise, or protected from all night actions).

Bambi – can target one player each night to be killed for the good of showbiz.

Felicity Kendall’s Underwear – a much-prized and loved item. If the underwear is lynched, the first person to place a vote on them also dies at the hands of the furious village. The underwear must not reveal its role in the thread.

Mötorhead – three Flogs in a PM. The band can kill, protect and seer – but only gets to use each power once for the game. This can be on three different night phases, or all on the same night. See if I care.

Cliff Richard – is there nothing he can’t do? He can choose to seer, protect, role-block or kill each night phase. He must go through all four actions before repeating an action because God told him he had to do that or something.

Proper Gander – never quite certain what they are doing and quite possibly drunk. Must target a player to kill, protect (from kill actions only), role-block or seer each night, but either the target or the action will be randomised.

All other players without specified roles are studio audience members (villagers).

Win Condition – all evil and neutral roles are eliminated.

Vyvyan's escapee sock - randomly handed out to a player at the start of the game. Its odour protects that player against all night actions and lynching. It must be handed on before the end of the next day or it will be randomised. THE SOCK WILL SPONTANEOUSLY COMBUST, KILLING THE PLAYER WITH THE SOCK, ONCE THE GAME IS REDUCED TO THE FINAL 10 PLAYERS.

If the sock is held by an evil faction, the faction can only pass to each faction member once before the smell forces them to hand it elsewhere.
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MC Bad Genius
Demure Princess
Jmoo Wan
King Tenz

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Night One

Nothing (studio audience member) killed by Scumbag, Footlights and Bambi
Boncer34 (Lord Snot) killed by The Laxatives
BEaston (studio audience member) killed by Jerzei Balowski

Day One

ClarkeM lynched by village, chucked a minor wobbler, and will be back after a few months

Night Two

**** it. I’ll work out how to explain this one some other time

Night Two - okay I'll have another go

So the way it went down was:

Tarkyn (Cliff Richard) killed by Scumbags
Gralin (SPG) killed by Footlights
CursingFijian (Vyvyan) killed by Sausage (Jerzei Balowski)
Itsmyshow (the Laxatives) killed by Bambi
Sausageroll killed in very mysterious circumstances that had very little to do with me.
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Werewolf The Young Ones Werewolf

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